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Fortnite Best Landing Spot Chapter 6 Season 1 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 is awesome, but there are so many new places to land.
00:04Which one is the best drop spot in Fortnite?
00:07Well, I'm going to show you it today.
00:08Now, you might look around and think the vaults are really, really great, and they are, but
00:12they're high risk, high reward.
00:14Let's drop out towards the drop spot I really fancy, which is going to be Outlaw Oasis.
00:19Along the way, I'm also going to show you three or four more amazing drop spots, and
00:23then you can make your own decision as well.
00:25I'm also going to share with you a bunch of incredible tips for you to up your win rate,
00:28so let's dive into it.
00:30By the way, I love this glider with the cards going out, and then you walk on the cards.
00:35Now, one thing to note is that there will be the wolf boss, and he can spawn at any
00:39of the four vault locations.
00:41We also have the train, which could be a good drop spot if you're feeling a bit riskier.
00:45When you land here, assess how many people are dropping with you.
00:47So I got at least one, two people coming to here.
00:50I'm going to land at this front area here near the parking lot, which has a car there,
00:54by the way, and we're going to grab some loot.
00:56Got a shotgun, got a chest, with the chug jug, which is fantastic.
01:00This person landing on chest, no sir, no siree.
01:03Not today.
01:04Going to cover my back, open this up, now we have an AR as well.
01:08All right.
01:09Let's use a chug jug here.
01:10Let's grab this thermite.
01:11Now, the reason I like dropping here is because it's pretty peaceful.
01:14It's pretty calm, and I like that a lot, but there's a lot more to it.
01:18There is some secrets.
01:19First, let me take out Messi.
01:20Where'd he go?
01:21I know you're here, Messi.
01:22Show yourself.
01:25I don't think anything's looted.
01:28Maybe they ran away.
01:29You know what?
01:30I'll take it.
01:31By the way, if you come here with a squad, hop into this hot tub.
01:34Three people max, though.
01:35So if you go above that, let me tell you, you've been warned.
01:38There's also a geyser, which you use to fly away.
01:40Oh, here's Messi.
01:41Got him.
01:42Let me just go ahead and loot this, and let's get to the main reason I wanted to drop here.
01:48Not just because it's beautiful, and very calming, and nice.
01:50Oh, somebody here.
01:51What are you doing?
01:52Just farming a tree for fun.
01:55Let's talk to Valentina, get ourselves a med kit, then head over towards this area here.
02:00This is a very cool room, and there's some secrets here.
02:02I'm just gonna go ahead and break this real quick, and I wanna show you that there's a
02:05giant ball here.
02:06It does nothing, and then there's a wolf painting.
02:08Really, what you wanna do is go over to these wolves, and you're gonna wanna turn them so
02:11that they face towards you, all three of them.
02:14Once you do that, something special is gonna happen, so let's go ahead and turn this last
02:17one, and there you go.
02:19You know you did it right, and then you can go ahead and break this carpet, and you'll
02:22see a secret hatch.
02:23It's gonna lower you into the ground.
02:25Now, over here, you're going to see Leonardo DiCaprio meme, but with our new wolf friend,
02:30which is kinda funny.
02:31We also have two chests, normal chests here, and a rare chest, so you're just gonna get
02:36overall really solid loot here, which is fantastic.
02:39Next up, let's go through the porta potty, and let's get outta here.
02:43You can loot some more here if you want.
02:45I'm just gonna personally go ahead and take this guy out.
02:50Get outta the hot tub, and then I'm gonna run towards the parking lot and get a car.
02:55You could take the geyser out, fly away, but cars are really fast, and I need to get somewhere
03:00So, this is definitely a good spot to land.
03:02I've got good health, good mats, shockwaves, a decent loadout, but not truly great.
03:07I mean, even if you land in a spot that has all the loot in the world, sometimes you can
03:11get weapons that you don't really need or don't really want.
03:14Let's go to the next drop spot, which is going to be a little bit north at Shiny Shafts.
03:18Shiny Shafts is really, really cool.
03:20It's gonna be a little bit more hot, a little more contested than the other area I showed
03:24you, but for good reason.
03:25There's a lot of loot here.
