The Brunswick, Brighton on Friday, April 4. They also play The Star Inn, Guildford on Saturday, April 5.
00:00Good afternoon, my name is Phil Hewitt, Group Arts Editor at Sussex Newspaper. It's lovely
00:06this afternoon to speak to Sounds of Silence, Abbie and Emma. And you are heading to Brighton
00:12before long, the Brunswick, April the 4th, for a gig that should have happened last autumn
00:17but you were prevented by storm, so well done for you for making the second attempt. And
00:21this is coming after a new album at the end of January and it sounds, Abbie, like it was
00:27a really interesting album, thematically, the things you were singing about, really
00:32quite personal. Yeah, it's been, I think a lot of our music is very personal, we wear
00:38our hearts on our sleeves quite a lot and maybe overshare too, I think anyone who's
00:41come to watch our gigs, there's an equal amount of singing the songs and discussing the songs
00:47and chat with the audience in between, so everything is put out on the table to discuss.
00:52Songs have got to have context, haven't they? You're talking about them, aren't you? But
00:57what sorts of things were you singing about on the new album?
01:02So the opening track is called Who We Are, which is a song, a kind of nod to women and
01:08our experience of the media and ageing and growing, but with strength and passion. So
01:18it opens with a sort of a cappella track and we tried to put that into our live show as
01:22well. And then there's themes of self-discovery and healing and living with grief and embracing
01:33parenthood. We've both become mums in the last few years, so there's so many themes on
01:38this new album, it feels, it's busy and it jumps about.
01:43Sounds fantastic. Now, Hannah, what's the dynamic of the duo? It's always interesting
01:47to know, does it work because you have similar personalities, because you have contrasting
01:52personalities? How does it spark between you?
01:56I think our humour's definitely very, very similar. So we laugh at the same things and
02:04we do have a laugh a lot of the time. But I think we're very different as well at the
02:09same time, so we've got that yin and yang thing going on.
02:13Well, Abby, what are the differences between you, would you say?
02:18That I am very tidy and organised and Hannah is...
02:21You're saying she's not.
02:23Is a chaotic, disgusting wreck.
02:28But we're also sister-in-laws. So our life started off as friends and then I married
02:37her big brother.
02:38She left me.
02:40I never left you.
02:41She left me with my brother.
02:42I added a male version of you into my life because I liked you so much.
02:46And so I've now surrounded myself with their chaotic, wild energy because I'm married
02:54to her sort of male twin. And then, yeah, and then our children obviously are cousins.
03:00So we are, we are tied by family roots now, which is, I love.
03:06Hannah, she's just called you a disgusting wreck. Would you like to retaliate?
03:16Good exception. Well done.
03:17I do feel like a disgusting wreck today because I need to have a shower and get changed.
03:21It's good to rise above such things, isn't it?
03:23And I probably do need, I need some hard words, hard truths.
03:30My van is an absolute pit at the moment. And I feel like being a mum is made that,
03:38it's intensified.
03:40Don't blame him. He's two.
03:43I can only just look after myself as a human being.
03:46You say it's intensified, but it's changed your priorities, hasn't it?
03:49Being a mum. Other things matter more, don't they?
03:53Sorry, Phil, but I'm going to have to step in there because it's not that now other things
03:56matter more. They never mattered. She's always been that way. It's just for the last two years,
04:00she has an excuse of a child.
04:03I have to hoover now because he will eat off the floor. So I have to spend a lot of time
04:09hoovering and I don't enjoy hoovering. You would have a great, you do have a great time.
04:14I love it.
04:14Hoover's my best friend.
04:15You've got to hoover again, haven't you, once you've done it at some point?
04:18Yeah, yeah.
04:19Maybe you're right. Anyway, you two clearly have great fun on stage together, don't you?
04:26Yeah, we do. We love, we love, we love the chat on stage and the singing, obviously.
04:31But we love, that comes second. I, yeah, I think we are really grateful that this,
04:36our friendship that started all those years ago has turned into this and that this journey has
04:41just kept going. And we're so grateful that we get to travel around and share our music.
04:47And whoever turns up in Brighton is just a huge treat to us because we're just two girls living
04:53here in Exeter writing music that is still being received out there. And we're forever grateful
04:58that our mad little journey carries on.
05:00And Brighton's really cool.
05:02So nice.
05:03Are we cool enough for Brighton?
05:04Yeah, there's all like the quirky vintage shops. We can just lose our head in things.
05:09You can wander and wander in Brighton and never get bored.
05:13Brilliant. So you are at the Brunswick on Friday, the 4th of April.
05:18Lovely to speak to you both. Thank you very much indeed.
05:21Thank you, Phil.
05:22Thank you, Belle.