• 2 days ago
Islah e Muashra | Topic: Tarbiyat e Aulaad (تربیت ِ اولاد )

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

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00:00In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful, the Master, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, forever and ever.
00:10Allah Habibika khairil khalki kulli himi.
00:13Ladies and gentlemen, this is a special segment of Islah-e-Mohashara.
00:16Your host, Dr. Sarwar Hussain Naqshbandi, is here to serve you.
00:21We meet you in Nemat-e-Aftar on a daily basis on various topics.
00:27Today's topic is just like any other day, it is of great importance.
00:32In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful, the Master, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:35let us move on to the topic of today's program.
00:38The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:41has mentioned the three signs of a hypocrite in a Hadith.
00:45It is of great importance for us to review this Hadith,
00:52and to do so in a timely manner.
00:56There are no signs of hypocrisy in us.
00:59If there is a part of hypocrisy in us, we should try to remove it.
01:07The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has mentioned the three signs of a hypocrite in a Hadith.
01:11There are three signs of a hypocrite in a Hadith.
01:14The first sign is that when a hypocrite speaks, he lies.
01:20The second sign is that when a person promises, he breaks his promise.
01:28The third sign is that when a person is entrusted with something, he betrays it.
01:35The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has mentioned the three signs of a hypocrite in a Hadith.
01:42I believe that these are the basic pillars of the reformation of the society.
01:49We should not lie.
01:51We should not betray what we are entrusted with.
01:54We should not break our promises.
01:56It is possible that these are general things that we are entrusted with.
02:02May Allah enable us to avoid them and enable us to reform ourselves.
02:08Today's topic is very important.
02:11When we talk about the reformation of the society,
02:15we should look at it from the perspective of personality, character, and personal life.
02:23Overall, the impact of the reformation of the society is the upbringing.
02:30If the upbringing of the society is the upbringing of the children,
02:33then these children are the ones who lead the society.
02:38If these children follow the guidelines of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:46then all the positive aspects of the reformation of the society will be revealed.
02:52Let's talk about the upbringing of the children.
02:55This is our topic for today.
02:57Let's start the discussion.
02:59We have with us the Khateeb of Masjid-e-Ata Darbar,
03:02Mufti Muhammad Ramazan Alvi Sahib.
03:05Peace be upon you.
03:06Peace be upon you too.
03:07Thank you very much, Huzoor.
03:08You have taken a lot of leave this time.
03:10The nature of the work is such that it happens.
03:15Coincidentally, the time is also such that it becomes difficult.
03:19But no matter where we are, you are with us and we are with you.
03:25Thank you very much, Huzoor.
03:26We also have Dr. Mufti Irfanullah Saifi Sahib with us.
03:31He also welcomes you.
03:33We also have Allama Muhammad Waqas Jafar Sahib with us.
03:36He also welcomes you.
03:38We also have the young man Khushgulu Sana Khan Shahzad Liaqat Sahib with us.
03:42He also welcomes you.
03:44In the name of Allah, please give us the speech.
03:57Here we meet each other
04:02While coming and going
04:09This is that door
04:13Where the heart does not break
04:21While coming and going
04:26This is that door
04:30Where the heart does not break
04:38While coming and going
04:44This is the grace of the Master
04:54He does good
05:06This is the grace of the Master
05:13He does good
05:21Otherwise, we would not have been called to this door
05:51In this, there is a couplet by Hazrat Hafeez Ta'ib Rahmatullah Laila
05:55I wish I could get the honor of peace in Taiba
06:14I wish I could get the honor of peace in Taiba
06:27While coming and going
06:40While coming and going
06:54This is that door
07:04Where the heart does not break
07:11While coming and going
07:17What to say?
07:18Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah
07:19Be safe
07:20You gave a very beautiful couplet
07:24Mufti Sahib, let's start the discussion
07:27Today, the topic is the upbringing of children
07:31How important is the upbringing of children for the reform of the society?
07:36How important is it?
07:38And how much are we being unaware of it in the current situation?
