• 2 days ago


00:00Life choices, you can't choose either!
00:03But, you can't choose either!
00:13I'm really sorry that Sekine-san is here today.
00:17I'm happy.
00:18There aren't many professional shows like this.
00:24I'm happy because you're a professional.
00:27Thank you!
00:28Even though it's a company show, it's related to Kin-chan.
00:32Yes, it is.
00:33I'm really glad that I could join this morning's show.
00:38How far did you go?
00:41I'm sorry.
00:43I can only say one thing.
00:47I can only say one thing.
00:48You can say one thing.
00:50You can say one thing.
00:56You can't say one thing!
01:00CW Nichol's...
01:02CW Nichol's one thing.
01:04Mori is a little...
01:10One thing.
01:11Do you understand?
01:12Yes, I understand.
01:13Please explain.
01:14Please forgive me.
01:18Life choices will be revealed in the taste quiz!
01:23We'll look for life choices in the new drama, Shimada Tamayo!
01:28Behind the high tension, there's an unexpected smile!
01:38In addition, it's been 50 years since they met.
01:41The legendary life choice of Akashiya Sanma, who loves Sanma more than anyone else!
01:47In the ad-lib...
01:50That's amazing.
01:51I don't think there's anyone as amazing as him.
01:56First, we'll have Mr. Sekine, who only chooses the person he likes and imitates them.
02:01He'll show us his repertory.
02:04The points that come to mind when you think of Reiji and Ake Nakagawa.
02:09That's right.
02:10It's best to get the weird points.
02:13What about you, Hiroshi Fujioka?
02:14Well, as expected...
02:17When it comes to coffee,
02:19every single grain has to be delicious.
02:23That's how I do it.
02:29I'm more interested in the bottom row than the top row.
02:34I'm sorry, but this is...
02:37It's an imitation of when you discover the law of the left hand.
02:43I can't imagine it.
02:46He's worried.
02:50Oh, my God!
02:55Recently, it's Ino Tadataka.
02:59Ino Tadataka is the guy who drew the map of Japan.
03:03He got an offer when he was 54 years old.
03:06He asked me to walk with him.
03:08That's the answer I got when I first got the offer.
03:13He asked me to draw the map of Japan when I was 54 years old.
03:17I thought he was going to ask me to hold his knee.
03:27I'm the only one who knows this.
03:30I don't know about the law of the left hand.
03:33I don't know.
03:35I saw him for the first time at the World Championships in Nagoya in 1971.
03:41That was 54 years ago.
03:43I didn't know him.
03:44I didn't know him.
03:45I didn't know anyone else.
03:48I just happened to know him.
03:51He was the legendary champion.
03:53But China didn't cooperate with the world.
03:57Until 1971, the law of the left hand was only in China.
04:02He didn't know that table tennis in the world was changing.
04:06During those six years, European players did a loop service.
04:10They spin like this.
04:13It's like a drive man.
04:14If you come fast like this,
04:18the rotation goes forward.
04:20I thought I could definitely win, so I stood in a single.
04:25When I did it with European players,
04:27I did it as fast as I could.
04:29The ball that fell was low, so it went under the table tennis table.
04:38I called it the table tennis table of sadness.
04:43It's my joke.
04:45The table tennis table of sadness.
04:51The world table tennis has changed so much while I was gone.
04:56I thought it was amazing that Mr. Sanma knew it.
04:59Only Mizutani knows about the world table tennis table.
05:04Only table tennis players know about it.
05:06But I heard he was a really great champion.
05:08Maruyama, don't you think it's a challenge?
05:11I've been imitating Mr. Ikokudo since I was 18.
05:17I'm doing it with one.
05:19I've never seen it.
05:21Then call me Mr. Maruyama in New York.
05:23Mr. Maruyama in New York.
05:26Yes, hello.
05:28This is Maruyama in New York.
05:32It's halfway.
05:35Now it's bed time.
05:39Mr. Sekine Tsutomu has a large number of impersonations.
05:43He chooses to give up impersonating only once in the past.
05:48Who is he?
