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00:00Good morning, guys. Welcome to the vlog. Hello. I want to put you down, but honestly, we need
00:28to run out of breakfast anyway. So good morning. Welcome to another soul vlog. We're here
00:32with my mom. Hi, mom. Hi, guys. Good morning. Good morning. We slept honestly so well last
00:38night and we are up and we have a jam-packed day today. No, you know what? I do need to
00:41sit you down because I need to talk to you about what's happening. Okay. First off, my
00:44hair is quite greasy. Please don't mind it. My hair, what is it called? Dry shampoo. It
00:49stopped dispensing. It stopped working so I had to toss it, which I'm bummed about.
00:53So my hair is a little greasy, but that's okay because today we have a very exciting
00:56appointment for our hair, which will take care of all of the grease. So no worries
01:01about that. We are going to do the 18-step scalp, hair, massage, cleaning, treatment
01:07thing. My mom set up appointments for us at Echo Jarden, which Alicia and I went there
01:11last time. If you guys remember, we did our color analysis there. We got our scalp thing
01:15done. It was phenomenal and I cannot wait to go back. Like truly, as soon as it ended
01:19the first time, I was like, I want to do it again. So I'm so excited to go get that done
01:23today. It's going to be amazing. They do like a whole cleansing of the scalp and they
01:27wash your hair and they give you like a massage and there's like all these amazing things.
01:30So it's very relaxing. So I cannot wait for that. Also, if you missed yesterday's vlog,
01:34a lot happened. So first off, we switched hotels. I'm staying with my mom, my roommate
01:39for the rest of the trip. Yay! Or at least for a little bit of the trip. And then Alicia
01:43and I are going to switch. There's a lot happening, but don't you worry. If you keep up with the
01:46vlogs, you will learn. And then Alicia, Ash, and Chris are sharing their rooms. So we are
01:50up and we are about to go to breakfast. And yesterday we actually, I surprised my mom
01:55and I had her meet her favorite content creator, other than Alicia and Ash and I, obviously.
02:02Right mom? Of course. His name is Max. If you guys have not checked out Max, he's maxnotbeer
02:07on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, all the things. And I've been following him for years and
02:10I've been trying to meet up with him, but our schedules never aligned. But finally we
02:14were able to meet up last night and we all hit it off so well that we were like, uh,
02:18do you want to come to the breakfast buffet tomorrow? Because if you guys watch the Asia
02:20vlogs, you know that Asia breakfasts are like insane, especially like Asia hotels. For some
02:26reason they go all out with breakfast. And this one specifically is like the best that
02:30I've ever had in my life. So we invited him and he was like, I have no plans tomorrow.
02:34I'm going to come to your breakfast. We're like, amazing. So he's coming to breakfast.
02:37And then we told him that we have our appointments at Echo Jarden, which he was like, it's so
02:40crazy. He had other friends visiting that he literally took to Echo Jarden yesterday.
02:44So it's like a very popular touristy thing to do. That's the specific location. Thank
02:50you mom. It was so funny at dinner last night we were talking to him about how much we love
02:54the mall. You guys know the Hyundai mall that we love so, so much. And he truly validated
02:59all of our love for the mall because you guys know Alicia and I love that mall. We want
03:03to go like multiple times when we come. He was freaking out. He was like, I love that
03:06mall. It's my favorite mall. I take everybody there when they visit, like you have to go
03:10and we were like, thank you. You understand. So Ash hasn't been in the mall yet. So we're
03:14going to take her today and her mom. We're all going to go do a little field trip to
03:17the mall after we get our hair done. We're very excited. Her kicking her feet right now.
03:21It's going to be so fun. But before then we have to go get coffee and breakfast. So let's
03:25go find Max and let's eat. Bye. Good morning guys. We're at breakfast. My brain is still
03:32turning on. I got honestly some pretty random stuff, but it looks really good. I got a corn
03:37dog. I don't know if it's like a Korean corn dog, like with the cheese on the inside, but
03:41it looked good. I got chawanmushi, which is like a steamed egg, some tteokbokki. This is
03:45like noodles inside of seaweed that's then wrapped and fried. These are little mini wontons.
03:50I got a chive dumpling and then I got some congee, which is rice porridge. And I added
03:54on some soy sauce, some chili oil and some spring onion. We got some lattes, a super
03:58random breakfast and I will be going back for seconds, but this is course number one.
04:03Let's experience this hot dog together, shall we?
04:09Full on corn dog. Breakfast corn dog. It's delicious.
04:13We got two plates. Breakfast haul. Good morning Max. Good morning, how are you doing? I'm so great.
04:21My corn dog is honestly delicious. It's really good. No, it's good. The hot dog quality is
04:26honestly very nice. Yeah, it's really good. I agree. Oh my god, I agree. Breakfast haul,
04:32little greens, little rice. I got some fried rice, some stir fried morning glory, stir
04:35fried pork, sausage, tteokbokki next to my omelette, and a hotteok. A little dessert.
