Gabby Windey is *thirsty*—parched, even—though she didn't enjoy any drinks (cheap or not) in this episode of #CheapShots. The reality star didn’t hold back as she tackled the hard questions, from calling out the thirstiest ‘Bachelor’ alum to revealing the male celeb she now hates (zero hesitation on that one). Watch as Gabby spills the tea on her most disappointing castmates from ‘The Traitors,’ ranks her ‘Bachelor’ alum that have competed on ‘Dancing With the Stars,' and shares the wild story behind her messiest night as ‘The Bachelorette.’
Stream ‘The Traitors’ on Peacock.
#GabbyWindey #TheTraitors #Cosmopolitan
Stream ‘The Traitors’ on Peacock.
#GabbyWindey #TheTraitors #Cosmopolitan
00:00Rank the following men from who you'd most to least want to be stuck on a deserted island with and tell us why.
00:07I don't want to be stuck on a deserted island with any man.
00:12Hi, I'm Gabby Windy and I'm taking cheap shots with Cosmo.
00:16What is this, the SATs?
00:18I'm like, live for the mess.
00:23I'm not a shots person. I've aged out.
00:26This is not how I drink.
00:30In round one, I'll be taking shots at myself.
00:34The drinks are mojitos.
00:36Four are regular and one spiked with a shot of questionable rum.
00:42Ah, here we go.
00:44You've appeared on many reality shows like The Bachelorette, Traitors, and Dancing with the Stars.
00:50What is one thing you regret saying on national TV?
00:54I wish I regretted anything in my life.
00:58Not really.
01:00I try and live with no regrets, but I want to think about one because I know these tiny little cute shots are deceptive.
01:07I'm going to start off strong.
01:10I don't know. I'm going to go right for the middle.
01:13I'm scared.
01:19Kind of. I don't know.
01:20The aftertaste is questionable. Is this the...
01:24Okay, well they're all questionable then.
01:30What's the shadiest thing you've done to an ex?
01:34Do I reach as shady to you?
01:37This is so crazy to assume.
01:40I mean, broke up over the phone and filmed it on my laptop because I didn't know what he was going to say.
01:47And that is illegal, but it never went anywhere.
01:50It seemed dramatic at the time and I'm all about the drama.
01:53Did you show the recording to anyone?
01:55No. I just rewatched it.
02:01Name your most toxic trait in a relationship.
02:06But nobody knows what that means, so I get away with it.
02:11It means you think you're better than everyone.
02:13Concur this in your new relationship.
02:15A lot of introspection.
02:18I think when you want to be in a relationship, you tone it down a little bit and you do understand that you are the problem.
02:25Robbie's helped me realize that and I love her and want to keep her around, so I tend to agree.
02:34What's the craziest lie you've told a co-star?
02:38I pretty much lied through my teeth all of traitors and I told everyone that I liked them.
02:46Dylan Efron.
02:47Dead to me.
02:49If I was a traitor, my lying strategy would be just don't get yourself into a situation where you'd have to lie.
02:57Smile and nod.
02:58So it's pretty much the same strategy as I used as a faithful.
03:10I need no convincing.
03:12I'm the owner of my own mess.
03:14There was a scene where I wasn't sober.
03:18I was visibly drunk.
03:20It was like the end of the Bachelorette season and he was saying he wasn't going to propose to me and I was like, are you kidding?
03:28Why are we here? How can you say no to me?
03:31So then I proceeded to drink like two bottles of champagne, ripped off my mic, audio was following me.
03:38The producers were like, this is so unlike Gabby.
03:43I'm like, live for the mess.
03:45And now I'm a lesbian.
03:47So it didn't really work.
03:49Round two, timed shots.
03:52These drinks are espresso martinis.
03:54Four are mixed with expensive vodka and one is mixed with a bottom shelf bottle.
04:01Finish this iconic quote from your season of The Bachelorette.
04:05I have fake hair and a fake tan, but you can't tell because you're dumb.
04:12You're stupid.
04:14You're an idiot.
04:16What is this, the SATs?
04:19But you can't tell because...
04:22Am I on the right track?
04:24Okay, because you're a boy.
04:27Because you're a man.
04:28Because you're a dumb boy.
04:31Okay, give it to me. Come on.
04:34Okay, because...
04:37Ugh, what is it?
04:38Boys are dumb.
04:39Ugh, come on.
04:41I have fake hair, a fake tan.
04:44I'm just kidding.
04:45Yeah, just a little bit, but you can't tell because boys are dumb.
04:47Okay, let me do this one.
04:50Why are you laughing?
04:52Oh no.
04:57I feel like they're all bad.
04:59So, I bet that's actually fine.
05:01This one was okay?
