This might be the strangest roblox game i have played.... NEED MORE POOP
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00:00We need more poop.
00:03So I was just browsing Roblox and I found this game.
00:06Sorry for that intro.
00:07But Need More Poop.
00:09Newie though?
00:10It is a Monday morning, you have a job interview you need to get to, but you really don't want
00:15Maybe try to convince your father that you have a pooping problem to stay home.
00:17Let's play.
00:19Okay, here we go.
00:20I literally just took a poop, so this is pretty accurate.
00:23Oh my.
00:24Wowzers, I just got flashbanged.
00:25All right, I'm up and I'm smiling.
00:28I feel sick.
00:29Let's go poop.
00:32Kill dad.
00:33Poop raid.
00:34Poop cake.
00:36What does that even mean?
00:37What does that entail?
00:38What's a poop cake?
00:39Kind of want to click it.
00:40Should I click it?
00:41Plus 10,000 poop.
00:42Two times poop to help pass more.
00:44Um, anyways, why do I walk like that?
00:45How do I walk like Mr. Krabs?
00:46Turn on the lights.
00:47So I'm literally about three inches tall.
00:49Not accurate.
00:50I'm literally eight feet tall IRL.
00:52Let's be real.
00:53I'm six foot two though.
00:57So where's the bathroom?
00:58There's a freaking door.
01:01Where's the bathroom?
01:02Gotta be in here.
01:05Let's go poop.
01:06Plus 0.4 poop.
01:08Go flush the toilet.
01:09Uh, no.
01:10I don't do that.
01:12Oh my gosh.
01:13Nah, we ain't flushing.
01:14We ain't flushing.
01:15Let's take a shower though.
01:17I can't take a shower.
01:19Let's take a bath then.
01:22Wash my hands at least?
01:25All right.
01:27I don't believe you, son.
01:29Use your poop meter.
01:31Try to use this on your parents.
01:33Just say to them, if they don't believe you, use your poop meter.
01:38Count the poop particles and molecules in the air, please.
01:40What am I playing, bro?
01:42Guys, before I click next, I need you all to hit that subscribe button.
01:45All right.
01:46What are you doing?
01:47You're not subscribed?
01:48We're trying to get to two mil in the next two months.
01:50Can we do it?
01:51Yes, we can subscribe.
01:52And hit that like button.
01:53Or you'll have diarrhea.
01:55Oh my God.
01:56He actually has a poop meter.
01:58What is going on?
02:01He was right.
02:02This is not enough poop.
02:03Now go to your job interview.
02:04He was freaking right.
02:06You really need this job, son.
02:07Oh man.
02:08Oh God.
02:09I could just click this button and get it over.
02:11No, no, no, no.
02:12We're not going to do that.
02:14What else is there?
02:15Limited time trolls.
02:16No, we don't need that.
02:19I have to buy it for 99 rupees.
02:21Use star code Keyless.
02:22I didn't buy the game pass.
02:23I bought a car.
02:24Oh, heck yeah.
02:25This is awesome.
02:26I'm bored.
02:28Why do I spend that much money?
02:30Let's try to go poop again.
02:310.4 again.
02:32That's it.
02:33Come on.
02:34You got one more in you.
02:36Excuse me.
02:37Eat the poop.
02:38Why am I doing that?
02:40Oh well.
02:41Here we go.
02:42Oh, to get myself actually sick.
02:43What is wrong with me, bro?
02:44Just go to your job interview.
02:45There's no way you just ate herds.
02:46I'm once again here to tell you that I have a pooping problem.
02:47Oh my God.
02:48Oh my God.
02:49Oh my God.
02:50Oh my God.
02:51Oh my God.
02:52Oh my God.
02:53Oh my God.
02:54Oh my God.
02:55I'm once again here to tell you that I have a pooping problem.
02:57Could you please test me again to see if I have more poop molecules?
03:00Sure, but please go to your job interview.
03:01I'm sure I have diarrhea or any other form of pooping disorder.
03:04You cannot tolerate in a normal living person.
03:07Please test me, father.
