Energy Audits Software |

  • 15 years ago | Energy Audits Software Home Energy Team Institute ( has energy audits software which helps home energy auditors compile their energy audit reports. The energy audits software allows the home energy auditor to enter the raw data from the home energy audit, and the program analyzes the data to produce recommendations for the homeowner to reduce energy use, reduce energy waste, and make home improvements to save energy. The energy audit software available through the Home Energy Team Institute allows the home energy auditor to use the data collected during the audit to prioritize improvements that will save energy. Whether it’s improving insulation, a more efficient air conditioning system, tankless water heaters, use of renewable energy sources such as solar power or wind power, or opting for ENERGY STAR products, the home energy auditor can use the energy audits software to tailor the results into a personalized energy audit report. The energy auditing software is only available to certified home energy auditors who are graduates of the Home Energy Team Institute’s energy auditor courses, or to certified home energy auditors who are franchisees or territory owners with the Home Energy Team. The Home Energy Team Institute offers a variety of certification courses for home energy auditors. The courses involve energy theory and practical information about energy savings, how to achieve energy savings through insulation, green building, use of energy efficient appliances, air sealing, proper ventilation, and more. The course also teaches students how to use the equipment necessary for a comprehensive home energy audit, including the blower door and infrared camera. Upon successful completion of the courses and examinations, the auditors are certified by both RESNET and BPI. It is essential to be certified as a home energy auditor, and certification by both RESNET and BPI gives you all the credibility you need as a home energy auditor in the US. With the ...