03:26Let's go ahead and fly in, and we are in.
03:30There's so much stuff to loot, just on the ground, chests everywhere, and then we have
03:34this pressure valve on the north side here, so, oh, ow, got a shockwave on him.
03:42Hey, is anyone disrupting me?
04:01Okay, this guy is trying to build, trying to go crazy with it.
04:03I'm gonna heal up first before I fight him.
04:05I gotta reload everything.
04:06Great Pump is not hitting.
04:07Oh, this guy's gonna be full HP.
04:11Okay, he should run out of mats soon.
04:2235 on him.
04:31Got him.
04:32Oh, my gosh.
04:33He's being crafty with it.
04:34He had a gold striker burst as well.
04:35We had the same shotgun, so that's pretty even.
04:37All right.
04:38So, if you're looking at this area, you're gonna want to look at the north side, okay?
04:41And then you're gonna see this giant pipe that goes across, and you're gonna want to
04:45go to this pressure valve.
04:47Turn it, then ride this over here, and go into the mine.
04:51You're gonna keep going all the way into the Alpha Mining Company, and turn this second
04:57Then we got one more valve over here, and we're gonna turn this too, and then this door
05:01is going to open.
05:02As you can see, we got a free vault.
05:04You can farm these rocks, get a lot of brick, and then we got some rare chests in here,
05:08some normal chests, and some slurp barrels as well.
05:11We got Adrenaline Rush Boon, so every time I mantle, hurdle, or wall jump, I gain the
05:15slap effect, which means I can run infinitely until it runs off, which means I can run infinitely
05:19until it wears off.
05:21Ooh, got a Mammoth Pistol.
05:22I'm gonna go ahead and pick that up.
05:23And then we got the Vulture Boon, the best one in the game.
05:25Enemies who are eliminated will be marked on the map for a short time.
05:28All right.
05:29Let's take this and get out of here, and now we are moving.
05:33Normally, a truck does spawn nearby, so you could fight that and get yourself a Mythic,
05:37but I'm not gonna do that.
05:38I'm gonna take my car and try to get out of here.
05:39Kind of got us stuck in a weird spot.
05:41Oh, I think we're good.
05:43Now, this river over here, if you go ahead and touch it, will give you Gold Rush, which
05:47means that you run faster, you pickaxe faster, you do more damage with your pickaxe.
05:51It's insane.
05:52So make sure to use that to your advantage.
05:53Now, this is actually perfect because it looks like nobody's got the Crime City Vault or
05:57the Lone Wolf Lair Vault.
05:58Wait, what the heck?
06:01I'll take it.
06:02Oh my gosh.
06:03I got Gold Ammo Boon.
06:04I have like three boons right now.
06:05I'm popping off.
06:06Okay, I'm gonna head towards this Lone Wolf Lair here.
06:08This is another spot that you could drop to get some incredible loot.
06:11Now, we're talking best drop spots in the game, but what's the best way to earn XP in
06:16Let me show you.
06:17When you're in the main menu, head to the left of play and hit the search button.
06:19Go ahead and type in typical gamer, click on creators, and then click on me.
06:23You should see a favorite button right there.
06:25Hit that real quick for me.
06:26Not only are you gonna follow me in Fortnite, but you're also gonna get 10,000 XP if you
06:29haven't done it before.
06:30Next, head over to super red versus blue, click on it, and then make sure this heart
06:34is filled in like mine, and then hit select.
06:36We got all the new chapstick season two weapons in it.
06:38Hit play and jump in.
06:39Once you load in, you're gonna wanna turn around and grab some weapons.
06:42The new ones are gonna have the little pickle emoji beside them.
06:44Get yourself a sniper, some heels, and even the baseball bat.
06:47Then go ahead and jump into battle.
06:49What you're gonna wanna do is make sure you hit headshots.
06:52Oh my goodness, and you're gonna get a ton of XP.
06:54You can see from one headshot, I got over 15,000 XP.
06:58You can even just get normal eliminations.
06:59They're gonna give you so much XP.
07:02Oh my goodness.
07:03We also have the vault here, which could do some crazy stuff if you put in the right codes.
