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๐ŸŒˆ Hey guys! It's Haley here. Welcome back to another Roblox video on my channel. In today's video I talk about Everything YOU NEED To Do BEFORE The SPRING UPDATE In A FEW WEEKS! | ROBLOX Dress to Impress
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Hi! I am callmehhaley. I am a ROBLOX Royale High Youtuber. I make content based off of the ROBLOX game, Royale High. I also have a second channel, HaleyPlaysRBLX where I play different Roblox games besides Royale High. On this channel, I mainly post trolling videos, diamond farming tips, trading tips, outfit hacks, zodiac sign trends, and trendy tik tok hacks. I also do Royale High photo shoots on my Instagram and Twitter! I hope you enjoy what I post!
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00:00Hey Crayon Bears, it's Hailey here. Welcome back to another Dress To Impress video. In today's video,
00:04I am going to be showing you guys things that you need to do before the next big update in
00:08Dress To Impress and also an updated farming tutorial on how to get a bunch of money in
00:13Dress To Impress. I am very excited because they said that there's going to be a big update coming
00:17soon. We don't know what it is yet, but I wanted to just show how to farm and all these other
00:22things just in case it comes a little bit sooner than we think, but also just so you can be prepared
00:26ahead of time even if it doesn't come as soon as we think. So let's go ahead and get into the video.
00:31So I did make a farming video like tutorial thing in December or maybe it was like January. It was
00:36like near the end or beginning of 2025 and that was only a couple months ago basically, but I
00:42wanted to make an updated version because ever since Style Showdown came out, I found that
00:46Style Showdown is kind of a better way to farming in my opinion. I've noticed that you do get money
00:53and also stars at the end of every game if you win. So I feel like it'd be really good to use
00:59Style Showdown to get money and everything, which I'll get into later in the video, but right now I
01:05just want to talk about like the other things. So one way that you can farm if you don't like
01:10Style Showdown obviously is you can just pick up money around free play mode in an empty or
01:15server or in a private server I suggest. And also another thing I suggest getting is the two times
01:21money game pass. It is pretty expensive, but I think it is worth it. 400 robux for it and you get
01:28two times the money. I think it's really worth it. I have 31,000 cash on my alt account and I don't
01:34really buy money on here. So I think I've been getting a lot of money without even trying and
01:39it is because I have the two times money game pass. So I really suggest doing that. It would
01:44help a lot by just going into a private server and using either the death drop pose, which is from
01:51the pop culture pose pack to be on the floor, or you can use the sew julia pose from the brat
01:57update to pick up the money. It's easier to pick it up like this. And another thing you can do to
02:02you know pick up the pace a little bit is to also buy if you don't have it the walk speed game pass.
02:07If you don't have any of these game passes though, I do stream every Saturday and I give away game
02:11passes. So stay tuned for those streams. Obviously they are a lot of fun and I try to give away as
02:16many game passes as I can to people. So if you don't have them and you can't buy any of them or
02:22you're not allowed to, just try to join my streams every Saturday. Anyways this is one of the best
02:27ways to farm like I said is just to go in a free play server. But another way that I find really
02:32fun to farm is to go to a farming server. If you have the dress to impress discord you're able to
02:38go into these farming servers, which you can find in the about section right here. It says community
02:43server. You can join the discord server through this. You can see there's a whole channel for just
02:48going to farming servers. So basically what farming servers are is you have to always give everyone in
02:55the server five stars and then they will do the same back to you, which will get you money in the
02:59long run. But also you can farm four stars which is also another important thing you need to do
03:04before an update comes out in dress to impress because they recently just introduced rewards
03:10for ranking up. And if you hover over some of these like the fashion goddess you can see that
03:16there's a reward coming soon. We don't know how soon but it's best to just prepare ahead of time
03:21and start farming for this reward already. I don't even have top model yet so I need to definitely
03:26hop into these farming servers to get this robe. I'm just getting impatient. I also don't even have
03:31runway diva yet on this account. I'm very close though I can't wait to get to that. But yeah so
03:36I think that if you need any of those rewards for ranking up like those items a best way to do that
03:43is by obviously going to farming servers and while you're in the farming servers go around the map
03:47like I am right now and pick up money because you don't even really have to make a cute outfit or
03:52anything in farming servers because they're just going to give you five stars no matter what. So
03:57you might as well just go around and pick up money and I'm not even doing it the right way let me do
04:01this so Julia pose here. But yeah so that is what you need to do if you'd like to that's just a
04:05choice but if you're not able to go into farming servers I recommend just going into pro servers
