man on wire (some fragments of)

  • 15 jaar geleden
Some fragments of the wonderful docu 'Man on Wire', I stumbled on it looking for some info on the WTC.
I was looking for some footage of the WTC in the early days, for complete other reasons, but ended up making this compilation. Also the soundtrack with (mainly) Michael Nyman music (some Satie and Grieg) makes it worthwile watching. And the beautiful 'Franglais' of some of the French participants...

Biggest part of the film is about all the preparations, some kind of thriller on them selves.
Knowing the final destination of the towers ads an other dimension to the story, with the simularities between this project and preparing a terrorist attack (I suppose), complete with things like a training camp.
Imagine a world with all the terrorists and their opponents busy with beautiful, artistic actions like Mr. Petit's...

Man on Wire (2008)

James Marsh - director
Philippe Petit - man on wire
