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Friends in Video:
Wildcat - @wildcat
Terroriser - @Terroriser
Pasta - @PastaReacts
Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]
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Friends in Video:
Wildcat - @wildcat
Terroriser - @Terroriser
Pasta - @PastaReacts
Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]
00:00If you've made it to this point of the video comment down below
00:05Say something about Tyler's mental health and how it's very important made it this far
00:09I meant the health is great, which is why I don't want to ruin it. I'm playing this
00:13Well say like and subscribe and just raise the roof
00:20Now put a bullet in his head, oh wait you can't do that cuz this game sucks editor do it
00:38Can't know who's who we're all just yellow guys. All right, welcome gentlemen, let me out and lady. Welcome to the back rooms
00:56How you do that
01:03Think I have joint problems for sure
01:11You want to say anything to the viewers on this home video
01:21There's a hole a hole in a hole
01:30Was that was that
01:51Monster party I
01:59Can't pick you up it says I need bandages revive me. Can you fucking revive me? No, I can't it we need bandages
02:15Okay, so don't die
02:18Okay, so we need to record during a blackout record the pitfalls record the pitfalls during a blackout
02:25Find VHS tapes. Okay, so the pitfalls are probably those the like square holes been here before guys
02:33Where okay record it record it
02:53Get those two objectives at the same time
02:56Record the pitfalls during a blackout and record during a blackout
03:01He felt
03:03God damn it guys. What made you guys fall?
03:08Okay, I get it
03:15We finish it
03:30That's right corduring an alarm I'll return the elevator. Okay guys do it
03:36You're over the team. Oh, I'm dead now. I'm just gonna guess they're all dead. Hey, how are you? Yeah, we're definitely all dead. Okay
04:12This is like a movie, oh fuck
04:16What's this a arrow wait, he doesn't even have new objectives guys, what the fuck is going on?
04:21I don't know, but I feel like I'm watching a movie
04:27Do I look at faces do I not look at faces don't look at the black face head down walk through Inglewood head down head
04:41Oh, he's dead no
04:48You saved us did he was on my ass the entire time
04:55Good job, right the amount of cars that gets like scratched up at parking garages is crazy
05:03I wouldn't want to park in so many places with that thing
05:07my car at the airport
05:11There's one over here I got one on this. Oh shit. Oh you fuck
05:15I feel like this levels gonna have the skin changer guy the guy that looks like one of us
05:19Oh, yeah, remember and he turns big maybe oh, okay
05:26Where the fuck did we park can let me experience one you have to hold it and like just stare at it
05:31Why is he going down like that
05:38Remain calm
05:43That's my shadow oh
05:47He doesn't like the light I know that's why I'm shining it he disappears
05:51He's gonna he's gonna come back around the corner with sunglasses on just fucking rap battle. Yes
05:57Okay, we didn't we didn't do this generator. We didn't do this generator really
06:00I didn't I did it
06:04We just fought off the bad guy, did you see the way you just point your way?
06:09No, we use we did kung fu and stuff. No
06:13Yeah, we did
06:15We had the day
06:18Follow me follow me follow me
06:21All players up where oh
06:24I know this place. Okay. Okay. Okay. We know we know this. No, it's different. Oh, it's is different. Look at this
06:37Open valve. Okay. We have to find out stop whistling
06:50So if you want to avoid the blind entity
07:00How the fuck did you get scared by that there's something fucking scary down there boys
07:04It's blind those not check your Saturday your sanity press tab. You need to eat you and go. Well, how do we get through this?
07:11After I turn the hole you open it with this
07:15And he's right on the other side
07:18Is this working I can't see it worked. Well, he's not here nice
07:23open valve and
07:37It's safe, he's camping Tyler's dead body to the left
07:45That's right, there's another one in here look right here
07:53I don't know that triggers the monster. What do you think's down here? Why is it just a bunch of valves?
07:58I don't know. It could be some kind of gassing chamber
08:16He's talking to others buddy, I'm gonna redeem myself from being a pussy earlier I will go first I'm turning the valve
08:24I'm turning the other valve. Oh my god. She's doing us. Yeah, I
08:35Scared myself and look this this guy really touched him. I've touched him and he didn't do nothing. Oh my god
08:42It's like my tinder dates
08:50I'm dead. Yeah, we see that she went down real fast. Just like in her tinder dates
09:02Are you sure she did all the valves? No. Oh, this is probably you open it, right? Yeah, that's what I'm thinking
09:08We'll just fucking be careful man, this one just keeps turning and I'm holding it and it's just turning
09:17This is got a fucking glitch written all over it. Hold on five. What is the five minutes?
09:23Why would it save for six minutes? Why would it say six minutes?
09:28See the little see the lights are in the valve. I'm not supposed to make a clock. Did I just die?
