• 2 days ago
Meet the only girl in the world called 'Snow White' - who is her mum and dad's little princess.

Mum Lisa Morphy, 45, picked the name for five-year-old Snow-White Jennifer Morphy after she feel pregnant with a much-wanted girl after having three boys.

Lisa, from Northampton, said: "We knew she'd be our little princess. When my son suggested we call her Snow-White, I thought it was amazing.

"Everyone thought I was mad when I told them the name.

"She loves it - if people call her Snow, she corrects them - and she tells everyone how she's a princess.

"Airport check-ins can be hard, and people turn around or whisper when I call her name in public, but I don't care."

Lisa had three kids before she was hospitalised with a cyst wrapped around her ovary.

Doctors had to remove 75 per cent of one of the ovaries and she was warned it would be unlikely she could fall pregnant again.

But she had always dreamed of becoming a girl mum so was delighted when she found out she was pregnant with a daughter in late 2018.


00:00Can you tell me what your name is?
00:02No, why?
00:04Like a princess.
00:06And do you feel like a princess?
00:19I get to eat ice lollies and go shopping.
00:23And I love going shopping.
00:30Hi, I'm Lisa from Northampton.
00:34And this is my daughter Snow White.
00:36And I'm not from Northampton.
00:38We decided to name her Snow White because
00:42we came up with the name Snow
00:44and we had my little boy in the car
00:46and he was seven at the time, Teddy.
00:48And he said, why don't we call her Snow White?
00:51So I spoke to my husband and I was like
00:53she's going to be the only girl
00:55with three boys.
00:57So she's going to be a princess.
00:59Why not be the original Disney princess?
01:02So that's why we named you Snow White, isn't it princess?
01:06And what else do we call you?
01:08We call you Snow White, but what else do we call you at home?
01:12What else do we call you?
01:14We call you princess?
01:18And have you got pets?
01:22They're praying mantises.
01:26How many have you got?
01:28I have two.
01:30Two praying mantises?
01:34There's even some dogs.
01:36One is named Rebel, one is named Patch.
01:40And the praying mantises are named Flower and Manty.
01:45I like animals and mugs.
01:47So what do you want to be when you grow up?
01:49A vet.
01:54She does ride around in a tractor.
01:57What do you go around in?
01:59What's your transportation?
02:01Do you go around in a carriage or...?
02:03A tractor.
02:07One time there lived a princess called Snow White.
02:10Snow White's father was dead,
02:12so she lived with her wicked stepmother, the Queen.
02:15Snow White was very beautiful, just like you.
02:19Her skin was as white as snow,
02:21her hair as black as ebony wood,
02:23and her lips were red as red roses.
02:26The Queen was also very beautiful, but very vain.
02:30She had a magic mirror,
02:32and every day she would look into the mirror
02:35and she would say,
02:37magic mirror on the wall,
02:39who is the fairest of them all?
02:41The mirror would always reply,
02:43you, oh Queen, are the fairest of them all.
02:47But the Queen was still jealous of Snow White
02:50and made her work as a castle servant.
02:54You don't do jobs at home, do you?
02:57Why don't you do jobs at home?
02:59I don't bother.
03:00Why not? What do you tell everybody you are?
03:02I don't bother.
03:03You tell everyone you're a princess?
03:05I don't bother.
