Brendan Sagalow performing on #NewFaces2022 at #JustForLaughs Montreal Festival.
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Just For Laughs is the world’s premiere destination for stand up comedy. JFL produces the world’s largest and most prestigious comedy event every July in Montreal, as well as annual festivals in Quebec City, Vancouver and Sydney.
Watch more #standup #comedy on youtube from Just for Laughs
Just For Laughs is the world’s premiere destination for stand up comedy. JFL produces the world’s largest and most prestigious comedy event every July in Montreal, as well as annual festivals in Quebec City, Vancouver and Sydney.
00:00I've lived in New York City for 11 years.
00:03What a f... No.
00:06What a nightmare.
00:08You're not supposed to live like that.
00:10You're not supposed to, like, walk out of your house
00:12and just see someone licking a brick at 11 in the morning.
00:18I once saw a guy sneeze and make no sneeze face,
00:21and I can't stop thinking about it.
00:24You ever see that? I was looking at this guy.
00:26He was like... Oh, my God.
00:30Jesus Christ.
00:35How busy do you have to be?
00:38How busy of a New Yorker do you have to be
00:41where you've cut out sneezing?
00:43He's like, we got to get to the Lion King.
00:45Ha! Ha!
00:47I missed the train.
00:51I don't even understand how people have kids there.
00:53My friends have kids, and they're, like,
00:55raising them in one-bedroom apartments.
00:57And I'm like, isn't it hard to have a sex life?
00:59You know what I mean? My parents were terrible at it.
01:01My parents were awful at hiding their sex life,
01:03and I grew up in the suburbs.
01:05One time I opened up a drawer and just an on dildo
01:08was like...
01:12Just going up. I didn't even go into their room.
01:14The drawer came into my room.
01:22That didn't happen.
01:25My parents are good people.
01:27My mom's crazy.
01:29She's got... She just installed this, like, novelty doorbell.
01:32This, like, musical doorbell into her house.
01:35It's one of those doorbells that's go...
01:37It goes, ding-dong, ding-dong.
01:40Ding-dong, ding-dong.
01:48And she has such a shitty house,
01:50it, like, doesn't make sense.
01:53I'm like, Mom, your doorbell should match your house.
01:55Like, she should have... What her doorbell should be
01:58is just a woman who smoked Newport cigarettes for 25 years.
02:01Just coughing. Just...
02:03That should be the...
02:08That should be the...
02:12You know, like, yells at you.
02:18I'm pretty terrible at dating, obviously.
02:22This is, like, the shit I talk about when I'm dating someone.
02:25I'm so bad. One time I was having sex with a woman,
02:27and she said, I love how deep inside of me you are,
02:29and I said, like, same or whatever.
02:31I don't even know what I...
02:36That's insane.
02:40I'm such a coward.
02:42It's, like, crazy. I could do this, but it's, like,
02:44when it comes to dating, I, like...
02:46I'm one of those guys when you're on a date with somebody
02:48that, like, I'll ask a woman to kiss her
02:50during the first kiss. You know what I mean?
02:52Like, if we're, like, standing there,
02:54and I'll be like, can I...
02:58Sorry. May I...
03:03...kiss you?
03:05And every woman has the same reaction.
03:07They're all like, fine, sure.
03:12It's just so embarrassing.
03:14Have you ever gone in for a kiss and you get rejected?
03:16How embarrassing is that?
03:18When you're, like, going in and they're like...
03:22And you're here, so you can't lie.
03:24You know what I do now?
03:26I keep a quarter in my hand, so when I go in for a kiss
03:28and she goes, whoa, what are you doing?
03:30I go, magic, and then I...
03:32Move away.
03:36I throw a little smoke bomb down.
03:40Sneak away like the Grinch.
03:45I didn't even know I could do that.
03:49Yeah. That's a one-way ticket
03:51to the friend zone, to just be a coward.
03:53Because you, like, hold in how you like somebody
03:55for, like, years.
