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00:00I asked you for the craziest, funniest, and most broken strategies of Roblox rivals.
00:06And today, we're gonna be putting them to the test.
00:08From insane trolls, to game-breaking tricks, are we actually able to pull these off?
00:14Well, let's find out.
00:16Starting with, use the flamethrower to blow them out of bounds, and then freeze ray them.
00:22Now, these are the sort of trolls that has my name on it.
00:25All right, so we need to try and win the vote.
00:27Docs, please don't vote Arena.
00:29Come on, don't do me like this.
00:31Okay, bro, everyone's still voting Arena, no matter what.
00:35Okay, so the loadout we're gonna try and do this with is the flamethrower,
00:38the spray, just in case they pull out the riot shield,
00:41and then the riot shield itself, and then the freeze ray.
00:44I just heard them pull out a sniper, so good luck with that.
00:49I mean, the riot shield, I'm glad they added it, to be honest.
00:52All right, let's just see how long it's gonna take for him to realize what's going on.
00:56I'll stand here all day, every day, I don't care.
00:59Okay, he's just gonna keep throwing molotovs at me.
01:01All right, you know what?
01:02I think I'm gonna have to go 4-0 up, and then try.
01:13So, you know what?
01:14We're just gonna do more damage, and just play by the time.
01:17Oh, we just won with 0.7 seconds left.
01:20I'm surprised he doesn't even know it's me, with all these diamond camos.
01:23Because as you guys know, if a subscriber recognizes me,
01:26you get a free skin case.
01:28So, all he has to say is, uh,
01:29tank is in the server, and that's it.
01:31He wins a skin case.
01:32All right, I'm wasting this guy's time.
01:35That's literally the only thing I'm doing.
01:37I'm wasting this guy's time.
01:38I'm just wasting his time.
01:40I'm just wasting his time.
01:41I'm just wasting his time.
01:42I'm just wasting his time.
01:43I'm just wasting his time.
01:45That's literally the only thing I'm doing right now, is just wasting time.
01:49But I'll waste as much time as I need to get this troll completed.
01:52I'm surprised they don't just leave the game, to be honest.
01:55Oh, he's pulled out the spray.
01:56Yeah, that's right.
01:56He can shoot from a ride shield now.
01:58What a guy.
02:00Didn't think I was in that smoke, did you?
02:02All right, I think it's time we can actually start trying to do it now.
02:04Flamethrower, spray.
02:06All right, since he's using the spray himself,
02:08we're gonna use the battle axe instead, and then freeze ray.
02:11We're just gonna wait for the right moment, you know?
02:13He's gotta go right there, in this area.
02:16It's harder.
02:17The hardest part is getting them in this area, because they're like a bunch of NPCs.
02:21They're like a bunch of zombies that just chase you down non-stop.
02:24It's impossible half the time.
02:25Getting them in this area is just the hardest task, okay?
02:29Especially when they know what's going on.
02:31I'm just gonna wait underneath this bridge until he goes in this area.
02:39He's gone.
02:40He's psyched out.
02:42Oh, nah.
02:43He's got a scythe on, guys.
02:45It's gonna make it so much difficult.
02:48Oh, and he's just jumped out the map,
02:49because he couldn't be bothered playing against me anymore.
02:52He said, can we just get this over and done with?
02:55Yeah, I'm not surprised he jumped out the map.
02:56We're gonna try this again, but with a different approach, okay?
02:59We're gonna just play normally, like a bot.
03:02We're just gonna use the default loadout for the first few rounds.
03:05Well, it's hard to look like a bot when you got diamond camo.
03:07I guess we're using a pistol.
03:09Or fists only, for that matter.
03:10I'm gonna let him have his fun, okay?
03:13Let's let him have his fun, so he doesn't rage quit or give up, all right?
03:17Give them a couple rounds.
03:19Going in grenade only, boys.
03:20We're going in grenade only.
03:21You ready?
03:26What is that?
03:28He failed it.
03:29How did you mess that up?
03:30He messed the backstab up.
03:33Don't make me show you how to do it.
03:34Yeah, I'll show you how it's done, Sunshine.
03:36Yeah, you want me to show you how to backstab?
03:38I'll show you how to backstab.
03:40I'm down to show you how to backstab right now.
03:43Watch this.
03:45Yeah, you're trying to do this?
03:47How's that for you?
03:48All right, it's time to try and do it now.
