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00:00We are back in Kmart supermarket simulator guys
00:04Big update today. I'm just gonna turn around and show you because it's pretty crazy. But uh, just look at this. Boom
00:11The city has received a massive update. Whoa, dude, this road is
00:17Huge what the heck guys? This is fully whoa. Wait, do you think I could escape the map now?
00:24Oh my god, there's probably so many new escape routes I could take now. Wait, what is this? Whoa
00:29What the heck's gonna be over here? There is going to be a huge update coming out soon for this game with delivery
00:35But yeah, it looks like they wow. They made this city actually massive. What the heck? Can I get out here?
00:42What's over here? So yeah, you're gonna have to drive a car. Let me show you guys real quick
00:46So look at this what's new bigger city map. We got wholesale offers. I don't know what that is, but look coming soon
00:52local markets
00:54Vehicles. Look at this bro. We're in gta 6
00:57This is nice
00:58So yeah, that is coming very soon
01:00But I did want to check out the city because you're gonna have to deliver goods to people
01:04This is actually crazy how big this city is bro. What the heck? What's this? Oh
01:11Got a nice little fountain. This is the
01:14I'm the king of the world
01:16No, i'm not but that's pretty cool even got sound effects for the fountain. That's pretty cool. That's pretty epic italian market
01:21This is all my enemies chopped cheese more like chopped chin eat your trash pal even a gas station
01:27So you're gonna have to fill up your car with gas. No way
01:31Dude, this is crazy. So none of this works yet. But wow, dude, they uh, they are they are updating that we even wait
01:37There's a basketball court. Yo, let me get in there. Let me in there right now. How do I play?
01:41Oh, where's the basketball? Yeah, there's no there's not even a basketball supermarket simulator devs add a basketball right now
01:48I want to play. Okay. Honestly, this map is so big that I completely forgot where the store is
01:53Where's the store? This map's huge guys in today's video. I will be updating my store
01:59I'm gonna move everything around i'm sick and tired of my layout that I have going on
02:03So we're gonna be moving some things. I actually don't know where the store is. This is a huge map, bro
02:07Oh the store is over here. Oh, wow, dude. What is that the leninsula? What the heck does that mean? Huh?
02:13We got social distancing even in supermarket simulator, that's pretty crazy. Hey, yo, watch out
02:17There's no one even driving that car. What the heck expose expose i'm driving it
02:22We have driving in supermarket simulator
02:25Okay, greg's cousin come by kmart soon. All right, we're gonna have a brand new layout very soon
02:31What are you about five feet tall jesus? How you doing pal?
02:34How you doing? Thai boy six come by kmart very soon. No one even cares about me, bro
02:38Oh, we have a nice hotel here. We got this storage room looking good with the new paint job. She
02:44Don't look at her there. That's unfinished. Got it. We got our new employee. Frick. I forgot his name like
02:49I just keep forgetting his name bro. And then we got the new fruit stand. All right, let's move some stuff around guys
02:54I'm sick and tired of this dumb layout and you know what let's actually move the entrance position. Oh my god, it's so
03:02Expensive. Why is it so expensive?
03:05$700 like what why would it ever be that much? Okay. Never mind. We're not freaking moving that screw that but what we can do
03:13Move all of these guys around. Um, how should I do this? Hmm?
03:18Because obviously we're gonna make the store bigger, but I have to freaking save up like 20k or something
03:22It's gonna take a long time. Let's do some changing up of some things
03:26We don't have to have this little curvy thing anymore. So let's do that. Let's change this put that here for now
03:32Move this move this and then I can just keep this going along that I think that'll look pretty nice
03:39I feel like I should move all this stuff because now that I can I can move things with the crate
03:45So, you know what that might be the plan. Should I buy new shelves?
03:50Let me check real quick. So we got furniture we could buy new shelves or you know what?