07:07To find those codes, go ahead and subscribe to our new YouTube channel, super red versus
07:12There's gonna be a link in the description below, and there's already a bunch of videos
07:14on there, which are gonna give you some secret codes to access some really cool stuff in
07:18super red versus blue.
07:19Go ahead and play today.
07:21If you enjoy it, make sure you go ahead and favor and recommend.
07:24This one's gonna be higher risk, higher reward.
07:26A lot of people are gonna drop here, and sometimes the boss can spawn, so it gets really risky
07:30Park our car out front.
07:32We are moving.
07:33Now, to open up the vault, you will need Thermite.
07:39To get Thermite, you gotta loot.
07:40There's usually a lot left around, and in these bags, they're very, very, very common.
07:44I'm just gonna go ahead and drop my shotgun, get Thermite, and let's put it on.
07:49There we go.
07:50Now, for these vaults, they're a little bit tricky until you know what to do.
07:53You're gonna see up there at the top of the screen, you're gonna need to advance the bar
07:57all the way to the final stage.
07:59Now, you can go ahead and speed up by breaking these things.
08:02Enemies will spawn.
08:03You can just go ahead and take them out.
08:05You can shoot this, too.
08:06You don't have to pickaxe it, but pickaxing it is really, really effective, so.
08:10Now, in these waves, sometimes bosses will spawn, like mini bosses.
08:15I'll go ahead and give you shields, and we'll drop a shotgun usually.
08:18Come on, let's break it.
08:19The big thing about these vaults is you wanna get the dill bits.
08:21Dill bits are the most important part.
08:24Everything else is like, you know, RNG.
08:26Look at the wolf again.
08:28Come on, break it fast.
08:29Every time you get one of these stages done, more NPCs will spawn, so just be wary of that.
08:34This is a great spot, though, because you can just shoot the NPCs from here.
08:37And from visual audio, you can actually see them spawning in, which helps.
08:39All right, vault is open.
08:43Go ahead and get the dill bits and get the rare chest as well, and they can get gold
08:46here, too.
08:47Let's try breaking these.
08:48Oh, the heck?
08:49I got a dill bit from that?
08:50I didn't even know that could happen.
08:51It must be mega rare.
08:52Look, at this point, I mean, I don't even need to loot that much more, because my loadout's
08:57I got gold, too, so I'm just going to let it be.
08:58Let's get on out of here.
08:59Look at this.
09:00You remember this spot from last season?
09:01At the lake spot?
09:02Yeah, this is us.
09:03And if you look through the glass here, you'll notice that we got the statue with the eye.
09:06They built this place over the lake location, which is pretty wild.
09:09Okay, now you got these dill bits.
09:11They're incredibly powerful.
09:13We're going to spend them.
09:14Let me get over to my vehicle, and we're going to have to head into storm for a little bit,
09:17but it's going to be very worth it.
09:19Let's power through.
09:20I want to head over to this black market over here.
09:22Got it marked on my map.
09:23We're just going to zoom into storm.
09:25Now, depending on where the circle is and where you land first, you probably won't be
09:29in the storm when you do this, but just know that this is the riskiest of the strategies
09:32that I've shown so far.
09:33Now, when you get here, it's going to be pretty risky.
09:36People hide in this area, because there is a lot of spots to hide.
09:39You can buy different boons over here.
09:40I got the gold rush boon, which means now I have four.
09:43You can get different heals.
09:44You can talk to a skillet, who can rift you out, and then you can buy things for dill
09:47bits, like this twin fire auto shotgun, collateral damage assault rifle, sticky grenade launcher,
09:52which is massively overpowered.
09:53I'm going to buy that.
09:55And then, of course, my favorite thing that's here is going to be the enhanced central pump
09:59shotgun, the mythic shotgun, which you can 200 pump somebody with.
10:01I'm going to go ahead and spend some gold, get a med kit.
10:03We're going to pop that, then activate the rift and get on out of here.
10:07So I'm stacked.
10:08At this point, if I lose the game, it's a skill issue.
10:09Let's go ahead and use skillet, rift on out, and now we're going to head towards this person
10:16with the medallion here.
10:17The wolf medallion is insanely incredible.
10:20It doesn't mean you're going to win the game for sure if you get it, but it is really strong.