03:50Flamethrower, spray, riot shield, freeze ray.
03:54Let's see if we can get it done now.
03:55Come on.
03:56We've let him win a couple rounds.
03:58We're on four rounds.
04:00This is the final round.
04:02I know how to do this.
04:03Pop riot shield on the back.
04:04Miss the backstab.
04:05If you ever want to know how to counter backstabs,
04:08put the riot shield on your back.
04:09No life.
04:10Yep, see?
04:11He's like, what?
04:13No one's ever been able to do that to me before, Bo.
04:15All right, I've got an idea.
04:16I'm going to slide backwards.
04:18What's he doing?
04:19Why did he give up?
04:20Why do they keep giving up?
04:22Bro, they just keep giving up.
04:23I can't get this done if they give up every time.
04:26I even gave him some rounds.
04:28A few moments later.
04:30No, please don't lag out.
04:30Please don't lag out.
04:31Please don't lag out.
04:32Bro's playing in school or something.
04:34No, please don't lag out.
04:36Oh, I'm going to snap if he lags out.
04:39Oh, nah, bro.
04:40I don't even think you can eat.
04:43Is he just lagged out?
04:45Bro, I swear to God.
04:50Okay, come on.
04:51I've got it up.
04:54Who am I watching?
04:56What is he doing?
04:56All right, let's just let him win.
04:58I don't know how many rounds
04:59have I meant to let them win exactly
05:01before they just give up.
05:03Look at me on the floor.
05:04It looks like I want to give up.
05:10All right, look at that.
05:10He's on controller sniper.
05:12Okay, he's three rounds up.
05:16Spraying through the smoke.
05:17That's not bait whatsoever, is it?
05:20All right, let's not show my diamond assault rifle.
05:23You might see him think I've got no hope.
05:25No chance.
05:26Are you tanker?
05:28Well, I don't want to tell him just yet.
05:30He'll find out at the end of the match
05:32when he gets a skin case.
05:33If I say I am now,
05:34he's just not going to play the game.
05:37I'm totally up there.
05:40Oh, yeah, you didn't fall for it.
05:44Last round.
05:44He's not going to expect it.
05:46Flamethrower, spray, riot shield, and freeze ray.
05:50Okay, surely he's not going to expect it now.
05:52I'm going to get him down somehow,
05:53and then we're going to blow him out of bounds.
05:58I really wish the freeze ray had two ammo.
06:01That would make things a lot easier.
06:03All right, we've done it.
06:10Troll completed!
06:12And for being a subscriber, he gets a skin case.
06:16Look at my balance when it's going to be completed.
06:18My lucky number.
06:20All right, open up your skin case, my guy.
06:22Open up your skin case.
06:23Come on.
06:23I shouldn't have to tell you.
06:25That's a new one.
06:26I've been called Trincer,
06:28but I've never been called Tacmanee.
06:29I think it's because they get excited and mistype it.
06:33Come on.
06:33Let's see what he gets.
06:34Come on.
06:37Legendary Tripmine!
06:39Is he still convinced I'm Tanker,
06:40even though I'm saying I'm not?
06:42Thanks, Tanker.
06:42I'm a fan.
06:44I said I'm not Tanker.
06:45Is he still convinced or what?
06:47You're literally Tanker.
06:48Okay, he knows.
06:49All right, for the next troll,
06:51you want me to run the entire round.
06:53So basically use anything movement-based
06:56to just run for the entire match.
06:58That sounds like a plan.
07:00All right, I think we want to go for a bigger map.
07:02So let's go for Crossroads.
07:04The bigger the map, the better.
07:06Especially when we're going to be running around.
07:08He wants us to use something movement-based the entire game.
07:11So we'll go with the bow, daggers, trowel, and warhorn.
07:15You know what's better than running?
07:20The reason for the trowel is so we can place blocks
07:22as they chase us down.
07:23Because I'm telling you right now,
07:25once they realize you're running,
07:26they will chase you down non-stop.
07:28You know what's good about Crossroads and the trowel?
07:30We can block off each way.
07:32So if he comes over this way,
07:34we can block him off.
07:35If he comes from this way, we can also block him off.
07:38So now we're just going to wait to see
07:39which way he's going to come from.
07:40Oh, we should probably do some damage first, huh?
07:42We need to do some damage first.
07:44All right, there we go. Perfect.
07:45Now we can run away.
