• hace 3 días


00:00for holding this hearing and thank you for being here Mr. Director Ratcliffe it sounds to me like
00:07your testimony today in the sector and the DNI's testimony is that there was nothing wrong at all
00:14with the signal thread that you were on that it didn't include any targeting information or battle
00:24sequence that that is your testimony that's your testimony and I'm a little staggered that that is
00:35your view Director Ratcliffe does the CIA have any rules about handling of classified information
00:42yes or no yes thank you Director Ratcliffe do you agree Secretary of Defense Pete Hexeth
00:50said this morning when asked by members of the press uh what had happened he he he said this
00:58morning in Hawaii that Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeff Goldberg is a quote deceitful and highly
01:05discredited so-called journalist who's made a profession of providing hoaxes time and time
01:11again do you share that evaluation the Secretary of Defense's evaluation of Jeff Goldberg as a
01:18journalist Senator I didn't see those comments I don't know Jeff Goldberg so do you share that
01:24view of the Secretary of Defense well I I don't have a view on okay of do you do you assuming that
01:31he has that view um I'm curious about whether you are the CIA Director okay this has happened
01:39we know it's happened did Jeff Goldberg um somehow was it a did he create a hoax that
01:47allowed him to become part of this signal thread please answer the question you you don't don't
01:55don't insult the intelligence of the American people did he invite himself to the signal thread
02:04I don't know how he was invited but clearly he was added clearly it was finish your sentence please
02:11I clearly he was added to the signal group I your question is you don't know that the that the that
02:19the President's National Security Advisor uh invited him to join the the signal thread everybody
02:27in America knows that does the CIA Director not know that um I've seen conflicting reports about
02:32who added um the reporter to the signal messages it's perfectly appropriate that there there was a
02:41reporter added especially one that the that the Secretary of Defense says is deceitful highly
02:47discredited a so-called journalist who's made a profession of peddling hoaxes over and over again
02:53do you are is your testimony that it was appropriate that he was added to this signal
02:59thread no of course not and why why did you not hold on you are the mischaracterizing my testimony
03:06you can you answered the question let me ask you when he was added to the thread you're the CIA
03:12Director why didn't you call out that his he was present on the signal thread I don't know if you
03:20use signal messaging app I do I do not for classified information not for targeting well
03:27neither do I Senator neither do I Senator well that's what your testimony is today it absolutely
03:32is not Senator were you not listening at the beginning no when I said that I was using it
03:38as permitted it is permissible I agree that's your testimony yeah I agree that's your testimony you
03:44asked me if I use it and I said not for targeting not for classified information and I said I don't
03:50either I also know Jeff Goldberg I don't use it to to to communicate with him but you thought it
03:58was appropriate by the way I think he's one of the more outstanding journalists in America but I'm
04:04shocked to find him on a thread that he's reading in the parking lot of a grocery store in Washington
04:10DC and your testimony as the Director of the CIA is that it's totally appropriate is it appropriate
04:17no that is not what I okay when did I use the word appropriate well go ahead please well I didn't
04:26that everybody in America clearly Senator is what your testimony is no I never said this is just a
04:33normal day at the CIA where we chat about this kind of stuff over signal in fact it's so normal
04:40that the last administration left it here for us that's your testimony today that's your testimony
04:47no that's not my testimony that's what you said I didn't say any of those things that you just
04:50related I heard you say it we'll let the American people decide let me ask you one final point
04:55mischaracterized it well are you going to give me a chance is it appropriate did you know that the
04:59President's Middle East advisor was in Moscow on this thread while you were as Director of the CIA
05:11participating in this in this thread were you aware of that are you are you aware of that today
05:18I'm not aware of that this sloppiness this incompetence this disrespect for our intelligence
05:25agencies and the personnel who work for him is entirely unacceptable it's an embarrassment
05:33Senator you need to do better you need to do better thank you I'm being gaveled by the
05:40chairman and I apologize for