07:42Thank you very much, Doctor
07:44The truth is that the more important it is, the more we are unaware of it
07:49Simple words
07:50For this, we should understand one thing fundamentally
07:53That the blessing of marriage and children that Islam has bestowed
07:59Its purpose should be understood
08:02This is not just the name of physical pleasure or the completion of one's sexual desire
08:07Islam actually says that through this relationship
08:12A future generation has been created through you
08:18Then you make it so perfect in terms of its education, upbringing, physical, spiritual, moral
08:30That they become a cause of respect for you
08:35Become a cause of piety
08:37Become a support for you in old age
08:40After your death, they become a cause of prayers for you
08:43Become charity
08:45This is between children and parents
08:47But more than that, they become a proud part of a Muslim society
08:55And for their country, their people, their house, their family, their tribe
09:02They become the best of the best in everything
09:07And you see the wisdom of every instruction of the Prophet
09:13The Hadith will come from another angle in another scenario
09:17The Prophet said that when the child is 7 years old
09:20Take him to the mosque for prayer
09:22Take him to the mosque after 10 years
09:25As a father, I can say this practically
09:30And the experts of sociology confirm this
09:35Basically, the things you have to feed the child
09:40Their age is up to 12 years
09:44It starts with wisdom from 2-3 years to 7 years
09:50And after 7 years to 10 years, which is found in the Hadith
09:54That is the peak time of his upbringing
09:58After 10 years, the age of 12-13 years is the testing period
10:02The parents have to see that whatever we have taught him
10:05The morals, etiquettes, the things we have taught him
10:08What is his output now?
10:11And when he is an adult, he has completed those things
10:15Basically, this is the golden age of upbringing
10:21And the truth is that in this age
10:24Which I have mentioned, the age of 7-14 years
10:27In that, the child from his parents, his teacher, his society, his home
10:33From his circle of friendship, from his school, college and environment
10:39Whatever Dr. Sahab goes into that
10:42It gets fed
10:43You never change
10:45The child stands on it for the rest of his life
10:48He stands on the line
10:49He stands on the line
10:50And the sad thing is that we waste the age of the children
10:57We leave them free
10:58We don't teach them
11:00We don't train them
11:02They are still children
11:03They are still children
11:05Although this is the time
11:07By feeding those things to the children
11:08They get a benefit
11:09Because when they grow up, they say that we are not children that you are teaching
11:14Sir, what do you say?
11:15In the Quran and Hadith, what we have been told about it
11:19Kareena has been told, Salika has been told
11:22You shed some light on that
11:24Thank you very much
11:25Dr. Sahab, it is said about the child that the child is like a piece of paper
11:31And the way you write on it
11:34The whole life will go with it
11:37The Quran has tested the children and wealth
11:42What does this test mean?
11:44How can we make it a comfort and make it the best part of a society?
11:50The Quran has said, the believers are addressed
11:53O you who believe!
11:54Save yourselves and your families from the fire
12:00That is, teach them what will be the means to attain the pleasure and paradise of Allah
12:07In the Quran, in Surah Luqman
12:10Allah Almighty has briefly explained the whole syllabus
12:15That we have to teach the child intellectually and practically
12:19Hazrat Luqman, who advised his son
12:22The Quran mentioned it
12:23That he explained to his son
12:25Son, first of all, there is a relationship between you and God
12:29Then there is a relationship with parents
12:30Then there is a relationship with the creation
12:32And these three relationships were brought up in a very beautiful way
12:35He said, do not associate partners with Allah
12:37You have to worship Allah
12:38You have to worship Allah
12:40Second, you have to treat your parents with kindness
12:42And while treating your parents with kindness
12:45He said, you have to teach them to believe in what is not against the Shariah
12:50If your parents take you towards Shariah, you should not do that
12:52Third, the relationship with society
12:55He said, with the people of Allah
12:57Those who are inclined towards Allah, you have to establish a relationship with them
13:02We will continue from here
13:03It is a very beautiful topic