03:57You got to just make your intentions clear.
03:59I've been friend-zoned so many times.
04:01High school, college.
04:03Women do this thing that is so funny
04:05when you friend-zone a guy.
04:07When you know a guy likes you, but you don't like us,
04:09you will, like, call us dude and bro.
04:11You'll, like, put that into sentences.
04:13And, like, if we're really not getting it,
04:15bestie or, like, BFF.
04:17But it's, like, that doesn't work.
04:19I still have a crush on you.
04:21I've had girls do that in college all the time.
04:23They're, like, are you going to the bar tomorrow, dude?
04:25I'll see you there, bud.
04:27And I'm, like, I'm still in love with you, my guy.
04:31This isn't working, old buddy, old pal.
04:41It's so funny, man.
04:43I notice that shit all the time.
04:45I always see through those little polite lies.
04:47Like, have you ever been having sex with someone
04:49and they go, like, come for me?
04:51It's, like, I know what that means.
04:55That means speed this up.
04:59Come already is what that means.
05:03Come for me does not mean come for me.
05:05Come for me means come for Christ's sake.
05:07That's what that means.
05:11Next time someone goes come for me,
05:13I'm going to go, this is for you, muchacho.
05:25This is fun.
05:29I haven't had a drink for a while, too.
05:31I haven't had a drink almost two years.
05:35Oh, wow.
05:37Remind me never to do that again.
05:43You know what I miss about drinking?
05:45This is really what I miss about drinking.
05:47Doing cocaine.
05:49It's just gone.
05:51I lost it in the divorce.
05:53How fun is cocaine?
05:55It's the best, right?
05:57Isn't it the best?
05:59A couple.
06:01A couple people.
06:03It's like the only time you're in a singles bathroom
06:05and, like, with another person and you're like,
06:07this is awesome.
06:09I like cocaine.
06:11You know, weed is my thing, though.
06:13I still get high.
06:15I still like to smoke weed.
06:17I like weed because you can just be high everywhere.
06:19You can't really do that with coke.
06:21You can't really do that with booze.
06:23If you're good at weed, you can just be high everywhere.
06:25Like, I used to get up in the morning
06:27and I would smoke a blunt and then I would go,
06:29like, to the nursing home and visit my grandma.
06:31And you really can't do that on coke.
06:33That'd be crazy.
06:35Absolutely nuts
06:37absolutely nuts to be like,
06:39Grandma, you got ideas?
06:43But weed is perfect.
06:45She's got dementia.
06:47I'm high.
06:49We're both like...
06:51What's our names again?
07:01I also like weed because...
07:03I don't know.
07:05On a daily basis, I have terrible thoughts.
07:07You know?
07:09I'm just, like, always thinking bad shit.
07:11And then I smoke weed and the thoughts
07:13aren't really that bad anymore.
07:15Like, the other day I had this thought.
07:17I went, I wonder what day I'm gonna die on.
07:19And then I smoked a joint and I was like,
07:21I hope it's a Friday.
07:31This is a lot of fun.
07:35Trying to lose weight.
07:37Weed's gotta go because I'm, like, eating burgers
07:39at 3 in the morning.
07:41I just, I want to lose weight so bad.
07:43I have sleep apnea.
07:45I had to get, like,
07:47I went to a sleep thingy and...
07:51Sleep thingy!
07:55And we did a sleep study
07:57and I have sleep apnea so I have to wear one of those masks
07:59which is insane and I don't want to do that
08:01because I want kids one day.
08:03You can't have kids in a CPAP.
08:05Could you imagine being a little kid
08:07and having a nightmare and then running
08:09to your parents' bedroom?
08:11And you're like,
08:13guys, I had a scary dream, can I...
08:15And they're like...
08:21Sleep between us.
08:25My kid's like, I'm just gonna deal with the nightmares,
08:27I think.
08:29All right, thank you guys. Have a good night.