09:33Yeah, I think it's to do it like sanity. I don't think these valves have anything to do with anything
09:38It is a clock you have to do, you know, like six o'clock, but depending on the the the letter
09:44So see I think that C is six o'clock twist it
09:48There you go. Bop it
09:53My camera slap it spit on it sit on it spit on it me to it
10:01Bop it twice, but you just
10:03Spit on it
10:06Fuck oh wait, okay. I died. This is nine. So I needed to be
10:12That's good. That's good. That's good. It's good. It's open. It's open. Did it? Yes, right
10:25You got it
10:27Is that
10:30Orange juice my favorite actually is by the way guys. I went to get food and he likes orange juice. Fuck. I love orange juice
10:37I unfortunately love concentrated orange juice even more. It's just not good for you
10:42Oh, the not concentrate is like the healthy one with pulp in it and stuff. Nice and your mom's face
10:47You just glorified kid juice. Yeah, it's great to me the kid juice
10:51That's bad, but you're like trying to know these with that you are pissed off it's artistic by was on the girls kid juice
11:01Fucking weird, okay
11:15My computer always does this your laptop doesn't do this all time wait confirm, okay
11:31This is insane
11:36Fucking matrix, it's the red thing
11:39We gotta follow this yeah, we gotta follow this red line
11:42I hit one you follow you follow the red line and the red lines to get that and then there's a button you
11:49Just clean the objective is please don't leave me with the phone. Oh, oh careful holes in the ground. Tell you talking about
11:56Pamela, would you tell pasta? Oh pasta?
11:59I'm on this hallway over here. I see the red thing. It's yeah, that's a carpet
12:05I think we follow these lines back to the door. That's my guess
12:11Yes, oh I heard glass break you rang pasta you rang but I could you go probably just like we're just like in real life
12:19We're just like naked walking through a mall
12:21Walking through San Francisco
12:31Evan look up what looks looks like scaffolding from Minecraft. I think they're hanging dead bodies
12:40Okay, I pressed this
12:42That's what I pressed it. Do you not hear the music? I hear the music, but what did you press?
12:47I hear I press this button right here. Oh, okay, okay?
12:50I've never pressed the button here, so I'm guessing those are swinging dead bodies. I can see above me. Yeah, those are
12:57red bananas
12:59We're coming
13:16Just picturing your fucking avatar popping up when I do it just made out of dots
13:20Oh, no, dude, there's a lot of holes. Oh shitty kiddies, dude. Oh, it's like a maze
13:27Oh, what the fuck? I think we I think we've got to like go through this
13:39What did you do what did you do? Oh, I went through the pink door and went all the way through everything
13:44I don't know. I just can't walk. Oh, okay, but he found a door look sure there's like is this a good thing and then
13:52Let's say we're through find a way out
13:57Wow, let's go. Hey Brian has a good feeling
14:01Hold on don't push it
14:03But it changes
14:05This feels like portal. There's color. I said this feels like porn like what the fuck this is glass
14:10You can't get through here by the way, okay?
14:13All right, so there's how many how many red dots to?
14:19Spin I like pressing buttons that prison meantime. What is what does the button do I don't know, but we gotta go find it
14:26You obviously have to count yeah, so it's like how many how many yellow so six seven
14:35Three is what I see six seven three is what I see
14:39Seven three, but why I feel like wouldn't this have to do like do something is it like turning the wheels or some shit?
14:46No, no, I appreciate those valves have little arrows on them. I think probably have to press buttons to like open that door
14:53You guys find you guys find anything good
14:58Yeah, that's where we came from
15:04This is so annoyingly huge
15:12I mean again the fucking button seems like the only relevant thing we found
15:22Yeah, you leave this whole segment in just put like really chill music over just atmospheric music
15:29backrooms lo-fi
15:31Thanks for tuning in to the first episode of backrooms lo-fi. Let's get into it
15:40Oh, it's red now
15:45You have to press yellow the right amount of times we're fucking dumb and then change colors
15:50So was what I was a six or seven yellow is one two
15:54I think was seven four five seven seven. I said six seven three, didn't I?
16:03I feel like that meant it was correct
16:06People are near it's how many people are looking at it or something really okay?
16:09Everyone everyone everyone look at it because when we first walked up. It was red everyone come back here. It was red
16:15So maybe we all have to be near it, so it's green then just press it. Oh
16:39You said a full days of work
16:42Editors just for that remove remove the past 30 minutes. I'm trying to figure that out
16:48Just put it in the chill music
16:52Okay, oh, I know this one. I know this one keep running keep running keep running keep running
17:13Hear it I hear it I hear it I hear it
17:26That monster sounds like them doing the fucking 9-11 thing.
17:32Oh, that's not- that's not funny.
17:35We just gotta follow the exit sign, it says.
17:37To me, to me, to me, to me!
17:39Why's it beeping?