04:40A nice little balance. Look who's here. Good morning. They're chit chatting. Good morning.
04:45Hi. I am waiting for the day that I find my favorite banchan, which is the dried radish
04:51kimchi. Do they have it here sometimes? Sometimes, but they didn't have it today, so praying
04:56that I get that soon because I need that spiritually, religiously, physically, emotionally,
05:02mentally, all the things. Okay, next round. We have Greek yogurt, French toast with chantilly
05:06cream. This is so good. My dad and Alicia bonded over loving it. Bruleed banana and
05:12Oreos cereal. This mixture is grand. This is for my dad, who loved the French toast.
05:19Wow. Is it a Korean corn dog? The way that it cuts. It's like a normal corn dog, but
05:23it's got like a Korean, a Korean flair. My microwave corn dog soggy things. I love those,
05:28but this. I love any corn dog. I've never met a corn dog I don't like, though. Honestly?
05:34It's true. I love any corn dog. Disneyland? Corn dog is flat. Oscar Mayer? I'll take
05:40anything. Oh. It makes me think of my dad. Miss you, dad. Here we go. Oreos. I've never
05:51tried Oreo cereal. Really? You've never had Oreo O's? Wow. I actually really like them.
05:58It's dessert. It's so good. That's quite good. It's got like little marshmallows in it.
06:02Thanks. Wow. These are actually delicious. Let's go get our hair done. I cannot wait
06:09for a fresh, clean scalp. It is a perfect day. Clear skies, brisk weather, so pretty.
06:15A great day to get our hair done. Right, ladies? Right, ladies? We made it, guys. We're like
06:2230 minutes early. Also, my mom is not here because she's getting a perm in her hair,
06:26which- It already looked so good. Her hair is insane. She's got like horse hair. I also
06:31saw a girl on TikTok get a perm, and it looked so good, and I really wanted to try, but,
06:35like a Korean perm, but I was like, I think that might be a little too experimental from
06:39the wedding. I think you should next time. Oh, the wedding. Yeah, just in case. Just
06:43in case. I will wait till next time. We are here a little early, so we're walking to the
06:46Olive Young across the street. We're just going to bop around a little bit. I need a
06:49water or a drink or maybe like a tea, and then head on over. I am so excited. You don't
06:54even know. We shall. We shall. Ooh. This is what I'm wearing on my lips right now that
06:59I got last time. I've never found this shade in the States. It's fantastic. Rome and number
07:05five. They have the cognac jellies here and flavors I've never seen. We have apple, plum,
07:10some sort of orange, grape. I might have to take one of those home. I'm just going to
07:14get a water. Ooh, lemon water. We have arrived. Oh my gosh, you see her color analysis in
07:19there. We made it. I feel like I'm at the doctor's office. Ooh, I'm so excited. This
07:25is my favorite treatment I've ever done in my life. Really? Yes. You're going to trust
07:29me. You're going to love it. Let's get our hair done. I'm so excited. Yeah. Also, I think
07:36even more excited than the treatment for the iced tea that they have here. Really? Really
07:40good iced tea. I have been in a tea mood this morning. Perfect. You're going to love it.
07:44It's like a plum tea. Alicia and I tried to find it at home. We could not find it. Here
07:48we go, guys. Over there is where we did our color analysis. Someone's getting their hair
07:52done right there. Oh my gosh. Ew. Oh, I see some dry shampoo. Oh my god, yours is so clean.
08:00I see dry shampoo. Ew. Ooh, the gunk, the gunk. So as you can see, this is an example
08:06of what a healthy scalp looks like. As you can see, the skin of the scalp is very white,
08:10almost like a milk-like texture. You can see that each pore is completely open and without
08:14any debris or buildup of any kind. And each pore is going to have three to four thick
08:19hairs growing out of it. Oh, wow. I didn't know that. We got our green plum tea. I'm
08:23so excited. Alicia's going. Ew. Wow. Oh my god. Okay, that's not bad. That's not bad.
08:28It is time to begin. We have here Chris. Chris is over there. She's starting. Doesn't it
08:33feel nice, Chris? Isn't it good? It feels so good. So good. Especially the suction.
08:38Right. That's what I'm most excited for. Alicia's over there. Ash is over there. Oh, and this
08:43is Soha. Soha. Hi. She did mine last time. Nice to see you again. This is every step
08:50of the 18-step scalp treatment. I think I'm most excited for number three. It's like a
08:55suction machine or just the shampoo in general because I love getting my head touched. The
09:00moms are sending pics back and forth in the group chat. She's getting her perm. There
09:04she goes with one of those crazy contraptions. And then there's Chris. So cute. I was so
09:08relaxed I forgot to vlog. We are on step six already. It's amazing. This is the Scalvenic
09:15Sealing Brush and it helps to moisturize and soothe open blood vessels while gentle vibrations
09:22release tension on the fascia, promoting flexibility. I love when my fascia is flexible.
