• 2 days ago
Ecuador | Candidates debate economy axis during presidential debate


00:00I believe that this time he would accomplish, he will fulfill those promises.
00:04Let's go back to the debate as it continues with the next topic, let's listen.
00:11So I'm going to ask you a question now.
00:18To generate employment and to sustain dollarization, we need to grow our economy.
00:26What would be your policy to attract foreign investment?
00:31Ecuadorians, we have to strengthen our dollarization.
00:40How do we manage that?
00:41By having a policy to promote exportations.
00:48Now we had a record in 2025, in January and February, of exportations because of the measures
00:57we took in 2024 to fulfill, to accomplish the growth that we proposed.
01:09How do we stabilize the dollarization, the dollarization that all the figures of the
01:20Citizens' Revolution demonize?
01:34They want to de-dollarize the Ecuador, and how are they going to do that?
01:40With pseudo-currency to de-dollarize the country.
01:48And that is why we have the dilemma, the motto, Luisa de-dollarizes you.
02:01So we are signing agreements with the Middle East, important commercial trades.
02:09We signed the free trade agreement with China, and we are going to finish the agreement with
02:17Canada soon.
02:20So that guarantees that the world believes in Daniel Novoa.
02:33So our popularity, so after the April 13th, we will manage to stabilize the country and
02:48to secure investment.
02:51That way we are going to move forward without forgetting the small entrepreneurs and women
03:10To strengthen the economy, we need to speak about corruption.
03:19So about corruption, Petro Novoa, the food in schools, cocaine through Novoa trading
03:30boats, this is at play in these elections.
03:44In the National Assembly, you propose a bill to have a parallel currency to the dollar.
03:52After this.
04:04You are confused, you do not have proof, you are a lawyer, you should know this.
04:13I will say things that have evidence.
04:17Correa is a criminal.
04:36All of those people in the chat that you were in, those people were proved to be involved
04:46in corruption cases.
04:57So Google chose the equator as one of the few countries in the world to sign these agreements.
05:06We have to prioritize the investors, but we cannot forget the single mothers that are
05:14the bread givers of their homes.
05:21We also have to prioritize the entrepreneurs, the small entrepreneurs.
05:36You said that you were going to lower the price of the fuels, but you lied.
05:44They skyrocketed.
05:47That Petro Novoa commercializes with subsidized fuel, and you get money out of it.
05:59What are you going to do about this?
06:08My brother had lunch with me today, yes, he has his company.
06:13So let's see, why did you ask this?
06:21Pedro Granja was a new appointed officer in the municipality of Guayaquil, and then you
06:39get annoyed with them, and then you place them in a public position.
06:45That is traffic of influences, and he is the real trafficker of fuels.
06:54Now it's your turn to answer the question.
07:06To generate employment and sustain dollarization, the economy of Ecuador needs to grow.
07:14What is your goal in economical growth, and your measures to attract foreign investment?
07:24The dollarization is really important for this country, and I want to be clear, we are
07:33going to guarantee it and strengthen it with order, work, and peace.
07:40First we are going to lower the IVA, the taxes, because you took money from the Ecuadorians
07:49and worsened the economy.
07:52We are going to guarantee efficient public investment with associations between public
08:01and private companies.
08:03We are going to invest in energy to avoid blackouts.
08:10In the other hand, the public spending work as a fund in development.
08:22We are going to test some of that for transportation, entrepreneurs, agriculture through the CFN,
08:35so we are going to reactivate the economy by avoiding fights with other countries, and
08:44to guarantee the foreign investment, because we don't have it today, because you don't
08:49have respect for the Constitution.
08:55I'm going to read what the Citizens' Revolution government did through the Organic Monetary
09:04You don't know that because you don't know about public management or private management.
09:14Article 94, every transaction and operation that takes place in the Republic of Ecuador
09:25are expressed in U.S. dollars, as this code establishes.
09:34The Citizens' Revolution guaranteed dollarization, and I'm going to do it.
09:42It's curious you mention energy, because you said in social media that we didn't need
10:03extra generation of energy.
10:07You said we didn't need renewable energy.
10:12You have a short memory.
10:16The dollarization, on one hand, you say one thing, and on the other hand, the Secretary
10:23of the Citizens' Revolution speaks about parallel currency, about the Ecuador dollars.
10:36How are you going to sustain all the things you say?
10:40Many of the things you propose, we are already doing it, and how are you going to make a
10:46plan for all the things you want to establish?
10:50Let's see.
10:56Andres Arauz is not here.
11:03Here is Luisa González, and I know about public management, 250,000 unemployed people
11:15under government.
11:17We took 2 million people out of poverty because we know about public management and government.
11:24Let's speak about the dollar.
11:27Your assemblywoman said you were going to have a parallel currency.
11:34When you and I were assembly people, we sent a bill to the Constitution to have the dollar
11:45as the official currency, and you didn't sign that.
11:59We sent that project, and you know who ordered to not have the dollar as the official currency?
12:08Daniel Novoa did it.
12:10So do not lie about that.
12:21As I already said, we have a scholarship meant for you so you can study about economy.
12:32About the dollars, we have to pay to Chevron.
12:35It's your government's fault.
12:38Who can believe in you when every company in Ecuador pays money to those people?
12:51Who can believe in you?
12:54Ecuadorians, I invite you to research on these declarations.
13:04Do not lie, Novoa.
13:06Subsides to Petro Novoa.
13:09School breakfasts, blackouts, the economic impact in Esmeralda to the environment and
13:19to the population, loss of employment, the removal of public investment.
13:30All of this in only a year.
13:34Are you going to keep lying to the Ecuadorian people?
13:43Are you going to keep destroying the country?
13:48And the question is, are you able to divide your private interest of the family business
13:57from the interest of the Ecuadorian people?
14:03Are you able to divide your private interest from the interest of the Ecuadorian people?
