• 15 years ago

In order to awaken the people about Obamas agenda, Alex is organizing a contest centered around the Obama as Joker poster that has Democrats and Obamanoids going ballistic.

Go to Infowars and download the posters, print them out, and put the posters up in public spaces around your town.

Make sure to use a poster with Infowars displayed. Create a video of your poster offensive and post it on YouTube.

Send the video URL to contest@infowars.com by Friday, August 14, at 11:30PM central, and we will choose the best for the contest. Make sure to include Obama Joker $1000 Video Contest in the email subject line.

Contest winner prizes:
First Place: $1000
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $200

Honorable mention receives an original Alex Jones Obama as Hitler artwork