05:05You competed on season 31 of Dancing with the Stars, landing second place.
05:09Why would you say that?
05:11Why would you remind everyone, maybe first runner up, with your partner Val?
05:16Spell Val's last name.
05:23I can't even pronounce it.
05:25What do you mean, spell it?
05:28That was a cheap shot.
05:30It tasted just the same.
05:34Oh my God.
05:35Besides yourself, name three other Capricorns on your season of The Traitors.
05:44Who else would be a Capricorn?
05:48Very grounded.
05:50I'm out of options.
05:54There's five Capricorns?
05:56They didn't act like it.
05:58One must have been a December Capricorn.
06:00Four seconds.
06:01Four seconds?
06:04Which everyone says to pronounce.
06:05He pronounces his own name, Iva.
06:08People are like, why is she saying it in a British accent?
06:10R's silent.
06:11It falls off.
06:15Oh my God.
06:16Carolyn's a Capricorn and Boston Rob.
06:19The best, if you ask me.
06:23Oh no.
06:24Oh my God.
06:25I'm going to get.
06:26Oh wow.
06:28Oh, this.
06:32They're tasting better, actually.
06:36When you appeared on The Bachelor, what did your grandfather jokingly say he thought of Clayton?
06:44He said he thought he was full of s***.
06:49I think he's full of s***.
06:53Was your grandfather right?
06:55100% correct.
06:57Nailed it.
06:58Read him to filth.
07:00Who was the deciding vote that got Wes banished from the castle on this season of The Traitors?
07:07I want to say Sierra.
07:11Wes, I voted for you.
07:16What was the dynamic like with Wes off screen?
07:18I mean, I hate to say it, but he's really funny.
07:21He is really full of himself.
07:23As arrogant as he comes off on camera, it's 10 times worse in person.
07:28But it works for him.
07:30Round three, the category is cheap shots.
07:33I'll be taking literal cheap shots at everyone.
07:37My favorite.
07:38The drinks are whiskey sours.
07:40Four are made with top shelf bourbon, while the cheap shot is mixed with a $10 bottle.
07:46Lucky me.
07:47Many Bachelor alum have competed on Dancing with the Stars.
07:51Rank the following from the best to worst dancer.
07:55Nick Viall, Joe Amabile, Joey Grazia De.
08:03I would say, I don't know how to pronounce them.
08:06From best to worst, I mean, they're all pretty bad, I'd say.
08:10Even though Joey won, but it's like, who was the competition?
08:13Best, Joey.
08:15And I didn't watch Nick Viall, but I imagine he's a little better than Joe, who has two left feet.
08:22And was known as the worst one.
08:25Which of your Traitor's castmates were you disappointed by when you met them in person?
08:33Oh, damn.
08:34Disappointed by.
08:38I feel like, obviously, Tom Sandoval, because he's just a disappointing person.
08:46Dylan Efron, dead to me.
08:50Only because he voted for me all the time.
08:53I'm kidding.
08:57Rank the following men from who you'd most to least want to be stuck on a deserted island with and tell us why.
09:04Clayton Eckerd, definitely not.
09:06Matt James, absolutely not.
09:08Peter Weber, f*** no.
09:13I mean, they'd be useless.
09:15I feel like they have no skills whatsoever.
09:18I don't want to be stuck on a deserted island with any man.
09:23I want to be stuck on a deserted island with a woman.
09:27My girlfriend.
09:29So, let me drink to that.
09:43I'm sure that one wasn't even the bad one.
09:48Who is the thirstiest Bachelor Nation alum and why?
09:58I'm thirsty.
10:02I don't know.
10:03Yeah, because I don't really.
10:04I try not to think.
10:05Who is so thirsty?
10:07I mean.
10:16Okay, whatever.
10:17I mean, I don't know.
10:18I could say one.
10:19Matt James.
10:20He's not thirsty.
10:22He's just very.
10:23He's actually very dry, like a prune.
10:26He's just rude and maybe a poor excuse for a man.
10:31This is coming off the heels of the Rachel Kirkconnell drama.
10:35So, I'm a girl's girl.
10:37This isn't coming out of nowhere.
10:38We know about him now.
10:41You famously said, I hate men on The Bachelorette.
10:45I did.
10:46Name one male celeb you've worked with that you hate and explain why.
10:50Michael Bublé.
10:54Because he didn't give me a perfect score on Dancing with the Stars.
10:57But he did look me up and down in my outfit.
11:01So, whose side are you on?
11:06You didn't see that one coming.
11:08I didn't enjoy one drink.
11:09Cheap or not.
11:10Thank you all for watching and stream Traders on Peacock.
11:14I could go on and on.
11:16But I won't.
11:39I won't.