• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Credo che in questo momento, anche se la congiuntura magari potrebbe sembrare non favorevole e ci sono situazioni di criticità, i valori del rapporto tra Stati Uniti, Italia ed Europa vanno riaffermati: valori di democrazia e di libertà, che nascono oltre 80 anni fa, quando i giovani americani sono venuti in Europa a liberarci dal nazifascismo”. Lo ha detto Roberto Sgalla, direttore del Centro studi americani, in occasione dell’incontro “Le relazioni transatlantiche: nuove prospettive e sfide”, organizzato a Roma dal Parlamento Europeo in collaborazione con il Csa - Centro studi americani.


00:00The American Center for Studies, together with the representatives of the European Parliament in Italy,
00:10organized this event, this conference on transatlantic relations,
00:16not only because it is one of the themes that the Center for Studies has in its mission,
00:23precisely to strengthen relations between Italy and the United States,
00:27because I believe that at this moment, even if the conjuncture may seem unfavorable,
00:33there may be critical situations, the values of the relationship between the United States, Italy and Europe must be reaffirmed.
00:40Values of democracy, of freedom.
00:42As has been said today in the Convention, these values ​​were born more than 80 years ago,
00:47when young Americans came to Europe to free us from Nazi fascism.
00:53Therefore, I believe that the Center for Studies, together with various institutions,
00:59among which the European Parliament, is today the candidate to host a moment of reflection
01:04with parliamentarians, stakeholders, journalists, vice-presidents of the Confindustria,
01:09to reason not only about the present, the moment, the here and now,
01:14but how instead to work to strengthen relations and relations between the United States, Europe and Italy.