03:55I don't even think I need to do that because we have so many empty shelves like here and here and here
03:59So what i'm gonna do so, okay cleaning products. We have a ton of cleaning products here
04:03Where can I move the cleaning products? I'm gonna move all this over here
04:09Okay, there we go we have a fully empty shelf let's put some cleaning products on here
04:15Oh my god, look at this I can throw products just wherever okay, that's actually kind of cool
04:21Okay, so i'm just transferring cleaning products over here. I need to sell this shelf I think okay
04:26So we can throw all these over here until we need it. Okay, so we sell this for 112
04:34It's not that good throw these over there. Okay. This is a process guys
04:38Like this is going to take a while but I can do it if we box up this and sell it boom
04:45Okay, so we have four thousand we're getting money as well, which is good. Let's buy another shelf real quick
04:50I'm gonna move these just gonna move those over here. We're gonna fully rearrange this store. It's time
04:57So how much is a shelf and I made it black, right? So it's 210. It's not bad actually
05:02So let's buy that boom. We got one shelf. Let's grab that and let's just put that right here. Yeah
05:13Okay, there we go we have an extra shelf now what should I do with these I feel like I should just
05:18Sell these or something. I don't know
05:20Because I feel like having a fruit thing right in the the entrance kind of is a vibe right maybe let's see how it looks
05:27So I put the fruit thing like right here like that's gonna make it colorful. It's gonna make it nice looking
05:33But also I feel like we should definitely have this
05:37Way over here, right like by the exit maybe a couple of them, right, right?
05:44Maybe let's see how this looks
05:45So if I put this here so I can do like I can do like one here or maybe like two
05:51I don't even know we could probably buy another one put it here that actually might be cool like a little like at stores
05:56There's like four like it's two on one side two on the other so that could be cool
06:00Hmm, then this fruit stands kind of weird a weird location in you know, it's great
06:06We'll put the fruit back here. Maybe no, that's trash. That's garbage. That's garbage. That's garbage
06:12Maybe the fruit is in a good spot
06:13This might actually be like a really good spot, but i'm gonna turn this the other way so it's like right here
06:20Boom. Yeah, I like that because this you need a walkway, right? You need a walkway to go around
06:24So I like that let's then
06:26Hmm with the fridges, maybe I do the fridges like this
06:31I got a fridge there and you got a fridge there and you got decent walk space. Yep
06:35I like that and then we do a fridge
06:38Here this needs to move now though, so we're gonna put this
06:42Right here like that. We got our freezer section in the back corner
06:47Um, okay. I think I like that. Maybe yeah, that's kind of nice. That's kind of nice. Okay
06:53Oh, wait a second. Is that kind of nice or is that weird? There's just chips right there in the corner
06:59That's kind of weird bro break. I don't like this little corner piece, but it's weird
07:05But we need more shelves we need like I feel like this is empty, but I do want this
07:10I do want these auto checkouts to be here. I feel like that'd be a really cool
07:15Stress i'm stressed i'm stressed
07:20Okay guys, this looks pretty good I think I just don't like how these look so
07:27Also this corner looks a little goofy so we're gonna move that for now and maybe I just do these two pieces like that
07:34Yeah, that looks nice. That looks pretty cool. And then we can move this honestly just back here. Yeah, maybe
07:41I don't know about that actually like i'm not too big of a fan of anything on that wall. So screw it
07:46We're just gonna leave that right here for now for now, but okay
07:50So I could move this over a little bit. Let's do that
07:53Let's move this over because if we move everything over what I can do
07:58Is I can move this and I can put them in here
08:03No, it's still ugly it's still ugly. I don't know how to do this. How do I do this properly?
08:08What's the best way to do this?
08:10Frick, it's just gonna look ugly like no matter what I feel like can I fix this in any way though to make it?
08:17So it's not like ugly, you know
08:19Like could I put like a poster there or could I put something I guess we could check fridge single
08:26There's just nothing bro, there's nothing there's nothing I can do
08:30Self-checkout counter self-checkout counter mirrored which one do we have so we have the one with thing on the right side
08:37So let's buy another one of these self-checkout counters real quick
08:40Because if I do two of these right here, I feel like that would look pretty nice
08:43Yeah, I do two like this. Boom. Look at that. Look at that. Okay. Okay. Okay
08:50Looking pretty good. I like this and then when they're done, they just walk out what we could put here though
08:55We could put some shelves here. So let's buy two
08:59Regular looking shelves. I think this will be the play but totally could look terrible. So we'll see so regular shelves
09:07You know what? Let's add some color to them brown
09:10Frick dude, I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe I shouldn't add color to it could be cool though. I feel like
09:15Nah, we'll do regular for now. We'll just do black for now
09:17Okay, let's go and set these up and see how it looks. So we just set these up along behind this like this
09:25Boom and then boom, how does that look? Is that fine? Okay, it's fine
09:30I guess we need to move these though over here. I don't know maybe half shelves
09:35Maybe half shelf was the move there. I don't know about the full shelf there. Like it's kind of weird
09:40It's a little strange. Where do I put this? Okay, I put this here. Maybe how's that look absolute trash?