13:05And we are having a very good conversation
13:07Stay with us
13:08We will return after a short break
13:09Welcome to Waqf-e-Kaaba
13:31Welcome to Waqf-e-Kaaba
13:33You are watching Islah-e-Muhajirat
13:35In the context of raising children
13:37Today we are talking
13:38Before going to the break
13:39Dr. Mufti Irfanullah Saifi was talking
13:42Please complete that
13:44I was saying that
13:45The advice that Hazrat Luqman A.S. gave to his son
13:48He told three things in that
13:50Relationship with Allah
13:51Relationship with parents
13:52And with society
13:54And then in the relationship with society
13:56The very important things that have been mentioned
13:58In that, the relationship with the people of Allah was mentioned
14:00And then
14:01And then
14:28And here an example has also been given
14:30This voice
14:31Which is a very bad example
14:32It is the voice of a donkey
14:33So it is not considered good
14:35So we don't have to shout
14:37We have to speak in a low tone and in a good tone
14:39So in raising children
14:41If we keep these three things in mind
14:43So make them understand the relationship with Allah
14:45Relationship with parents
14:47And relationship with the people
14:48I think that if these parents
14:51Make their children understand well
14:53Then there will be the best upbringing
14:55And they will also become a beneficiary of the society
14:57Absolutely right
14:58Allama Muhammad Waqas Jafar Sahib
15:00Now we are talking about the upbringing of parents
15:03So the society also plays its role
15:06It also has a responsibility
15:08It also has a role
15:09That how much is the percentage of children, youth in upbringing
15:14And what are its responsibilities
15:16In terms of upbringing
15:17In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
15:18Doctor sahib, look
15:19The literal meaning of upbringing
15:21If we think about it
15:22So its meaning is
15:24To take something from its initial stages
15:27And take it to the top
15:29So obviously in this stage
15:32Which the government of the two worlds said
15:36That you have to get that knowledge from the cradle to the grave
15:41That is, the relationship of upbringing and knowledge
15:43It continues until the death of man
15:45So as Allah has made man
15:49That his senses are weak
15:51The initial things that come in front of him
15:55The people who come in front of him
15:56They are his parents
15:57And as soon as the child grows up
15:59As Mufti sahib was saying
16:00As soon as the child goes to teenage
16:02And as soon as he goes to school
16:04Or the institution where he goes to study
16:07So from there too
16:08The role of the teacher
16:10The role of the people of his tuition
16:13Which is very important
16:14So look
16:15The education and upbringing
16:16They tell
16:17They tell four basic elements
16:19One is the teacher
16:21On the other hand
16:23Along with the teacher
16:24The course
16:25It also has a hand
16:27Then the language
16:28It also has a hand
16:29So with these three things
16:31If a person moves forward
16:33So the fourth thing
16:35Its upbringing comes
16:36That is, when he
16:37His relationship with the teacher will be good
16:39As Mufti sahib was saying
16:40That he will have a relationship with the teacher
16:42He will have a relationship with his parents
16:43When he comes into the society
16:44So a child will have a relationship with the teacher
16:47And the mode of medium and language
16:50It has a big role
16:51Now look
16:52Now we are talking
16:54The world's best
16:55The school system there is the best
16:58And 100%
16:59That is the result
17:00They don't take the child before 7 years
17:02Japan is also in the same situation
17:04That 6-7 years ago
17:05The child
17:06They don't even enter the school
17:08Because initially
17:09His upbringing
17:10His parents have done it
17:11Now what he has to learn
17:12Good morals
17:13Or what he has
17:14He has to play the role of a good person
17:17So he will start from school
17:19We make a big mistake here
17:21In Pakistan, you see
17:23Play group
17:26That child initially
17:27He had to get along with his parents
17:30What the parents had to teach him
17:31We put the responsibility on schools and institutions
17:35So from here
17:37Parents should play their role
17:39And when the child grows up a little
17:41Then the teachers
17:43And the coursework
17:44All these things have a big effect
17:46And Allah Almighty says to you
17:48He warns you
17:52That you don't have to die
17:53Before you die as a Muslim
17:55This is the reason
17:56Man is successful
17:57That he started with Islam
