How to Energy Audit |

  • 15 years ago | How to Energy Audit The Home Energy Team Institute ( offers “how to energy audit” courses. If you want to learn how to conduct home energy audits, consider the Home Energy Team Institute. You will receive comprehensive training on everything you need to perform professional, comprehensive home energy audits, plus certification by RESNET and BPI. With the Home Energy Team Institute’s training, you will learn the background theory of energy principles, practical knowledge for energy conservation, green energy, alternative energy, and energy management and efficiency. You will get hands-on training with home energy auditing diagnostic equipment such as infrared cameras and blower doors. The energy auditor training course will teach you how to perform an energy audit, from on-site home energy assessment to making recommendations for a more energy efficient home. You will learn about insulation, heating, cooling, water heating, air leakage prevention, ventilation systems and more. The energy auditing course teaches you about health and safety issues related to home energy, such as maintaining good indoor air quality and preventing mold and mildew. As a graduate of the Home Energy Team Institute’s energy auditor training course, you will be certified by RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) – an agency created by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate the home energy audit industry – and BPI (Building Performance Institute) – a recognized global leader which sets the standards for building performance. Unlike other auditor training programs which offer either RESNET or BPI certification, with Home Energy Team Institute you are certified by both RESNET and BPI – saving you time and money, while equipping you with all the knowledge, training and certification you need. Click on the following links for more information about each specific energy auditing course: * RESNET Level 1 HESP ...