10:23The problem is everyone's going to go for it.
10:25So the odds of you winning if you land on the wolf medallion spot is going to be pretty
10:30When you look at my videos for the best draw spot, it's going to be the spot that gives
10:32you the highest chance of succeeding and surviving until late game.
10:35That's the whole point.
10:36All right, I'm going to pop this chug jug.
10:37We're going to move it along here and get ourselves probably some big pots for the vending
10:40machine, which is completely encased.
10:42I mean, this is just...
10:43Is somebody in this cone?
10:45Okay, we're good.
10:46If they are in the cone, they're not editing it, which means they're not waiting.
10:50So if I did this and somebody was holding that edit, it would actually show the locked
10:55A little pro tip for you guys who play builds.
10:56Ooh, somebody got an armored car over here.
10:58Now, I mentioned this before, but if you do go for the armored cars, you will get a mythic
11:01once you defeat them.
11:02You'll actually see that there's other black market locations like this one and this one
11:06over here.
11:07This one gives you the mythic lateral AR.
11:08Oh, shoot.
11:09Wait, this thing's going to explode.
11:10And then this one over here sells the mythic sniper.
11:12Oh, nobody got the train.
11:14So definitely by far the best black market one is the one near crime city.
11:17I think there's somebody behind me, but we're just going to keep on moving.
11:19I want to go for the mythic.
11:20I'd go for the island over here, but it is not worth it anymore.
11:23Before you would get the Shogun X medallion, which would give you invisibility.
11:26And that was awesome.
11:27He's very overpowered though.
11:29Now it gives you a medallion that when you pop heals, it creates a shield bubble around
11:34But it doesn't last that long.
11:35And the shield bubble is small and sometimes it doesn't work.
11:38The best thing from that is going to be the fact that you actually can get the mythic
11:42hollow twister AR from that boss.
11:44So if you're going for the island, you're going for that mythic hollow twister, which
11:47honestly there's so many good ARs in the game now, it's really not necessary.
11:50So let's see if I can just shockwave over there.
11:56I think this guy landed on a tree.
11:59He did.
12:10Oh my gosh.
12:11Went for the no scope with the mythic mammoth pistol, which is crazy.
12:14And I'll probably grab it over here.
12:15Heal up to max.
12:16Build around this.
12:17We're chilling.
12:19I'm going to grab the medallion real quick and fight this guy.
12:26He's being really annoying.
12:28I don't know where he is.
12:29Is he in this bush?
12:30Behind the tree?
12:31All right.
12:32We're chilling.
12:33Let's get the, uh, the crown there.
12:39We're going to additionally grab the mythic mammoth pistol, which you can shoot twice
12:43with before you have to reload.
12:44Kind of insane.
12:48Medallion is really cool too.
12:49It's the unstoppable medallion.
12:50You knock back enemies when you sprint into them, and it also increases your sprint speed.
12:54Love that.
12:55Absolutely nutty.
12:56Now I think they actually went into the black market area.
13:06We're still going to go ahead and just rift out when I get near them, I bet.
13:09I think there's somewhere in here, probably around that corner.
13:17Got him.
13:23They caged themselves in here, man.
13:25My loadout is absolutely incredible.
13:27Like I mentioned, this area here, you can get the enhanced collateral damage AR, the
13:31I don't think the AR is really good.
13:32I mean, I like the striker burst and the holotwister AR way better.
13:36I'm going to go ahead and buy medkit off the wall for two HP because I feel a lot of you
13:39are going to go, hey, you're, you're missing two HP.
13:42I'm going to go ahead and rift.
13:44Sounds like two people are fighting above me or at least one.
13:46I think I rifted the squishy with me, which I love.
13:48There is so many bushes in this area.
13:50I hate it.
13:51I'm going to do is go ahead and start clearing things out.
13:52I know where the zone is going to end up, so no more bushes.
13:58The fact that there's snipers in the game as well makes it risky to kind of just bop
14:01your head out.
14:11Got one.
14:12Got one situation.
14:13Where you at, bucko?
14:15Oh my gosh.
14:16Let's go.
14:17Big ol' W. Those are the best drop spots in the game.
14:25Use them wisely.
14:26Tell your friends.