03:09Guys, pooping meter.
03:10Why is the pooping meter bigger than me, by the way?
03:13Hey, let's go.
03:14That is good.
03:15That's more.
03:16That is not that concerning.
03:17Please go to work.
03:19How can this not be more concerning?
03:20I need to get more poop.
03:21Find hammer and garage.
03:25We'll mess with this after, but okay.
03:26Let's go to the garage.
03:27Where's the hammer?
03:28There it is.
03:29Break the toilet.
03:31Can I go outside, by the way?
03:32Can I just jump outside?
03:34I just closed the window.
03:35What am I doing?
03:37We're good.
03:39It's a nice, beautiful day outside.
03:40So who's this guy?
03:41Hold on.
03:42Wait, what the heck?
03:43Who is this guy?
03:44Buddy, I'm not donating.
03:45I'm not.
03:46Why did this guy donate 5,000 robux?
03:47What are you doing, bro?
03:48Get a nice fountain.
03:49I'm just trying to find secret endings.
03:50You know, I don't know.
03:51You never know.
03:54There's poop absolutely everywhere.
03:55There's poop in the tub.
03:56There's poop in the shower.
03:57Is there poop in the sink?
04:00That's good.
04:01Dad, I destroyed the toilet.
04:02Father, I am pretty sure there is too much poop.
04:04I will test.
04:06See, Dad?
04:07That's 2.6.
04:08There's too much.
04:09Still not enough poop.
04:10How are you even getting more poop?
04:12Don't worry about it.
04:13I will go now.
04:14I need more poop.
04:15Poop on your books?
04:17How do I do that?
04:18Where are my books?
04:19Is this my book?
04:20Poop on book.
04:21Dude, please.
04:24Endings unlocked.
04:25Zero to five.
04:26There's five endings.
04:27I love that face that I make when I poop.
04:29Let's continue to poop on all the books.
04:31Where are the rest of the books?
04:32Can I poop on the plates?
04:33Oh, there's a book.
04:34Bro, I swear.
04:35If I had a kid and he just started pooping everywhere because he didn't want to go to
04:38a job interview, bro, up for adoption immediately.
04:41Is that a poop cake?
04:42Oh my God.
04:43It is a poop cake.
04:45Why is that there, bro?
04:46I'm just turning these books brown, dude.
04:48That's fine.
04:49All right.
04:50One more.
04:52Hey, what's this?
04:53You see that?
04:54There's like a thing.
04:55Hit man's phone.
04:57What is that about?
04:59That might be an ending.
05:00I am once again requesting a test.
05:01You should be at work already.
05:03So he's going to test me again.
05:05Appreciate you, dad.
05:06Appreciate you, father.
05:09Wait, that's a lot of poop, guys.
05:10Still not enough to stay home.
05:13Then I know what I have to do.
05:14In the bathtub.
05:15Oh my God.
05:16There's already four poops in here.
05:17We'll do it.
05:18We'll do it.
05:19Oh my God.
05:20Have you pooped that much that your face turns red?
05:22Jumping in.
05:23Dad, the bathtub is full.
05:24You know what I'm here for.
05:26Just go to work, bruh.
05:27Hear dad say.
05:29You know what to do.
05:31Dude, my dad is the most patient man on earth.
05:33That's crazy.
05:3417 more.
05:36I was only 17 more.
05:37I literally just filled the bathtub with turds.
05:38Still not enough to stay home, son.
05:40Now, this is getting serious.
05:41Open the water installation in the garage.
05:42What does that even mean?
05:43Find a crowbar.
05:44Oh, right there.
05:45Break open.
05:46Poop in the pipe.
05:48I don't know how I made that noise, to be honest, but leave a like for that.
05:50We'll poop.
05:51How am I doing that?
05:52Oh my God.
05:53Plus seven.
05:54Plus seven.
05:55That's pretty good.
05:56So now there's poop in the pipes, guys.
05:57Wait, are these?
05:58Oh, these are poop particles now.
05:59They're floating everywhere.
06:01Oh, this is disgusting, bro.