07:46Now we can no longer run away
07:47because he's done more damage.
07:54All right, now we can run away.
07:57I feel like I might have to put a riot shield on my back
07:59because he's got the bow.
08:01He's just going to spam the bow
08:02right in between my butt cheeks.
08:04Let's be honest.
08:04We all know it's going to happen.
08:07Hide behind the wall.
08:09We have portable cover now
08:11and we win the round.
08:13The entire round.
08:14Every split second of the round, we won there.
08:16Let's try and do the riot shield on our back.
08:19Then that way we won't get bow spammed in the back.
08:23We just need to hit it once.
08:25All right, there we go.
08:26We're doing, we're winning it.
08:27Oh, has he got the flamethrower on?
08:28That might be a problem.
08:30That might become a problem.
08:31Yeah, he's got the flamethrower.
08:33He's just going to burn me up.
08:36Right, we need to find something to counter the flamethrower now.
08:39Right, we need to, we need more movement.
08:40We need more movement.
08:41We're going to go with the gun blade.
08:43Um, maybe the trowel?
08:45Nah, the chainsaw and the warhorn.
08:47Oh, I just bought the freeze ray by accident.
08:49It's just muscle memory.
08:50I'm so used to clicking on it.
08:52Get away from me, boy.
08:53He's just chasing me down like a zombie.
08:55We need to put the exit gun on to get rid of the zombies.
09:00No, I need that warhorn, please.
09:02We need the warhorn.
09:03He's just chasing me down.
09:06Non-stop with flamethrower.
09:11We're going.
09:15We need more fuel in the chainsaw.
09:17Slide all the way down here.
09:21Go this way.
09:23Like I said, once they know you're running away, they will chase you.
09:29Bro, this is actually scary.
09:31Get me through here.
09:33I think we made it.
09:35I think we made it.
09:36We're alive.
09:38Oh, why is this harder than it needs to be?
09:41What am I going to do about the flamethrower?
09:43I guess I'm going to have to put on smoke grenade to stop the fire.
09:50I can't see what I'm doing.
09:52All right, I've smacked them once.
09:53I've smacked them twice.
09:53We're going to run.
09:54All right, the gun blade is really good for this.
09:56Switch to the chainsaw.
09:58Go down this hallway.
09:59Use the gun blade.
10:00Yo, this combo is so OP.
10:02I just realized how OP this combo actually is.
10:04And if he tries to flame you, boom!
10:07We're escaping.
10:08We're gone.
10:09He's lost us.
10:10Bro, why is this actually working?
10:12Oh, he's right next to us.
10:14Smoke grenade.
10:17Up the ramp.
10:18It's actually working out.
10:19This combo is insane for running.
10:21Yo, new strategy if you guys would like to use it.
10:24Wait, he actually didn't even do any damage whatsoever this entire round.
10:28That's insane.
10:29Figured it out.
10:33He's using his revolver.
10:35We win the round.
10:37Bro, how has he not left the game yet?
10:39Why would you put up with this?
10:40Like, why?
10:41Oh, he's got his flamethrower on.
10:43He's going to try and freeze ray me.
10:44He's got the freeze ray on.
10:45We're just going to go around in circles.
10:48Yo, if I had the trowel, I could just go around in circles non-stop.
10:52Oh, he's too close.
10:53Oh, he walked past me.
10:54He just walked past me.
10:55Oh my goodness.
10:58He walked past me.
11:00I'm hiding in the smoke, boy.
11:01You can't see me.
11:03That's it.
11:03We should use dead silence to try and hide now.
11:06He doesn't know where I am.
11:08Wait, what if I throw like a fake smoke grenade over there?
11:12Surely he didn't see that, right?
11:14He's going to go over there now.
11:16All right.
11:18I did not expect that, bro.
11:20I did not know he was in there with me.
11:23Bro, it's like a horror movie.
11:24What's going on?
11:25I did not expect that whatsoever.
11:28I think I might lose this round.
11:29I have not done damage.
11:31Oh, no.
11:32Daggers, please.
11:36Wait, what?
11:37How do we win that?
11:39I got an idea.
11:40I have an idea.
11:41What if we hide at the edge of the map with the concrete blocks?
11:44Okay, hold on.
11:44Let me just try this again.
11:47Let's just go hide down here.
11:49I think I'm stuck down here now.
11:51The blocks will eventually despawn.
11:52I don't know how long it takes.