09:27We are now doing a scrub, like an aerosol scrub. Feels good. Okay, we've moved on to
09:36steam. Look at Chris over there. She said, I look like Jiffy Pop. Hi, Chris. We're doing
09:43a little herbal scalp. It feels so nice on the scalp. Wow. My scalp is kind of tender
09:48so it feels so good. We're now doing shampoo with this little gun thing. It feels so nice.
09:56I love it here. I'm leaving with a fully shampooed head because I have to go to the bathroom
10:00and I was like, I want to fully enjoy this and not focus on needing to pee the entire
10:04time. So walking with shampoo in my hair. Guys, I'm in an actual trance. That was incredible.
10:11Now we're going to compare the old results to the new results and then style and then
10:17go to the mall. Oh my gosh. It's so clean now. Ah, okay. So wash it more and blow dry.
10:24Oh, I see. Ah, okay. So Soha told me that I actually need to wash my hair more. Wow,
10:31my hair looks so clean. I've only washed my hair like twice a week. She told me now I
10:35need to do like three or four for my hair to be healthier. I think because of like the
10:38Asian hair. Amazing. It's time. Let's do this, ladies. And Sunny Angels. It does not
10:48get better than this. Wow. They have the croissant cookie. Fresh croissant cookie. Okay, I'm
10:55getting a pastry later for sure. Maybe the melon bread. We're back at the mall. Not just
11:00the mall, but the best mall in Korea, hands down. I need you. Okay, so Alisha and I love
11:05this mall and then I need you to like say how great it is because people are like, you
11:08go to the mall so much and I get it, but no, like it's the best mall. I just like, it gives
11:12me an energy that is like irreplaceable. It's like everything is also very contained in
11:17one area. So you don't have to like go too far. You don't have to use too much brain
11:21power. There's one food floor, one fashion floor and everywhere's perfect. And there's
11:24also the basement level has a bunch of like small Korean businesses. Yeah, all local Korean
11:29brands. So you don't have to like know like, oh, where should I be looking? Like you just
11:32walk around. We're getting coffee right now, but yes, agreed with all that. We love it.
11:35Do you want a coffee? Yes, you should. I've never tried Ralph's coffee before. I heard
11:40it's amazing. Such cute branding. So this is the Ralph Lauren coffee shop that I wanted
11:46to try in New York, but the line during the holidays is like hours. Yes. And now I didn't
11:50have to wait. I walked right up. I got my little thing. How cute is all the merch? Honestly,
11:55oh my god, these little espresso cups. Okay, here she is. We're going to the food court
11:59now. Let's do it. Coffee taste test. I feel like my brain is not on. So many to choose
12:07from. Good. I know. What are you feeling? Good. Good. Feeling good. Any kind of food
12:11you're feeling specifically? I can't decide yet. Too many options. Yeah. I'm also going
12:16to do some soup. The Korean beef and seaweed soup sounds delicious right now. Seriously,
12:21the whole hair thing was so relaxing. I feel like I'm waking up for the first time yet.
12:26I'm just waking up right now. My coffee is waking me up. It was delicious. It is delicious
12:30currently. What did you order? This is just a nice latte. You want to try? Kind of. It's
12:35good. I like want some, but I'm too hungry. I understand. It's really good. I know. I
12:40got suckered into the cutest little thing ever. They have these at the front. These
12:44are Ralph's coffee, instant coffee, which you guys know I love a little powdered drink
12:49in my purse. It's a tiny little coffee that you just pour into like hot water. I love
13:00it. Okay. Here is my late lunch. We got some beef and seaweed soup and some rice. Wow.
13:07We're shopping. I've consulted my stylist number one and stylist number two, Alicia
13:11Marie, and they said they like this brown blazer moment. It is like a raincoat material,
13:16which is pretty cool actually. It's interesting. She's growing on me. It is transitional time
13:21with weather. I do like the Matt and Kim. It's really cute. What are we thinking? That
13:34would honestly match like so much. You know what? I kind of want one too. I feel like
13:38that would look good with so much stuff. Hello updates. I lost everybody, but I'm just having
13:42a good old time strolling around by myself and taking in all the sites and all the items.
13:47I do want to find Cal a souvenir and I want to make sure it's like a soul exclusive. So
13:51they do have this new balance clap, which is really cute, but I'm weighing all my options
13:55before I commit obviously, but so many cute things here. I found her and I'm going to
13:59show her the new balance soul exclusive collab. Follow me this way. I just said we lost Max.
14:03I'm sure we'll find him. He's right there. Cute. Oh, I like the green and pink. We're
14:11all really bad for each other. This is naughty of us. Okay guys, we're back at my favorite
14:15store at the mall play in the box and I've decided we're going to do a blind box opening
14:22TikTok because Max has never opened a blind box. I can't wait. We're testing my luck today.
