Today Tyler & Snowi jump into the WORLD'S BIGGEST JELLO POOL in ROBLOX! 💪😱 Can we make it all the way to the top? This NEW ROBLOX GAME has SO MANY FUNNY MOMENTS !! 👉Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like 👍 if you enjoyed!
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#funnymoments #roblox #cartoon
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#funnymoments #roblox #cartoon
00:00Hey Snowy, we got another package today!
00:04Let me get some more red jello!
00:06Uh, yeah? How did you get it right?
00:09We've been getting jello deliveries all week!
00:12Look how much jello we have now!
00:15Oh yeah, seems like more jello than we usually order.
00:19I wonder why we keep getting jello in the mail?
00:22Wait, someone's ringing the doorbell!
00:25What the jello deliveries?
00:29I got a special delivery here, 2,000 pounds of jello!
00:34But we didn't order any jello!
00:36Uh, don't tell me I got the wrong address.
00:38Isn't this 23 South Roblox Way?
00:41No, sorry, this is 23 North Roblox Way!
00:45Oh, uh, that's kind of awkward. I'll be on my way then.
00:47Wait a second, Tyler.
00:49I'm pretty sure 23 South Roblox Way is the town pool!
00:53Oh yeah, you're right, Snowy, that is the pool!
00:56I wonder why they're ordering so much jello?
00:59There must be a party or something!
01:00Let's go check it out!
01:02Yeah, we can go swimming while we're there!
01:04Here we are, Snowy!
01:06We made it to the town pool!
01:07It's right beyond that hill and...
01:10What the?!
01:11Look, Snowy!
01:12It looks like the pool's been filled with red jello!
01:16So that's why they're ordering so much!
01:19Oh my gosh, Snowy!
01:20We gotta go over there and swim in the jello pool!
01:23This is gonna be so cool!
01:25I have always dreamed about jumping into a pool filled with jello!
01:30Whoa, look, Snowy!
01:32How high up does this diving board go?
01:35That's the highest diving board I've ever seen!
01:37I'll race you to the top, Tyler!
01:40Ooh, you're on, Snowy!
01:41First person at the very top gets to jump in the giant jello pool!
01:47Look at it, Snowy!
01:48Look at it in all its glory!
01:50Filled with red jello!
01:52This is gonna be so fun!
01:54Guys, we're gonna need your help to get to the top of this ladder!
01:57So hit the like button right now if you haven't already!
02:01Yeah, guys, we can only get to the top if you hit the like button!
02:05Ooh, once I jump in there, I'm gonna eat the whole thing!
02:08Not if I eat it first!
02:10I don't know about you, Snowy, but I brought a spoon to the pool!
02:14Why did you bring a spoon?
02:16Because you never know when you're gonna need a spoon at the public pool!
02:20Trust me, Snowy, it's a long story!
02:23Oh my gosh, Snowy, look how high up we are already!
02:26This would already be the highest high dive ever!
02:29You can see another diving board down there, and it's so puny compared to this!
02:33This is gonna take forever, Tyler!
02:36Hey, what's this?
02:37Would you like to buy push?
02:39Oh my gosh, I think I can push Snowy out of the way!
02:41Here we go!
02:43What the? Why am I falling off?
02:47I'm gonna get to the top before you, Snowy!
02:49Hey, Tyler!
02:52You know I can get you back, right?
02:55No, you can't, Snowy!
02:56You gotta go-
02:58Why did I explode?
03:01I don't know, that's weird!
03:02That wasn't even me!
03:03Guys, I'm not even halfway, and look how high up I am right now!
03:07This is insane!
03:08That's it, guys!
03:10I know what I have to do!
03:11I have to buy the rocket launcher so I can explode Snowy back!
03:16I know you're up that ladder somewhere, Snowy!
03:18Let's see, guys!
03:19I can fire rockets at the ladder!
03:21Oh my gosh, this is so cool!
03:22But I think I need to get higher up in order to get Snowy.
03:25Tyler, this is so crazy up here!
03:28You'll never catch up to me!
03:30Oh yeah?