17:40Red! Red! Fuck you, you left me in the back, bitch!
17:44Fuck you!
17:45Lag, dude, lag!
17:47Out of the way!
17:48Fuck out of the way, you slow-ass bitch!
17:50Wait, what?
17:51No way, no way.
17:53Is that a dead end?
17:54Oh, shit!
17:56Oh, shit!
18:01We gotta try and be quick, there's like another way to go.
18:04It's on my ass! No!
18:10It's right in my butthole!
18:12Don't be a dead end, don't be a dead end, don't be a dead end!
18:20Holy shit!
18:21That was amazing.
18:23That was so close.
18:25I found it on one of these brown-
18:26Just you and I, just you and I.
18:28Oh, shit.
18:29And later, bitch.
18:31Happy Women's Month.
18:39Ooh, I'm dead.
18:43I know!
18:44Oh my god, what the fuck!
18:48This way!
18:49Oh, shit, he's so close.
18:50He's so close, dude.
18:55Oh my god!
18:58Where are you?
18:59Oh, wrong way, you killed me!
19:02Oh no, dude.
19:03Oh my god!
19:04To the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left.
19:07It's on my ass!
19:08Okay, okay, just don't worry about it, just don't look at it, don't look at it.
19:11It's gonna eat my face off!
19:13It sounds like fucking Bane, dude.
19:15To the right!
19:17What's up?
19:18Up him! Up him!
19:23Yeah, yeah.
19:26Fuck you!
19:30I'm sweating here.
19:32Happy birthday.
19:35Oh my god.
19:36Three new levels.
19:38Releasing October 28th.
19:42Wait a minute.
19:43Wait a minute, 2024.
19:44Wait, they're behind!
19:46Uh, guys?
19:47Uh, I feel like there's more to this.
19:49Why don't we play those new levels now?
19:50Come on, they're already out.
19:51Let's go.
19:52No, everyone's just slow to upload.
19:55Uh, guys, we were supposed to play the beta.
19:58What do you mean the beta?
19:59I thought you were talking about-
20:00That's what we were supposed to do!
20:02Journey Injunctions Part 2, beta out now!
20:05So, get the beta and let's go!
20:08I've never played any of those things we just played.
20:10What are you talking about?
20:12Well, what did I just say?
20:13What did you say?
20:20I'm wondering what you said.
20:22Then why did you answer if you don't know what I said?
20:24What did I say?
20:28Oh, get rage baited.
20:30Get rage baited.
20:34Get rage baited, rage baited.
20:36I'm retarded, I'm gonna pass off as rage baited.
20:38The one individual the FBI interrogators could not crack.
20:46Now let's record without them.
20:50Exclusive footage.
20:51You play the rest of the game and then be like,
20:54You just finish The Red Rooms and
20:56I'm sorry to say guys, but the beta's not out yet.
20:58Just mute for 30 minutes and say,
21:00Oh, sorry, it doesn't work.
21:03Uploaded two hours later, block them on every single platform.
21:08Welcome to the birthday.
21:10My ears are being fucked right now.
21:12I got a big wiener going in and out of my ears.
21:14What's going on in this corner?
21:18Did he die?
21:19No, he's not dead. He just respawned.
21:21I'm alive, you stupid fucks!
21:25So this is a parkour.
21:27This is a parkour.
21:29Oh, so you have to go in here?
21:33He said the N-word!
21:36Time to go in the hole.
21:40Hey, how are ya?
21:42Wait, where's everyone else?
21:44I don't know, but we need coins.
21:46Oh, two coins.
21:48Okay, that's fine.
21:50Dude, you can't jump for shit, dude.
21:52I think she's forgetting about stamina.
21:54You keep saying that.
21:56Run! Run!
22:02And we're down.
22:04I feel like we got knifed in Modern Warfare 3.
22:10What the fuck?
22:12What the shit?
22:14Like, he's nice.
22:16What? What do you mean, he's chill?
22:18He's nice to me.
22:21He's never been a...
22:23We've never had a problem.
22:25Oh, dude.
22:29Oh my god, that made me jump.
22:31So when the music is on, it's his birthday, and he's happy.
22:35Oh, coins!
22:37I'm coming, I'm coming.
22:41Fuck those guys.
22:43I got four coins, and open this door.
22:45Guys, you don't need to collect coins, I got the door already.
22:47Oh, hey, he's another door.
22:49Hey, now you drop down here, and you go down bouncy castles.
22:51Oh, wait, might as well wait.
22:53Wait, don't open the door.
22:55You don't go out there.
22:57No, no, no.
22:59We go down here.
23:09Green light.
23:11Green light!
23:13Red light.
23:15Are there holes in the floor? That's why I'm like...
23:18I did this part last time, and then I got to the end, and it just put me back in the loop.
23:20I don't really understand.
23:22Red light! Green light!
23:24Oh, wait, it's still yellow.
