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Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 LEAKS gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00Morty just released the brand new trailer for chapter 6 season 2 and it's awesome
00:04We're gonna watch the trailer and I'm gonna show you all the leaks about the new season and trust me
00:08You're gonna watch this whole video cuz it is looking like it might be the best season ever. Let's jump into it
00:13Let's start this off by watching the lawless season 2 trailer
00:16you can see Midas mountain right there to start things off and then we got
00:21Warriors watch here transformed into a town with a bank area. Oh, oh look at the pickle
00:29He gets hit by a truck. This is like a music video. Oh
00:33Is this a new car we could drive or a truck that spawns on the map?
00:36We see a bunch of the new battle pass skins
00:39proximity grenade launchers back
00:42They're playing hot potato with this
00:44There's bag right now
00:48Hey, oh
00:52We got like thermite c4 that's new
00:55Llamas are back. I think
00:59The pickles growing on me you've got like a gold mine here new weapons and a possum skin
01:06You got a shotgun that turns into an SMG as well. What you see a bunch of mobility
01:11They're a laser weapon. They're popping off here Midas. Well, they got gold double-barrel shotgun
01:18We've got sub-zero his new mythic
01:22Train lots modifications there. You can see they're actually breaking inside too, which is crazy
01:28I really like this music the music video is great
01:30And then you got like a vault some medallions in there two medallions in the same one an electric bat
01:42This guy's getting absolutely
01:46Destroyed they're gonna take that bag. There's a mansion over here
01:49And we got the the wolf leader the leader of the wolf pack if you will
01:58That is awesome. I have so much news about this. Let's jump into the finer details
02:02Do you want to support me an item shop?
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02:07You're now supporting me for free doesn't cost you anything. It helps me out. So big shout-out to everyone using my code
02:12We've got some big changes coming to for tonight with season 2 and let me just say that I'm really really excited
02:17I mean chapter 2 season 2 and chapter 4 season 4 both high seasons were some of my favorite seasons in for night
02:25so you could say that I'm
02:26Properly hyped up. We're gonna start off by examining the key art that they posted which actually
02:32Tells us a lot about the new season coming out stuff
02:35That's not even in the trailer and then we're gonna go deep diving into the trailer. Oh
02:40My gosh, I think I got two and into some other things as well including mythics
02:45So first thing from the cure is that we're actually gonna be seeing the mythic mammoth pistol, which is insane
02:50The mammoth pistol has been rising in popularity and people love this thing. It's so much fun to use
02:57It's just an incredible weapon. And of course it does a ton of damage
03:00We take out this boss real quick
03:02Now the fact that we're getting a mythic version is really really awesome, and I'm curious how OP it's gonna be
03:08Spoiler, I think it's gonna be very very overpowered. We grab some more loot here. Oh
03:14Portals like knocking me back. The whole theme is gonna change between season 1 and season 2
03:17I mean, it's gonna all be about crime city here
03:23Which if you didn't know is originally Crimson City, but they crossed it out
03:27They put out this image of crime city over here, which kind of looks like the Las Vegas sign
03:31Really sets the vibe for the whole season. Okay back to the key art
03:34We can see that there's a new shotgun in the bottom, right?
03:37We also have the new crime city location and vans with weapons and gold very very interesting
03:43It seems like you know heisting and robbing things is gonna be a big part of the season, which is very very exciting
03:49It looks like the snow has melted in certain parts of the map namely around Warriors watch in this area
03:54We have sub-zero here and confirming the sub-zero mythic
03:58I'll get into details of that in just a little bit and another Mortal Kombat item
04:03Looks like we have a train with turrets attached like the train is getting to upgrade. That's all I'm saying
04:09there's a new rocket drill item which looks similar to the
04:12Rocket Ram and it will also have a durability like the kinetic and typhoon blade
04:17I was a big fan of the rocket Ram. So to see the new one in style is gonna be a lot of fun
04:23I guarantee it
04:25Looks silence pistol. I think you don't see silence pistols that much important right now. Let's teleport over here
04:30Let's see if I can find a car. There we go. And through the forest we go. Oh, there's a guy right here
04:43Got um tried typhoon blade me
04:45I'm glad that things getting vaulted most probably and then one more
04:48Observation here is that we see what people are calling a rat skin. It's actually an opossum skin
04:53Okay, and they've got a medallion with them. No clue what it's gonna do, but it's definitely a medallion now
04:58That's just from the key art. Let's talk about the trailer that we just watched together
05:01There is a lot of information here and so many things to unpack. So, uh, yeah, let's just start off the top
05:08So overall there's a ton of new skins as we can see basically everything in the trailer is brand new now
05:13A lot of these skins will be in the battle pass
05:14You can actually see from this lineup photo here that these are the skins that will be in there
05:19I think it's a pretty solid battle pass. There's some really cool ones like the Midas skin
05:22We also have the girl with like the knits kind of outfit
05:25I think she's really cool. A lot of you guys are gonna like the wolf outfit and then there's the pickle the
05:30Controversial pickle some of you will love the pickle. Some of you will hate it. I think it's growing on me and
05:37The more I see the pickle and the more they use it in their marketing efforts
05:40The more excited I get that
05:42He's gonna be in the game who doesn't love a good pickle, huh?