04:11or higher because they usually vote fairly same with VIP servers if you have VIP usually they
04:17vote fairly but that's not even guaranteed so just keep that in mind but maybe you can ask them like
04:22hey can we turn this into a farming server and then see if they're okay with it and if they're
04:26not then just hop to the next server so that is what you could do. Another thing is style showdown
04:31which I'm gonna get into now because you can get stars and money for winning in style showdown and
04:36if you have friends to play with who will help you level up and get to first place in every single
04:42game then you should be good honestly like you would get first all the time especially with
04:47friends and another thing I suggest is if you do go into style showdown make sure to try to make
04:53the server a minimum of six players try to go into a server where there's only six players because
04:58then you won't have as long of a game as you would if it was 10 players you only have to play for
05:03maybe a total like 15 minutes in total or something and then you already get to see who the winners
05:09are and if you're playing with friends then you might win you can see here this server has eight
05:13players I'm gonna sit in here and wait and see if there will be less people it seems like a lot of
05:18people are waiting here so let's see come on come on only six players only six players please
05:24so I have a clip from my stream from like a couple weeks ago here and I actually won in
05:31this stream so I wanted to show what it looks like when you win if you haven't before or you
05:35haven't since you've gotten like the whole set that came out with the update when I win I get
05:40100 stars and 200 plus money so that's honestly a lot of stars and if you win like just 10 times
05:48you'll go up a thousand stars so you could get like all of the rank items and all of the new
05:54rank items if they'll potentially come out in this next big update when you win like a bunch
05:59of times in style showdown I feel like that is the best way to get stars money not so much I
06:04feel like 200 money you could get in like four games of normal dress to impress but I still
06:10think 200 money's good like I think it is still you know not that bad considering you're also
06:16getting 100 plus stars with it and it's for every time you win too so really farming is up to you
06:22my favorite is playing style showdown because I actually really like the game mode I know not
06:26everyone likes the game mode I do think it does give you a lot of stars which is something else
06:30you really have to grind for other than just money so I think that's a win another way you
06:35can obviously grind for stars and money is by going into farming servers so if you're not able
06:40to go into farming servers if you're not allowed to have discord then I just recommend doing style
06:45showdown to get those things because it's still pretty helpful and just playing with your friends
06:49and trying to vote for each other trying to let the other person win every other round if you're
06:53playing with just one person you guys can decide okay every other round I'm gonna be first every
06:57other round you're gonna be first and honestly I know teaming is not allowed in solid showdown or
07:02at least people don't like it but like I mean you gotta do what you gotta do to farm so I think that
07:07honestly would work but if you can't do either the farming server or solid showdown or you don't want
07:13to this what I'm doing right here is probably the best way to get money is just by doing this so
07:19julia post like I said I think those are all the best and then obviously the last one just playing
07:24the game in general just playing on a master server or pro server would probably help you a lot
07:30or even maybe a normal server maybe people won't even realize that you can pick up money in the
07:33normal server so you can have that all to yourself when you play the game and while you're just
07:38dressing up just pick up money as you dress up I tend to forget to pick up money when I dress up
07:42because I'm so focused but like if you just remember the pathing of the money then maybe you
07:46can just start walking around the map in that same pathing as the money so then no matter what you are
07:51picking up money while you're dressing up that could honestly work too just make sure to get the
07:56two times money game pass it's really helpful I mean you don't have to but I really think it is
08:01really helpful and same with getting a private server or just going into an empty free play
08:05server if you prefer to do this method that I'm doing right now but anyways that is really all
08:10my tips I have just make sure to get stars as well it's the only difference I really have for
08:16farming in dress to impress now because the fact that we have all these item rewards now I think
08:22they're going to probably add more in the future like glamour elite fashion mogul and fashion
08:26goddess don't have a reward and some of these other rewards here like rising star aspiring model
08:32fashionista glamourista fashion maven all those like earlier ranks don't have rewards either so
08:38they'll definitely add those too but those are kind of easier to farm for I'm sure we're all
08:42those but the ones you really probably have to worry about is obviously glamour elite fashion
08:47mogul and fashion goddess so anyways thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you
08:52guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like and subscribe for daily roblox videos and I will
08:56see you guys tomorrow bye care bears
