Trolling Strategies YOU should start using in Roblox Rivals..
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00:00Are you tired of playing arena 24 7 or coming up against the same strategies and using the same loadouts?
00:05I'm gonna show you all different types of troll strategies on all different maps
00:09As we'll only be using the troll strategies when they least expect it. So we're gonna start off with bridge map
00:15All right. So for the first few rounds, we're just gonna play normally so he does not expect anything
00:20I've changed my avatar to a troll just to give them a little extra hint that we are a troll
00:25So we're just gonna play like a bar play normally play the default loadout
00:29So we go about three rounds up and things are gonna change for the worst
00:36Now this guy thinks he's gonna troll me at that freeze ray i'm gonna make him waste it watch
00:41Oh, there's the waste of the freeze ray. Oh, he froze himself. Oh, thank you
00:45Added on to an unintentional troll right there, bro. Literally decided to freeze himself
00:50So yeah, i'm gonna go about three rounds up and then we'll start pulling out the troll strategies
00:54But we're gonna give him a couple rounds so he doesn't get too angry and leave the game
00:57All right
00:57So for the first one, it's pretty much my favorite one in the entire game
01:02We're gonna use the flamethrower daggers rise shield and freeze ray
01:06Someone's gonna teach this guy how to use a freeze ray properly
01:09That's gonna be me and you may have seen this one before but basically we want to bait them into the out of bounds
01:14And then we're gonna freeze ray troll them
01:16But the hardest part about them is pathing them into the out of bounds section like an npc
01:20That is the hardest part about this like look at me i'm out of bounds you want to follow me come over here
01:25But surely you want to come out of bounds
01:27You need to get behind me. I put a ride shield buddy
01:30All right, you you enjoy that and now he's dead
01:37He is not falling for that ever again, but don't worry
01:40That's why I went three rounds up because now I have a different plan
01:44I'm gonna blow him outside of the map
01:46So now we need to path him to the edge of the map and he's gonna fly away
01:49He's not gonna expect it this time. He's like no ball. He's just trying to try freeze ray me out of the map
01:54He's gonna try and freeze ray me in out of bounds. Yeah, i'll bounce out the map
01:59And just like that, that's how you troll on bridge
02:03And now it's the awkward stare off in the lobby
02:06I don't think he wants any of it. All right, let's try and get splash
02:10I think we all know why we want a bit of splash. All right, he's using the sniper. That's fine with me
02:15Just let me know what you're gonna do about the right shield
02:17The right shield's literally the biggest sniper counter. You can sit there and snipe me all day, buddy. It don't matter
02:24All right, he's on his way over he's an aggressive player that's perfect
02:27Because we all know
02:29He's going in the void at some point
02:32See shall I give away the strategy first round?
02:35I feel like I shouldn't you know
02:36I feel like I might as well wait until the very last round because if I do it once
02:40He's gonna adapt to it right just gonna make him come over here first
02:45Ha ha ha ha ha
02:49No way bro just got sent straight into the void flashbang minigun, why not?
02:58Is this bastard's a troll
03:00Just sitting there spraying someone down with a minigun. He's pulled out the exact same loadout. That's crazy
03:06All right, you know what watch this all right, it's time we could do the thing now we could do the thing
03:11You know a thing i'm talking about the riot shield freeze ray. We're gonna freeze him into the void comes
03:23Oh, you know, he's mad i'll be mad. All right, let's see if we can get back rooms
03:27Bro, i'm telling you we come off rank for one day and everyone is still spamming around
03:31Bro i'm telling you we come off rank for one day and everyone is still spamming arena 24 7
03:37It's like its own game mode. We're in the back room
03:39So we're gonna be pulling out the gun blade with the slingshot battle axe and the trip mine
03:44We're just gonna blast the trip mine off and away somewhere. It might actually work better on this map
03:48Actually, there you go. Look at that
03:49It's not in the best of locations, but it will do that's why we've got a backup plan and you guys know it
03:54I know it. It's called the gun blade
03:57And then we could just ping away that one he doesn't know where it is he didn't see where I placed it
04:01He does not see this trip mine over here. I feel like i'm not against this guy
04:06Why do I feel like i'm against a monster?
04:11Well, I basically am with that monstrous gameplay sitting in the corner of a flame thrower what's he playing at bro
04:17He said that that was fun. I'll show you fun. How about that?