23:26Did we just walk?
23:30It's still yellow.
23:32Okay, let's walk.
23:38Whoa, dude.
23:40The next area.
23:42Wow, would you look at that?
23:44This is exactly what happened to me last time.
23:48Are we supposed to collect tickets from the machines?
23:50Like the arcade machines in the room?
23:52Remember, there was like the ice hockey thing?
23:54Are we supposed to get tickets?
23:56Mmm, shit.
23:58You might be right.
24:00Okay, well, we go back.
24:04Did I die?
24:06I just fucking died, dude.
24:08I am dead, dude.
24:10What the fuck?
24:12Hey, what's going on?
24:14How do I look?
24:16I died mid-air. I died mid-jump.
24:18Oh, watch this. Look.
24:24I'm alive.
24:26Okay, so we're going to go forward and right direction.
24:30Tell me about it.
24:32Oh, I died.
24:34Oh, my God.
24:36The timing.
24:38Oh, my God.
24:40And now I'm going.
24:43Oh, hello.
24:47Are you freaking me out?
24:49Was that a cat?
24:51I've no more coin space.
24:53Look, there's more coins here.
24:55I know, there's so many coins.
24:57Must have been a Jewish person's birthday party.
24:59Oh, no, there's not, Evan, because there's coins.
25:01They won't leave the coins behind.
25:03Oh, my God.
25:05It's gonna stay longer.
25:07What am I gonna get Scotty?
25:09Scotty needs to play games.
25:11Okay, Scotty.
25:13Okay, guys.
25:15I binged it, and it turns out
25:17we all just fucking suck
25:19at red light, green light.
25:21You literally can't move. You can't look around.
25:23You can't do anything when it's red.
25:25You lose tickets
25:27if you move.
25:29No! I gotta stop rushing.
25:31Okay, wait.
25:33It's still green.
25:37I fucking said stop!
25:40I know, but you said you're good
25:42the second right before.
25:44Nice. Nice.
25:46I got 87 tickets.
25:48Did I not get any?
25:50You gotta go in different holes.
25:52You guys are going in the same hole.
25:54I died. I died.
25:56Do you have bandages in your pocket?
25:58I do, Evan,
26:00but I don't think we should use them on me.
26:02I think we should just fucking
26:04upload this shit.
26:06Like and subscribe.
26:08This isn't interesting or scary.
26:10Can we do anything else?
26:12Okay, fine.
26:14I think it's important, viewers, that
26:16Tyler's mental health takes priority.
26:18There's no viewers at this point. This shit was too boring.
26:20They clicked off 30 fucking minutes ago.
26:22If you made it to this point in the video, comment down below.
26:24Say something about Tyler's mental health
26:26and how it's very important
26:28you made it this far.
26:30Mental health is great, which is why I don't want to fucking ruin it by playing this dog shit.
26:32I'm having fun.
26:34Yeah, your standards are low.
26:36That's what makes me so happy.
26:38No, that's a sign of poor mental health.
26:40The littlest things can bring you a little bit of joy.
26:42Your life sucks.
26:44Well, say like and subscribe
26:46and just fucking raise the roof.
26:48Number two, raise the roof.
26:50It's number two, Brian.
26:52Press number two.
26:54On camera.
26:56Now put a bullet in his fucking head.
26:58Oh, wait, you can't do that because this game sucks.
27:00Editor, do it.
27:06He's still alive.
27:08He's still alive.
27:10So this is what we missed out on.
27:18Wait, what?
27:20Show it again.
27:22Play it one more time.
27:30So what did we miss before that?
27:32What did we miss before that?
27:35All the content is summarized
27:37by a four and a half minute YouTube video.
27:39So the first thing...
27:41And there's not a single monster
27:43on screen in any...
27:45So this is like some place you go around
27:47and then you go to like a prison.
27:49More wires.
27:51And it's some sort of laminated
27:53place that you do more wires.
27:55And there's a bridge.
27:57And there's more prison laminated.
27:59Oh, what was that?
28:01That was crazy.
28:03That was pretty crazy though.
28:05And then you're there.
28:13You have wasted three hours of your life.
28:17You've now uploaded a nine out of ten
28:19performing YouTube video.
28:21How did this guy feel after he beat us?
28:23Wait, what?
28:25You end up in that corridor.
28:27You know, that big corridor.
28:29He's not happy. He's like relieved.
28:32It's over?
28:34His reaction.
28:36Wait, it's over?
28:38That's it?
28:40He's so annoyed.
28:42He is not happy.
28:44That's it?
28:46Damn, I wanted that hoe to be longer.
28:50He wanted it to be longer
28:52but he also was so over it.
28:54He took one for the team right there.
29:02Bruised up.
29:06With all the bad dreams.
29:08And nothing good ever comes easy.
29:10So I keep bleeding.