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👕Caylus Plushies -
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00:00Today we're playing ripoff schoolboy runaway games. There's a lot of these on the app store,
00:04like this one, my stealth schoolboy a scap run. What's in a scap? What is in a scap? Let's click
00:11on it. Um, oh, there was an update. There was an update three weeks ago. That's good. Once a kid
00:15really got bored in the class, but suddenly thought of sneaking out of the building. But
00:19things go out of control when everyone found out that about it's just a broke out with.
00:23I don't what am I reading? Let's play. What could go wrong? Okay, this is the main menu. Nice. We
00:28got two ads. Um, let's press play. Nice. Yeah, we have an ad before playing. That's always a
00:35great sign that it's going to be a really good game. Level slot. Oh, we have multiple levels.
00:41Wait, what? What is that little picture? What level one select? Okay. Why is the game? The
00:51game is so incredibly quiet guys. I can't hear anything. What is this bro? Okay. This looks
00:58nothing like the pictures, um, at all, but not. Why are you? I'm working overnight for family.
01:07I asked daily. Okay. Tomorrow. I can, I cannot read that fast. I can not look at the mom's eyes,
01:12bro is petrified. Okay. So this is interesting. Can we open things? No. What is it? Nice. I got
01:20an ad. I got an ad. When I clicked that, I can't hear anything. I can like slightly hear things.
01:25It's super weird. This one ad has been going on for like 40 seconds. Now there's no skip button.
01:30I'm just watching someone play a word game. What is okay. There we go. It took forever. And now
01:35I have to wait 10 more seconds. Objective. Go back to over room. What is over room? This,
01:48I can't click on anything. Go back to this room. Oh, what?
02:01There's no way. I just walked out of the door. What a game so far guys. We're going to have to
02:09rate each game. So I'm going to give that game my stealth school boy, a scap run. Look at these
02:14pictures. Nothing like what the game was at all. Oh, what do I rate that bro? I don't know. That
02:18was kind of funny. I'm going to give it a solid three. Pretty bad. Actually does not deserve a
02:24three, but we're going to go on to the next one. Guys hit that like button for more school boy,
02:27runaway videos. Okay. The next one is called escape parents house runaway. It's got three
02:33reviews for stars plus not bad. So let's check it out. Like are the pictures pictures that just
02:39looks like school by runaway, but like Photoshopped that's the dad. Yeah. This looks pretty legit. We
02:43got the flashlight that, what is this? That's like a real person. That's AI. Okay. This is
02:50going to be atrocious. What's the description stuck in a house where every door is locked.
02:55You must sneak hide and solve puzzles to escape without getting caught. That was a good description.
02:59I mean, it was English. I could understand it. Let's press play. Okay. Look at this little
03:03loading screen. You've got a kid running. It's Jesus. Oh my. Okay. Got mad before the game
03:09started. Not a good sign, but it's okay. Cause I can skip it pretty quickly. Okay. What? Please
03:14let me skip it. Nevermind. This game sponsors all of these weird ripoff games, bro. Stop. I bet you.
03:21Oh my God. That is crazy. The first thing that pops up on your game is remove ads.
03:27That's how, you know, they just want money, bro. They don't care about their game.
03:31Okay. So I bet you when I press play, I'm going to get another ad watch. I bet you choose your build.
03:37What? Golf car. That was an ad. I thought I was going to choose my like character. I got a golf
03:44cart ad. Yep. Okay. Nice. Got another ad. Swipes kill zombies. Oh, this looks, oh, this is sick.
03:53Okay. I like this game. That game is fun. Okay. I'm going to press play. Don't give me another
03:57ad. Home escape, school escape, village escape, home escape. Got another ad. How many ads is that?
04:03Four. I think we got four ads before playing the game. Nice dude. Whiteout survival. Sick. Okay.
04:08Here we go. It's another ad. We got another ad. Still haven't gotten in the game. Still have not
04:15gotten in the game, dude. Wow. This game is just making so much money off of me and I can't even,
04:20oh my God. Imagine genuinely playing this game. Like I just want to play escape school game,
04:25home runaway. Okay. Unlock all characters. No. How do I say no? Oh my God. Look, the X is behind
04:32the car ad. I can't even click it. Guys. I can't click. Oh, I did. I clicked it. Okay. Good. Good.
04:36Good. Okay. We're just going to select that. It's going to give me, how did he miss that goal?
04:39What a terrible pass. Okay. Okay. We're in the game. I thought it was going to give me another
04:43ad. We have a story. You're not doing your homework. You're always glued to that stupid
04:47game console. Mom, I have to go out and meet Max. We're going to play football. He'll be waiting.
