• 2 days ago


00:00Surah Al-Yaseen is called the heart of the Holy Qur'an.
00:06It sheds light on a fundamental belief of our faith
00:10that after death we will be brought back to life
00:14and all our good and bad deeds will be accounted for.
00:18Faith in the Hereafter encourages Muslims to act for the sake of Allah
00:23without worrying about the desires of this world.
00:27There is a mention of a settlement where people did not believe in the life after death.
00:34Allah sent not one, not two, but three prophets to guide them.
00:40But these blessed messengers had to face severe opposition and denial from the people of the settlement.
00:48As a result of their constant denial, they were put through various trials
00:53to the extent that the bad weather destroyed their crops.
00:57But they still did not agree to believe in the signs of Allah.
01:02One of them, a pious man who feared Allah, advised him again and said,
01:23I seek no gods other than Him.
01:28If the All-Merciful intends harm to me,
01:32their intercession will not avail me in the least, nor will they save me.
01:41Indeed, I will be in manifest error.
01:51Indeed, I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me.
02:01But they were so proud and cruel that they killed him only because he believed in Allah.
02:11Allah sent that believer into paradise and raised his ranks.
02:17But when that people were subjected to severe punishment,
02:22every human being has to face death, whether he is a believer or not.
02:27In this world, the end of everyone's life is the same.
02:31But the life of the hereafter will be different.
02:34And it depends on what belief man has in this world.
02:40Isn't it surprising that people do not believe in the power of Allah
02:45that he can bring the dead back to life?
02:48Although he is running the system of life and death every moment.
02:53The night ends and the day dawns.
02:57Plants and fields revive and wither in every season.
03:02We should pay attention to the signs of Surat al-Yaseen.
03:06We should learn a lesson from them.
03:08And in order to attain the nearness of Allah,
03:11we should pray, reflect and perform good deeds.
