• el mes pasado


00:00We have a sufficient number of people to start.
00:06Mr. Patel should be considered our next FBI director because the FBI has been infected
00:14by political bias and weaponized against the American people.
00:21Mr. Patel knows it, Mr. Patel exposed it, and Mr. Patel has targeted for it.
00:31And I've got plenty of examples to show what's wrong with the FBI.
00:37And why President Trump chose to nominate Kash Patel.
00:43The American people are sick and tired of two tiers of access, two tiers of treatment,
00:50and two tiers of justice.
00:52And during the Biden years, this was writ large in the actions of the DOJ and the FBI.
01:02We have all seen it.
01:04And while my colleagues may be upset for today, I think it's important to note that they sat
01:13silently while you had parents and people of faith, and so many that were being confronted.
01:26And this happened over and over and over.
01:31What it boils down to is this agency should be above politics.
01:36What we've just heard from the chairman is an invitation for a political free-for-all
01:41if Kash Patel is chosen as the head of this FBI.
01:47He showed his enemies list and said, the manhunt starts tomorrow.
01:54If they're not your enemies, why would you start a manhunt against them?
01:58He called them the criminals themselves and showed a picture of his enemies list.
02:05If criminals aren't your enemies, as head of the FBI, who are?
02:11The next director's loyalty must be to the people and not the president.
02:17And even if someone was to put in someone who is their friend, which has happened in
02:21these jobs in the past, why would you pick this person who has repeatedly maligned the
02:28agents that work at the FBI?
02:31Why would you pick someone who in the last year decided to make money off of hocking
02:35a supplement that he claimed would reverse the effects of the COVID vaccine?
02:42Why would you put someone in place that thinks it's fun to say you should close down the
02:46headquarters and has put together a list of people that he hates, that he says he wants
02:51to take revenge on?
02:53Why would you pick that person?
02:57Mr. Schiff.
02:59Senator Mingraski.
03:04On this vote, the ayes are 12, the nays are 10.
03:08The vote of 12 to 10, the nomination will be favorably reported to the floor.