04:53Sorry. Won't cut it. Games. Nothing. You'll stay in your room and study until you understand
05:01every single math problem ever. Not fair. This is awesome. Guys. I can't even move on the screen.
05:10Okay. There we go. We can, we can, we can. Okay. Guys, wait a second. Wait a second. This is
05:14automatically better than the other one. Okay. So what is this? We can crouch. Yeah. This is
05:18automatically way better than the other game, except it has way more ads, but throw the objects
05:22you're holding to grab another way. What? Why would I want to do this? Let's make a hole in
05:26what is this called? A bullseye hole in one. Yeah, dude. Oh, I even got confetti. Okay.
05:34I just need to go back to kitchen. Remove ads. Watch ad instead. Avoid annoying ads.
05:41I'll watch the ad. I'll watch the ad. Whatever. Whatever. I like how even the
05:44games like these ads are annoying. Avoid them at all costs. Okay. We're back.
05:50Oh, please. Please. I just want to play for like 20 seconds without being interrupted. Please,
05:57please. Royal kingdom. Please. Let me play this game. Oh my God. How many
06:01X's do we have to click? Are you seeing this? There we go. Okay. We're good. We're in.
06:04We're in. Okay. Let's open this door. Whoa. This is a huge excuse to come here.
06:11Come on. Put some effort into it. One, two, three, four, five, six. We actually have punishments.
06:16Wait, this is kind of good. Eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Who's counting? Am I counting? 13,
06:2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Faster, faster. We're on the clock. Jesus, mom. I did it. I did 20.
06:28No way. I got an ad for another ripoff game. Wait, that's insane. I have to get it. I'm
06:36downloading it. That's crazy. And it's clearly just school by runaway. Like this is just school
06:40by runaway gameplay. They took so nice. Is that legal? Like, can they do that? Okay. We're going
06:44to play that after school boy escape. Why does it say I was 40,000 reviews? There's no way, bro.
06:50Okay. This game seems like somewhat decent, right? You have a mom, you have a story you're trying to
06:55escape, but there's just too many ads. There's too many ads where you can't even play the game.
07:01Look. Oh my God. How many times do I have to click the stupid X? There we go. Failed. That
07:04was just to get to the failed screen, bro. I had to go through two ads. We're going to close that
07:08one out because that was atrocious. I'm going to rate that a solid one. Couldn't even play the
07:12fricking game. Too many ads. Too many ads. Next game. It looks the exact same as the other one.
07:17No way. It's just an AI image of, please just don't be an ad. Your game will be so much better
07:22if it just doesn't have an ad. Okay. No ad. Okay. We have an ad at the top. That's fine though.
07:26That is fine. Nevermind. Nevermind. We have an ad. Dang it, dude. I was so excited, bro. Okay.
07:33It's fine. Home escape, school escape, village escape. So it's the exact same. I think this
07:36might be the same creator as the other one. Three attempts. Mom sometimes checks multiple rooms,
07:41find items and escape the house. Don't let mom see you. Okay. Let's fricking go. I'm already
07:44out of the house though, but I guess school by runaway does that too. It's the same voice actor.
08:02Guys, it's the same voice actor as the other game.
08:05You'll stay in your room and study until you understand every single math problem.
08:09Mom, I have to go out and meet-
08:10Every single math. It's the same thing.
08:13You're grounded.
08:17Nice. Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. Another ad. Yeah, that's fine. That is fine. Okay. We're in.
08:22Wait, this is kind of cool. So you actually have a book. Click to get a free hint. Wait, guys,
08:27this one's kind of cool. How do I open that? Oh, we got the key. Dude, this one's sick. This
08:32one's actually cool. Okay. I don't know where mom is. What's this? Can I open this? Okay. That's
08:36dad. Wait, guys, this is kind of cool. What's in here? Oh, that's her doing the kitchen stuff.
08:43Okay. So I have this storage room key. I don't know where that goes. Oh, what's in here? What
08:48is that? I don't know. Is there anything I can grab? This fricking stupid ad is so big.
08:52Was that me saying that? That sounded like the mom. Mom has the key. Okay. So that's the front
08:56door. Where's the storage room? I don't know. Oh, we got the bathroom. I could have done better.
09:02Add what? Okay. Let's check down here. Oh, what is that? Sleeping pill. Storeroom. I'm going to
09:09the store. Guys, this is by far the best game. There's no ads in a minute. This is good.
09:17Storeroom. Is this the storeroom? I should check on the boy. I need to get back to the room.
09:22I hope she hasn't noticed that I left. No, no. Wait, this is sick. It actually has a timer.
09:28All right. I'm going to go study. Yep. Perfect. We're studying. Mom's going to check on me. I'm
09:32going to be chilling. This is the game. They're advertising each other. It's the same creator.
