• 2 days ago
This is the group of all the short videos pushed together of this build. We did a few different series so there might be small disconnects but mostly all of the important steps are there! This kit was a breeze to work with and super fun if you have never done a custom water cooling loop #pcsetup #pcbuild #pctips #custompcbuild #phanteks #gamingpc #gamingpcbuild
00:00Now, filling your PC with water can sound very scary,
00:02especially when you got to test it for the first time for leaks.
00:04Today, we're going to build a custom water loop in a Phanteks NV5.
00:08So, we've installed the CPU, RAM, and SSD to the motherboard.
00:10Now, we're just going to swap out that LGA1700 bracket.
00:13And the reason we're doing this is because we want a better connection
00:15between the CPU and the water block.
00:17It's going to make sure that we have the best connection between the two.
00:19And if we're going full custom loop, you want to have the best of the best.
00:22We also removed the original backplate for the CPU.
00:24That way, we could use the Phanteks one.
00:26We just remove the adhesive and then slap that bad boy on.
00:28Now, we just got to mount this water block with the two screws and the included brackets.
00:32This Phanteks easy fit custom loop kit makes it super easy.
00:34So, if you want to try for the first time, I recommend this kit.
00:36If you need tips on mounting, I'm your guy.
00:38The key thing is the star pattern.
00:40You want to make sure you loosely fit these guys in and then do a star pattern.
00:43This way, it lays flat and you're going to have the best thermal paste spread.
00:46And now, we're halfway to the end zone.
00:47We're just installing the motherboard into the case,
00:49adding our cabling, and then we can get to the fans and the radiator.
00:52These Phanteks D3120s are great because it only takes two cables and they connect together.
00:56That way, you don't have all these crazy RGB fans that come with all these connectors,
01:00which is a pain in the rear when you're doing any of the cable management in the back.
01:03Right now, we're just adding the mounting brackets for our pump reservoir.
01:06This is going to pump all that liquid through your PC to make sure you keep it chilly.
01:09Everything's great with this kit because it's plug and play and everything matches.
01:12We're getting our soft vinyl tubing, taking our runs and measuring things out,
01:16and then cut the tube.
01:17Make sure you cut straight because you need this to lie flat or you're going to have a leak.
01:20Then, we're going to add this little plastic piece in here that's going to
01:22keep the rigidity of that vinyl tubing.
01:25If you don't add this, you're going to have another leak.
01:27Then, we're basically on the home stretch.
01:29We're just going to rinse and repeat all of these steps to go ahead and run all the lines.
01:32We're just doing this all as a test fit.
01:34Basically, we're waiting on the GPU water block and we have plenty of vinyl tubing that came in
01:37the kit, so we don't really have to worry about that.
01:39Once the GPU water block comes in, we can go ahead and do the full system.
01:42Now, it's the time we've all been waiting for.
01:43We can fill up our pump reservoir and test the loop.
01:46The key thing here is you only want to provide power to the pump.
01:49That way, if you do have any leaks, your computer's not on
01:51and you don't have to worry about shorting anything out.
01:53If you happen to get an air pocket like this,
01:55all you have to do is turn off your loop and turn it back on and it will fix itself.
01:59Just keep this running for a while.
02:00Make sure you watch for leaks before powering anything on.
02:02But, I mean, can you argue with these results?
02:05As you can see, we had a little fun.
02:06We're going to be adding another 360 rad in here,
02:08moving this to the fans.
02:09That way, we have two 360s cooling the whole thing.
02:11Remove these covers and we're going to clean these ports
02:18just to make sure we get a good connection and have no debris in here.
02:21Now, we're going to take our Phanteks fitting and install this guy in.
02:25What's really cool about these fittings is if you want to tighten them,
02:28they just go on with an Allen key and kablamo.
02:31And then we can install the second one.
02:36And if you want, you can actually go and pressure test these
02:38by installing a little piece of vinyl tubing on here
02:40and then you can pressure test to make sure that these are not leaking.
02:44Now, it's time to remove the side panel.
02:45We're going to have a little bit more room,
02:46take off the water pump, and then we can get to the fans.
02:48We're going to take the fans off and then add in the radiator.
02:51That way, we have two 360 mil rads cooling this entire setup
02:54because we will be hardlining on a few of these steps.
02:56I really want to push this Phanteks setup to its limits
02:58because the fact that you can hardline and soft tube on the same fittings is really cool.
03:03So being able to actually routine maintenance on your CPU
03:06and still have your GPU looking cool,
03:07we're going to make these lines super clean.
03:08We're just having a little fun right now.
03:10Let's clean this 3090 Ti.
03:11Now, when cleaning up mistakes and shame from the night prior,
03:14always use isopropyl alcohol.
03:15The higher percent, the better.
03:16Now, when cleaning the GPU die, you want to be super precise.
03:19Don't knock off any of these tiny components.
03:20They may be small, but they are important.
03:22At least that's what I tell myself.
03:23These are the mitochondria of your GPU.
03:25They are the powerhouse of the cell.
03:28Now, once you have the GPU die pretty clean, you can do one of two things.
03:31You can repaste it as is, or you can clean the little bit of thermal paste.