05:46Who does I mean pickles are good now the rest of the skins should show up in the item shop eventually
05:51So we got a dog. We have the opossum and a bunch of other ones. Oh, what is this guy doing?
06:06I don't know what that guy was doing
06:08I don't know if he thought he was playing zero build but I was not the strat chief and this one over here that someone
06:12In my replies thought was my icon skin. Hey, I'll take it. It looks pretty cool. But not my icon skin
06:17I don't have an icon skin
06:21Let's go over here
06:26What are you doing clown now, oh
06:32My goodness that almost ended up bad maybe one day guys, maybe one day
06:36Maybe if I become the most followed creator in fortnight, maybe they'll give me an icon skin and you can help me
06:43Let me show you how here's how to follow me in fortnight and you get 10,000 XP for doing it
06:47Go to the left of play and hit search type in typical gamer go to creators and then tap on typical gamer over here
06:53You're gonna see a favorite button
06:54And if you've never done it before you're gonna get 10,000 XP for hitting it to go ahead and do that now
06:58Maybe if I can get to the number one most followed creator in fortnight, they'll give me a skin
07:03I don't know. We're not too far off of a million followers on fortnight, which I believe puts us at number one
07:09So we just need everybody watching right now to go follow me in fortnight and we'll get there
07:16Thank you for doing that. It really does mean a lot if you did that comment below
07:20Say I did it and I'll try to reply to some of you. Let me take out night Rose and get this medallion
07:25Thank you
07:27So generous so kind it's crazy
07:29How easy that medallion is to get now as opposed to how difficult it was to get at the start of the season
07:33Okay, so in the trailer as well
07:35We saw something really cool, which was that there's armor trucks. And of course the train was revamped
07:41I talked about this before but it now has these turrets on it
07:44And also it looks like you can like blow up certain parts of it and go inside
07:48Everyone has always wanted to go inside
07:50Everyone has always wanted the train to be better to be more and for tonight's finally taking that to heart and it looks like we
07:56Might be getting the coolest version. No, it looks like for sure
07:59We are getting the coolest version of the train. So I am beyond excited to play with that in this trailer
08:05We saw there's a new SMG and shotgun dual combo weapon. I don't know exactly how it works
08:10I think it's a dual wheel thing
08:12Shotgun than the other and then if you hit your aim button, you'll shoot one and if you hit your shoot button
08:16You'll shoot the other I think that's how it's gonna work
08:18I'm pretty confident and if that's the case
08:21I mean that's gonna be a really cool item and something we really haven't seen before so consider me hyped
08:26We'll just have to know if it's good or not
08:28Honestly, there also looks like there's gonna be new medallions thermite c4
08:32Which is different than normal c4 an electric back the rocket drill and a laser blaster now
08:37Don't forget right when this season drops
08:40We're gonna be updating super red versus blue and adding in all the new weapons
08:44So make sure to go ahead and play and favorite the map
08:46Especially if you want to test out the new weapons before you hop into battle royale
08:49That will give you the edge you need to get a victory royale and that victory umbrella over everybody else
08:54We also give a ton of XP and super red versus blue. So go play it
08:58Especially if you need to finish off your battle pass
09:00Here's how you can play super red versus blue and try out all the new items when they come out go to the left to
09:04Play it search type in typical gamer go to creators tap on me
09:06Make sure to hit that favorite button if you haven't already and then click on super red versus blue should be the first one over
09:11Here make sure you fill in this heart so that you favorite it and then go ahead and play
09:14I'm gonna show you how much XP you can get from this map. I'm just gonna go for a simple headshot here
09:18I see this guy over here and boom headshot. That's gonna give me a total of
09:2311,000 XP and you'll probably get more make sure to recommend the map if you enjoy this guy is getting absolutely
09:29Destroyed he's just moving. Oh, there he went