14:26It's going to be so good. We'll get like, well, first of all, let's see if there's any
14:29angels in general. They were over here. That's obviously the number one, but if they don't,
14:33they don't have any. Oh my God. Look, they have scrub mommies here. That's important.
14:37Very cute. Very necessary. Sunny angels are gone. See? Okay. They're pretty cute. Do you
14:41still think they're scary? I know they're good. They're cute. I don't like the naked
14:44ones. I'm going to be honest. Okay, that's fine. But this little dinosaur guy, he's,
14:47okay, that's fine. I understand. They are sold out. Wait, this one's like a salt bread.
14:52Okay, so let's try. Okay, let's do that. We have to try this one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do
14:55whatever you want. Let's do a little, we're going to do a TikTok opening blind boxes.
14:59Yes. All shaped like bread, but they're animals. You guys, everyone's having so much fun. Have
15:04you changed your opinion on blind boxes yet? Entirely. That was actually three minutes.
15:09That was genuine too. Guys, we went off. Everyone's going to do a little unboxing. I got one for
15:14Cal too. I know he's going to love it. And Alicia and I got little bestie charms. I love
15:19this store. It's so cute. What just happened? I got the cheeseburger. She wanted a cheeseburger.
15:25She got a cheeseburger. Wait, it's really cute. That was me eating my cheeseburger earlier.
15:30Now I want a cheeseburger. So this is Animal Bakery. They're animals shaped like little
15:36breads. I could get a crocodile, a lion, a rhinoceros, a seal, a penguin, or a squirrel,
15:41but I really want the rhinoceros. Okay. I really want it. I feel it. I feel it. Will
15:45I get it? Yeah, you're going to get it. Guys, what if I don't? With confidence, with confidence.
15:49Okay. You're going to get it. They're all cute and I'll be happy no matter what. Yes.
15:52They're all bread and we love bread. We love carbs. We love bread. I'm just going to open
15:56it. Yes, go for it. Oh my God. I really hope you get it. Me too. Can I not breathe? I got
16:03a squirrel. Okay, wait. That's really cute. I'm looking at him now. He's pretty fucking
16:07cute. He's cute. There's a ton of different Pokemon, but Maddie's a swimmer, so we're
16:11hoping he gets the water Pokemon. No chance. No fucking way. Wait, I see blue. There's
16:18a lot of plastic in here, but babe, we got you the water Pokemon. Wait, I love it. Oh
16:23Yay. Yay. Okay, we're good. We're good. This is so wild. This is the animal preschool and
16:29we have all of these options. We're going for either red panda today or we like elephant
16:35or cow or the bears. They're all cute. We just don't want the frog. There's one that
16:39we don't want, but we're not going to say it. We're not going to say it. Because when
16:43you say it, then you get it. Oh. Chris, you're so cute. That's what I did wrong. Okay, everybody
16:51close your eyes. It's big. Wow. Wait, everybody close your eyes and on the count of three,
16:55we open up at the same time. Ready? Okay. One, two, three. This one's for Carol. Wait,
17:04is it the bag? I think it is the bag. The bag? Oh my God. Okay, so we all have to close
17:09our eyes. Okay, so now we really want the elephant. Okay, or the secret. Or the secret.
17:14Close your eyes, everybody. One, two, three. Wait, I love it. Is it a frog? Yeah. She's
17:21cute. I don't like the face. You don't like the what? The face. You don't like it? Oh
17:27wait, it wasn't filming. I don't know. Yes, it was. Oh, did you stop filming? It's okay,
17:32we got it on the vlog. Holy shit, you just scared the crap out of me. Was it? Oh, you
17:35said stop. Okay, okay, okay. I was like, how are you ruining this entire thing? Okay, I
17:40do like the coat. I like the coat. You don't like him? I don't love. Oh, okay. I think
17:45he's, oh, I don't like his tooth. Yeah, I don't like the face. Wait, I think they're
17:49cute. But you, okay, but you don't like Labubu? I think this is cuter than Labubu. I think
17:54Labubu's cuter than that. Yeah, but that's my opinion. You can have your opinion. Thank
17:58you. I think they're cute. I like how big they are. They are really big. Yeah. I did
18:04some damage, haul coming. I'm like, maybe I'll just wait and do a big haul of everything
18:09because I got some really cute stuff that I'm excited to use on this trip specifically.
18:14Max is getting some shoes. Cute. Especially with the fit. It looks so good. Yeah. Cute.
18:21Yeah, I love it. Okay, guys, so it is not quite dinner time. We're not ready for dinner
18:26dinner, but I want a snack, so I finally am going to get my bread. I'm like, what do I
18:30want? I have so many options. I will say it's late, so they've kind of sold out of a lot
18:34of stuff, but we've got this. I can also go to Paris Baguette. Maybe I'll go there. I'm
18:38looking for something kind of savory, so maybe like a ham moment would be good. I'm
18:41not normally a ham girl, but if you put it in a croissant, I will take it. They have
18:45this place called Paris Croissant. I feel like maybe they might have a little savory
18:49moment. Let's see. Yes. I love an Asian bakery. Let's go. Okay. I love an egg salad sandwich.