04:20Yeah, it's just a slight chance that they might walk into it or not
04:23Bro this
04:25This loadout is so broken. All right, hopefully we can throw the trip mine and he'll walk into it else
04:30Ping that one. Oh, we've relocated it. Does he walk into it? No, he's so close
04:35And again, I can dodge his rpgs with my uh gun blade though. Watch this
04:41Okay, try again. Go on try again. Oosh and do it again do it again. Oosh
04:46And again
04:48Oosh and again, yeah, just keep firing your rpgs jump over his rocket
04:56Oh, I don't think I jumped over his rocket that time
05:05We actually got him with the trip mine, oh we got him
05:09Ha ha ha ha ha
05:13Oh, look at that, that's really good placement on either side of that pole. It's gg. Yeah
05:22He was like flying
05:25All right, let's try and get construction
05:27Oh, he's voting arena. You know what? I'm just gonna have to get this over and done with as quick as possible
05:32I'm tired of these arena voters
05:37That's your problem not mine, I don't even want to play this map
05:43I'm gonna go. Let's do it. Let's shoot back. We're gonna war ride around the entire map
05:51Probably he's probably never seen anything like it who does this?
05:54We actually won by war riding around the entire map. I'll tell you what we can do though
05:58We can pull out the riot shield with some mines place them around here
06:04Now we wait for him to walk into them
06:07Oh, he's literally pixels away from it
06:11Unlucky can we get a tanker in the box for a trip mine?
06:15All right, we got construction. So for the first round we're gonna do the absolute classic
06:20Just blow them into the void with the flamethrower. This is one of the most open maps
06:24So the chances of it working is pretty high. We're gonna use the flamethrower with the battleaxe
06:29and the war
06:34Okay, well
06:35Hold up a minute
06:38Oh, he's got a scythe he's resisting I don't think it's gonna work against this player
06:42So we'll have to switch it up. Don't worry. I've got other plans
06:49All right, he's got the scythe he's not gonna fall for it
06:51We're gonna use something that worked against nemesis players the flashbang
06:55There's a slight chance that they might fall off the edge of the map or in one of those holes down there
07:00I've done this against some of the highest ranks in the entire game
07:08Granny's into the void. Like I said, i've got other plans other strategies. I don't rely on one. That's the thing i'm unpredictable
07:15He said nah, gg
07:18Oh, he's left the game. See can't handle it. So can I show you a glitch on crossroads? No, thanks
07:24Bro takes this game far too serious
07:26So, uh, all that means we have to sort them out show him what a bit of fun is for once in his life
07:31Show you a glitch it's my aim. It's a glitch in the matrix. I'll show you my aim. How about that?
07:35I said, are you sure you don't want to see the glitch very sure?
07:39All right, try hard bro. If you want to go take the game serious just play rank
07:44I said what about now?
07:47I'm, just trolling this guy still sure he's still short guys
07:53Oh now still sure brah sway he had that typed already. Well, it is what it is
07:57I mean, he doesn't want to see the glitch guys. All right
07:59So for the last round i'm just gonna pick his head off with a sniper
08:05Just like that, can I show you something you can get underneath the map, right?
08:08You know what? I knew it would work against this guy jump on that. Is he gonna fall for it?
08:14You missed what that wasn't supposed to work like that
08:18It actually worked as I try again, right? Let's see, bro. I'm feeling that i'm actually gonna end up trolling this guy
08:24Go on go for it get on the block right here
08:28This one right here, can you not see them?
08:32What are you doing and you not see the blocks my guy is completely missing what is going on
08:38No, I guess let's play. What is he on about?
08:41Can he not see the blocks?
08:43Fine, then he said let's play. Let's play. Has he got those settings where you just can't see anything whatsoever?
08:48No textures. You just see me
08:50We're gonna swap the trowel with a knife instead and we're gonna do the backstab method the freeze rate backstab method
08:56Will never let you down
09:01Just like this see
09:03And we made him touch some grass. All right, we're gonna vote onyx and we're gonna be using the bow shorty
09:10Ride shield and freeze ray now if we end up freeze raying them into the lava, they take some extra damage
09:16So that is the plan. He's probably gonna be upset about me using a ride shield
09:20If it goes into the void, let's charge our bow
09:23So he didn't fall in the lava this time but
09:26You know what we can do we can keep our ride shield towards him charge up our bow max
09:31Turn around and smack him one and we'll just keep going back to him. There we go
09:35He shoot our bright shield and we just charge our bow turn around
09:38And he's just jumped off because he can't handle it
09:42That's the exact reason why I split up. Oh, I think that was a flame fry. So it's fine flame throw me all you want g
09:49How about you go into that? How about you go down there?
09:51Another 72 damage and he's dead. I think he's a bit upset about it now that lol
09:57It's not because he's fighting funny. It's to hide the pain. All right, watch this then
10:00Let's see what his flame throw does when I pull out a minigun smoke grenade
10:11I think that kind of worked
10:15He said lol
10:17Bro you need to okay. Well when they start saying stuff like that, that's when you know, they're not very happy about these strategies