DT-018 - Education - Daily Thoughts by Mon Rasz

  • 15 years ago
DT-018 – Education
Today’s reflections are about: Education. Although this is one of my top priority issues, I pushed it that far behind, because I felt the need to lay out the basics first, such as the foundation of thoughts in sessions 5 and 6. A successful education starts out with giving the teachers the right training and I hope that my reflections in previous session helped a little bit to plow that road. … In summary: Let the baby, infant, child, youngster or teenager, be an important member of your family – all the time. Show your true love and true love will be returned. … Post Lectum: Nothing in this world is more precious than to welcome new life and give it a chance to develop and grow, from birth to death. Nothing. Daily Thoughts by Mon Rasz 07/2009