18:55Oh, my God. This cheese cake looks good. You cannot go wrong with one of these. Oh, wow.
19:03Oh, I love a croquette. What kind is this? Potato croquette. Kimchi and spicy pork croquette.
19:09They're sold out of a lot. I would have gotten the bacon and egg, and I've had a lot of
19:12kimchi today, so maybe not. They have some salt bread options, some bagels. This one
19:18is a cheese and cheese ciabatta. That could be good. Okay, I think it's just late. They
19:23didn't have what I want, and I don't want to settle because I only have so much stomach
19:26space on this trip, and I want to make sure it's good, so we'll go this way. It's so crazy.
19:31There's a whole market here. I'm really determined to find something. I found another bakery.
19:36Okay, here we go. Everything is so sweet here, and I'm really looking for savory. Wow. Okay,
19:45these are all sweet, too, but gorgeous. Scones look really good. Spring onion cream cheese
19:51scone. Okay, we're going a little savory there. Pretzel butter. I think that's a whole chunk
19:57of butter there. Wow. Okay, failed mission. I came back for a little cream cheese salt
20:01bread, and I'm going to try this croquette. This is the kimchi one, just to see because
20:05I'm getting so hungry. Tastes nasty. Honestly, pretty damn good. This is honestly delicious.
20:17Wow. Both of them. So yummy. Hello, guys. We're back. Hi, Mom. Hi, guys. How was your
20:22day? Good, but long. Good, but long. She got her perm, and then after, she was going
20:27to come meet us at the mall, but instead, she went on a wild goose chase to find my
20:32aunt some products. It wasn't my aunt's fault. My aunt gave her a few products to get, and
20:36she kept going to different stores, and they kept going like, oh, go to this location,
20:39go to that location, go to this location, only to find out that they discontinued the
20:42products. No, they're not discontinued. They just, one thinks the other person has it,
20:47and the other person thinks, no, the other person has it. Oh, I thought it was discontinued.
20:50It was discontinued. Okay, so we can find it. We just have to keep looking. Well, we'll
20:53see. We'll see. Poor thing went to like five different stores to try and find this product,
20:57but we are now home, and we are resting, and she got some food. There was a specific kimchi
21:02bokkeum that she's been wanting for since the last time she was here, and she got it,
21:05so she's happy. Yes. It was so good. She was like just sitting there eating it in silence,
21:11and she goes, Remy, thank you, and I was like, for what? You got that yourself, and she goes,
21:16for bringing me here so I can have this again, which was so sweet. Yes. It was honestly delicious.
21:21I'm not really a big kimchi bokkeum fan, but once I tried it, I was like, wait. It was
21:25more sweet. I don't love when kimchi's like super sour, which I know that's when it's
21:29like the best for you fermentation-wise, but I like kimchi that's like really mild in flavor.
21:34This one was like so sweet and honestly really delicious, but we are now in bed. She's eating
21:38her Paris baguette in bed. That's the mood, and I'm gonna get some editing done, and then
21:43we're gonna go to bed, and we have another full day tomorrow, but today was so much fun.
21:47I love Max. We're all obsessed with Max. We're gonna see Max again, honestly, on this trip.
21:51Please excuse the plastic that's being crunched while she's eating. What is that, a croquet?
21:55Yes. Wait, I had one earlier, too. We're twins. That looks good, honestly. And eating it laying
22:01down is so real. Join us for breakfast tomorrow, guys. Join us for breakfast in the morning.
22:06You're so cute. All right. Love you. Bye. See you in the morning. Bye. Hello, guys.
22:11Okay, it's the next morning. I am ready to go to breakfast. I'm so hungry. I didn't eat like
22:16dinner dinner last night. I just had that little salt bread and that croquette, which were
22:19delicious, but I want real food. I woke up craving potatoes for some reason. I'm not sure why,
22:24but here is the outfit of the day. I have on these jeans. These are the, I think they're like
22:28the 90s loose or 90s relaxed jeans from Good American. I've got my little UGG platforms,
22:34and then my sweater I got at the mall yesterday from the store here called Bad Blood.
22:38Bad Blood? And we got bad blood. Yeah, we got bad blood. Now we used to be mad love.
22:45Oh, show them your jacket you got yesterday. Her jacket is so cute. I am obsessed with this
22:49brand now. It's a Korean brand, and the sweater quality is so nice. Oh, yeah. Nice and thick.
22:54It's so nice, and it's fitted really well. It crops me at a nice length. Okay, Mom, let's go.
23:00There we go. Cute. How much? I think it was 60, 65 US dollars. Wow. Love. Okay. Okay, Muscle Show.