11:55He found me.
11:56I gotta go.
11:57I want to hide at the edge of the map,
11:58but I don't know how long it takes for him to despawn.
12:01I think it might be like 30 seconds.
12:03That's just a guess.
12:04Gotta go.
12:05Gotta go.
12:07Oh, my God.
12:10I think he's waiting for me.
12:11I don't trust him.
12:12All right, let's put a smoke over there.
12:14Let's go hide at the edge of the map now.
12:16I don't know where-
12:16Oh, he's waiting for me.
12:18He knows I'm up to a madness.
12:19I don't know where he is.
12:21I'm going.
12:22What's he doing there?
12:24I tried to go hide at the edge of the map,
12:25and he was waiting for me.
12:27Oh, we actually just won.
12:28There's no way.
12:30I don't want to ever play Crossroads ever again.
12:33That's scary stuff.
12:34All right.
12:34So for the next troll strategy,
12:36he wants us to use the flamethrower,
12:39riot shield,
12:40and the medkit.
12:41And he calls this the most toxic loadout.
12:44Now, I don't know what makes this toxic,
12:46but I'm sure about to find out.
12:49We're gonna be-
12:50We're going to toxic play on arena now.
12:53He's gonna regret voting this map.
12:55Hey, we're gonna stop people voting this map some way or another.
12:58But we're gonna find out what's toxic about this loadout.
13:03Does he have a riot shield counter?
13:06I don't know, but let's find out, shall we?
13:15I would not be happy going against this loadout.
13:17I can't lie.
13:18He's got the spray now.
13:25Oh my goodness.
13:26He still didn't win the round.
13:27And he's using the spray.
13:29The spray is not good enough, buddy.
13:31You can't-
13:31The spray is not gonna stop me with this.
13:33All right.
13:33So let's not use the riot shield.
13:36Straight up use the flamethrower.
13:38Switch to this.
13:39Med up.
13:40And then slingshot.
13:47I think we just gotta basically use this loadout until they start typing something in the chat.
13:52Like, pay to win.
13:54Whatever they say these days.
13:58We can block the slingshots.
14:01Use the medkit.
14:03He's just using the same stuff.
14:04So he can't really say anything at this point.
14:09He's literally just using the exact same loadout now.
14:12So he can't even say anything.
14:14So we're gonna keep going until someone calls us.
14:16Oh, never mind.
14:16He said pay to win.
14:19I love the way he said that when he's using the exact same stuff now.
14:24Not anymore though.
14:29And that's basically the easiest win I think I've ever had in my entire life.
14:34I gotta say that-
14:35That loadout, it requires no skill.
14:38It's not toxic.
14:39It's just no skill.
14:41And he's spamming pay to win.
14:42Because he just knows that required no brain cells whatsoever.
14:46Now for the hardest challenge of them all.
14:48Is to win with a Nemesis account.
14:51With fists only.
14:52In ranked.
14:53All right.
14:54As you can see, I'm on my Nemesis account.
14:56So we're gonna go ahead and queue ranked 1v1.
14:58And if I lose, I'll get deranked.
15:02But it looks like we have our shield active for the day.
15:05So we have two attempts of doing this.
15:07You guys are just making me want to lose my elo.
15:10All he basically said is to win by fists only on a Nemesis account.
15:14What if I have two Nemesis accounts?
15:17You didn't think about that one, did you?
15:21Bro, this is ranked.
15:22Everyone's a complete tryhard or a cheater.
15:25What am I meant to do?
15:28Yo, I need to do more damage or I've lost the round.
15:34Yeah, I mean, what did you expect to happen here?
15:38Yeah, this is gonna go great.
15:41Oh yeah, I absolutely love this challenge guys.
15:44Yeah, I don't know what you guys expected here.
15:56Oh, and he's sweating his balls off.
15:57Bro, nah, this challenge, it's not even possible.
16:01This sole challenge was just to troll me.
16:04Just fight me, dude.
16:05See, even he doesn't even want me to do this.
16:07Because he just knows it's boring to go against.
16:09He's like, this is too easy.
16:11This is freelo.
16:12Well, now that I think about it,
16:15the comment said I didn't have to play ranked.
16:17I'm just assuming I'm gonna play ranked.
16:19My aim is the best.
16:21Yeah, so he's just cheating then.
16:23Oh yeah, this is absolutely fantastic.
16:25He's closet cheating.