06:05I will test you, Mr. Smart Pants.
06:06I didn't even say anything, dad.
06:07I literally said hi.
06:08What do you got?
06:10That's pretty good, guys.
06:11That is pretty fricking good.
06:12Not going to lie.
06:13Watch this.
06:14Turn on the shower.
06:15He didn't even say anything.
06:16He literally didn't even say anything, but we'll turn on the shower.
06:17We got poop tub.
06:18We got poop explosions.
06:19Look at all the particles flying around.
06:20This is truly disturbing.
06:22Nice little shower.
06:23Guys, you got to take a nice little shower every once in a while.
06:24All right?
06:25Every week or so.
06:26Just kidding.
06:27If you're not showering every day, you're disgusting.
06:28Turn on the tap.
06:29Oh my God.
06:30Oh my God.
06:31That is so vile, bro.
06:32That was only plus one, though.
06:33That's not even that good.
06:34Oh my God.
06:35Oh my God.
06:36Oh my God.
06:37Oh my God.
06:38Oh my God.
06:39Oh my God.
06:40Oh my God.
06:41Oh my God.
06:42Oh my God.
06:43That was only plus one, though.
06:44That's not even that good.
06:45Dot, dot, dot.
06:46Why are you still here?
06:48Just fricking use your poop meter, dad.
06:52Go to work.
06:53Also what work am I going to as a fricking three inch year old?
06:57Call some friends.
06:58All right, fine.
06:59Wait, wait, wait.
07:00Should we call the Hitman?
07:01Nah, we'll do that after we do everything else.
07:02Friend's phone.
07:03Wait, wait, wait, what was it?
07:07Yo Billy, pick up.
07:08Hey, can you do me a favor?
07:11My all of my friends
07:17What exactly my plan
07:20We just had a pooping party. We had a pooping party
07:24What's this? The house is turning into poop. Oh my god. That was beautiful. That was beautiful
07:29Dad all my friends just pooped and farted everywhere. How did you not hear that? Huh? No, what brah cow proof?
07:36There is too much poop fill the pool with poop. Yeah, that's the only way to fill it with poop
07:40That's all the only way. I didn't even know we had a pool not gonna lie
07:43I did not even know we had a pool. Where's the pool? Oh, there it is
07:45Oh, I could have just went out the window. Hey dad. I'm about a poop in the pool. Hold on
07:48How do I do this? Oh call the cows
07:51I'm the cow whisperer. Perfect. Okay. I didn't know I had that talent. This is amazing. Moo. What's that? Moo?
07:57Hoo, somebody needs my help. Moo moo. I'll come I can talk to cows now and cows fly Wow
08:03Okay, this is interesting
08:06Plus 200 guys, that is a lot of poop. Oh moo everything for you. Thank you. Fly away now
08:12See you later cannonball
08:16Dark down there. Okay, go to dad. How you doing? Dad? There's poop in the pool. Did you know that? Hello father?
08:21Why am I turned around? Did you get the job? I haven't gone yet. Please check my poop. I can't go
08:25I mean it please I can't go dad. I'm sick dad. I have diarrhea literally. There's a poop particle
08:29It's about to hit your head. Oh my god
08:31Go to work. We'll make the poop melt. What does that mean? It was all the windows. Okay, I will make the poop melt
08:38I'm not sure what that means, but we haven't even gotten one ending guys
08:41We're gonna get all of them in today's video. So we're making the poop melt
08:44We have to close all the windows turn on all the lamps what lamps we Toma what lamps bro?
08:50Oh the lights like the light switches is every time I think that's what they're talking about. We're gonna make the poop melt
08:55How do I close the garage unlock bad ending? What what's that fireworks?
09:00Oh, there's gonna be so many endings bro. There's a last light switch. Oh, there we go. Plus 500. Oh my god
09:07I what?
