• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Io penso che mai, come in questa fase storica, l'Europa abbia una necessità viscerale di autonomia strategica. L'Europa, fino ad oggi, in troppi settori è stata dipendente da paesi terzi”. Sono le parole dell'Europarlamentare Francesco Torselli, intervenuto oggi a Sesto Fiorentino all'incontro ‘Le autonomie strategiche nel nuovo scenario globale’, promosso dal Comitato Public Affairs di AmCham e ospitato nella sede di Lilly Italia a Sesto Fiorentino.


00:00What do you think about the future of Europe?
00:05I think that, as in this historical phase,
00:08Europe has a visceral need for strategic autonomy.
00:12Until now, Europe, in many sectors,
00:15has been dependent on third countries,
00:19has linked its destiny to that of third countries.
00:22We have seen it during the pandemic,
00:24but we have also seen it in moments
00:26not strictly related to the medical-sanitary field,
00:29when a third country makes political choices
00:32that are different from those made so far.
00:34I think, for example, of the US government.
00:37This has, all of a sudden,
00:39very serious repercussions on the economy
00:42and on European strategy.
00:44So, Europe today must find its own autonomy,
00:48but above all, resist the temptation
00:50of those who would like to replace
00:52a dependency on a country with a dependency on others.