23:10Very cute. Nice quality, too. Oh, I got it at GoToMall. GoToMall. Uh-huh. GoToMall. GoToMall
23:16in Gangnam. Me? GoToMall. Okay, love that. So we're about to head downstairs for breakfast.
23:20Oh, I also got a matching hat with this sweater, and I was gonna put the hat on, but I was like,
23:23my hair is so clean and soft and silky. I can't ruin the hair. The hat will go on when my hair is
23:29dirty again. Also, yesterday, I think I told you guys in passing, but I wanted to clarify.
23:34So Soa said, specifically with like Asian hair, like my texture of hair, she said that I should be
23:39washing my hair three to four times a week because of the buildup and just like the style of hair
23:44or like the type of hair that I have. So I will be doing that more. I only wash my hair like maybe
23:47twice, maybe three times depending on like the occasion, like what I have going on, but usually
23:52only like twice a week. So that being said, I will wash my hair more frequently and the hair looks
23:56amazing. Like my hair held the curl very nicely. And yes. Okay. So right now we're about to go down
24:00and have breakfast. I am craving a matcha latte, which I'm so glad that I brought my little matcha
24:05sticks because I'm about to make myself a little latte at breakfast. I have it all planned out.
24:09I know I cannot wait for that. And then we have a very full jam-packed day planned. So last night
24:14I was online and I was looking at things to do in the area and I came across this photo.
24:19Let me show you. I didn't realize you just laid back there you silly goose. Where's my phone?
24:25I have to show you guys. Okay. So the first time that I came to Korea, I was 15 years old.
24:29It was exactly 15 years ago. It was 2010. I was about to go into my sophomore year of high school
24:35and we were on this like tour bus, like a tourist bus kind of thing with all of our friends and family
24:40that we came with. I don't remember all of the stops, but a few of them really stuck out to me.
24:44And one of which really, I remember because I was obsessed with high school musical at the time.
24:49And you know, everyone was doing like the jumping photos like that. I took a photo in front of these
24:53really beautiful, colorful lanterns and I was wearing this denim. I hope I can find it.
24:58Denim target romper with a little white cap sleeve, like bolero cardigan thing.
25:03And I have this photo of me jumping in front of the lanterns. And then last night, as I was on TikTok
25:07looking up things to do, I found this really beautiful TikTok about history in Seoul.
25:12And as I was scrolling, I was like, oh, that's the lanterns that I took the photo in front of.
25:17This is my Facebook profile photo for like years. I really need to find it. It was built in the 1300s.
25:22It's called Jogyesa Temple. I'm sorry if I'm saying that wrong. Am I saying that wrong, mom?
25:26It's the main Buddhist temple in Seoul and it's still active today.
25:29It shows Buddhism has been a big part of Korean life for centuries, offering a peaceful space
25:33in the middle of busy Seoul. I always think Buddhism is like such a beautiful religion.
25:36And I know the girls would love to see that. So I want to surprise them and take them there today.
25:40And then after, we're going to go to Seongsu, which is an area that we've never been to before.
25:44But my mom said it's like very cool and trendy. I saw so many people on TikTok saying they're going to Seongsu specifically.
25:49So I'm excited to check out a new area. Excited to go there. And we're just going to bop around and have a really good day.
25:54But before then, breakfast. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
25:58Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.
26:02Sorry, I got you off guard. The most food I've gotten here at this breakfast buffet yet because I'm so hungry today.
26:07We have chicken. I love a green onion. Broccolini. Potatoes. Mushrooms. Egg. Dumplings. Chicken.
26:14Seaweed. Fried. And kimchi. We should try this at the buffet. Okay. Cheers.
26:23Oh, wow. Could be fresher, but good. The inside's crazy.
26:29Honestly, this, when you dip it in the ddeokbokki sauce.
26:33Hello, guys. I have my cup of milk. And I made my matcha shot here. Look how green that is.
26:39And now, I make my own matcha latte. Yeah, I did too. I need extra caffeine today.
26:45Thank you, mom. I understand.
26:49That matcha latte was some of the best matcha I've ever had. It's like ice cream.
26:54It was good. And I'm not a big matcha, but I loved it. It was good, right?
27:00Here we go.
27:06Hi, guys. Oh, my God. They're vlogging again. It's our day number three. They're vlogging.
27:10It's day number three on our trip. My vlogging buddy is back, so we are ready to roll.
27:16Round two is a corn dog, some rice porridge, and some dumplings. I lied. It's a cheese dog.
27:24Well, we got it.
27:29It's still good.
27:30Okay, we're walking to the palace. We're stopping at the CU because my hands are a little cold.
27:34And they have this hot coffee fridge here. I guess, I mean, yeah, I guess it's technically still a fridge.
27:39I'm going to get this caramel macchiato that I can drink. And it's hot, so it'll keep my hands all nice and warm.
