DT-034 Ether of Science - Daily Thoughts by Mon Rasz

  • 15 years ago
Today’s reflections are about: Ether of Science
… In his memories Tesla writes that the only picture he would like to have preserved is one of him sitting in front of the huge spiral coil of his high frequency transformer reading Roger Boskovich’s book: “Theoria Philosphiae Naturalis”. Written some 300 years ago, this large volume manifest, talks about the world and universe and how everything is part of waves and resonance. And if we read the newest findings in physics we find the same, that basically there is no such thing as matter. Everything there is, is just different forms of energy, with matter being just a slowed down version of it. But there is one big difference in the understanding of the universe today and hundreds of years ago and it is that at that time the great scientists were talking about an ether being everywhere around us and in space. … Daily Toughts by Mon Rasz 01/2010