• 3 days ago
In article DMIn article DM


00:00Look, I don't think that the whole village is involved in begging.
00:06But since you have told me, I will look into it.
00:12Secondly, there is no situation in this district where a person has to beg.
00:22People can have their own business, but the whole village has never been involved in begging.
00:32But since you have mentioned the name of a particular village, I will look into it.
00:37Sir, we will die without dying. We don't have anything, we don't have land, we don't have water.
00:42Today, we are going to beg.
00:46We don't know how to do it. How will we feed our children?
00:51Sir, we have to keep it alive. We have to increase it.
00:55Donations should never stop.
00:57What do you sing? What do you ask for?
01:00We sing Sarman Kahani.
01:02How long have you been singing?
01:03I have been singing since I was 72 years old.
01:05What about your ancestors?
01:06They have also passed away.
01:09How many generations have you been singing?
01:10I have been singing for at least 5-10 generations.
01:16My ancestors have been doing this for generations.
01:18Everyone is asking for a handful of money.
01:20Did you give them Rs.10 or Rs.5?
01:24Did you give it to them?
01:26Will you not give it to them?
01:28The collector has issued an order to stop begging in the district.
01:32If begging stops, the villagers will stop begging.
01:41If their begging stops, their stoves will also stop.
01:45If the collector stops begging, then we should give them a scheme to get them employed in a company or a government job.
01:55Then they will stop begging.
01:57How many people are there in the village?
01:59There are about 1,000-1,200 people in the village.
02:03Is this everyone's job?
02:05Everyone's job is to beg.
02:07What is the percentage of people who beg?
02:11How many years has this been going on?
02:13This has been going on for 400-500 years.
02:15Since we have kept this society alive, we have been singing songs of praise to the Lord.
02:22We go to people's homes and give blessings.
02:24We give what we want.
02:26We don't force anyone.