05:54A. Former President Biden.
05:58B. Kakefu Masayuki.
06:02Which one is it?
06:07Kakefu Masayuki was impersonating Matsumura.
06:16This is difficult.
06:18The people who gave up trying to master it.
06:24Each team has 10 chips in their hands.
06:27The team with the most chips wins the quiz.
06:35Everyone, please take your chips.
06:42I'll take two.
06:44If it's Biden, it's like another president.
06:54That's Kakefu.
06:56Yes, Mr. Kakefu.
06:58I think so too.
07:00This is B.
07:03Matsumura is perfect.
07:07Matsumura's impersonation of Kakefu and Tatsukawa was good.
07:14This is A.
07:23What are you looking for?
07:26That's an interesting answer.
07:29But it's A, right?
07:32I was wondering why it was Biden.
07:35I think that's what Mr. Sekine is trying to do.
07:39But I think it was difficult.
07:42I'm looking forward to this.
07:45I feel like I've seen Biden before.
07:48But I think I gave up halfway through.
07:51The correct answer is this.
07:54Mr. Kakefu.
07:56That's amazing.
07:58Team Maruyama and Team Nakagawa are correct.
08:04I want to know why.
08:06I was doing this before Mr. Matsumura did Kakefu.
08:11I was going to do it.
08:13But Mr. Kosakai told me not to do it.
08:21I didn't want to do it either.
08:23Two or three years later, Mr. Matsumura did Kakefu perfectly.
08:29I was impressed by how he did it.
08:35I thought I could do it.
08:38But I couldn't do it.
08:41How did you do it now?
08:44Mr. Matsumura is in it now.
08:47I thought I could do it.
08:51It's like this now.
08:53I couldn't do it.
08:56I go to the stage every year.
08:59I always try new things.
09:06This year is coming soon.
09:09I'm going to do it at Mr. Sama's IMM theater.
09:14Mr. Sama, when you go to the park every year, you imitate President Biden.
09:18I think Biden was on a TV show.
09:22I think he was on TV.
09:24I think I did it once.
09:26You may have done it once.
09:28English is negative.
09:30Get away!
09:33Biden is over 80 years old.
09:36I can't do it formally.
09:39I'm Biden. I'm from the U.S.A.
09:45I quit it right away.
09:48It's not funny.
09:51Mr. Sama and Mr. Sekine.
09:55Mr. Sekine will tell you about Mr. Sama's legendary choice.
10:03Mr. Sama, who has been known for 50 years, was still young.
10:09He was still young.
10:12What is the first meeting that leaves a strong impression?
10:17When I went to Osaka for work, my manager told me to watch the show.
10:24Then Mr. Tsuyuno came out.
10:26I'm still 21 years old, so I don't know what he's like.
10:31It's not funny at all.
10:34It's a real comedy.
10:37Then Mr. Sama came out with a sharp face.
10:44It's a comedy, but it's a little story.
10:48This is funny.
10:50It's only Mr. Sekine.
10:52It's Kyoko-chan series.
10:55Kyoko-chan, why aren't you wearing pants today?
10:59You're not even wearing a skirt.
11:03It's amazing.
11:04Even if I laugh, it's not enough.
11:07It's the second time.
11:08It's the second time in Umeda month.
11:11There was a second seat.
11:13There were two people watching.
11:16With the manager.
11:17I was sliding, but only two people were laughing.
11:22I got carried away and did a lot.
11:24It was a little boring.
11:27It was funny.
11:28Five or six years later, I met him in Tokyo.
11:32Mr. Sama, Kyoko-chan series was the best.
11:36He said he was there.
11:38Why did you find out?
11:40He said he had only received it once.
11:44But I remember.
11:47He was laughing.
11:49I thought there was someone with the same sense as me.
11:53He said, is that Mr. Sekine?
11:57I was pissed off at the scene.
12:01I don't think there's anyone as amazing as him.
12:05This is the morning drama of NHK.
12:09He said, I'm going to the bathroom.
12:12The day before, I was told to rehearse at NHK.
12:16I don't need a rehearsal.
