Changes in Shankar Vilas Bridge Construction in Guntur : గుంటూరు శంకర్ విలాస్ పైవంతెన పనులు ప్రారంభమవుతున్న వేళ ప్లాన్ మార్పుపై నగరవాసుల నుంచి అభ్యంతరాలు వ్యక్తమవుతున్నాయి. ఫ్లై ఓవర్ డిజైన్లు మార్పుతో భవిష్యత్తులో కొత్త సమస్యలు వస్తాయని స్థానికులు, నిపుణులు అంటున్నారు. ఫ్లైఓవర్ కంటే ముందు ఆర్యూబీ (RUB)ని సిద్ధం చేయాలని వాహనదారులు కోరుతున్నారు.
00:00In addition to solving the increasing traffic problem, a new flyover has been built in Sankar Vilaswada in Guntur to meet the needs of the railway.
00:10The central government has approved 98 crore rupees for this.
00:14The flyover, which was 8 meters high in the past, is now 11.5 meters high.
00:19From Ambedkar Kodali to Hindu Kalasala Kodali, a flyover of 1.5 kilometers has been announced for the first time.
00:26According to the funds provided by the central government, it cannot be built in that position.
00:29In addition to the sinking of the ship, the designs have been changed and 930 meters of bridge are being built.
00:34At the time of the design, the authorities said that they also built RUB while communicating with the locals.
00:41At that time, they said that there would be no problem in going to GGH and coming from that side.
00:45If RUB is built in advance, the flyover work will be done, but there will be no problem for vehicles to come and go.
00:51According to the newly announced designs, if the flyover is built, people going from Sankar Vilas to GGH will have to face severe difficulties.
00:59Because the flyover ends near AC College, they cannot come back from there.
01:04Without taking this into account, now the flyover designs are being discussed.
01:09The first thing to think about is what alternative arrangements should be done.
01:13Because when we stopped the 300, you all would have suspected how much effort we had put on the bridge.
01:18First of all, if you break the bridge, you know what will happen.
01:22After building the RUB road under bridge,
01:25since this is a bridge built by the central house with a pillar,
01:28whether you build an iconic bridge or a wonderful bridge,
01:31build another bridge if you have the opportunity.
01:33How much slope will the 8 meter bridge have?
01:37How much slope should the bridge with 11.5 meters and 12 meters have today?
01:40It should have more than that.
01:41The important points on this side are St. Joseph's Hospital, Government Hospital, AC College, Women's College.
01:48In the entire Guntur center, which is a big hospital related to education and health,
01:53ambulances or traffic problems will come very fast.
01:57If we take the flyover in that perspective,
02:00it will be easy for the public to come from one town to two towns from the points where the ambulances are running.
02:07For that, if you build RUB first and then RUB, the public will be disconnected.
02:12It is very difficult to build RUB after the bridge is built.
02:16The Japanese are saying that it will be difficult for vehicles to go up because of the high height above.
02:22There are objections to the new designs without any discrepancy between the bridge and the ramp.
02:28The opinion is that the people have worked hard to build a flyover from the center.
02:35If the railway underpass is extended for three months,
02:40the traffic problems in the city will be very bad.
02:43It is wrong that the authorities do not think of ways to complete the project in three years.
02:50If the bridge is built from Women's College Yuvathilam to Arundalpet,
02:56how will it meet the needs of the people?
03:00The Arundalpet police station on the 10th line will be in trouble.
03:05The slope will increase to the 8th line and it will be difficult to travel.
03:11It would be good if you put the designs in the public domain and take the advice of the people.
03:20It is difficult to open the bridge and give a tender.
03:25Even if you explain to the DPR people, they will say that it has not been completed yet.
03:32The construction of the bridge was stopped from the 10th line to Women's College Yuvathilam and then to the 8th line.
03:37Due to the traffic congestion between the 8th and 9th lines,
03:42it will be good if the bridge is not congested.
03:45If the budget is needed, it will be good if the bridge is changed.
03:49To start some buildings for the flyover, many people have come to cooperate.
03:54Some people have supported the courts.
03:57If the authorities cooperate with the locals and take their opinions into consideration,
04:02there is a chance that the work will go ahead without the obstacles at the top.
04:06At the same time, it is necessary to consult the local people.