Architectural Visualisation

  • il y a 15 ans
To create an architectural flythrough based on 2D plans and reference photographs
-You must first create or locate plans to base your 3D models on. These plans must be imported into your scene as images planes
-You must collect at least 5 reference photographs you wish to base your approach to lighting and materials on
-The sequence must present an interior space with at least 3 seperate rooms
-The rooms must be populated with approprioate and relevant props, and all surfaces must be shaded with one of at least 10 different unique and realistic materials
-If an outside environment is visible through doors or windows it must also be appropriately textured
-The camera path through the space schould be smooth
-The sequence must be PAL format - CCIR PAL/Quantel PAL in Maya
-The rendered sequence should be high-quality, artefact-free and converted to a video file using Adobe After Effects
-Marks will be awarded for quality, attention to detail and realism