03:34I've never really seen much thermal difference
03:36between cleaning the extra on the sides,
03:38but it is more dangerous because you can hit the components.
03:40Well, this is looking pretty good, but who is that ugly piece of s**t?
03:42Oh, s**t, that's me.
03:44Now, if you do decide to clean the extra thermal paste on the side,
03:46be careful.
03:47I use a zip tie because it'll bend.
03:48So if it does hit the component, most likely it won't move it.
03:51Would you look at that?
03:52She's looking pretty good.
03:53Now, we're going to give her one last spit shine with the microfiber cloth.
03:55That way, we get all the dust and debris from the paper towels off.
03:58Now, it's time to water block this bad boy.
04:00Now, we're adding our 3090 to the water block.
04:02But first, we have to measure out our thermal pads and cut them to size.
04:05So once you put these against the heat sink,
04:06get your measurement, use a razor blade, and cut this through.
04:09Then peel off one side of the plastic,
04:10and you're going to place this on the heat sink.
04:12Then you can move it around and adjust as you need.
04:14Then you can pull off the second layer.
04:16We're going to basically rinse and repeat with each of these placements.
04:19And usually, the water block will come with a manual,
04:21and it's going to tell you all the specific places.
04:23This one's pretty easy because it has the cutouts,
04:25and you can easily tell where these need to go.
04:27So we're rinsing and repeating, taking little peels off,
04:30and then we're cutting these down to size.
04:32I like to make sure they're very specific and against that heat sink
04:34because we want them to fit perfectly.
04:36When peeling the plastic and placing this on the heat sink,
04:39the key thing is not to touch the side that you peeled.
04:41You want to make sure you get all your finger oils off of this.
04:44And I highly recommend making sure your hands are clean
04:46because you want to make sure this has the best connection and the best thermals.
04:49Personally, I'm not really sure why manufacturers don't actually cut these out for you.
04:52They already know the tolerances and they know the sizes.
04:54It would be a nice addition, but this isn't the end of the world,
04:57and it's kind of relaxing just to sit and do this.
04:58Now it's time to repaste it.
05:00Personally, if I'm doing a GPU, especially water blocking,
05:02I'm going to spread this across the die.
05:04Spatulas work great.
05:05And yes, you can use an X pattern or a dot,
05:07but I want to make sure I get full coverage
05:08and get every single bit of performance if I'm going to custom loop a PC.
05:12Lastly, we're just adding in the back plate,
05:13and then we have to push in our fittings.
05:15We're using the Phanteks Easy Fit fittings.
05:17They're super easy to work with.
05:19And you want to make sure you cover up the additional holes.
05:21Don't forget that part because you'll have water going everywhere.
05:24We just installed the 3090 Ti, and we installed the fittings from Phanteks.
05:27Now we just need to drop this guy down, run our lines,
05:29run this to here, and we are just about done.
05:32Since we are using the Phanteks Easy Fit kit,
05:34it makes draining the loop super fast.
05:36We can drain these water lizards faster than my Saturday night at the bar.
05:39Don't forget, if you remove the screw out of the fill port,
05:41this will go a lot faster.
05:43As you can see, once I take this thing out,
05:44we are going to be pouring out all the fluid and get this going.
05:48Now that we finished off all the water lizards, we can install our GPU.
05:51And we can use the previous runs that went from the reservoir to the CPU
05:54and just run that directly to the graphics card.
05:56Currently, we're doing my worst fear.
05:57We're taking measurements, and that's only because rulers always lie.
06:00Once we get our measurement, we're going to use our tool,
06:02cut this, and make sure you're landing it straight
06:04because if you have an off-centered cut, this can cause a leak.
06:07Now we're just inserting the attachment into the tip,
06:09and this makes sure that we get a good connection
06:11in between the fitting and the tube itself.
06:13It's basically providing rigidity so we get a nice seal.
06:16Whenever you're doing your water-cooled build, make sure you plan first.
06:18You want to know where all of your lines are going.
06:20Pretend that your computer is a hot girl and you got to plan a nice date
06:23so you can take her home and play some checkers.
06:25Now that we've planned our water lines roots,
06:27we're going to move the pump from the top all the way to the bottom.
06:29That way, we have less stress on the tube,
06:30and we have a direct shot to the graphics card.
06:32Now we're just taking measurements from the GPU to the reservoir.
06:34Make sure whenever you're making a cut,
06:36you always want to extend this out because the fitting is not at the tip,
06:39the fitting goes inside the reservoir.
06:41So you want to account for that and make it a little longer.
06:43Now we just need to make one last line,
06:44which is the return from the radiator back into the pump.
06:47Once we get this measurement, put in our tip and cut it,
06:49we are going to do a pump reservoir test.
06:51If you want to test this for leaks, you can do this a couple of ways.
06:53You can run the pump with liquid and then put paper towels down,
06:56like I'm doing right now.
06:57Or you can do another thing, which is like a bar tester,
06:59which is going to test the actual pressure inside.
07:01If you don't have any leaks, you know you're good to go and you can run the system.
07:04Personally, I like running coolant because it's a real-world test.
07:09Stay tuned for the CES videos.
07:10Once we get back, full-on hard line on this baby.