17:59And his end was on Islam
18:01Absolutely right
18:02Mufti Sahib
18:03One aspect is very important
18:04When we talk in the field of upbringing
18:09Some people are those who understand from the world
18:12To earn money for their children
18:14Or the affairs of the world
18:16To live with them
18:18It is enough to train them
18:20And religious
18:21What is their education
18:23They pull their hands
18:25Or don't pay as much attention
18:26On the other hand
18:27Somewhere completely religious education is done
18:29And the world affairs
18:31To deal with
18:32They are not taught completely
18:34So keep the balance between the two
18:36How important is it to keep the balance
18:38In terms of upbringing
18:39Look, first of all
18:40The concept of religious and worldly education
18:42Should be clear
18:44When we talk about religious education
18:46It has two levels
18:48One is
18:49Fundamental religious education
18:51And fundamental moral etiquette
18:54Halal and haram
18:55Pure and impure
18:56These things
18:57This is obligatory on every Muslim
19:00When we talk about religious education
19:02In that aspect
19:03For that
19:04It should be taken towards specialization
19:06Like scholars
19:08Ulema, Muftis, Izaams
19:10This is not about them
19:12When we talk about fundamental religious education
19:14It means
19:15The fundamental beliefs of Islam
19:17And fundamental moral
19:21Whether it is the beliefs
19:22Or the five pillars
19:23Or other Islam
19:24Whether it is the system of worship
19:26Whether it is the system of society
19:27Whether it is the system of livelihood
19:28About that
19:29The basic concept should be clear
19:32This is the basic thing
19:33Now, fundamentally
19:34The problem
19:35Is not so much of religious or worldly education
19:37The fundamental problem
19:39In both of them
19:40Is the lack of balance
19:42This is the real problem
19:44The parents
19:45Since it is the age of materialism
19:47The age of materialism
19:51The parents
19:52To themselves
19:54To themselves
19:56And to their old age
19:58And to their future
19:59In their family
20:01To improve their social and economic circle
20:04To improve their level
20:06They totally insist
20:08On the worldly education of their children
20:13Because this is the only tool
20:15That the child
20:16What is the concept of education?
20:17That the child
20:18If he takes a big degree
20:20Then he will earn a lot of money
20:23When he earns a lot of money
20:24Then a lot of entertainment
20:25And a lot of convenience
20:26And worldliness
20:27A big house
20:28A big car
20:29A big status
20:31The thing is
20:32With regards to the real education
20:34This concept needs to be cleared
20:36And it needs to be balanced
20:39This is the first thing to remember
20:40The second thing
20:41Allama Iqbal
20:42With regards to this
20:43We can present him as an ideal
20:45As a role model
20:47For this class
20:49That you are in Oxford
20:52After getting the best education in the world
20:59When he was young
21:00When he was shining
21:01When he was rising
21:03At that time
21:05Saw this
21:07From home
21:08His father
21:09And his mother
21:10And good teachers
21:11Told him the same age
21:13At that age
21:14With regards to his education
21:16Right practice
21:20Love for the saints
21:21Love for the Ahlul Bayt
21:22Love for the companions of the Prophet
21:24Love for the Prophet
21:58How do we build our faith?
22:01Our moral values
22:02We do not have any share in them
22:04Because of which
22:05The child
22:06Will stay empty
22:08This leads to unbalance
22:09And its outcome is obvious
22:11I have an example in front of me
22:14That child
22:15With getting the highest degree in the world
22:17Father passed away
22:18The child does not know
22:19How to bathe his father
22:20And how to do the funeral prayers
22:23Where did this gap come from?
22:25The parents made the gap
22:26The one who brings up a child is the one who brings up a child himself. How important is this?
22:33In our society, we want our children to be well-mannered and have good morals.
22:38But they often stray away from good morals.
22:41So, how important is it for the one who brings up a child to bring up a child himself?
22:51The teachings of Islam are very clear.
22:54And when the Quran says,
22:56Why do you say what you do not do?
23:01So, this is the basic thing that comes to their mind when it comes to their parents.
23:06And the parents should also keep in mind that when we are telling our children to do something else,
23:14they look at our attitude more than our words.
23:18Our words do not have as much impact on their mind as our attitude.