09:47Um, frick dude, this is just a weird little piece like where would you put this bro?
09:52Where would you put this ever here? Yeah, dude, that looks sick. Oh, this is stressful bro. This is stressful
09:59Do I buy a half shelf dude? I don't know. I just feel like half shelves kind of a waste
10:03But it might look really nice. So let's try it. We'll buy two half shelves. They're pretty cheap 170 bucks pretty cheap
10:09Let's see how they look here. I feel like they'll look nice actually. Okay ready for this half shelf, bro. Wait, these are tiny
10:16These are so small
10:19Okay, they do look kind of nice I could add three, okay wait guys am I cooking or am I cooking or am I not cooking?
10:26Whoops, I just bought two more. That's honestly my bad, but we can make this work
10:30Yeah, we can make this work because if I do this move this here
10:35Move this here and then
10:37How does this look?
10:39Okay, guys guys guys. I think I like that. You know, I think I think that's kind of cool
10:47Right, maybe I should move them over here though because there's nothing really over here. So yeah, screw it
10:52We're gonna do that guys. You already know hit that like button if you want more of this series and also subscribe
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10:59That's insane of you to actually not be subscribed. Imagine could never be me. All right
11:03I think this looks pretty good guys. You walk in a beautiful grocery store lined up groceries right here, which we're going to
11:10Take from the oh wait, no these oh we gotta we gotta put these somewhere
11:15Okay, we gotta put our shelves that we're not using away
11:19We'll use them obviously in the future and then we have to put these shelves. We have to put the products on on the other
11:28There we go, we got our little shelves stocked up and they'll restock the rest with products, okay
11:34This looks pretty good. The thing is we still have so many more products we need
11:38Oh, we actually do need shelves, maybe I put a shelf here that might be the I just need more shelves
11:44So yeah, we're gonna put we're gonna put one shelf here
11:46Even if it looks kind of trash, we actually do need to put these products on the shelves. So let's do that
11:56And he's just gonna restart thanks, thanks, they're so annoying. Okay, there we go we can sell oh wait we do have this though
12:02Okay, let me let me think let me think what can I do with more spaghetti? We can throw it on the ground
12:07Yeah, perfect. Okay, and then we put this cake and then we sell this
12:12Boom, and then we sell this
12:15Boom, there we go. Okay. What is this? What do we have in here? We got some chips. Okay, that's fine. What I can do is
12:23We got covito chips covito chips and potatoes. Oh, no, we need potatoes. What are we gonna do with that?
12:30How are we gonna hmm? Oh, we do need this. We need this one. I don't know what to do though
12:35I guess I could move this
12:37Over here. Can I do that? Is that weird? That's fine, right people line up and then they grab the meat on their way out
12:44But then they might steal it. I don't know what to do
12:47Oh, I know what I could do. I could do this. I could do this move these up here
12:54Like that and then I could put the other one on the other side. Yes
13:00Dude we figured it out. We figured it out. Oh, that looks kind of good. That looks pretty good monkey
13:05Okay, so the only weird one is this um, this is like the only thing that's kind of out of place right now
13:13Is there any way I could put it over here? I just don't think so. Just just
13:17Put it here, but that's just kind of in the way. Yeah. No, I don't think so. Okay guys decent rearrangement
13:22I actually think I like it. I'll put this here for now. Boom. That's not bad
13:27We'll move it eventually, but hey, I like this. This is sick. I didn't move them
13:31I just don't know like where the heck would I put them? You know, we're open. We haven't opened at all
13:36We have to stock though. So let's go stock. Jesus. This is atrocious. We need to stock so
13:43Let's just buy a bunch of stuff. What are we missing?
13:45We need cheese
13:48Stocking stock. Why do I have so much honeybee cereal 126 in storage? Jesus. What am I doing, bro?