09:36Don't worry when it looks like you may have teleported further up over here. I
09:42Don't know where I'm trying to follow where the NPC went to like guide me, but I have no clue
09:46Oh, there is NPC is moving. Okay, I
09:54Will find you buddy. I'll find you one day. I'm just gonna move along here a little sketched out with the bushes, but it is
10:01What it is
10:04It seems like someone's fighting here
10:12It's getting the tree or something
10:21Okay, I took out the guys NPC still no clue where he is he's a crafty little one a crafty one
10:26Let's go over to the floating island. We don't know if this medallion will be in the next season
10:30It probably will be replaced like I'm fairly confident now
10:34I mentioned this before but the trailer makes it abundantly clear that we will be getting the mammoth pistol back and a mythic variant for
10:40Midas, which is very very exciting
10:42I think a lot of you will have fun with that and a lot of you will probably hate it because the math pistol hits
10:46So frickin hard, we're all gonna get absolutely destroyed by it. I feel it
10:50Okay, this guy is gonna want to fight me. Let's try to get a better angle. I think somebody's up here
10:55I don't think it's random. We saw a car right beside the wind tunnel. Oh, yeah, I mean
11:00Okay, I you know, I've cleared enough where I'm fairly confident I could fight this boss and be okay
11:06Come here, buddy. Oh shoot. What the heck hit me? I
11:10Think he shot a blast I dodged it and then it like went around a corner
11:14And attacked me at the same time the other blasts come through spray him down
11:18Not a lot of people left around
11:21Now one really cool thing that I noticed is that it looks like T pain is gonna be collaborating with for tonight
11:27He puts on his Instagram story him in the giant pickle in real life. I said, they're cooking something up
11:32So that is legendary
11:35Absolutely legendary and I'm excited to see their song together should be huge should be incredible should be incredible
11:42Let me get this barrel. I mean see how excited I am. I'm wearing my favorite heist outfit and she looks cool
11:46All right, let's move along
11:48Now things that are coming back
11:50We got the sticky grenade launcher the combat AR and the business turret Larry the laptop is coming back, baby
11:56And there will be new locations again. Warriors watch is transformed into a town with the bank city
12:01If you will, we also have a new gold mine and a mansion location. We're in a top-ten situation
12:05Can I win this game? That is a true question. I saw somebody here. Oh shoot. I did. Oh
12:13My gosh what is happening here? Oh, please leave me alone
12:19Who's shooting at me you're being kind of weird
12:22For that you get clapped Wow, that's he made it
12:31That doesn't hit the driver this thing's supposed to shoot him through it. I want my money back. Oh, I got shot in the back
12:41Got this guy peacemaker honey named Oh gold pump. Thank you very much
12:46Let's see if I can get a shot on this guy went all the way up
13:05There's a guy I fought earlier, I'm not sure three people left. Okay, so new mythics and mortal kombat collab
13:15This guy should know that SMG sucks I
13:19Don't have heels here
13:29Got him Wow skills to pay the bills. Honestly, nobody has heels. That's not good. I'm back over here
13:37Fly across this guy of heels, please. He did he had minis nice
13:40Alright, so to make some things clear from mortal kombat sub-zero is in the battle pass and scorpion will be in the item shop
13:46Now if you played mortal kombat, you'll know they both have distinct abilities
13:49Now sub-zero will get a mythic gauntlet and apparently this will allow you to have a slide in a spear ability
13:55Apparently there will also be a dashing mobility punching and uppercuts available, which is kind of wild to think about
14:03Anybody here now for a scorpion on the other hand, we have something very very interesting
14:08I knew that was gonna happen scorpion is very iconic because
14:11He does this ability where he pulls somebody and he says get over here. So apparently we're getting that scorpion is gonna have a hook and
14:18He's gonna have to get over here sound effect, I don't know what this guy's doing strategies exactly
14:28Strategies to go to the lobby screen GG. Let's get it new season looks awesome. Let me know what you think about it
14:33I'll see you guys in the next video. Peace