• 2 days ago
We're playing #roblox as I troll the Beast and escape to victory in Flee the Facility!

00:00Today, we're going to be fleeing the facility.
00:02Each of us are going to take turns in being the beast.
00:05Will we win? Will we lose?
00:07Let's find out.
00:11Oh, Josh!
00:12The beast is on, ladies and gentlemen!
00:15Dabbing, dabbing, dabbing on them Haydens.
00:18What are you doing, bro?
00:18I am the beast and I will find you!
00:22We need to hack computers.
00:24Okay, dude, stop right now.
00:26We need to hack computers, okay?
00:28Now, and Craner wants to kill us.
00:30Can you stop for a second?
00:32Craner, you're not allowed to kill us.
00:34Now, doors...
00:35Let me explain.
00:36So, doors are like openable, but you can close them and...
00:40Are you really explaining the function of doors?
00:43Okay, he's there! He's there! He's there!
00:45Come this way, Craner!
00:48I went the wrong way!
00:49I literally... I was explaining...
00:53Bro, are you seriously...
00:54You are my victim!
00:56How did he speed up?
00:57I forgot how to grab it.
00:58I was trying to explain how you can live.
01:01Craner, let me go! Let me go!
01:02Look, Finn! I got you on my call!
01:04Let me negotiate a second, okay?
01:07What's up? What's up?
01:08Just, he's stupid, alright?
01:10I mean, that's evident, yeah.
01:11You want to win properly, right?
01:13You want to be a good beast, so you want a fair play, alright?
01:15I do want to be a good beast.
01:16So, give the stupid guy a chance.
01:18Yeah, he's a loser!
01:22I just want to make one thing clear.
01:23We clearly weren't done negotiating.
01:26So, I'll drag this stupid guy back until you give me better terms to the deal.
01:30Alright, I'm gonna say...
01:32I'll give you a compliment about your beastness if you...
01:35Okay, that sounds good.
01:36But you need to give us like a 30-second head start.
01:39You look like such a cool beast.
01:41Damn, bro!
01:42Alright, 30-second head start, starting now!
01:46Get up, Finn!
01:47I can't!
01:48Get up! Okay.
01:50Alright, so, going back to it.
01:51Doors are your friend, okay?
01:53So, going through a door means you can lock it behind you and then he gets stuck.
01:57Is any of this going in?
01:58Yeah, lock doors.
01:593, 2, 1...
02:02So, we need to find computers, okay?
02:04That's what we need to do.
02:05Okay, alright.
02:06So, we should be kind of spreading out.
02:08Now, he knows we're hacking.
02:10He can see this.
02:12I'll find another one.
02:13If I can give you guys a little bit of a hint,
02:15there's metal detectors around that beep when I go through them, so...
02:19Maybe that'll help you guys out.
02:22By the way, how do I see where you guys are hacking?
02:24What am I supposed to click again?
02:26What pops up? I forget.
02:27Oh, wait, I see it.
02:28It's what we're going to do on these computers.
02:30You hacked them!
02:32Oh, okay.
02:33Who is this?
02:35Yo, yo, yo.
02:37Yo, what's up? You were saying something about my neatness.
02:42I'm finished hacking now!
02:44Wait, I was going to trap you, cranny idiot.
02:47Well, I don't want to get trapped, idiot.
02:49Finn, this is going good. This is going good. This is working.
02:52If we're able to beat Craner on your first ever attempt, that's going to be big.
02:56Well, he is a bit of a plonker, so...
02:58What the heck?
02:59Hey, loser.
03:00Have you found a PC yet, Finn?
03:04I thought you'd been on this entire time.
03:06No, no!
03:08I thought he was on one, but I don't think he is on one.
03:10I found one!
03:11Look, I used...
03:14Come back here!
03:14Wait, this isn't a computer, okay.
03:16Come back here!
03:17Ah, how did that help you?
03:21Stop closing doors!
03:22Stop being so agile!
03:25Maybe I have to go upstairs.
03:26Finn, I thought you said you found one.
03:29I found one!
03:30Oh, here's one.
03:30Okay, I'm hacking while I found one.
03:31It's really important that you do it carefully, okay?
03:35What do you mean? You just press E.
03:36Yeah, well, yeah.