12:19But he said he had to come to the rehearsal.
12:22Mr. James Miki, the writer, came to Mr. Sama.
12:26He said, I'm doing this with all my heart, so do your best.
12:30I said, that's enough.
12:32If you don't kill me like that, I'll die myself.
12:36I jumped into SHOYU NO UKE with an ad-lib.
12:45If you die, you don't have to do anything.
12:49At that time, I said to my friends,
12:53YATARO is dead.
13:00What are you doing, Mr. Sama?
13:03I said, I'm going to die.
13:08Don't say stupid things.
13:12That's a great story.
13:14Finally, he appeared as a guest on SEKINE BOOTH KING.
13:17He appeared on HAPPENING.
13:20Mr. Sama is a superstar.
13:24People around him are worried about him.
13:27He appeared on JUNGLE TV for two hours.
13:29He said he would do a two-hour special.
13:32The producer of DENTU said,
13:34Mr. Sekine, I'm sorry.
13:37I have everything under control of YOSHIMOTO and my manager.
13:42I haven't appeared on JUNGLE TV with Mr. Sama yet.
13:46Please appear on JUNGLE TV with Mr. Sekine.
13:53Mr. Sama, I have a two-hour special on JUNGLE TV.
13:57Please appear on JUNGLE TV with me.
13:59I said, yes, I understand.
14:02Mr. Sekine told me to appear on JUNGLE TV.
14:05I've been asking him to appear on JUNGLE TV for a long time.
14:08Mr. Sekine asked me to appear on JUNGLE TV.
14:12That's why I appeared on JUNGLE TV with Mr. Sama.
14:14What is HAPPENING?
14:16It's a game where you make three meals a day.
14:20There are four steps to cooking.
14:23If you get all the steps right, you win.
14:27If you don't get all the steps right, you lose.
14:32Mr. Sama was beaten four times in a row.
14:35He was angry.
14:37He said, why am I the only one?
14:39What is the action of being angry?
14:43That's the problem.
14:45It's bed time.
14:48Mr. Sama was beaten four times in a row.
14:54What is the action of getting all the steps right?
15:01A. He turned off the light bulb in the studio.
15:06B. He started eating catering instead of three meals a day.
15:11Which one is it?
15:16I think I'll do both.
15:18I don't remember.
15:2529 years ago, Mr. Sama appeared on a TV show.
15:31He was beaten four times in a row.
15:36What is the action of being angry?
15:40I think I'll do both.
15:43I don't remember.
15:45Which one?
15:46I think I'll do both.
15:49Do you remember?
15:51I remember being beaten four times in a row on a TV show.
15:55I remember getting all the steps right.
16:00Please choose your bed.
16:07I don't want to touch the light bulb.
16:10I'm afraid of it.
16:12That's true.
16:17Are you afraid of the light bulb?
16:19I'm afraid of the light bulb.
16:22I'll choose A.
16:25Mr. Sama doesn't seem to eat much.
16:29He has a small stomach.
16:32He doesn't care about food.
16:35So I thought he wouldn't eat.
16:38But he eats.
16:40He ate beef pilaf.
16:43That's good.
16:46I think I'll choose A.
16:50Shigemori, what do you think?
16:52I think he was popular at that time.
16:55I think he had a plan to eat after the shoot.
16:59I think he opened his stomach to eat with a girl.
17:03That's good.
17:07I don't eat much in the evening.
17:10So I don't eat much.
17:12I promise to eat with my friends.
17:16I choose A.
17:18I think I've seen this scene before.
17:22Have you seen it?
17:24I've seen it on JANGLE TV.
17:26I think I've seen this scene before.
17:30That's amazing.
17:32Maybe I'm wrong.
17:34It's amazing that you got it right.
17:37There is a man who is so wholehearted.
17:42I should have pulled out my hand.
17:46You didn't pull out your hand.
17:49I want you to take out your hand.
17:51I'm going to pull out my hand.
17:58The correct answer is this.
18:02He took out his hand in the studio and started to erase it.
18:08The story.
18:10It's really the story.
