Improving information sharing in urban areas

  • 15 years ago
Candy Chang
Design Specialist/Artist
With a background in architecture, graphic design, and urban planning, Candy combines these disciplines to improve information sharing in urban areas through research, design, and the creative use of public space. Recent work includes a guide to street vending in New York City, air quality visualizations on mobile devices, public art in a Russian airport, flash cards on renters’ rights, and community chalkboards in South Africa. A former art director at The New York Times, she went on to work in Nairobi, New Orleans, Vancouver, Johannesburg, and New York City on collaborative projects with residents, community groups and local government. She was awarded a fellowship with Global Studio, an international program informed by the UN Millennium Development Goals that benefits underserved communities and facilitates grassroots collaborative partnerships. She now lives in Helsinki where she develops strategic visions for Nokia. She likes synthesizers, maps and world’s fairs and has won few awards that compare to 2nd place in horse grooming when she was 7.


