A Winner Mobile Application…

  • 15 years ago
Shown here is the Simlife Ltd's X Dancery application, one of the winners in the Technology Showcase category in the global Forum Nokia Calling All Innovators 2008 contest. This type of mobile applications and solutions is what Nokia is again looking for in the upcoming 2009 Calling All Innovators contest. The objective behind arranging this contest is to help improve the quality of life on the planet.

Simlife Ltd's X Dancery is fully optimized for the S60 5th Edition's touch screen UI and motion sensor technology. If you are web developer who can create mobile applications designed to contribute toward building a better world then this is golden chance to get noticed. Submit your applications for the 2009 Calling All Innovators contest by 30 June, 2009 in any of the four categories: Internet innovation, Flash, Emerging Markets and Mobile Necessities and Apps on Maps.


