This comedian was hit with a racist assault while he performed.
00:00We do not know what happened. It was so real. We're like, what the f***? This happened
00:13here in France, at a comedy club. It's impossible. It's like a nightmare.
00:21People who vote for the National Front, because what annoys me is that they don't often
00:25accept him. This gentleman accepted him. It's cool.
00:28It's black.
00:30It's black.
00:32He said it's black.
00:36And now I'm really lost because I tell myself it's not possible. We are in the 21st century,
00:41we are in France, we are in a comedy show. It's not possible. I have not heard that.
00:45That's why I ask three times. To give him a chance to unwind, to apologize, to say
00:50no, I'm kidding. So I ask for forgiveness. And then I hear a voice, but without equivocation,
00:55who says, I said it's black. So there, in me, it's over. I have ideas of violence.
01:02I want to get off the stage and let it end at least. But I have a surge of, I don't know,
01:09of lucidity or sensitivity, of fragility. I tell myself, no, it's not the right solution.
01:17I'm not going to respond to violence by violence.
01:29In my show, I take tolerance, I take living together, I take love. So as an artist,
01:36as a man, I could only go in that direction. So I take the liberty of putting this person
01:42in front of his own stupidity.
01:45You should have shut your mouth!
01:47You put what we call a malaise, which means nothing in the show.
01:51Apart from the embarrassment for you, everyone else is embarrassed for you.
01:54And you tell yourself, I should have shut up.
01:56People laugh, maybe thinking it's an accomplice. It was so big, it's unimaginable
02:01that today someone can get up and say, it's black, in total impunity, in front of everyone.
02:15There is a lot of racism in France. We can't deny it and we have to fight it all together.
02:28Racism is not a question that should only interest blacks or people who are victims of racism.
02:34It's a question that should interest everyone. It's a matter of public order.
02:38It affects all of France. Racism is fear or stupidity or lack of education.
02:44We don't fight racism with violence. There are a lot more French people who want to live
02:49in harmony with everyone than racists. So you will never win.
02:53We won't leave. Difference will win. Mixedness will win.
02:56It's a fight that will take the time it takes, but racists, you will never win.