09:43That's crazy, bro. Anyways. Okay. We have sleeping pills. This is really good.
09:48Wait a second. Something's wrong here. What's wrong? Okay. Everything seems normal.
09:52I'm trying to get in this room. Oh, this is so good. I actually am enjoying this game,
09:57guys. Low key. It's kind of sick. Okay. Nothing in the closet. Let's go back to sleuthing. Okay.
10:02So what was in there? How was the bathroom? We don't need to go in there. I can't open that.
10:05Can I open these? No. All right. What's in here, though? Ooh. Ooh. We got laundry. What's this for,
10:12though? Dirty cloth. Wait, is that a cat? Oh, my God. Is it like the dog in School
10:19of the Runaway? I have to feed it. All right. Let's put the clothes in. Boom.
10:24Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, my God. Let's sleeping pill the dad. Let's sleeping pill the dad.
10:36I sleeping pilled the dad. No way. I'm doing insane at this game. And she's checking me. Okay.
10:42I have an ad break, though, but it's fine. Low key. This game's sick. Why do I have to verify
10:46my age to play this game? School run boy life simulator. This is a different game. I have
10:54downloaded all three of these games are all rip offs, and they're all advertising each other
10:58in the game. This is just like, what am I doing, dude? Wait a second. Something's wrong here.
11:03Okay. Everything seems. Where's the dad? Is he asleep? Yes, he's asleep. He's actually asleep.
11:12Guys, this game is low key. So good. What is that locker key? Got the locker key. Okay. Can I
11:19open these now? What is this? I don't know what that is. I can't open those. But what I can do
11:24is nothing. What's the point of putting him to sleep? I can just walk past him, right? I'm
11:29actually, like, enjoying this game, bro. Like, what is crazy? All right. Where's the locker key?
11:35Is it this? Might be this. It is. Car key. Oh, my God. We have the car key. We have an ad break.
11:43Dang it. Take your mother for a fool. It's the same rip off game. Sure. Sure. What do I do now?
11:49What does the clean clothes do for me? Nothing. Check on the boy. Oh, my God. I hope she hasn't
11:56noticed that I left. The mom's being annoying. The mom is being very annoying. Checking on me
12:01every three seconds. How do I get outside to the car? Look at that. That gate is huge.
12:07All right. We're doing our homework. See? I'm reading. I'm reading, mom. See?
12:10Wait a second. Something's wrong here. You said that before. Okay. Everything seems normal.
12:14Yeah. How do I get her out of the kitchen, bro? How do I get her out of the kitchen? Maybe I sneak.
12:23Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Alex, there you are. You've been sneaking around again.
12:28I told you, you have to study. If you don't, I'll punish you again. Do you understand?
12:34I was just getting some air. I wasn't. Don't lie to me. You know what happens when you disobey.
12:39This time, no excuses. Come here. Hey. Now you'll have to clean this up, young man.
12:46Young man. Oh, my God. Wait. She seemed like she was fine with it, but then she
12:51randomly slapped me. Clean the gallery. Okay. Show me that broom power. Show me that broom
12:59power. Is that what you just said, mom? What is going on, bro? These footsteps were not here,
13:03by the way. She just went around and made some dirty footsteps for me to clean. Come on. Put
13:08some effort into it. Why is she like got a southern accent? Okay. Wait. She took my key.
13:16No. Why'd you take the key? Okay. I'm not sure how to get outside or do anything else, but hey,
13:21honestly, pretty freaking good game. Gonna rate it a solid seven. Pretty freaking good. Not gonna
13:26lie. It's good for a rip off. It's pretty good. All right. So there's this one. School girl runaway
13:32quest sim. What is this? That's just a real life image. What is she doing to the car? Her face is
13:40just on the car. Okay. We have to get this. What's the description? Join an epic escape adventure in
13:46a school gay school. Whoa. What? In a school girl runaway quest sim, collect items and logins. Okay.
13:52It looks like pretty normal. 4.4 stars. Very hard. Needs more instructions. That's the one review.
13:58Okay. Let's get it. Like these games could be decent if they just slowed it down on the ads,
14:04you know? Too many ads. What are you doing? All right. Let's open it. So far that last one by
14:08far wins. Here we go. School girl runaway. The police called it a murder suicide without a
14:15single motive. Nice. Got an ad. That's good. That's good. Let's continue. Let's get to this
14:21menu if we can. Oh, okay. Look at this. Wait, this is kind of a cool. Look at the cat. It's me
14:26sneaking. Wait, this is cool. Okay. I'm excited. This is good. Play a school girl. Play a civilian
14:31school girl, I guess. I don't. Whiteout survival. How are you doing? Glad to see you here. Okay.