16:27Oh, he's not even looking at me.
16:28He's not even looking at me.
16:30Bro, this guy in the chat said, you doing only fist.
16:33So not only did he know it's me, he knows I'm doing fists only.
16:37Who is this guy?
16:38Is this guy in my house?
16:39Yo, is this my dad?
16:40Hold on a minute.
16:41I'm just sad I'm losing my elo at this point.
16:43To be honest, I wasn't really playing.
16:45I wasn't really planning on playing ranked anyways.
16:47So honestly, derank me all you want.
16:49Nemesis to bronze speedrun, I don't care.
16:51Dox is doable.
16:53Dox is actually doable.
16:55Because you've got buildings.
16:56Is he inside?
16:58Oh, he's coming inside.
16:59Warhorn, fist.
17:01Yes, this is doable now.
17:03Okay, finally.
17:04I think this is doable.
17:05This map is the best map for it.
17:08I'm telling you right now, I know Dox inside and out.
17:11Come here, boy.
17:13Come here.
17:16Going in.
17:17Where's he gone?
17:22Okay, he's gonna dash away.
17:29Come here.
17:32Oh, it's 2-2.
17:33Come here.
17:34Okay, some good damage.
17:40Okay, that's good.
17:41That's good.
17:41That's good.
17:42That's good.
17:44Free, free.
17:46A freeze ray is annoying.
17:47What do you want about?
17:48What do you want about freeze rays annoying?
17:51I'm not even able to use a gun.
17:53Your guns are annoying.
17:54How about that?
17:56Okay, please run out of ammo.
17:59Why is he using the freeze ray?
18:03Yo, we just need one more round.
18:05This is insane.
18:06Just one more round and we've completed it on a Nemesis account.
18:11Oh, no.
18:14Come here.
18:16Oh, not again, bro.
18:17Oh, he's just doing the freeze ray backstabby crazy.
18:22Yeah, I'm dead.
18:25I hate this.
18:26All right, on to my next Nemesis account.
18:29We've got 3,671 ELO and we have our daily shield.
18:34So I think this is the account where we can actually do it now.
18:37Bro, he's calling me cringe in the chat.
18:40I'm the one who's cringe?
18:43For having fun and doing a challenge?
18:46Bro said easy.
18:49Let's watch that ELO disappear.
18:51All right, we're now up to 3,650.
18:53Let's keep it going.
18:55Let's keep going.
18:56A cheater up on my rank up game.
18:58You could just win.
19:01You know what?
19:02I could just pretend to be a cheater but like, yeah, bro.
19:04I'm literally cheating right now.
19:06He's just gonna give up for no reason.
19:10Oh, no, he's not giving up.
19:14There's no way.
19:14If it's rank up game, he's not giving up.
19:16He's trolling.
19:17Oh, look at that.
19:19He's actually giving up even though I'm not a cheater.
19:22I said, sorry, dude.
19:23He said, no problem.
19:26Yo, yo, yo, I'm not even a cheater.
19:31I said, thanks, by the way, and I actually mean it.
19:36Oh, yes.
19:38Oh, why didn't I think of that?
19:39He says, would I have a boxing match?
19:42Yes, that would have made things more fair.
19:45Why didn't I go around asking people to do fists only?
19:48But then again, they wouldn't have done it because this guy,
19:50this guy's only doing it because he thought I was a cheater.
19:52Oh, my goodness.
19:53This is perfect.
19:54The script, it's paid off, guys.
19:56The script has paid off.
19:58W script.
20:03Oh, he just knocked him out, mate.
20:05KO'd, bro.
20:07I'm giving this guy a skin case after this.
20:09I'm giving this guy a skin case.
20:11He's just made my life a lot easier by trying to play fair,
20:14and I respect it.
20:16Playing fair, right?
20:17Oh, you gotta respect it.
20:20Plus respect for this guy.
20:22I'll tell you that much.
20:23Bro actually played fair on his rank up game.
20:27Now for playing with integrity, he gets free skin cases.
20:30All right, let's see what he gets.
20:32Hey, I completed the challenge.
20:34But all thanks to this guy for playing with integrity
20:38and not being a little sweatlord in rank,
20:40on his rank up game as well.
20:42So all the best to you on your nemesis grind.
20:46And I think I just finally completed the challenge
20:48because of that.
20:50Best friends right here.
20:51This is my best friend right now.