DT-033 - Sound Affects - Daily Thoughts by Mon Rasz

  • 15 years ago
Today’s reflections are about: Sound Affects … Let’s take this one step further, and look at the fact that independent from language, just the sound alone, say classic music, will generate similar feelings in us, wether we are american, chinese or european. In other words, human beings are reacting to the same sounds in similar ways. Isn’t this worth a moment of meditation and reflection? In order to prove that idea in some other way, I used Google today and looked for statistics about the best democracies in the world. After a while, I found one and it is called the Economists Intelligence Unit’s Index of Democracy 2008. It lists the world best democracies based on 60 some criteriae. And the winners are: … Daily Toughts by Mon Rasz 11/2009