18:12The image is a bit...
18:14It's a small light.
18:16I feel like it was shooting little by little.
18:20It was going.
18:22Naina is a big senior, so she can't complain.
18:26Moreover, she made me do four.
18:30I'm sorry, but the troubled faces of those two were good.
18:34Naina Isegine and Tamori.
18:38Marina Watanabe.
18:40That's right.
18:42I shouldn't have taken out the TV.
18:44I'm sorry.
18:46It's been a while since I've been in a quiz show.
18:48It's been a while since I've been in a quiz show.
18:50It's been a while since I've been in a quiz show.
18:52It's been a while since I've been in a quiz show.
18:54Next is the choice of Maruyama Honnami, the representative of Japan as a soccer player.
19:02I'm a couple of the soccer team.
19:04I'm Maruyama, a quadrangle.
19:06What are you doing?
19:10You haven't done it before.
19:12You haven't done it before.
19:14I don't have a self-introduction program.
19:16I don't have a self-introduction program.
19:18I see.
19:20You do it when you introduce yourself.
19:22What is it?
19:24I'm Maruyama, a quadrangle.
19:26I'm Maruyama, a quadrangle.
19:28It's strange.
19:30You're going to get crushed.
19:32You're going to get crushed.
19:34It's time to crush you.
19:36What do you have in common?
19:38I'm like a bullring.
19:42You look like Ricky Stoll.
19:48The two met as a player and a coach in the same team.
19:52The two met as a player and a coach in the same team.
19:56The reason for this is Maruyama-san's choice!
20:01I've never heard of a match between a coach and a player.
20:04But between a coach and a player...
20:06There's no such thing.
20:08It was a match between a coach and a demon.
20:12He was very angry.
20:13During the play?
20:14Yes, of course.
20:16There's no such thing.
20:17It's just a fight.
20:19I always complain when I coach.
20:21To the coach?
20:23That much?
20:25Why didn't you like him during the play?
20:28He's always angry at me.
20:31So that's why...
20:33Did you like him?
20:34No, I didn't.
20:35Did you like him?
20:36No, I didn't.
20:37Yes, you did.
20:38No, I didn't.
20:39I'm sure you did.
20:40I'm sure you did.
20:41That's because you were too stupid.
20:47What happened after that?
20:49After I retired, I got a job at a soccer class.
20:54I had to teach the players by myself.
20:58I didn't want to do it.
21:00I couldn't do it.
21:01It's your job.
21:02I wondered why I couldn't play soccer.
21:06If I had a ball...
21:09You're a famous player.
21:11I didn't know how to teach.
21:13You can do it yourself.
21:15I didn't know how to teach.
21:18So I contacted Mr. Honami.
21:21He's a former coach.
21:23I retired with him.
21:25I see.
21:26So I contacted him.
21:29He asked you to come.
21:30I talked to him on the phone.
21:32He couldn't hear me on the phone.
21:34I didn't know how to explain it.
21:36I didn't know how to move it.
21:40I didn't understand it at all.
21:42You didn't understand it.
21:44So you said,
21:45I said,
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25:13Yeah, but I want to raise him well.
25:18Everyone, please take your 10-minute bets.
25:21Here you go!
25:25Ah, I knew it.
25:28It's 2 years old.
25:29It's 2 years old, right?
25:312 years old.
25:32I don't think he understands what Mr. Ikegami is talking about.
25:36He might think he's a really cool old man.
25:39In this program, everyone is laughing and it's fun.
25:44I think it's a good way to raise kids.
25:48There's a rumor that laughter is very useful for medical care.
25:53That's right.
25:54Kids react to Mr. Ikegami.
25:57If you do this, they'll keep laughing.
26:02Kids absolutely don't look.
26:05I see, you guys were laughing.
26:07Well, I think B is a little too much.
26:12It's too much.
26:14Mr. Ikegami is 2 years old and he says he's fast,
26:17but Mr. Sanma's laughter is also fast for a 2-year-old.
26:21I agree.
26:22Then I'll go with B.
26:23Everyone says they can't look at Mr. Ikegami because he's 2 years old.