13:53We don't have any potatoes guys. Let me know in the comments. Do you like the new arrangement that I've just made?
14:00All right, it's hard rearranging stuff with what you have because you just I don't even know dude. It's just tough
14:05It's freaking tough. But hey, we made it work 120 lasagnas, bro. What's going on 113 apples?
14:11Why do I have so many apples? Okay, that is a lot of product boom get to stocking kurt. Clyde. Craig and Clyde
14:19What the what okay, this is new this is new what is this we sell five boxes of coffee dark roast do you want to buy?
14:29Stock count 13. I mean, yeah, wait box market price 43 average cost five. I mean sure I guess
14:37Should I I don't know. I only have 540 bucks. Maybe not. Do we need but I mean we have 13
14:42Actually, yeah, if we have 13 in stock, we do need more so i'm gonna accept
14:47Was that the right call I don't know but hey, I like this this is looking clean. Yeah, this is looking good
14:55What up, thai boy waiting for scale. I got you. Um, oh you got him you got him? Okay
14:59Oh, whoa, trevor. Relax. Calm down, bro. Okay, they're gonna start stocking things guys. This is pretty nice
15:06I wish the fridge thing like I don't know. It just kind of looks ugly
15:09Like I wish I could put something here, but I don't know whatever whatever it is what it is. This is nice
15:14This is freaking nice, right? This is a nice update. We could add fridges here. Nope. That looks stupid
15:21I think I do like these little fridges because this is kind of accurate to like how stores would do it, right?
15:26What is bro? Bro's going? Oh, what are you doing? Susan? You freak?
15:30All right, we need to make a ton of freaking money. We need we need to make so much money
15:34It's insane are all the prices good this went up. Um, 21 90
15:4022 10. Yep. That's good, dude adding. Wait, what's that? Ew someone pooped bro. What are you? Oh
15:45Security guard w security guard. Let's go
15:49That was good. Good job. Good job. Feller. Good job feller. I guess I can help them restart. Actually. No screw it
15:56They can do it. I don't feel like it. I've had a rough day
15:59Reorganizing everything what I can do though is locking at the customer checkout. How you doing? Greg's cuz you doing good
16:05You're doing good. That's so good. I'm so glad
16:08Dude, this is beautiful. So many people at the store. This is awesome. Everyone's paying with cash. I don't like this
16:15456 enjoy your day ma'am too thin of a gap to walk through
16:19It's a little thin and then you have to walk around the meat thing and then yeah, I mean, it's okay, dude
16:24Dang, this is looking good
16:27What's the
16:29Oh security guard w security guard, let's go get out of my freaking store moron green lady
16:35Stupid idiot look at this guys. Look at my store. Wow, we have come so far. I don't know what day we're on
16:42I think we're on like day 140 or something
16:44Absolutely incredible journey we have been on right like together
16:48Have you watched since day one if you have comment down below saying dorito burrito like I don't know just do it
16:54And then i'll know that you're a day one or how am I eight thousand dollars in debt guys?
16:58Can someone tell me that how how does that make sense? Like what how am I that much in debt?
17:03What is wrong with me? What is going on? That is atrocious. Okay, and my bills, okay
17:08So we're on day 133 nice now to get the next section of the store
17:11We have to get twenty thousand dollars, which is just actually insane twenty thousand bro. What are you doing?
17:17We could get a new license
17:18But like we need to make the store bigger to even get a new license to put new products on the shelves
17:24We don't have room. We don't have rooms. We have to grow the store. Um, and I really want to do that
17:29I haven't grew I haven't grew the store in like forever. So that's the next thing i'm trying to do guys
17:36Let's clean these windows up
17:38Oh, yeah, that looks good. That looks good. I like doing that. That's a that's really satisfying
17:42I feel like do we need more lighting in here? Like it's a little I feel like or is this good?
