• 3 days ago
She is unashamedly talking about the female orgasm — or more importantly — the lack thereof. (via Brut UK)
00:00I want us to talk about discomfort, to put our finger on discomfort, to try to make it disappear.
00:30He told me that according to him, women had less orgasms because they were more cerebral and more sentimental.
00:44So I told myself that I did not agree at all and I tried to explain to him that in fact the female orgasm was a question of anatomy and therefore it could just be a question of good or bad technique.
00:56And it was from that moment that I said to myself that I wanted to have a go at it and that this tale was born.
01:02I called this tale Tajoui because it is a question that I have been asked a lot in my life, that men have asked me a lot after a relationship.
01:10And since I like to be a little insolent, I told them, I had the air, it can be seen in a very strong way as it can not be seen in a very strong way.
01:18It is felt, let's say that if there is enough attention on the part of the other, it is seen.
01:27We tend to simulate, but I want to question this simulation and we wonder why we simulate.
01:36We often simulate to protect the male ego and in fact it is a disservice that is done to all women because men cannot learn.
01:44If we continue to simulate like that, it is the vicious circle. We have to talk about it because otherwise we go into the wall.
01:51I also made this tale to question the acquisition that is that the male orgasm is the one that closes the relationship.
02:01Because there are still a lot of women who finish their relationship and they did not enjoy it and everyone hits each other.
02:08And I think that's completely crazy.
02:10There are also a lot of girls who write to me to tell me that it is a real awareness and that they have never questioned all this.
02:20They have never questioned their sexuality.
02:23And also the big surprise and the beautiful surprise is that I thought I was taking a shitstorm of angry guys.
02:30But not at all, there are very few and there are a lot of men who question themselves,
02:35tell me that all of a sudden, there are a lot of things they had never thought about.
02:40And that they want to establish a dialogue and they want things to change.
02:46And they want to encourage girls to say what they want.
02:49The goal is not necessarily to enjoy, it is not a purpose in itself.
02:55For me, the important thing is the sexual journey, it is the discovery.
02:59Except that in the end, there are not so many women who allow themselves this discovery.