03:38Did you know that?
03:41I guess he's a pro hacker, dude.
03:42If you mess it up, he will find our location.
03:45Oh, for God...
03:48He's here, he's here, he's here.
03:50He's down this hallway.
03:51Pull him away.
03:52Oh, he's coming in!
03:53Finn, run!
03:55Hello, Finn!
03:56Shut the door, shut the door.
03:59No, Finn, I used...
04:03I got him!
04:06Finn, you are such a massive disappointment.
04:09Come here, Finn!
04:11Get your dirty paws off me, you animal.
04:13Get off of me.
04:15Get off of me!
04:16I'm putting you in the chamber when I figure out how to do it.
04:19Okay, so Finn, yeah, if you're gonna die...
04:22No, no.
04:23How do I get him in the chamber, Josh?
04:26There we go, I've escaped, Josh.
04:27Ah, he ran away!
04:29Okay, I might have messed up the PC.
04:31How is he that far?
04:32That's my ability, bro!
04:34Come out here, Finn!
04:35That is no freaking thing!
04:37I gotta figure out...
04:38You need to use the things to escape, okay?
04:41It's getting a little bit embarrassing.
04:42I don't know how to put him in these.
04:45He's being a...
04:47You were saying, Finn...
04:48Now you stay there and freeze!
04:52Now, Finn, I'll do my best to come save you, okay?
04:56Oh, wait, that was a...
04:58Oh, Josh.
04:59Are you on your way?
05:01I might have been lying.
05:01I got a PC done!
05:03I don't really need Finn.
05:04I'm realizing...
05:05Have you lived alone?
05:06Hello, Josh!
05:08Are you not gonna go help Finn who's freezing?
05:16You shall both die!
05:18This is your fault!
05:19We were meant to stick together!
05:20Your fault, actually!
05:21No, this is your fault!
05:23You just disappointed me!
05:25All you did was disappoint me!
05:26Look at you, you idiot, getting dragged on the floor!
05:28What are you gonna do now, huh?
05:30Well, I mean...
05:31You're supposed to get me...
05:33You know what?
05:34I think I'll give you...
05:35I'll give you a little bit of a start here.
05:38Guys, Josh, run!
05:40Because I do feel bad that you have to work together with this idiot, so...
05:43Excuse me.
05:45If you could maybe, like...
05:46Oh, I mean, Finn's dead.
05:47Like, so that's fine.
05:48I'll leave him behind.
05:49Honestly, Finn...
05:50Could have done without you even being in this.
05:52Listen, you could have actually helped me.
05:54Instead, you were selfish.
05:55Uh, Finn is entirely frozen blue right now in my capsule.
05:59I'll tell you where he is, uh, Craner.
06:03No, no, no!
06:03That's not how it works, Finn!
06:05He's by Animator Go.
06:07Oh, for...
06:08Gate B!
06:09You have no...
06:11Upstairs computer!
06:12You're trash, bro!
06:14This is what happens when you, uh, sacrifice your teammates.
06:18Yeah, but I couldn't get you.
06:22Oh, he's dead.
06:23He's dead.
06:23Get him.
06:23Get him, Craner.
06:24I'm getting him, Finn!
06:25I'm gonna make you proud!
06:27I can't...
06:27I don't know why...
06:28I don't know why you're on my team all of a sudden, Finn, but I like it!
06:32Get him, Craner!
06:33He's a...
06:33He's a quick one.
06:34What can I say, Finn?
06:35Oh, my goodness.
06:36Oh, my goodness.
06:37Oh, my word.
06:39How did you do that?
06:40Ah, you little cheater!
06:43No, don't let him...
06:47Dang it!
06:47What are you doing?
06:49Oh, okay.
06:50Where'd he go?
06:51I don't know why he just walked off there.
06:53Why did he just walk off there?
06:55Has he disappeared?
06:56Is he kind of stupid?
06:57I guess he is.
07:00Where did you go?
07:01Where did you go?
07:02He just ran off!
07:06I think I can do this, guys.
07:07I think I can do this.
07:08How long does it actually take for one to be done?
07:10Sounds like forever, bro.
07:13Alright, there you go.
07:14Josh, you're being boring!
07:16I mean, I'm trying to defeat you.
