• 2 days ago
Fortnite Update Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00This next four day update is so crazy that you won't believe me when I say it
00:03We also have a supercharged xp weekend and the free duplicate skin, which i'll show you how to easily unlock five new exotic weapons
00:09That's right
00:09There's gonna be 11 exotics in the game total and then we also have some details on the brand new season of og
00:14Fortnite make sure to watch this whole video because you don't want to miss any of this info
00:17It looks like fortnite is going to be making some very questionable changes in terms of the weapon loot pool
00:22With some very interesting vaults and unvaults which has pros and just players like going. Huh?
00:27What we're gonna go over those in just a second, but let's go ahead and uh
00:31Talk about a bunch of awesome things that are going to be coming to the game here
00:34New updates and uh all that because there is a lot so make sure to watch this whole video
00:39You don't want to miss it
00:41I don't win this off spawn here
00:46There we go, you know fish sticks i'm sorry you were part of it
00:52I don't want to do this. I'm, sorry fish stick
00:57Didn't mean to do that
00:58Okay, first things first if you didn't know this I feel like it's flying under the radar a little bit
01:03We are going to go ahead and have a brand new og season
01:06Which is going to be chapter one season three og and that's going to be coming out on march 25th
01:11Yeah, I know it feels like these seasons come out really quickly
01:13But but as og progresses along into the later seasons
01:17It's only going to get better and better and i'm really excited about this season
01:21Let me go ahead and take this person out real quick. Oh, they're in the train. Tell him with a little
01:25Oh, it's gonna hit no, it doesn't hit. Okay
01:36I'm, sorry about this dude
01:40Bodied let's take that wolf man
01:42Wolf man going absolutely wild. I love looting this train. I love the music. I love everything
01:47I love that you get a mythic pump in here and the fact that you get dill bits and all this gold
01:50It's just one of the best spots ever to loot in the game
01:53Honestly now typically when these og seasons come out they remix three skins and we've seen some really cool designs this one so far
02:00We know of one skin that's being remixed and it's going to be the dark voyager skin
02:04It seems like it's going to have kind of a biker look alongside it with like a vintage tea
02:08But i'm hoping that the other two are going to be at least these are my top picks
02:12Elite agent and reaper which is of course the og john wick a third runner-up to me is going to be rust lord
02:18But I feel like this might be the coolest season so far for the remix skins of og
02:24So you absolutely love to see it. Let's hop in here
02:35This guy doesn't want to go down
02:49Drop down low
03:06Am I gonna hit by a baseball bat, I don't even know what's happening. Is he in this vault?
03:09I think we're good. Let's see if I get a scanner here real quick
03:14200 literally hit him for 200
03:20That guy's getting hit so hard
03:25Smushed them now, apparently there's also a leaked minigames mode
03:28Which could be coming out in chapter 7 would feature a bunch of minigames like bowling
03:33Jenga beach ball and more and it's been in the works apparently for two years
03:37But it's been delayed due to the physics update being delayed in uefn. So these would be physics based minigames
03:43Which uh would be really really awesome
03:45Oh, there's a guy right above me here, I think he's above all the way
03:52I think i'm gonna swing here swing betta betta. Oh, he rocket ram. Sorry. What is it called? Not rocket ram
04:02Rocket drill
04:07Got him, uh, i'm just gonna say I don't think he was looking at me when he took that shot
04:11Which is kind of crazy splash it up now and speaking of updates that are a little closer in timeline on march 25th
04:17So not too far away. We are going to be getting an update that features five new exotic weapons
04:22I know we just got an update featuring six new exotic weapons
04:25They're just piling it on because we are getting five more and these are crazy. I'll tell you all about it in a second
04:30I got just got clipped. Okay guys clip two
04:33So the first one we're getting is the rift launcher, which uh is going to be like the uh,
04:37Sticky grenade launcher except instead of exploding it creates a rift on impact. Maybe it does damage
04:43I'm, not sure but it definitely creates a rift which is wild. We also have the explosive mammoth pistol
04:48Which I think is pretty self-explanatory, but it's essentially the mammoth missile this one
04:53It'll explode when it hits which i'm assuming will do a ton of damage, which the mammoth pistol already does a ton of damage
04:59I'm interested to see how that uh kind of works out go down here. Is anybody uh, go to this it
05:05Bought a camper in here. Oh, they bought this already the lawless trinity assault rifle
05:08I'm gonna go ahead and get the uh minigun yoink and now i'm absolutely stacked. Let's take this out
05:14Now third on the list is going to be the accelerant hollow twister ar and let me tell you this thing sounds bonkers
05:21So we have had the accelerant maven before which every time you would shoot with it and hit somebody
05:26Uh, you would go ahead and run and shoot faster. It was insane
05:30Well, it's got a similar effect except a little bit different
05:33So it says the accelerant hollow twister ar increases movement speed and fire rate as you fire
05:39So in my head i'm like imagining that uh the smg from last season