23:23So, when we tell our child not to lie and tell him that his father is not at home,
23:29the child will look at him and not listen to us.
23:32When we tell our child not to go to the mosque to pray,
23:35the child will look at him and say that his father does not pray himself.
23:38So, these things are very important.
23:41This is why the Holy Prophet said,
23:44The Holy Prophet said,
23:46Allah Almighty says,
23:48Allah Almighty says,
23:50Allah Almighty says,
23:52Allah Almighty says,
23:54Allah Almighty says,
23:56Allah Almighty says,
23:58Allah Almighty says,
24:00Allah Almighty says,
24:02Allah Almighty says,
24:04Allah Almighty says,
24:06Allah Almighty says,
24:08Allah Almighty says,
24:10Allah Almighty says,
24:12Allah Almighty says,
24:14Allah Almighty says,
24:16Allah Almighty says,
24:18Allah Almighty says,
24:20Allah Almighty says,
24:22Allah Almighty says,
24:24Allah Almighty says,
24:26Allah Almighty says,
24:28Allah Almighty says,
24:30Allah Almighty says,
24:32Allah Almighty says,
24:34Allah Almighty says,
24:36Allah Almighty says,
24:38Allah Almighty says,
24:40First we do it ourselves,
24:42and then when we tell our children,
24:44then we will not need much effort.
24:46The children will immediately follow us.
24:50Absolutely right.
24:52Rahman sahib, there is an important question
24:54which I would like to ask you
24:56before we go on the break.
24:58I would like us three guests
25:00to answer it in our own way.
25:02What should be the nature of the upbringing of children?
25:04And what is the principle and the law
25:06of our religion regarding the upbringing of children?
25:08We will talk about it.
25:10After a short break,
25:12we will be back.
25:36Welcome viewers.
25:38You are watching Islah-e-Mohashara
25:40and Tarbiyyat-e-Auladh.
25:42Before we go on the break,
25:44I would like to ask Allama Muhammad Waqas Jafir sahib
25:48a question.
25:50What is the basic principle
25:52and the law of upbringing of children?
25:56As we discussed,
25:58there is a verse in the Holy Quran,
26:02In that verse,
26:04Allah Almighty says,
26:08Teach your children knowledge
27:50Mr. Mufti
27:52In today's show,
27:54What message do you have for your audience?
27:56I encourage them to know
27:58some basic points
28:00about rape
28:02and through today's program,
28:04they can better take these things
28:06and keep the guiding principles
28:08for their children in front of them.
28:10The first thing is to pay attention
28:12to faith and belief.
28:14Allah is the Lord of Honor,
28:16Tawheed, Prophethood,
28:18love of the companions,
28:20love of the Ahlul Bayt,
28:22relationship with Allah,
28:24relationship with the Prophet,
28:26relationship with Islam,
28:28pay attention to this.
28:30These are the basic information
28:32and teachings.
28:34They should not be
28:36handed over to the Qaris
28:38for 10-15-20 minutes.
28:40They should monitor it
28:42and test it themselves.
28:44Along with that,
28:46they should stop them
28:48and make them understand
28:50in a good way
28:52and bring them towards
28:54adopting the Sunnah and Seerah
28:56of the Prophet.
28:58Parents should read the Sunnah
29:00of the Prophet in their homes
29:02and take their children to the mosque
29:04from time to time
29:06so that the child can
29:08have a connection with the mosque.
29:10They should tell them
29:12about good and bad friends
29:14because this is a very basic thing.
29:16They should keep an eye on
29:18their friendship circle.
29:20They should make sure
29:22that they are satisfied,
29:24grateful and content
29:26and they should try to
29:28live a simple life.
29:30Along with that,
29:32they should pay attention
29:34to their physical health
29:36and mental health
29:38so that the child can
29:40improve his physical health.
29:42When the child reaches
29:44the age of maturity,
29:46the mother should
29:48teach her daughter
29:50and the father should
29:52teach his son
29:54to be careful
29:56so that the child
29:58can protect his dignity.
30:02especially in today's world,
30:04we cannot say
30:06that you should not
30:08give mobile phones
30:10to your children
30:12but you should keep
30:14their etiquette
30:16and manners under observation.
