Nick and Vanessa Lachey are the ultimate power couple that can navigate any situation together. The hosts of ‘Love Is Blind’ and ‘The Ultimatum’ share their hilarious (and brutally honest) advice on real-life Cosmo Confessays, from dealing with a bad psychic reading to how to get a friend-with-benefits to come over. Watch as these self-described jealous Scorpios explain why swapping partners is off the table and reveal how to score a no-strings-attached hookup—which might involve becoming an actress and casting a hot guy.
Watch ‘Love Is Blind’ on Netflix.
#NickLachey #VanessaLachey #LoveIsBlind #IfItWereMe #Cosmopolitan
Watch ‘Love Is Blind’ on Netflix.
#NickLachey #VanessaLachey #LoveIsBlind #IfItWereMe #Cosmopolitan
00:00Become an actress, do a movie, cast the hot guy,
00:03and be like, baby, I was working.
00:06Is that what you do?
00:08Hey, what's up, guys?
00:09I'm Nick Lachey.
00:10And I'm Vanessa Lachey.
00:11And this is If It Were Me with Cosmo.
00:16You feel very far away.
00:18You're so far away.
00:21All right, guys.
00:21Today, we're going through real-life confessions
00:24from Cosmo readers.
00:25And we are telling you how we would handle them.
00:27I'll give you a topic.
00:28Lachey, it's neither a la or a she.
00:32No, OK.
00:33The double texter.
00:34The guy I'm seeing checks all my boxes.
00:37Hey, girl, hey.
00:38Oh, hey, now.
00:38But he texts me too much.
00:40He'll even double text me when I haven't
00:42had the chance to respond.
00:43How do I tell him to pump the brakes without making
00:45it seem like I'm not interested?
00:47We have certain friends who are double texters.
00:49It kind of rubs us the wrong way, too, where it's like,
00:51oh my gosh, I can't keep up.
00:52Do you have nothing else to do but sit on your phone
00:54and text me?
00:54I think what I would say, if it checks all the boxes
00:57and that's the only, like, ick you have, maybe let it go.
01:00Because the alternative is that he's not texting you at all.
01:03And it looks like my text chain, where it's blue.
01:07To the point that I ask him, did you see anything I said?
01:09He's like, yeah, I saw it.
01:10Oh, me?
01:10So I would suggest maybe letting this one go.
01:13If it ain't you, he's going to be double texting somebody else.
01:15Ooh, let him double text you all day long.
01:18You don't have to make it so vicious.
01:20Bad vision.
01:21Yes, I'm going to hold it way out here,
01:22because I have bad vision.
01:23That's funny.
01:24I recently saw a psychic who told me my relationship
01:26of five years is essentially doomed.
01:29I thought she was the one, but now I'm second guessing it.
01:31Should I let the spiritual world interfere?
01:35The psychic thing's always a tricky one.
01:37I had one that told me my last relationship was the wrong one
01:40and that I'm going to meet a knight in shining armor,
01:43a white horse.
01:43And the first time I went to see him in concert
01:45was in New Jersey.
01:46And he sent a white escalade.
01:47And I was like, he's the knight in shining armor
01:48with the white horse.
01:50You had met one that said you're going to meet
01:52a trickster or something.
01:54This girl you're starting to date is a trickster.
01:56So when we would get into fights,
01:57he's like, you're tricking me.
01:58And I'm like, are you listening to the psychic?
01:59And he's like, you're tricking me.
02:01Something's tricky here.
02:01And I was like, oh my gosh.
02:03Are you going to listen to this psychic or to me?
02:05We've been together 19 years.
02:06That's what I'm saying.
02:07Don't listen to a psychic.
02:09The hall pass.
02:11I've been dating my boyfriend for three years,
02:13but lately I've been wanting to get out there
02:14and have a wild hookup.
02:17I love the readers nowadays.
02:19I would feel guilty because I still love him,
02:22but I just want to kiss a hot guy.
02:25How do I attempt to bring this up to him?
02:27Become an actress, do a movie, cast the hot guy
02:30and be like, baby, I was working.
02:34Is that what you do?
02:37The Hallmark movies you do that satisfy
02:38some twisted...
02:39Their lifetime.
02:40Want to kiss a hot guy thing.
02:42And I have no say in casting.
02:43I think we're seeing a little insight.
02:44I gotta be honest.
02:46This is one that we don't really understand.
02:48Like the looser modern dating,
02:50open relationships, friends with benefits.
02:53We are very old school.
02:54And so with that, I'm for him, he's for me.
02:57We're very monogamous.
02:58But the Hallmark movie thing seems to work.
03:00It's not Hallmark, it's Lifetime
03:02and I'm not doing them anymore.
03:05Her ultimatum.