26:28I don't think the two of them can listen to Mr. Ikegami.
26:32I don't think so.
26:34I don't think so.
26:36I can't stand it.
26:38What is this?
26:40I don't think anyone can stand it.
26:45I don't think I can watch it for more than 10 minutes.
26:48I see.
26:50I didn't think there were so many mistakes like you.
26:54Here is the correct answer.
26:56I want to improve my laughter skills, so I always watch Mr. Sanma's videos.
27:01So, Mr. Sekine and Mr. Maruyama's team is correct.
27:09Maruyama, it's because you're watching.
27:13I've been watching it for a long time.
27:16I've been watching it since I was a baby.
27:19I've been watching Mr. Sanma's videos since I was a baby.
27:24I've been listening to Mr. Sanma's voice since I was a baby.
27:28I've been listening to Mr. Sanma's voice since I was a baby.
27:31I've been watching Mr. Sanma's videos since I was a baby.
27:36I've been listening to Mr. Sanma's videos since I was a baby.
27:39Mr. Sanma's voice has changed a little.
27:42I think you should switch to Mr. Ikegami.
27:45I don't think you can play soccer.
27:48He can't play soccer.
27:51I don't let him play soccer.
27:54I don't let him play soccer.
27:56I don't let him play soccer.
27:59I have the feeling that he's injured.
28:03I have the feeling that he's injured.
28:07I don't let him play sports.
28:10I play soccer.
28:12I want to kick something like Maruimono out of him.
28:15I don't want it to be a ball.
28:18I don't want it to be a ball.
28:20What do you kick with Maruimono recently?
28:53I'm Tamayo Shimada
28:55He's energetic
28:59Tamayo Shimada
29:03He's a very popular comedian
29:05He's very active in variety shows
29:07He was chosen as a high-tension female comedian
29:09by TV show's Shingigeki
29:11He's a very successful comedian
29:13He's been working hard
29:15for a whole day
29:17He's going to choose
29:19a very suitable woman
29:21It's the 65th anniversary of Shinkeiki, and I'm here for the tour.
29:26It's your brother's team, right?
29:27Isn't it hard to go on tour on the same day?
29:29Well, I usually go on business trips, tours, and regional shows on the same day, so I'm used to it.
29:42Instead of the usual characters, the off-mode is quiet.
29:48That's true.
29:50It's kind of embarrassing.
29:53I don't have time for it.
29:57I have to prepare for the actual show.
30:05I don't want to use my power until it starts.
30:12As the saying goes,
30:13before the actual show, the members of the team have a relaxed atmosphere.
30:18How about you, Tamayo?
30:20Before I say, show me this,
30:24I'm not convinced.
30:25I see. Tamayo, I see.
30:27I can't believe it.
30:29Tamayo has an anxious face.
30:34That's right.
30:36It's decided, but it's not decided.
30:43I don't know what to do.
30:45The actual show will start in an hour.
30:48I don't know what to say.
30:52That's what I was thinking.
30:56Behind the scenes, Tamayo has a gloomy expression.
31:00What is the first thing to do?
31:15It's cold.
31:19No way.
31:21I'm sorry.
31:22It's all right.
31:23I'm trying to relax my throat.
31:25When I'm relaxed, I can't do anything.
31:29It's a play that makes me extremely nervous.
31:35I don't know.
31:36It's the usual scene.
31:39It's like a dream.
31:41I see.
31:42Two minutes after the unique drive,
31:44it's your turn.
31:56After driving himself to the limit,
31:58he is very excited.
32:00I'm crazy.
32:03During the break,
32:05he has this time.
32:08It's time to relax.
32:13Here it is.
32:14Here it is.
32:16I'm Yuki.
32:21I'm sorry to bother you.
32:26I came to work with Tamayo.
32:33I introduced her in the studio.
32:36She is Tamayo's partner since she was 5 years old.
32:39Since she was 5 years old?
32:41She is carrying Tamayo to save her power.
32:45She is a grown-up.
32:47What is this?
32:49It's not a dressing room.