09:09827 put it you know the drill go to work. There's no reason to be at all. There's even that much poop not a concern
09:15I mean it. I'm pooping everywhere up on the couch. That'll do it
09:18Okay, at this point, obviously, there's not enough poop and the poop on the couch is not gonna do anything
09:22But hey, we changed the color of the couch from the carpet. We're literally turning everything into poop guys
09:28Everything into poop poop on all cabinets, let's oh this where are the cabinets? I don't know
09:34This is the cabinet now for these cabinets. What? Yo, I don't know where the cabinets are man. Was it this?
09:39Oh, there we go. Dad's watching me do this. Oh dad. I'm sorry, but this is just what I have to do
09:45I'm sick. Okay, if I am pooping this much I would be sick though, right like low-key. Oh, there's another cabinet somewhere
09:50That is a lot of poop poop on the food bro. Come on
09:54Can't be doing that. Oh my god. I'm literally levitating dude. I have poop powers only plus 20 though
10:01This is truly disturbing. Hi father. What does that smell? It is the poop?
10:04I have been telling you about yuck go take a shower then you can go to work about that
10:08Shower is dripping poop instead of water. You just check my poop count. Thank you. Oh my god
10:132100 no, I gotta work now little bro. What? Oh, okay. I'm gonna teach you a lesson pick flowers outside
10:17Why do I have to freaking do that dude? Look at the particles. What am I doing with the flowers?
10:23I don't get it. I'm gonna make a poop bouquet pooping the flowers. Okay, nice give to dad
10:31Hi, hey finally, how was the job? I'll tell you later enjoy these flowers. Thank you
10:38Why do you sniff them why do you put him in his mouth you get out? Okay still not enough, okay
10:43Okay, poop the fountain outside. Oh, I already went over there. So I knew there was something to do with this freaking fountain
10:48Oh, yeah
10:49390 right there. That is beautiful. What was that? Oh, oh, that's insane. Oh, that is truly insane
10:56Oh, you can tell it's really
10:58Browded here though. Okay. Okay. I know why you're here. So there's gotta be like 3,000 poop, right?
11:042,800 now you go to work little kid about that. I missed work. What you were so grounded
11:08Okay, this is where I draw the line for what you know
11:10What go away move to a far country for all I care some far planet like Uranus and it's the perfect planet for this Uranus
11:17Huh grab the poop planet what how does one do that? What is this whole poop planet? Oh, there's a rope
11:22This is the most insane roblox game. I've ever played everything for laziness Paul Paul this
11:37Uranus is not a poop planet. I guess in this world it is Wow. I think we exploded the earth
11:42I am strong. Scan me again. Dad heard too much. I guess you could stay home today
11:49Thank you. Dad. No problem child. Why is the floor shaking? No good ending. You didn't go to work though
11:55So that is good. Okay, guys, we got our first ending. Let's get some more. That is truly insane
12:01Wow, dude, what a game what a game? All right, we're up and Adam and I feel sick though
12:06Okay, so we're gonna buy 10,000 poop. What's that gonna do? Does that do anything like what's this do? I don't get it
12:13I just pooped bricks. I just pooped bricks, dude. So dad's gonna scan me. It should say
12:1910,000.4 right? Yeah, it does. So what's the point of buying 10,000? Okay, let's do poop rain. Let's do poop rain. Boom
12:25What's that gonna do? Oh
12:27My god, this is
12:3419 robux poop
12:37Click to throw. Oh my god. I have it. I have the poop gave my hand
12:41I'm gonna throw it at dad. It was only plus a hundred. What's the point dude? Sorry dad?
12:46Times to poop. Let's just kill dad and see what happens because if we kill him like we're fine, right kill dad
12:52Boom, you know what to do. I have a god. Here we go. Let's do this. Bye. Bye
12:57What Oh threatened dad. Hello father. What is that? How did you yes dad? It's a good very complex thing, huh?
13:06For you to tell please just I'm gonna do it son, please
13:15No work today. That's what I wanted, right?
13:24Gun ending gun more like fun. That is terrible. That is awful. That is just very awful. But hey, no work
13:32Okay, so what's more fun help pass speed boost night mode use your avatar. Don't really care. Okay, let's call the hit man
13:39a man's phone eight eight seven two two one eight eight seven two two one
13:44Oh, I can't do it unless break. Okay. What's the help pass? Like what does this do? Oh, okay
13:51So it like helps us with the endings. Okay, that's gotta go actually. What's this ending? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on
13:57What is what is this ending?
