DT-014 - Rejuvenation - Daily Thoughts by Mon Rasz

  • 15 years ago
DT-014 – Rejuvenation
Today’s reflections are about: Rejuvenation. Get rid of the old stuff and make a new beginning (with what you have learned). These have been the final words in the prior session. My guess is, that a lot of people agree to that. But why is it then, that despite better knowledge, in some cases we act quickly and in others late, too late or not at all. … My proposition is, that whatever background we have, wherever we are coming from, if we are using truth and logic as foundation of our thoughts and decisions, on an every-day basis, in our personal life, in our family life and also in our social life, then this will be a quantum leap in terms of universal development and could become an unstoppable force. Daily Thoughts by Mon Rasz 06/2009