03:31Well, I'm buying a speed coil and I can catch up easy!
03:35Yes, speed coil!
03:36I'm going up so much faster!
03:38Oh my gosh, I can't wait to jump in that pool!
03:40Whoa, look at Tyler's icon on the bar up here!
03:42He's moving super fast!
03:45I'm coming up on you, Snowy!
03:47I see you up there!
03:48I'm gonna get you with my rocket launcher!
03:50Oh no, I see Tyler down there!
03:52And he's on his way!
03:53No, no, no!
03:54Okay, guys, Snowy is right there!
03:56Let me just get the rocket launcher and...
03:59Wait, what happened?
03:59No, it said I shot it!
04:00Come on, come on!
04:01There she is and...
04:03Let's go!
04:03No, I missed!
04:04Having a little trouble down there, Tyler?
04:07Come on, come on!
04:08Wait, Snowy, stop!
04:09Stop for a second!
04:11How about this?
04:13Oh no, no, I fell!
04:14No, what is going on?
04:16Why did I fall?
04:17I like skydived off of it!
04:19Come on!
04:19Oh, Tyler, you'll never get me back!
04:23What else can I do to get Snowy back?
04:25Hey, there's a troll menu!
04:27I could get kill, fling, explode, freeze...
04:30Oh my gosh, okay, I'm gonna buy freeze
04:32and then I'm gonna catch up to Snowy
04:34and then get her with the rocket!
04:35Wait, no, I froze myself!
04:36No, dang it!
04:37Tyler, I'm almost to the top!
04:39Where even are you?
04:41Hold on, Snowy, I'm frozen in place right now!
04:45Hold on!
04:46Okay, how to reset?
04:47Let me actually do this right.
04:48I have to find Snowy on this thing.
04:50Where is Snowy?
04:51Where is Snowy?
04:52Guys, Tyler cannot get high up!
04:55I don't know why!
04:56Wait, what's going on?
04:57Why am I frozen?
04:58I'm like stuck in this ice cube!
05:00I can't even move!
05:01What do you mean you're frozen, Snowy?
05:03What are you talking about?
05:04Why does it look like you're getting way higher up,
05:06way faster?
05:09I finally got it to work!
05:10Now you have to wait for me!
05:12Wait, you did this?
05:13It's blocking the ladder and everyone's stuck below me!
05:17I'm catching up to you, Snowy!
05:19And I'm coming up to you with my rocket launcher!
05:22Okay, guys, Snowy is right there.
05:24I'm getting super close and I got my rocket launcher.
05:27Snowy, are you still frozen?
05:28Let's get her with the rocket!
05:30Oh, no!
05:31Why am I falling?
05:32Come on!
05:33At least I have a parachute.
05:35Oh, whoa, whoa!
05:36I can use my parachute to get back on the ladder.
05:38Come on, and...
05:39No, why can't I get back on the ladder?
05:42I love how you just can't get up here, Tyler.
05:45I don't know why it's not letting me go back on the ladder.
05:47I'm literally right up against it.
05:49I'm trying to grab it with my teeth.
05:50No, I'm falling down!
05:52Okay, guys, I was able to get on the ladder.
05:54And what's this?
05:55Buy now for 59 Robux.
05:57Oh, I can get a grapple hook!
05:59Oh, my gosh, I can just grapple my way all the way to the top.
06:02No, Snowy, did you just fling me?
06:04Did you just fling me?
06:06No, I'm so far away from the ladder now!
06:10My parachute doesn't help at all.
06:12Wait, I have the grapple hook now.
06:15Grapple me back!
06:16Oh, man!
06:17There's no way you can catch up to me, Tyler.
06:20Okay, guys, I got my grapple hook.
06:22Let me grapple my way all the way up.
06:24Come on.
06:25Look, yo, yo, check it out!
06:26Okay, this thing is OP!
06:28I can just grapple all the way to the top!
06:30Guys, I can kind of start to see the top over there.
06:32Whoa, what the heck?
06:33Tyler, I know you're behind this!