32:51It's an area where there are not many entertainers.
32:55Everyone is playing.
32:57Everyone is playing.
33:00It's an area where no one knows.
33:03It's a break time.
33:05Everyone in the studio,
33:07please call me Ms. Yuki.
33:10One, two.
33:12Ms. Yuki.
33:17I didn't want to call her.
33:21Washing dishes, shopping,
33:23Ms. Yuki.
33:26Her thick legs are attractive.
33:29Ms. Yuki.
33:32Ms. Yuki.
33:35Ms. Yuki.
33:45I'm devastated.
33:46I'm scared.
33:48If it wasn't for the shooting,
33:50I would have wanted to be quiet.
33:52That's right.
33:54I'm sorry.
33:56I'm sorry for making you so excited.
33:58Thank you for your hard work.
34:00Tamayo and Ms. Yuki are excited.
34:03They are excited to go on stage.
34:07It's a break time.
34:10There is one more thing
34:13she always carries with her.
34:17That is...
34:20A. A handkerchief with the scent of her favorite boyfriend.
34:27B. A sword she got as a gift.
34:33Which one will she choose?
34:36This is difficult.
34:38It's difficult.
34:40A. A sword she got as a gift. B. A sword she got as a gift.
34:45Which one will Tamayo carry with her?
34:52Please take a seat.
34:55It doesn't matter.
34:58I understand.
35:01But the scent...
35:03It smells like a stuffed animal.
35:05That's right.
35:07It's like a mixture.
35:09The scent.
35:11I like the scent.
35:13That's right.
35:15You like your daughter a lot, don't you?
35:18You mean my daughter?
35:20Of course.
35:23How old is your daughter?
35:25My daughter is in high school.
35:27She is 30 years old.
35:29She is 30 years old.
35:31That's enough.
35:33You don't have to say that.
35:38This is a handkerchief with the scent of her boyfriend.
35:41That's right.
35:43It's just a scent.
35:45Hiroshi's name is written on it.
35:47Oh, I see.
35:49He did it on purpose.
35:51I see.
35:53He smells like a stuffed animal from the right.
35:56He smells like Hiroshi from the left.
36:02He smells like a stuffed animal.
36:05You like that, don't you?
36:07It calms your mind.
36:10It's a stuffed animal at work.
36:12It's a handkerchief at work.
36:14I see.
36:16Oh, I see.
36:18I don't have to look at it.
36:21That's right.
36:23I don't have to use it.
36:25If it smells like my daughter and my boyfriend, it's a good fight.
36:29Oh, I see.
36:31This is difficult.
36:33This is difficult.
36:35What was the first thing you asked your daughter?
36:38Do you remember what it was?
36:40A bicycle saddle.
36:44You said it.
36:46I want to have a proper conversation.
36:49The correct answer is...
36:53I got this on my birthday last year.
36:58I got this as a present.
37:01The correct answer is B.
37:03It's a sword that my daughter gave me.
37:06This is the support of the heart in front of the stage.
37:12I can make anything.
37:16I have a place to go.
37:19If it's possible, I'll give it to my mom.
37:24You're so kind.
37:27I can't see it with my eyes.
37:30I'm sad.
37:31I got a letter at the end.
37:36Happy birthday to you.
37:47I can't see it.
37:50I love you.
37:59You're a strange person.
38:01You're a strange person.
38:04The correct answer is A.
38:09You did a good job.
38:11My daughter is crying.
38:14I can't do that.
38:16My daughter is crying.
38:18I can't do that.
38:20You can't see it, can you?
38:22Before the performance.
38:24Before the performance.
38:26That's right.
38:30I might try to do my best.
38:33What was the first thing you got from your granddaughter?
38:37Was your daughter a bicycle saddle?
38:41What was the first thing you got from your granddaughter?
38:45Was your daughter a garbage bag?
38:50Was your daughter a garbage bag?
38:52Which one is it?
38:54Was your daughter a garbage bag?
38:57After the performance,
38:59Tamayo came back to Osaka.
39:06You can drink it all the time.