27:44I love it. They have, like, hot tea. I love this hot warmer.
27:48Okay, we walked over. Looking at it now, it's much more vibrant. I found my picture from Facebook.
27:55I think it might have been different, but it might be the same. Honestly, I just remember the photo.
27:59How beautiful is this? Regardless, it's just so pretty.
28:04So, this is a Buddhist temple. Wow. Look at those drawings. Oh, my God. They're dancing.
28:13Oh, this is gorgeous. Good morning. Wow. Oh, my God. Wait, this is so cute. Yes, dance. I want to dance.
28:21We have decided we think it's a different – it was a different spot, right?
28:24Yeah, I think so. It was further away from – because we were on that tour bus.
28:28And then it was actually, like, you had to get up to get up there.
28:30There were stairs, right? And there was, like, a big open area.
28:32And it was – it was, like, the stones or the steps.
28:34Yes. Wait, the memories are coming back.
28:37Yes, I have exactly what you're talking about.
28:39Okay, so it wasn't here, but this is still pretty.
28:40I love that picture, too. And we had the one with the family.
28:43Yeah, we did. Regardless, it's still beautiful, and this is so cool.
28:48Yes, warm it up.
28:49She's warming up.
28:50Atta girl. You go.
28:52One, two, three.
28:55One –
28:57The swing is just –
28:58One, two, three.
29:01Two, three.
29:03Oh, wait, sorry. I got nervous.
29:05Two, three.
29:08That was a good one.
29:09Oh, we got it. Wait, that one's cute.
29:12We got it.
29:14We made it to Songsu, and there's a leuceraphim pop-up right there.
29:19I passed. I got leuceraphim.
29:21You cheated.
29:22No, they look gorg.
29:23This is so pretty. Okonomiyaki will be in Tokyo soon.
29:28And I'm going to get some.
29:30Chris and my mom went to go put their names in at this place called Standard Bread here.
29:34That's apparently really popular.
29:35My mom said the wait is, like, two hours.
29:37So, putting our name in.
29:38See, they have so many.
29:40Oh, my God.
29:41I didn't know she had a solo.
29:42They have pop-ups here everywhere.
29:43It's so cute.
29:44Like, look.
29:45Are you kidding me?
29:46This line is crazy.
29:48Look at this.
29:49Salted butter bread.
29:51We got tissue bread.
29:52I want to try that.
29:53I haven't tried, like, proper, proper tissue bread yet.
29:55Oh, my God.
29:56Maybe this is finally the bread.
29:57Corn brioche.
29:58Need it all.
29:59Since I'm here, I have to do the leuceraphim pop-up.
30:01And there was, like, no line, so we're going in.
30:04Oh, my God.
30:09Oh, my God.
30:11This is so cool.
30:12This is so cool.
30:13I'm so happy to be here.
30:14Oh, my God.
30:15This is so crazy.
30:16You can write them a message.
30:20I got to get one.
30:21Because I can only write in English.
30:24This T-shirt is iconic.
30:25Being hot is my full-time job.
30:27It's very Paris Hilton.
30:29It's, like, pitch black.
30:30Let me try to open this.
30:31Get some light in here.
30:32Oh, there we go.
30:33They have some pants.
30:34I wanted to try the pants on.
30:35It's so dark in this room, so sorry.
30:38Okay, cool merch.
30:39I got it, bitches.
30:40Chocolate vanilla swirl cookie munch flakes.
30:42I'm actually so happy I did that, that was so cool.
30:45I got like a little emotional.
30:46Also, I got Alicia a pair of pants.
30:48They know she's gonna love,
30:49because I tried them on, the ones that you guys saw.
30:50I was like, she's gonna love those.
30:51So, we're about to surprise her.
30:53Oh, look there, there they are.
30:54There she is.
30:57I got you a present.
30:58As a Le Seraphim fellow, Stan.
31:01Ha, ha, ha.
31:03That's okay, we can cut it.
31:04We can cut it, haul, haul, haul, haul.
31:08Oh my God, Remy.
31:09So, they did a collab with like a bunch of different,
31:11like a clothing brand, designers.
31:13They're very you.
31:15They're cute, right?
31:16Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not even filming you.
31:17Oh my God.
31:18Aren't they so Alicia?
31:20Yeah, oh my God, yeah.
31:21Cute, right?
31:23I got some too, we match.
31:25You're so welcome.
31:26We made it.
31:28This is where my sweater's from,
31:29and this is like the big store.
31:31We're about to shop, yay.
31:35That thing has germs, girl.
31:41I will say it's a little weird.
31:42My hair looks crazy.
31:47I lost Alicia Marie, and then I found out
31:48there's a whole other section.
31:50Oh my God, the heater was on down there,
31:52and I didn't wear a shirt under this,
31:54so I'm sweating, but I love this sweater.
31:57It's so cute.
31:58The back, oh, you can't see it.
32:00Sorry, I'm not that flexible.