17:47Is this a good vibe? There's no lighting above me. So, you know, we're gonna move this over here
17:52I can't I literally can't whatever screw you. They still haven't restocked everything. That's insane, dude
17:58That is actually insane. You no longer can jump on the cars
18:02Interesting you like sink through them. Look at this. They changed it. Oh, yeah, I forgot we can boost people. Oh
18:08Jonk, jonk's going crazy. Good job. Jonk. That was truly inspirational. Can we boost the freaking customers? Jesus? You're slow
18:15Jonk, you're actually insane. Jonk. You get a raise. Good job
18:18All right, let's end the day even though this girl's still shopping somehow people are still shopping. It's literally like 3 a.m
18:24What are you doing? All right, let's end the day. That's day 133
18:28Products not found 17. See that's an issue. That is an issue. We did not make profits, but it is
18:34Okay paid automatically staff 880. Wow. I pay my staff so much money, dude
18:40Oh, that's not good. That's not good guys
18:43They're still restocking and it's literally been eons. You guys are so slow. I guess I could speed them up
18:50We got a bunch of coffee now. Okay, um
18:53Let's open immediately again, and then let's make our people run a bit faster
18:58Let's make them sprint get to stocking morons stock faster faster. They're restocking everything. That's super nice
19:06We're gonna have people welcome to kmart, ma'am. You're not gonna you're not you're not gonna you're not gonna
19:12She need me going what is going on? I started so bad. She just walked right past no
19:19That's embarrassing that is embarrassing. Oh god, karen, don't you dare enter kmart? Don't you dare? You're not worthy
19:26You're not worthy karen. You're not worthy of entering kmart. All right, you've stolen before I know you have all right
19:32You're a thief. You're a thief. You know what? You know what?
19:35How did I miss how did I?
19:36How did you're a thief never enter kmart ever again? You're banned you're banned for life
19:41Get out of your stupid little stupid a haircut. I hate you. I hate you. I'm up. There's two of them
19:45I hate you and your sister
19:47Why could I not hit karen but I could hit him like what hello ma'am, what does she do again?
19:52I don't even know like I forgot what she does. What is
19:55Huh? Oh, she's the cleaner. Oh
19:58That's kind of a dumb job. Like I could do that pretty easily, but whatever
20:00All right. Let's try to get all these products off the floor because this just looks atrocious
20:06Where's this green stuff go? Oh, yeah
20:09Okay, we cleaned most of it up. That looks good. Let's order. We have 4800
20:13So again, we're trying to save up we're trying to freaking save our money to upgrade the store we need to do that
20:20So, what do we fully need? Let's order two of those two of those two of those two of those
20:26Oh someone got hit in the head. I just ordered 50 products, bro. All right, we just ordered 67. No, we ordered
20:3477 products just now. Holy
20:36Welcome. Okay. It's already dark. What the heck we just ordered 77 products. Let's go
20:42Oh my god, we need to boost them. We need to boost them. Go go go go start running start running now
20:47Start running immediately. What are you doing? Why are you so slow? Why are you so slow? Go go and you guys go go go
20:53Okay, I just spent a lot of money. But hey, it was worth it. It was freaking worth it. They're running they're sprinting
20:58This is good. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going run sprint sprint. Cheryl. I forgot her name. I forgot her name
21:04Can you guys let me know all of what their names are every one of them?
21:07I know I named them, but I just forget I can't forget
21:11Couldn't find lemon shut your mouth. Yeah, you could
21:13Oh someone got hit. Let's go
21:16W security guard w security guard. Good job. What's his name? Darryl? I think his name's Darryl. You'll be wrong
21:20I actually really like this customer checkout thing. This looks clean, right? It looks clean
21:26Look at all of them running bro. Look at all of them. This is beautiful. This is truly beautiful
21:31Wow, they're so quick keep going keep going. Yes, dude. Keep going. Make me money. Make me money. Make me money
21:37Make me money. So how fast are they stalking on the shelves though? I want to see okay
21:41Let's follow these guys. Like let's follow him. How fast is he actually stalking?
21:46Oh my god, they're so quick. They're so quick. Wait, that's crazy
21:51Look at that. That's way faster than I can do it way faster. Good job. Craig. That was impressive. Wow
21:57Okay, this is actually great dude the restocking method like it's expensive but it might be like it's kind of worth it
22:04All right, guys, and that is the end of day
22:10Let's go still no profit 666 profit. What the heck that's cursed. Okay guys
22:15Successful upgrade of the store. I think it looks really good. Let me know what you guys think
22:19We obviously need more fruit and just to get this little piece out. So I gotta save my freaking money
22:24Thanks for watching leave a like for this series to continue and i'll see you tomorrow