07:19Another one complete!
07:21I hate you, dude.
07:22Did you just have to hold down E the entire time?
07:26You have to click E in the gap when it pops up.
07:30Josh, I'm getting lonely.
07:33Well, that makes sense.
07:35No one loves you.
07:36I think you just need to actually...
07:37You might need to go to areas you haven't been before to find me.
07:40That's all I'm gonna say.
07:41I feel like I'm looking everywhere.
07:43Bro's got three keyboards for one.
07:44You can go outside?
07:46Yeah, there's a whole outside area.
07:48Okay, I'm not ever gonna find anybody here, dude.
07:51Fin, will you chill?
07:54No, you've got loads of time.
07:55Thanks, Fin.
07:56You've got loads of time.
07:57Oh my god, I missed that.
07:58There we go, he's done it.
07:59Game over for you, Craner!
08:00That's not how it works!
08:01I need to escape!
08:04Game over, Craner!
08:05It's not game over!
08:06We win!
08:07Oh my god, this guy.
08:10Oh, bruh.
08:11No, no, you're all good.
08:12He's not there.
08:13I can hear him!
08:15No, he's by my body.
08:16Why are you snitching on both of us?
08:18This is the lamest you've ever been!
08:20Nobody likes a double-teamer.
08:22Oh, he's by the exit now, Craner.
08:26I have not opened the...
08:29Oh no, it's game over!
08:32No way!
08:34Hello, Josh!
08:35Do it, Josh!
08:36Shut the door, Josh!
08:38Oh, now he's gonna see.
08:44Is he supposed to open both doors?
08:46No, I can go out one or the other.
08:48I'm gonna get there before you, bro.
08:51Where is he, Vin?
08:54Shut your childish little boy mouth.
08:56He's back at the exit, Craner!
08:58Is he back there?
09:04Okay, you know what, Josh?
09:05That was deserved.
09:06On to a new hunter.
09:09I'm a survivor!
09:13I'm a survivor!
09:14You are a survivor!
09:15Nah, you guys are so dead.
09:16Where's Finn at?
09:19Craner, where are you?
09:21Where are you, Finny?
09:22Hello, guys.
09:26I'm coming!
09:28Oh, when you're close to the beast,
09:29you can hear the heartbeat.
09:31Yeah, I remember my first flavor facility.
09:35Did you just have a stroke?
09:37I was doing a funny voice.
09:39I remember my first flavor facility.
09:42Okay, so where are you, Craner?
09:43I am not telling you because the beast can hear.
09:48How are you doing on the computer front, Finn?
09:50Computer looking.
09:53Bro, I found a weird room.
09:54What the heck is this?
09:55Bro, where am I?
09:57Let's hope Craner messes up.
09:58This place is...
09:58What the heck is this room?
10:00I am hacking!
10:01This is what it looks like when people hack.
10:03This is the exact motion they use their arms.
10:06Not so easy, is it, to be the beast?
10:10Well, I don't actually know.
10:10I haven't seen a single one of you.
10:12See, that's what I'm saying.
10:14We're being super sneaky.
10:18Good luck, Craner.
10:23Hello, my friend!
10:25Hey, don't close the door on me.
10:27He's after me, Finny!
10:29Oh my god, Craner.
10:31Yeah, yeah.
10:33I know something that Josh doesn't know.
10:35What do you know?
10:36I know something Josh doesn't know.
10:38What do you mean by that?
10:39What do you mean by that?
10:40It helps us quite the bit.
10:45Hello, hello, hello!
10:51Where are you guys?
10:52There we go!
10:54I can't help you, Josh!
10:56I can't help you, Craner!
10:59Finn, please!
11:00How do I drag you?
11:01Please distract him or something, Finn.
11:03Is there a button for dragging you?
11:05Well, yeah, it's just left-click.
11:07I don't know why I'm telling you.
11:09Okay, okay.
11:10All right, let me just get you.
11:11Finn, continue the hack!
11:14In you go, boy!
11:15There was a freeze pod by the door I was at.
11:21How do I put you in the thing, then?
11:23You don't.
11:25Hey, Craner.
11:27Finn, it's almost done, Finn!
11:30Continue the hack without me!
11:32I don't know where the hack is!
