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Changes in Shankar Vilas Bridge Construction in Guntur : గుంటూరు శంకర్​ విలాస్​ పైవంతెన పనులు ప్రారంభమవుతున్న వేళ ప్లాన్‌ మార్పుపై నగరవాసుల నుంచి అభ్యంతరాలు వ్యక్తమవుతున్నాయి. ఫ్లై ఓవర్ డిజైన్లు మార్పుతో భవిష్యత్తులో కొత్త సమస్యలు వస్తాయని స్థానికులు, నిపుణులు అంటున్నారు. ఫ్లైఓవర్‌ కంటే ముందు ఆర్​యూబీ (RUB)ని సిద్ధం చేయాలని వాహనదారులు కోరుతున్నారు.


00:00In addition to solving the increasing traffic problem, a new flyover has been built in Sankar Vilaswada in Guntur to meet the needs of the railway.
00:10The central government has approved 98 crore rupees for this.
00:14The flyover, which was 8 meters high in the past, is now 11.5 meters high.
00:19From Ambedkar Kodali to Hindu Kalasala Kodali, a flyover of 1.5 kilometers has been announced for the first time.
00:26According to the funds provided by the central government, it cannot be built in that position.
00:29In addition to the sinking of the ship, the designs have been changed and 930 meters of bridge are being built.
00:34At the time of the design, the authorities said that they also built RUB while communicating with the locals.
00:41At that time, they said that there would be no problem in going to GGH and coming from that side.
00:45If RUB is built in advance, the flyover work will be done, but there will be no problem for vehicles to come and go.
00:51According to the newly announced designs, if the flyover is built, people going from Sankar Vilas to GGH will have to face severe difficulties.
00:59Because the flyover ends near AC College, they cannot come back from there.
01:04Without taking this into account, now the flyover designs are being discussed.
01:09The first thing to think about is what alternative arrangements should be done.
01:13Because when we stopped the 300, you all would have suspected how much effort we had put on the bridge.
01:18First of all, if you break the bridge, you know what will happen.
01:22After building the RUB road under bridge,
01:25since this is a bridge built by the central house with a pillar,
01:28whether you build an iconic bridge or a wonderful bridge,
01:31build another bridge if you have the opportunity.
01:33How much slope will the 8 meter bridge have?
01:37How much slope should the bridge with 11.5 meters and 12 meters have today?
01:40It should have more than that.
01:41The important points on this side are St. Joseph's Hospital, Government Hospital, AC College, Women's College.
01:48In the entire Guntur center, which is a big hospital related to education and health,
01:53ambulances or traffic problems will come very fast.
01:57If we take the flyover in that perspective,
02:00it will be easy for the public to come from one town to two towns from the points where the ambulances are running.
02:07For that, if you build RUB first and then RUB, the public will be disconnected.
02:12It is very difficult to build RUB after the bridge is built.
02:16The Japanese are saying that it will be difficult for vehicles to go up because of the high height above.
02:22There are objections to the new designs without any discrepancy between the bridge and the ramp.
02:28The opinion is that the people have worked hard to build a flyover from the center.
02:35If the railway underpass is extended for three months,
02:40the traffic problems in the city will be very bad.
02:43It is wrong that the authorities do not think of ways to complete the project in three years.
02:50If the bridge is built from Women's College Yuvathilam to Arundalpet,
02:56how will it meet the needs of the people?
03:00The Arundalpet police station on the 10th line will be in trouble.
03:05The slope will increase to the 8th line and it will be difficult to travel.
03:11It would be good if you put the designs in the public domain and take the advice of the people.
03:20It is difficult to open the bridge and give a tender.
03:25Even if you explain to the DPR people, they will say that it has not been completed yet.
03:32The construction of the bridge was stopped from the 10th line to Women's College Yuvathilam and then to the 8th line.
03:37Due to the traffic congestion between the 8th and 9th lines,
03:42it will be good if the bridge is not congested.
03:45If the budget is needed, it will be good if the bridge is changed.
03:49To start some buildings for the flyover, many people have come to cooperate.
03:54Some people have supported the courts.
03:57If the authorities cooperate with the locals and take their opinions into consideration,
04:02there is a chance that the work will go ahead without the obstacles at the top.
04:06At the same time, it is necessary to consult the local people.