06:36I don't know what you're talking about, Snowy.
06:39Guys, I was having too much trouble aiming my rocket at Snowy.
06:44It's too hard, so I just exploded her from the troll menu.
06:47Where are you, Tyler?
06:48I need to catch up to you and pull you down.
06:51Can I even explode these people that are, like, right next to me?
06:55Oh, I just exploded myself!
06:58Hey, Snowy, I'm zooming on by you!
07:01I don't think so, Tyler, because I'm gonna push you down!
07:05Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no!
07:07I belly flopped on the pavement!
07:08I was trying to aim for the jello!
07:10Okay, guys, what other trolls do we have here while I'm on my way up there?
07:14Wait, I could jump scare Snowy?
07:16Let's see what that looks like!
07:17Guys, I'm halfway up, and look!
07:19I still can't even see the top!
07:21This is crazy!
07:23What else can I buy to help me?
07:25Let's see.
07:25Oh, my gosh!
07:26What the heck?
07:27That's scary!
07:28Get that thing off my screen!
07:30What was it, Snowy?
07:31What's on your screen?
07:32There is some scary girl!
07:34I don't know how I got there!
07:35Wait a second, Tyler!
07:37Did you scare me?
07:39Uh, no!
07:40What do you mean, Snowy?
07:42Maybe I scared you, because it's scary how fast I'm getting to the top of this thing!
07:46Oh, no, guys, I really need to get a lot faster!
07:49How can I do that?
07:50I'm gonna buy a speed coil, then I can get up to Tyler in no time!
07:54Oh, yeah?
07:55Well, I can buy a jet pack!
07:57It's super OP and super expensive, but it's gonna get me to the top super fast!
08:01Oh, I got the jet pack!
08:02Let's go, jet pack!
08:04Wait, why am I falling?
08:05Why am I falling?
08:06Hold on, I need to get used to how to use this jet pack!
08:08Whoa, guys, look at the pool down there!
08:11Why can't I jet pack over the pool from here?
08:13Tyler, I see you acting all weird up there!
08:16I'm having technical difficulties, Snowy!
08:19It's really hard to control this jet pack!
08:22Oh, my gosh, guys, this thing is having some difficulty right now!
08:26I'm really just trying-
08:27Ah, what the heck?!
08:28I think my jet pack exploded, Snowy!
08:31That's what happens when you try to cheat your way to the top, Tyler!
08:35Yeah, Snowy, that's the last time I order a jet pack off of Demo!
08:40Okay, guys, the jet pack was terrible, but what about the laser gun?
08:44Okay, usually, laser guns are better than the rockets, even though it's less expensive!
08:49Let's see here, guys, I bought the laser gun!
08:52I'm buying everything in this game!
08:53Hey, Snowy, where are you?
08:55I wanna show you something cool!
08:56Uh, I'm nowhere, Tyler!
08:59Hey, Snowy, I see you, I see you!
09:01Let me show you something!
09:02I bought something really cool, and I think you're gonna like it!
09:05It's a pool toy for the jello pool!
09:07Ooh, I wanna see!
09:08Okay, guys, all I gotta do is take my laser gun and aim and fire!
09:15No, it was a trick!
09:17I should have known not to trust you, Tyler!
09:20It just disintegrated you, Snowy!
09:22Oh, my gosh, no!
09:23Why am I falling?!
09:25Dude, I hate how when you fall, you can't get back on the ladder!
09:29That's it, all you are gonna get laser zapped!
09:31All you are gonna get laser zapped!
09:33Hey, Tyler, let's climb to the top and fling anyone that gets in our way!
09:37Okay, Snowy, good idea!
09:39Like how this person's already in my way, and I get him with the laser gun!
09:42I get him with the laser gun!
09:43Hold on, hold on, I'm trying to get him with the laser gun!
09:46They're still moving!
09:48Why is it so hard?!
09:50Tyler, you stink at that!
09:52I know!
09:52Why don't you get a laser gun to help me, Snowy?
09:54It's okay, I got this!
09:55Look, I just got knuckles, too!