30:18You should never give
30:20your children a laptop
30:22so that they know
30:24that they are doing
30:26their educational activities.
30:28These are the basic things.
30:30Along with that,
30:32you should teach them
30:34about their dress code
30:36so that the child
30:38can become a complete
30:40and useful person
30:42in the society.
30:44Yes, Nafsahab.
30:46I would like to say
30:48that this stage of teaching
30:50is a continuous process.
30:52There is no specific time
30:54for teaching.
30:58when we teach a child
31:00we say that we teach
31:02every time.
31:04There is no specific time
31:06for this.
31:08You should teach them
31:10whenever you can.
31:12There is a Hadith of
31:14the Prophet.
31:16He was eating
31:18with his right hand
31:20and sometimes
31:22with his left hand.
31:24The Prophet taught him
31:26to eat with his right hand
31:28and then with his left hand
31:30to eat with his left hand.
31:32This means that
31:34when we eat with our children
31:36we can teach them this way.
31:38The role of the mother
31:40is very important in this.
31:42You can see many saints
31:44whose fathers
31:46taught them
31:50So, we should pay attention
31:52to this.
31:54You also have a short message.
31:56There is no specific time
31:58for parenting.
32:00This is very important.
32:02Mufti Sahab was saying
32:04that the use of mobile
32:06is not possible
32:08in today's world.
32:10There are many apps
32:12and security devices
32:14which prevent
32:16harmful things
32:18from happening.
32:20This is also an important message
32:22that I would like to give.
32:26I would like to say
32:28that you should
32:30take care of your children.
32:32It is not right
32:34to give everything
32:36to the school and institution.
32:38People go to the PTM
32:40after a year
32:44their children
32:46are going to school
32:48and institutions.
32:50The reason for this
32:52is that parents
32:54have closed their eyes
32:56and given everything
32:58to others.
33:00Thank you very much
33:02Mufti Irfanullah Saifi
33:04Allama Muhammad Waqas
33:06and Shahzad Liaqat.
33:08I would like to say
33:10a few words
33:12about our dear friend
33:14Syed Ahmad Iqbal Tirmidhi
33:16on the occasion of
33:20I would like to say
33:24the torment of this earth
33:26used to descend from the heavens
33:28the torment of this earth
33:30used to descend from the heavens
33:32where it was not good
33:34before Syed-e-Laulag.
33:36Had it not been for
33:40Had it not been for
33:44in this world
33:46nothing would have been good.
33:48There would have been
33:50strong electricity,
33:52there would have been
33:54turbulent sunlight.
33:56In this world,
33:58there would have been
34:00no good city.
34:02In these two worlds,
34:04there would have been
34:06no good city.
34:08In these two worlds,
34:10there would have been
34:12no good city.
34:14The ship that
34:16Ahmad is in,
34:18belongs to Ahl-e-Bayt.
34:20There would have been
34:22no good city.
34:24May Allah bless us all.
34:26We will meet tomorrow.
34:28We will include the words
34:30of Shahzad Liaqat.
34:36May we be able to touch
34:40the hands of
34:50May we rise up
34:52for the sake of
34:56the Messenger of Allah.
35:02It was not possible
35:14for us to touch
35:18the hands of
35:22the Messenger of Allah.
35:30It was not possible
35:32for us to touch
35:34the hands of
35:36the Messenger of Allah.
35:40He has extended his hand
35:46and made it his sight.
35:54He has extended his hand
36:00and made it his sight.
36:12He has drawn the lines
36:20of the Prophet's love.
36:30He has drawn the lines
36:34of the Prophet's love.
36:42And I am the donkey
36:50of the highest station.
36:58I am the Prophet's helper.
37:06And I am the donkey
37:08of the highest station.
37:10I am the Prophet's helper.
37:14And I am the donkey
37:20of the highest station.
37:26And I am the donkey
37:34of the highest station.
37:42May we rise up
37:46for the sake of
37:50the Messenger of Allah.
38:12May we rise up
38:14for the sake of
38:16the Messenger of Allah.