11:34This room, you idiot!
11:36You just were in there, Finn!
11:37Just go and use the computer!
11:40How do I put you in it?
11:42There you go!
11:44All right, now let's go get Finn.
11:46Did you do it, Finn?
11:47I did it!
11:49Come here, Finn.
11:52Okay, now, Finn, help me!
11:53Help me, Finn, help!
11:54Finn, help me!
11:55Help me, Finn, help!
11:56Help me, Finn, help!
11:58Dang it!
11:59Yes, Finn!
12:02Craner and Finn together again!
12:04You went under the thing, you cheeky little boys!
12:07That's me!
12:08All right, Craner, I have a secret to share with you.
12:13I'm being hunted!
12:14Aw, dude!
12:15Craner, I need you to come with me.
12:17Where are you?
12:19Trying to not get chased down by the beast, if you don't mind.
12:22I think I juked him.
12:24All right.
12:25How are you doing, Finn?
12:25Are you hacking a computer?
12:27I haven't found one yet!
12:29I'm hacking, Finn!
12:30Oh, good lad.
12:31I'm hacking away as quickly as I can.
12:33My little hands are tip-tapping.
12:35Eyes after me!
12:39Stop with the cheeky moves!
12:41That's literally what I'm supposed to do.
12:43Craner, turn around, Craner!
12:45Finn, not right now!
12:47Dang it!
12:48I can hear your little fingers typing, Craner.
12:51It's what I'm supposed to do, Josh!
12:52I'm supposed to hack!
12:54I can't get you with this angle!
12:58With this dangle!
13:01I hate you so much!
13:03Get off of it!
13:04Stop, Craner!
13:09Ah, the other brain cell!
13:12Shut up, boy!
13:13No, Craner, he's an idiot.
13:14He didn't know, he didn't know.
13:19Oh, dang, guys!
13:21Oh, dang!
13:25Where's this guy?
13:26Are you both hacking at the same time now?
13:30Craner, where are you, though?
13:31Me and Finn got really good at the game, Josh.
13:33I think we've absolutely duked him here.
13:37Oh my god, dude, this is not good.
13:40Hey, Josh!
13:41There's only one left, dude!
13:43There's only one left!
13:45We've gotta hack the last one!
13:47I know where it is!
13:47It's where I was hacking it!
13:50But so does Josh.
13:51Oh, wait, it's right where Josh is.
13:54Ah, hello!
13:58Craner, help me!
13:59Do you hack or do you save your friend?
14:02I am definitely not saving Finn.
14:04No, Craner!
14:05Craner, bro, I saved you, you little slimeball.
14:08Come on.
14:09Oh, actually, you are right about that, yeah.
14:11But I don't know where you are yet, Finn.
14:13That's the problem.
14:14Bro, this thing is like two to four business days away.
14:17You might honestly want to stop me, Josh,
14:19because I'm doing it now.
14:21Oh, f*** off!
14:23Okay, Finn.
14:27Well, that was the last computer, guys.
14:28Now we just need to find an exit.
14:30And Finn's trapped.
14:31What are you going to do?
14:32Craner, Craner, you've got to find an exit together.
14:35You've got to do an exit together, Craner.
14:36Oh, look who it is!
14:38Craner, we've got to do an exit together.
14:39Go where Josh just came from,
14:41and you hit E quickly on me.
14:43E quickly, bro.
14:45We got this.
14:46He went down the other door!
14:51Ah, you are so lucky!
14:55You know where I am, Craner, come back!
14:57Ah, he knew I was going to do that!
14:59He knew, Finn!
15:01He just knew!
15:02Can I get you there in time?
15:03I'm sorry, Finn!
15:04This might be it from us, dude!
15:06No, we deserved it!
15:08I know!
15:09We did really well, Finn!
15:11We did really well!
15:13Do you have to drag me on my face?
15:15This is my money maker, dude!
15:17Yeah, yeah, sure.
15:18We're going to make you like two pennies.
15:19Yeah, and that's two pennies more than I would have made
15:22if I did not have a face.
15:27I think I made him upset with the whole hacking thing,
15:29so he's definitely going to give me the two.
15:31Oh, boy!
15:33Ah, you won!
15:37You won, dude!