13:59Bro, I bought the gun. I didn't I already got this freaking ending
14:03I don't want to do it again, but I didn't realize that you could just find the gun
14:06Okay, we're gonna do the unlock bad ending are you sure yes car main, please
14:11No, the stuff's boring what you wait here then, huh? Wait, what just wait here in the green area
14:17Okay, I'll wait. How long do I have to wait for what? Why are you still here? We had another 60 seconds, man
14:23Okay, well still here man. Wait two minutes, bro
14:27Realistically, is this worth it? Probably not. Well, I can't believe I'm actually just waiting. What is this ending bro?
14:32You're making me wait two minutes. Oh my god. All right, son. Let's go
14:35I thought was gonna have to wait like 10 minutes. What's this ending? We did it. I just had to be patient. What?
14:40Yo, that's a crazy car. It goes that way. What now what bad ending you went to work? No
14:47Whoa, oh my god. I got the freaking bad ending. Okay, at least we got another ending. That's good. That's freaking good
14:52Okay, let's do the firework one. I don't know if that's an ending but I do see fireworks here. How do I use them?
14:57No, there's also this. What is this? So the coin in the fountain?
15:01Okay, what's this ending make a wish let's wish for something to never go to work again
15:06I wish that I dumped it. Yes. I called it for all my life. Okay, go to dad. Did the wish work?
15:13Let's see what he has to say. What is that? What the heck was that? Check the door? Wait, what? Oh my god
15:17Mr. President Oh lottery man. Hey there youngin. I won the lottery didn't I? Hi. He's your father home
15:22I have a great news for him. Wait, what is the name the news for it's for Kayla's blocks. That's me
15:28Are you sure? Yes, it's me. I'm sure okay that I am here to surprise you with the sum of 100 million dollars
15:36Wait, I didn't buy any lottery tickets. I did what why I have to tell you I have always played the lottery on your name
15:42I wanted you to win and have a bright future not me. You're stuck in this house
15:46That's why I wanted you to go to work. That's so kind of you. I love you dad. I'll never have to work again
15:52I'm a freaking hundred millionaire. Let's go
15:57Best ending there won't be any problems anymore
15:59Let's freaking go just cuz I wished just cuz I wished it a fountain heck. Yeah, dude accurate guys
16:04Look, we have one more ending and I think I know what it is
16:07It's the hitman ending so we just have to get to the point in the game where I can call my friends
16:12All right, call some friends. What's the number eight eight seven two two one eight eight seven two two one eight eight seven two
16:19Two one this should be the last ending. Let's see who's there. I need your help
16:24I don't want to go to my job interview. My dad wants me to go. So, you know what to do a target, huh?
16:28Listen closely, you'll need to wait for midnight and fire a flare
16:32So I know where you are if that goes successfully consider your job interview over. Okay. Okay. Thank you until midnight
16:38Oh, I think it's just gonna auto do it for me. Hopefully did it go to sleep? Oh, okay. Sick. Sick. Sick
16:43So let's wait till midnight. We got a fire flare, which is the fireworks. That's what the fireworks are for
16:48I see right it's midnight. So I just went to bed dad didn't care at all find a flare a flare, huh?
16:53I think fireworks will also do perfect. Oh, I just disconnect man. What is that? Oh, here we are
16:57It's like a baguette fire the firework outside. Okay, where anywhere here?
17:04That was loud might not be the best way to do a hitman job that loud wait, hey, man, where's dad sleeping?
17:11Okay, how long do I have to wait for hitman socks? What's happening?
17:18Oh my god, I just had to go inside. Okay, I waited for a long time dad
17:28That's terrible, that's freaking terrible why just why well guys there you have it
17:34There's every ending in need more poop. Hopefully you guys enjoyed subscribe and I'll see you tomorrow. This game was so good