09:56I'll just pull them down with my bare hands!
09:59Hey, Snowy, get zapped!
10:02No, Tyler, I just got up to you!
10:05I'm gonna have to find a better way to get up there!
10:08Maybe I can find this flying cloud!
10:10That sounds reliable!
10:11Look at this, Snowy, you're the only one that's all the way at the bottom!
10:15Everybody else is all the way up here!
10:17That is so lame!
10:19But guess what, Tyler?
10:20Not for long!
10:21I'm coming!
10:23Whoa, I'm riding a cloud right now, like a skateboard!
10:26Whoa, look how fast Snowy's going!
10:29Oh my gosh, Snowy, how are you going so fast?
10:31That's way faster than the speed coil!
10:33It's the power of nature, Tyler!
10:36What are you talking about, Snowy?
10:37Power of nature?
10:38You gotta go to the bathroom or something?
10:40No, Tyler, the cloud!
10:42What cloud?
10:43I'm looking at clouds all around me!
10:45Whoa, speaking of clouds, I am so high up right now, I'm starting to be above the clouds!
10:50Hey, Tyler, is that you?
10:52It looks like you're a tiny speck of green right now!
10:55Where, Snowy?
10:56I don't see anyone but myself!
10:58Oh my gosh, guys, it's kind of windy up here!
11:00This is scary!
11:02Hey, Tyler, I'm gonna pass you!
11:04What the, I see you, Snowy!
11:06Oh my gosh, you passed me!
11:08No, no, no, I'm gonna get you with the laser gun, I'm gonna get you with the laser gun!
11:12No way, not when I'm on this cloud!
11:14Oh my gosh, that cloud is super OP!
11:17No, guys, Snowy's gonna make it to the top before me!
11:20And I'm gonna get into that giant pool of jello and eat all of it before you can jump in!
11:25That's it, guys, I'm gonna have to bring out the jetpack!
11:28Ow, ow, ow, my face!
11:30Whoa, hold on, hold on, I gotta get the hang of this thing!
11:33Oh, here we go, Snowy, I'm gonna pass you with my jetpack!
11:37No way, the cloud's better!
11:39Wait, why am I falling?
11:40This stuff is weird!
11:41Ow, ow, ow, ow, I keep hitting the ladder!
11:44Yeah, Snowy, these things barely work right!
11:46Yeah, I'm like flying upside down right now!
11:50I think I'm getting to the top!
11:52Is this thing even working?
11:54It looks like it is, there's fire coming out!
11:56Oh my gosh, Snowy, I see you, I see you, I see you!
11:58Whoa, look how high up we are, Snowy!
12:01Whoa, I can see the top from here!
12:04I've never seen the top this close before!
12:06Oh my gosh, we're so close, and I'm gonna pass you!
12:09I'm gonna get there before you!
12:10Let's go, let's go, let's go!
12:12Come on in, ow!
12:13No, no, I hit the...
12:15No, no!
12:16I totally thought you were gonna get there before me, but now I'm here!
12:20I just need to land this thing!
12:23No, I just hit the bottom of the thing!
12:26Okay, guys, hold on, hold on, I caught myself!
12:29I caught myself with my head on this ladder!
12:31I just can't look down, or...
12:34Oh my gosh, I'm so high up!
12:35Oh no, oh no!
12:37I'm spinning out of control, I'm spinning!
12:40Oh no, oh no!
12:40Okay, okay, I was able to catch myself with my jetpack!
12:44Hold on!
12:45Okay, I made it to the very, very top!
12:47Are you ready, guys?
12:48Look at it, it's all the way down there!
12:51I'm gonna jump!
12:54No, no!
12:56I got exploded, and I just made it to the top!
13:00Sorry, Snowy, but I told you to wait for me!
13:04No, it's Tyler, that took like two weeks to get up there!
13:09Yeah, Snowy, I've been climbing since like a week ago, this is crazy!
13:13But I see how fast you're going up now that you have your cloud!
13:16Yeah, it's not so bad having to go up again!
13:19Why don't we pull a truce, and then we can jump off at the same time!