03:06My girlfriend is telling all of our mutual friends
03:08that if I don't propose to her soon,
03:10she's going to leave me.
03:11I want to marry her,
03:12but I don't want her to force me into it.
03:14Should I delay the engagement because of this?
03:17I think if you want to marry her
03:20and she's ready to be married,
03:23then it seems like the right time to perhaps propose,
03:26but not to do it because she's telling her friends.
03:29In a way, I gave you an ultimatum.
03:32So what were you feeling?
03:34No, I was ready for it.
03:35So that's why I, of my own free will,
03:37not because certain people decided
03:39to give ultimatums out of the blue.
03:42Out of the blue?
03:42We were dating for five years.
03:43Out of my own free will, chose to propose.
03:47Did I pressure you?
03:49Or did it just make you?
03:50Oh no, dear.
03:51I never felt that.
03:52Or did it just make you go,
03:53okay, she's really ready.
03:54And why, what's my holdup?
03:56Thankfully for us,
03:57we were both along the same time frame.
04:00I was ready.
04:00Five years of dating, he was ready.
04:03You up?
04:04My friend with benefits hasn't texted me in a week
04:07and I'm really in the mood to hook up.
04:10How do I invite him over without sounding too thirsty?
04:12You're friends with benefits.
04:14Are you up?
04:14Come over.
04:15C-U-M over.
04:17Yeah, I think if you've already hooked up,
04:19kind of establish what's going to be.
04:20Yeah, text him.
04:21You up?
04:22Come over.
04:22Oh my God, the guy would love it if you initiated.
04:25He'd be like, I'm already here.
04:27She would probably hit send and he'd be like,
04:29I'm ready.
04:30Go for it, girl.
04:31You have nothing to lose.
04:31And if he's like, who's this?
04:32Or no, you're like, cool, bye.
04:34Then you get thirsty for somebody else.
04:38Sharing is caring.
04:39My husband and I vacation with our close married friends.
04:43While we were in the hot tub,
04:44they brought up the idea of swapping partners.
04:47How do we turn them down without jeopardizing
04:49our long standing friendship?
04:51You already did.
04:53I, yeah, I think once you,
04:54this actually happened to a couple friends of mine
04:58who remained nameless,
04:59but the friendship never quite recovered.
05:02You got to have a pretty strong,
05:04I'm not going to say it.
05:05Once you have a pretty strong inclination
05:07that the other couple is down with it,
05:09then you bring it up.
05:10But if you're out of the blue at a hot tub,
05:11like, hey, you want to swap?
05:13Do I know this person?
05:14You do.
05:15We'll discuss later.
05:17The gamer.
05:18My boyfriend's new gaming obsession
05:19is taking over our apartment
05:20and our relationship.
05:22It's all he talks about.
05:23His equipment is everywhere
05:24and the headset he wears, major ick.
05:27How do I address this without being too mean?
05:29Aren't you glad I'm not a gamer?
05:32I've told you this.
05:32Can I put it in a guy's,
05:33I'm not a gamer,
05:34but I can see how maybe there are certain hobbies
05:37or things that you do
05:38that maybe are equally annoying to him
05:40and he tolerates.
05:40Why does it have to be?
05:41That's not the question.
05:42The question's about him.
05:43I'm putting it in perspective.
05:44Like, you know,
05:44obviously this is something that drives you crazy,
05:46but it's obviously something that's important to him.
05:49You don't want to take a piece of him away.
05:50She didn't say that.
05:51She says, how do I address it without being too mean?
05:54So now you're bringing her into the mix.
05:55I'm saying don't address it.
05:57Unless you are prepared to be addressed.
06:01Touché laché.
06:03You heard it here, folks.
06:04Don't address it unless you're ready to be addressed.
06:07And now it's time for the quickie.
06:10All right.
06:10Meet online or meet in person?
06:12In person.
06:13Reality or scripted TV?
06:14Reality TV.
06:15Swap phone passcodes or keep things private?
06:18No secrets.
06:18Swap them.
06:19Morning sex or late night sex?
06:20Morning sex, late night sex.
06:21Yeah, there you go.
06:22The ultimatum or love is blind?
06:24NSYNC or Jonas Brothers?
06:26Big spoon or little spoon?
06:28Little spoon.
06:29I do cherish you or The Hardest Thing?
06:31You like The Hardest Thing.
06:34Break up IRL or ghost them?
06:36In real life, people.
06:37No ghosting allowed.
06:38Don't be that guy or girl.
06:39Mile high club or blue light?
06:41What's the blue light club?
06:50There's a rhythm on the train.
06:57All right, guys.
06:58Thank you so much for watching.
06:59Appreciate it.
07:00And don't forget to check out Love is Blind streaming now on Netflix.