Returning to Ethiopia for a traditional music festival

  • 15 years ago
Meklit Ayele Hadero

Singer/Musician/Cultural Activist/Resident Artist, Red Poppy House

Meklit Hadero is a vocalist, songwriter, cultural activist and Resident Artist at the Red Poppy Art House - an interdisciplinary arts and performance space in San Francisco. Born in Ethiopia and raised in the US, her musical explorations span genres and geographies. Meklit has received commissions from the SF Foundation Fund For Artists - for the ensemble Nefasha Ayer, from the Brava Theater - to compose music for the play, "Over the Mountain," and from the de Young Museum – for a recent residency. She received the 2008 Individual Grant from the Belle Foundation, and currently, she is organizing a group of Ethiopian Diaspora artists from across North America to return to Ethiopia for traditional music festival. A former Director of the Red Poppy, Meklit has worked extensively as a community organizer. She aims to reintegrate the arts into a core place within our culture, ever championing their power to serve as a platform for dialogue across boundaries and borders. She holds a BA in Political Science from Yale University.