13:23All right, Snowy, you have a deal, I'm almost to the very top anyway!
13:27Here we go, guys, I'm almost there, and oh my gosh!
13:31I was climbing up the wrong side the entire time!
13:35Guys, you know that feeling when you climb up the wrong side of the ladder in Roblox?
13:40Well, this is the worst possible game you could do that in!
13:43Oh my gosh, Tyler, I can't believe you did that!
13:46That's all right, Snowy, I still have my grapple hook!
13:49Now, if I grapple my way over to that umbrella over there...
13:53Yo, we got it, we got it!
13:57I'm right behind you, Tyler, but wait for me!
13:59Don't jump off without me, promise?
14:02Aw, yeah!
14:03Yeah, Snowy, don't worry, I promise!
14:06We have to both jump off of the highest one in the entire game, all the way down into the jello!
14:14Guys, look how far down the jello is, that is insane!
14:17Hey, Snowy!
14:18Hey, Tyler, now let's jump off of this thing!
14:21But I'm a little scared to jump off of this one, because it's the highest one,
14:25and look how high up we are!
14:27I might want to jump off the second tallest one,
14:30or maybe even the shortest one that's all the way down here!
14:33No, what the heck?!
14:35No, hold on!
14:37This isn't what was supposed to happen!
14:40No, Tyler!
14:43Hold on, Snowy, okay, hold on!
14:46Wait, there's a button that says go to the top!
14:48What is this?
14:48Oh, okay, I can teleport back up here!
14:50Yeah, it doesn't matter if you're just a little bit higher, it's still super crazy high up!
14:56Okay, I'm not gonna risk actually falling all the way back down there again,
15:00because that was way too close!
15:02Let's get ready to jump off this thing, Snowy, you ready?
15:05I'm ready!
15:06But guys, before we jump off, if you haven't already,
15:10make sure to subscribe to the Tyler and Snowy channel!
15:13Yeah, guys, if you haven't subscribed yet, then what are you doing?
15:17We can't jump off until they subscribe, Snowy!
15:20They're hitting subscribe!
15:22You ready for this?
15:23I'm ready for this!
15:25Let's go!
15:28Whoa, oh my gosh, this is so cool!
15:32Look out!
15:35This is so extreme!
15:36Aim for the jello, Tyler!
15:38Aim for the jello, Snowy, aim for the jello pool!
15:43Tyler, he hit it and then he bounced off!
15:46Okay, I'm sticking the landing!
15:48Tyler, this is the bounciest jello I've ever seen!
15:51Wait, why is it so bouncy for you, Snowy?
15:53It's not bouncy for me!
15:55Whoa, I see you bouncing!
15:57Like, why am I going so high up right now?
16:00This is crazy!
16:02Why are you so bouncy, Snowy?
16:03I'm not even that bouncy!
16:05Uh-oh, Tyler, I think it's the jello curse!
16:09Well, that's okay, Snowy, I'm gonna be down here eating this entire pool of jello!
16:14And check it out, guys!
16:15Mr. Quackers is here with me!
16:18It's a duck!
16:19So, where are you, Snowy?
16:21Where did you land?
16:22Okay, I landed finally not on the jello!
16:25That was so bouncy, I didn't expect that!
16:28Come on, Snowy, let's go in the pool of jello!
16:30There we go!
16:32I made you fling back!
16:34I was so close to finally eating the jello and you flung me!
16:38Get back here, Tyler!
16:40Tyler, get ready to get shived!
16:43Finally, we've made it to the jello promise land!
16:47What the...
16:47Did you just fling me, Snowy?
16:49Yeah, Tyler, it's a jello fight!
16:52Well, I brought a laser gun to this jello fight!
16:55Get lasered!
16:57Oh, no!
16:58Guys, we're gonna be having a...
16:59Wait, Tyler!
17:01Guys, I'm gonna be eating this giant pool filled with jello all day long!
17:07While Snowy's working on getting back here,
17:10you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now!
17:13And hit the like button if you haven't already!
17:17See ya!