Energy Auditor Course |

  • 15 years ago | Energy Auditor Course Visit for energy auditor course training. We offer a complete course selection for energy auditor certification. There are no pre-requisites for our courses, and each course ends with an energy auditor exam. Upon completion of the energy auditor course from the Home Energy Institute, and the required exams, you will be a certified energy auditor. The advantage of studying to become a home energy auditor with Home Energy Team Institute is that you will be certified by both RESNET and BPI. Why study twice and go through two different energy auditor courses when you can do it once and get both certifications? Why do you need both RESNET and BPI certification? RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) and BPI (Building Performance Institute) are the two regulating bodies which provide certification standards for home energy auditors in the U.S. While you could perform audits with only one certification, it is to your advantage to have both RESNET and BPI certification, in order to be fully covered. By covering both RESNET and BPI certifications, you will have the most complete energy auditor training, and be eligible for all home energy evaluations. The energy auditor course offered by Home Energy Team Institute covers all the required topics to allow you to conduct a thorough, complete home energy audit. In the first course (RESNET Level 1 HESP Certification Course )you will learn how to do a general walk-through energy assessment and make basic recommendations for energy savings, as well as recommendations for specific areas for further analysis. This 2-day course provides your preparation for the RESNET HESP (Home Energy Survey Professional) Certification Exam. The second energy auditor course is RESNET Level 2 Diagnostic HESP Certification Course, where you will learn more in-depth home energy auditing techniques, including building pressurization testing. You will learn how to determine the air exchange rate and the ...