39:08You can drink it all the time.
39:13It's good.
39:14It's good.
39:16The soup is good.
39:20Tamayo is drinking alcohol.
39:23Can I have a drink?
39:27What did you talk about?
39:29I have a partner named Hiroshi.
39:36I like him too much.
39:40I like him too much.
39:43I'm frustrated.
39:44I lost to him in the 100m race.
39:47I want to win in the 100m race.
39:51Tamayo Olympics.
39:55Hiroshi Olympics.
39:57Once every four months.
39:59Not once every four years.
40:00Once every four months.
40:02Hiroshi Olympics.
40:04I wasn't able to win.
40:06I lost to him in the Hiroshi Olympics.
40:09I don't understand.
40:13Do you know what Hiroshi said?
40:18What is that?
40:20Once is enough.
40:22I want to roast you.
40:26I thought it was cool.
40:28I said it with my throat closed.
40:30I thought it was cool.
40:34I talked to him a lot.
40:38I don't understand.
40:39It's painful.
40:41Of course it's painful.
40:43It's scary.
40:45I like it.
40:47I want to be chased.
40:49I see.
40:54I don't want to chase him.
40:57A man is a creature that hunts.
41:02I think he is a chaser.
41:05He is a good man.
41:07When I went to the store,
41:09I was told that I would be separated from Hiroshi.
41:13I said I was lonely.
41:15Do you know what Hiroshi said?
41:18Once is enough.
41:19I want to roast you.
41:21I said it with my throat closed.
41:24I thought it was cool.
41:26When I went to the store,
41:28I was told that I would be separated from Hiroshi.
41:30I said I was lonely.
41:31Do you know what Hiroshi said?
41:35It's difficult.
41:36A. He is under the same sky.
41:42B. If I make my stuffed animal,
41:47Which one will it be?
41:50I don't care.
41:52It's troublesome.
41:54I don't want to participate in this quiz.
41:57I don't care.
41:59I'm sorry.
42:01Please choose a bed.
42:04I have no choice.
42:07I have no choice.
42:09I can't help it.
42:13There were a lot of stuffed animals.
42:16I made a new stuffed animal.
42:21That's amazing.
42:23That's amazing.
42:25I was behind you.
42:27I like him very much.
42:30But he said he wouldn't be my partner.
42:36Does your boyfriend say such a thing?
42:40You are losing 100 to 0.
42:42He said that.
42:44He was a doctor.
42:46He was a doctor.
42:48But he said it was cool.
42:50If it's cool, it's A.
42:53If I make my stuffed animal,
42:56I don't think Hiroshi will say that.
42:59He doesn't say that.
43:01He doesn't say that.
43:03I see.
43:04Does your boyfriend say such a thing?
43:08I don't care.
43:10I'm sorry.
43:12I'm sorry.
43:14I'm afraid of meeting Tamayo.
43:17I'm afraid of meeting Tamayo.
43:20The correct answer is...
43:29Tamayo was lonely because he had to work.
43:33What did her boyfriend say?
43:36Which one is it?
43:38Which one is it?
43:40He said he was lonely.
43:42What do you think he said?
43:44I think he said...
43:45If I make my stuffed animal,
43:47I don't care.
43:49I don't care.
43:51Hiroshi is cool.
43:56That's what I thought.
43:57He is cool.
43:58He is cool.
44:03Hiratami Tsuru is in Kazamamori, right?
44:06He is cool.
44:09The correct answer is B.
44:11If I make my stuffed animal,
44:13I don't care.
44:15The correct answer is Maruyama team and Aizawa team.
44:22Shigemori is amazing.
44:25I didn't have a stuffed animal,
44:27but I thought everyone would say that.
44:32It's totally different.
44:38It's totally different.
44:41Don't get angry.
44:45The winner is Maruyama Honnami and Shigemori team.
44:54Today's luxury item is this.
44:56What is it?
44:57Tamayo sticker of tears.
44:59Tamayo sticker of tears.
45:03You can put it anywhere.
45:04It's a big sticker.
45:07Give it to the director.
45:09I lost.
