• last month
Tulsi Gabbard, the newly sworn-in Director of National Intelligence (DNI), delivered her first remarks, emphasizing her commitment to refocusing the U.S. intelligence community. Gabbard stated her vision of empowering the "great patriots" who serve the country, prioritizing efficiency, integrity, and national security. As the 8th DNI director, Gabbard’s leadership aims to enhance intelligence operations and strengthen U.S. security amidst global challenges.

#TulsiGabbard #DNI #DirectorOfNationalIntelligence #NationalSecurity #IntelligenceCommunity #Leadership #Patriots #IntelligenceReform #USNationalSecurity #SecurityLeadership #IntelligenceOperations #GovernmentLeadership #TrumpAdministration #NationalDefense #IntelligenceStrategy #CIA #NSA #GabbardFirstRemarks #EmpoweringPatriots #SecurityPolicies #USIntelligence

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Tulsi Gabbard Addresses Serious Allegations of Indian Government Directed Assassinations Against Americans :: https://www.oneindia.com/international/allegations-indian-government-assassinations-americans-011-4058079.html?ref=DMDesc

Tulsi Gabbard Appointed Director Of National Intelligence By Donald Trump. Who Is She? :: https://www.oneindia.com/international/tulsi-gabbard-appointed-director-of-national-intelligence-011-3986657.html?ref=DMDesc



00:00Please place your left hand on the Constitution and raise your right hand and repeat after me.
00:05I do solemnly swear. I, Tulsi Gabbard, do solemnly swear. That I will support and defend the
00:12Constitution of the United States. That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United
00:17States. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. And that
00:24I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. And that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
00:30the same. That I take this obligation freely. I take this obligation freely. Without any mental
00:37reservation. Without any mental reservation. Or purpose of evasion. Or purpose of evasion.
00:43And that I will well and faithfully. That I will well and faithfully. Discharge the duties of the
00:49office on which I am about to enter. Discharge the duties of the office on which I'm about to enter.
00:56So help me God. So help me God. Congratulations.
01:09President, first and foremost, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the
01:14trust that you have placed in me to fulfill this critical position as Director of National
01:20Intelligence at any time, but specifically during this time. Unfortunately, the American people
01:27have very little trust in the intelligence community, largely because they've seen the
01:32weaponization and politicization of an entity that is supposed to be purely focused on ensuring our
01:41national security. So I look forward to being able to help fulfill that mandate that the American
01:47people delivered to you very clearly in this election to refocus our intelligence community
01:54by empowering the great patriots who have chosen to serve our country in this way and focus on
01:59ensuring the safety, security, and freedom of the American people. As you've said, Mr. President,
02:05this is what I've dedicated my life to, and it is truly humbling to be in this position to serve
02:11in your administration, help to rebuild that trust, and ultimately to keep the American people safe.
02:19Last thing I'll mention that in your National Prayer Breakfast speech, you made a statement
02:24about your legacy of wanting to be remembered as a peacemaker. I know that I can speak for
02:30many of my fellow service members who are here today, veterans, Medal of Honor recipients,
02:36how deeply that resonates with us. For those who volunteer to put their lives on the line
02:41when duty calls, but to have a president, commander-in-chief who recognizes the cost
02:46of that sacrifice and ensuring that war is the last resort, not the first. So thank you for
02:53your leadership on behalf of my friends here and all who wear the uniform. We're grateful. Thank you.