32:01Oh, wow.
32:03Look at these jackets.
32:05Look at this view more than that,
32:06and look at these stairs.
32:08This is so cool.
32:09Oh my God, I am getting hungry.
32:11We just met some subscribers who are studying abroad.
32:13Shout out to Libby and shout out to Emily,
32:15and they recommended this place called Soso
32:17down the street.
32:18Apparently it's like soup.
32:19I guess, it's kind of hot.
32:21I'm hot right now to think about soup,
32:22but it's soup, and you eat like half of it,
32:24and then after done, they add rice
32:25and make it like a porridge, which sounds so good.
32:27You know I love a soup and a porridge.
32:29Okay guys, I tried on some really sick pants,
32:31and I'm realizing now, I like pant shopping here
32:34because everything is made to fit my height.
32:36I don't have to get anything shortened.
32:38This is so cool.
32:39Now we're going upstairs.
32:41This is the third floor.
32:42Oh, I love it.
32:43It's just so pretty here.
32:44Like these work wear pants are sick.
32:47I love this.
32:48Oh, it's a skirt.
32:49Alisha got this skirt.
32:50So cute.
32:51I was saying it kind of gives that like,
32:52like this is kind of like the boxing brand,
32:54like Everlast.
32:55Super cute.
32:57We're here for lunch.
32:58Oh no.
32:59Oh no, lunch order closed.
33:02It's four o'clock, so we have an hour before
33:05they open for dinner.
33:05It does look really good.
33:06Oh, I'm hungry though.
33:07I found a shabu place that has the bear.
33:10I've always wanted the bear.
33:11Wait, this is so cute.
33:14Okay, so the soup bases are all different bears.
33:18So cute.
33:19And I'm hungry.
33:21Oh, they have a special.
33:22My mouth is actually watering.
33:23Oh my God, yum.
33:25Mine is already melting, but look how cute it is.
33:26It's the only time I've had it.
33:30Okay, time to, oh, that's why the heat's on.
33:33Time to melt my little baby.
33:35He's just taking a bath.
33:36Look at his leg.
33:38My leg.
33:39I got this lemonade that's delicious.
33:40Very refreshing.
33:42Reviving me.
33:43Oh, my fish cake.
33:44Okay, I have to say, although I miss him,
33:46the soup base is so good.
33:48His little eyeball.
33:50Poor baby.
33:50Such a good little spot that we randomly found.
33:52I've always wanted to try this.
33:54I have to say the soup base is fire.
33:56And I like eating out of this spoon.
33:58It reminds me of the bathhouse in Spirited Away.
34:03It's delicious base.
34:04I'm gonna actually drink all this after.
34:11It's getting hot.
34:12Wow, I love soup so much.
34:13This is also giving bathhouse from Spirited Away.
34:15We love it.
34:17Here we go.
34:25You got the red eye.
34:26I got the red eye.
34:28Who do I vote?
34:29I'll try the red eye.
34:37Fish cake.
34:45I love their ice cubes here.
34:46And they're so clear.
34:48It's crazy.
34:49Honey cinnamon ice latte.
34:57I would love a bendy.
34:59Honey cinnamon.
35:00Honey cinnamon ice latte.
35:01That's well done.
35:05We used to put cinnamon in our coffee.
35:07I know, it's so good.
35:09That's really good.
35:10It literally tastes like that.
35:11Oh my god.
35:12I'm gonna chug that.
35:13We have now made it to a place called,
35:15what's this place called?
35:16Standard Bread?
35:17Standard Bread.
35:18A popular bread place.
35:18Mom, you gotta hold my camera for me.
35:20Apparently this is like the best bread in the world.
35:22And I got this corn bread.
35:25And when you eat it here,
35:26it's like a cute little wooden box.
35:29And this is tomato basil.
35:31Oh, it's so soft.
35:32I thought it was gonna be dead.
35:34Very light and fluffy.
35:41Can you put more butter on top of this?
35:43You can if you want.
35:45Okay, let me try it with that corn bread.
35:53Slightly sweet.
35:55It's good.
35:56Slightly sweet.
35:57It's good.
35:57I'm feeling more savory though.
35:59Wow, the texture's crazy.
36:01Oh, look at all that on the inside.
36:03How sweet.
36:04Oh, there's cheese.
36:05Like a pizza.
36:06Like a pizza bread.
36:15Hello guys, coming on to end the vlog.
36:17I hope you guys enjoyed it.
36:18We ended up not doing the night market last night,
36:20by the way, because everybody got super tired,
36:21but we are doing it tonight.
36:22So, be sure to come back to the next vlog
36:25if you guys wanna see that.
36:25Thank you so much for watching.
36:26Today is our last full official day in Seoul
36:29for this leg of the trip.
36:30So, I hope you guys enjoyed almost all the Korea vlogs.
36:33We have another one coming very soon though,
36:35and I will see you guys in the next one.