05:44Except with the hollow twister, which is already busted
06:17He's not gonna like me after this
06:19There we go
06:21That was kind of mean but hey, it is what it is. Gg's good try. I gotta go grab his car. Oh a sports car
06:28I like it. Now. This one is interesting. We have the twin fire slap shotgun
06:31So it's going to be the auto shotgun the one that reloads really slow doesn't do a ton of damage
06:35But it's like don't don't don't don't so this exotic effect is that it reloads the magazine while sprinting and sliding which means
06:41You can actually be pretty good. I never used the twin fire auto shotgun
06:44Maybe you do but if I pick up this exotic one
06:46I'll probably rock it unless I got this mythic which again we have to talk about the sentinel pump in just a second
06:51This is important
06:52And then the final one we have here is the final mark rifle which marks the target on impact and then mark targets receiving bonus
06:58Damage from this sniper
07:00So i'm assuming when you mark somebody you will then be able to one-shot them or something similar to effect
07:04Maybe you'll do like double damage
07:06So I think like a body shot of the falcon eye sniper right now does I think like 70 or 80 maybe 80 closer to 90
07:13Maybe it'll do 160 or 170 so it could be really really good this sniper plus, you know where the target is
07:19It's easier to hit your snipe shots. I think it could actually make the falcon eye sniper viable and I like that
07:24For it to be op. It's got to be an exotic because sniper is just we we had the reaper sniper rifle
07:28We know how op that is
07:32I'm not sure we necessarily, uh need that back in the game. This guy's cranking a little bit. We good i'm just like
07:40Where's this guy going
07:44Oh my
07:45Oh my some fireworks, why not fireworks in a show now one thing you might be noticing is the skin that i'm rocking
07:51This is the duplicate skin and she is awesome
07:54She's also free and you can get her in fortnite for free right now
07:58She's got to complete some quests and their supercharged xp this weekend
08:01Let me show you the best way to do it fortnite just enabled supercharged xp for this weekend
08:05Which means you get a ton more xp now
08:07This might be in part due to the quests that they have where you can unlock a free skin duplicate over here
08:12Now to do it you need to party up with friends and play epic made experiences
08:15But also creator made islands and I got the perfect one for you to maximize the xp you and your friends can get as you
08:20Can see I just need 60 000 more xp to get the skin for free
08:23All you have to do is go to the left of play and hit the search button and go ahead and type in
08:27Typical gamer go to the creators tab and then click on my icon
08:31Now if you haven't done it before you can have the option to favor me and we are getting so close to 1 million followers
08:36In fortnite, so i'd really appreciate it
08:37Plus if you've never done it before you're gonna get 10 000 xp
08:40So go ahead and favorite and then you'll see uh, super red versus blue over here
08:44Go ahead and click on that hit select
08:46And then hit ready and once you spawn in go ahead and turn around and grab some weapons
08:49You can see all the new weapons here as well
08:52Just go ahead and pick it all up and then we're gonna go ahead and fly over here and with supercharged xp
08:56We should get a ton. So let's go ahead and just oh
08:59Oh my gosh
09:01I just got 60 000 experience
09:05This is insane
09:07Oh, just keep on keep on sniping 15 000 for that. I completed my quest in about um, I don't know three seconds
09:15Now if you're just starting you might have multiple tiers of quests that you need complete
09:18So just be mindful of that
09:19But as you can see the xp just keeps on coming
09:22You can also go ahead and try out the new exotics by spinning the wheel over here
09:25They're a ton of fun and can be super overpowered and we have a bunch of vault codes that you can go ahead and punch
09:29In just go over to the super red versus blue youtube channel as you can see
09:32I got the duplicate skin for free and she looks pretty darn cool and she's free
09:36Go get it now with your friends by playing super red versus blue
09:40And she is from the invincible collab and the pickaxe and back bling is from completing these quests as well
09:45Speaking of collabs, we're gonna have a new ghostbusters x fortnite collab coming soon
09:49And we know for sure at the moment that it's going to feature the ghostbusters car the iconic one
09:53But leakers are very confident that I will also feature some battle royale skins, too
09:57Now I think it's important that we finally dive into the meat and potatoes of this update video that guy just got worked
10:02There has been a new update that was leaked via the news tab and it has some uh, pretty interesting things in it
10:08Oh my gosh, this guy's trying to run me down
10:11That is not good for you buddy that car's gonna explode what are you gonna do after
10:17Oh my gosh
10:20The car disappeared
10:23I'm glad I got the olive. That's all that matters. I need to find a new car
10:25You go to crime city. See if I can get a new bat in here
10:27I think it's important to note that this was leaked via the news tab page
10:31Which doesn't mean it's gonna happen a hundred percent, but it looks very very very very likely
10:37but it's also like
10:38completely mind-boggling so much so that all these players well-known players in like fortnite competitive scene and just
10:44You know fortnite content creators are all like what the heck are you doing fortnite? What is this over here?
10:50Oh, can we drop this? Uh minigun for this? Uh trinity assault rifle. Let me try it out
10:54I will tell you the update
10:55Right after I fight this fight because this person has a crown and I want it because I don't have a crown right now
11:00Wait, is it you that has it?
11:06This thing is like a shotgun almost
11:12I'm confused how you're not down. There we go
11:16Holy smokes. Yay
11:18I got loot. I got my crown. Let's go and heal up. Not too shabby. Not too bad
11:22All right
11:22So according to the news tab apparently fortnite is planning to vault the hollow twister ar this one right over here
11:30They're planning to vault this which is kind of crazy
11:33It came out in chapter six and they're also planning on vaulting the sentinel pump shotgun
11:39Not just the mythic version, but apparently all versions which is just absolutely insane
11:44I mean, this is the best shotgun in the game right now and the other ones honestly in my opinion aren't even close
11:49Like the twin fire auto shotgun now, you know, I will admit that the central pump shotgun is awesome
11:54I mean look at this you could pickaxe wall pump it and then steal it
11:57It also does a ton of damage. So, uh, it's really really good
12:00It's probably top three shotguns ever with like the gatekeeper and the regular pump shotgun
12:05Maybe the havoc shotgun's in there as well
12:07So with that those the two vaults hollow twister ar and the central pump they're planning to unvault the scoped burst smg
12:13Which is okay pretty cool. And then we also have the twin mag ar which i'm a little confused because from memory
12:20I believe that the twin mag ar is more op than the hollow twister, which is super op
12:25So, I don't know what their decision is there very interesting
12:29It does have a slower fire rate, but it's so precise
12:31It's insane and then the final unvault is the infiltrator pump now
12:35The infiltrator pump is not that great. It doesn't do a lot of damage
12:38I do think it's fun in the way it operates and shoots and reloads and the fire rate and all that
12:43It's just not great. So I believe if they do bring that out
12:46They're gonna have to buff it pretty significantly to uh, make it good, which could be good for the game
12:51But say they don't buff the infiltrator when they release it here and they vault the sentinel pump
12:55There's essentially going to be no good shotguns in fortnite, which might actually be interesting
13:01I don't know how I feel about that
13:05Hey marker, by the way, they got to fix this by the way right now in fortnite you hit markers so much
13:10Especially when someone's flying from a shockwave or something
13:12This guy's just tagging me up. Oh my gun doesn't have audio that guy's getting shot in the back
13:18Okay, i'm doing light damage
13:20This is another bug in fortnite by the way where you have uh, no audio on your guns
13:25Now to fix it. You just got to drop your weapon. I just dropped the 20 bomb by the way
13:28That's kind of nuts. Let's just go ahead and drop this once I reload it. There we go. Now I should have audio
13:32It's a little pro tip for you
13:34It is annoying but it is what it is right now, I guess. Okay, there should be uh, some heals here
13:38Is there none? Wow for sure i'd find something. So yeah, I don't know. This is a wild update
13:42I don't remember a time where fortnite had like all bad shotguns
13:45I only recall at the start of some seasons where i'm like
13:48What does every shotgun do and then when you figure it out?
13:49You're like, oh, there's a pretty good shotgun somewhere in there
13:51I think maybe at the end of chapter two
13:53We had some wonky shotguns with like the lever action and like the uh, dragon burst or whatever it was called
13:59I don't know. It seems like a
14:01Weird change but clearly they have the data that I don't and clearly I don't know
14:06Maybe people don't like the current shotguns. So i'm gonna trust fortnite on this, but it is just initially viewing it a shocking change
14:13And uh one that I don't know was necessary. But again, they have the reasons to do it
14:17So i'm gonna trust them. Let me heal up one more time. We're gonna get moving here
14:21Probably in one of these bushes. I don't know i'm just gonna make this easy for myself
14:24Yeah, I want to know what you think about this update
14:25We don't have absolute confirmation that it's going to happen, but it was in the news feed
14:29Which gives me some uh confidence there
14:31Let me know if you think it would be a w or an l i'll keep you guys posted when it
14:35Actually happens or doesn't happen
14:44Doing some work over here with his gun see where the zone pulls
14:47He's really dragging this out gonna pull to me. He's gotta run over here
14:52I don't know what that's connected by honestly a little bit of damage not a ton
15:05He's doing little bit by little bit of damage, oh my gosh chunk them rough go for this lad
15:16This guy's so annoyed at me
15:22It's a home run baby gg