14:38Level one. Start. Don't give me another ad. Just let me play the game. Let me play the game.
14:46Yes. Good. Okay. Perfect. There's me. Sneak out of this window to get out of the house and meet
14:50your friends at the club. Okay. Whoa. Third person. Interesting. Okay. So just sneak out
14:57of the window. Right now. Get a lock to open this window. Okay. So just get a lock. Yep. We can do
15:04that. Oh, wait guys. This is cool. Oh, and we have a camera watching. So how am I going to,
15:10how am I going to do this? Oh, I snuck. I snuck past it. Snuck. I snack past it.
15:18Okay. So we got a solid little puzzle. There's the key. Wait guys. Oh, oh, oh no. My dad died.
15:27Wait. And my mom at the same time, but I inherited $9.2 billion. I guess I'll be the richest kid in
15:32the orphanage. I have to avenge my parents. You got your mouth, bro. Please. I got caught and I
15:38got an ad for getting caught. I guess that's my punishment. This guy is yapping. Holy bro.
15:46Oh, nope. Just rabies. Dang it. Create your own life in bit life today. No.
15:52What? I didn't even get caught. I hit the alarm. No parents saw that. Prick. And then it restarts
15:58me here. Okay. Right now, get a lock. All right. Well, let's go downstairs and check it out. Hey,
16:03there's the kitten. There's the kitty. Hello. Hello kitty. Hello. I can jump. You can't jump
16:10in school by running away. So that's automatically a W. Can I run too? I can run so fast. Nice little
16:16TV. Guys, this game's pretty sick. Not going to lie so far. I'm enjoying it. Where's the parents
16:22though? I don't understand. Door is locked. Right now you cannot open this door. Okay. Okay. Let's
16:27just go around here. Is there any more cameras that I need to worry about? There's no parents.
16:31Like I could just fully run around the house. There's so many cats though. There's another
16:35cat right here. Let's just try to get through this door real quick. Stupid camera.
16:46What? I didn't hit it. Frick you. Honestly though, we're going to give that a rating of a solid like
16:53I'm going to give it a seven. Great game. Just too many ads. Like honestly, you might be bumped
16:58up to an eight if you had less ads, but pretty good. Let's do one more. Let's do one more. What
17:02is this? Clever, clever kid. Quite escaping. Description, clever kid, but with brilliant
17:09mind having difficulty leaving school because everyone is searching for him and he is hiding
17:14under the bench in the garden. He will show all the people why he is brilliant than others. Okay.
17:20This might be the greatest game to ever exist. It's got five star reviews, guys. One rating.
17:24Let's read the rating. I need help with the password to the code next to the door to escape
17:28because I'm struggling with the password. Please help. Nice. Let's open it. This might be the best
17:32one yet. Wait, what? This has the same menu as the first game we played. Who is that?
17:42Okay. Okay. Wait, guys. This has potential. This has potential.
17:51Okay. There's another cat. Objective, go towards parents room, find key and open the store room,
17:57then pick Bulby. Perfect. I'll go pick the bulb. Okay. This is cool, dude. This is actually like
18:04school by runaway. Pretty much the exact same layout too. Got the computer and everything.
18:08Got the computer and everything. Okay. Let's do this.
18:13Is this the kitchen? It is. Okay. We got the kitchen in there. This is probably the bathroom.
18:19Yeah. Okay. So it's the same layout. I like it. Yeah. So we need key. We need the key.
18:31And the dad is in here. Will he hear me if I walk past him like this?
18:35No. So we can walk past him. Go in here to the parents room. Yes. Wow. This looks nice. Okay.
18:41Let's open these. I can't open anything. That's the only problem. Hmm. Oh, would you look at that?
18:49We got the key. I was watching Tom and Jerry. Okay. So let's open this. Is this not the key
18:57for this? What? What? What is this the key for? There's the mom. Okay. So I'm in here.
19:02I can actually open the drawers. Knives. Okay. There's nothing in there though. So we're going
19:11to go out here. Maybe this is the key to this door. No. What is this the key for? Open the
19:18storage room, then pick bulb. I can't open the storage room. It's not working, bro. It's locked.
19:25Huh? Okay. Let's just get caught by the parents. I don't know. Hey mom, how you doing? Oh,
19:29she's pretty slow. What are you cooking there? What are you cooking there?
19:34It was the same side effect. 10 squats. Okay. Perfect. That was easy. Let me try it one more
19:42time and see if I can get the key. I have the key. Please work. My camera died like
19:48four minutes ago. I'm so sorry. Open. Open. Oh my God. Why'd it work this time? Okay.
19:54We're in the closet now. How do we pick bulb? Oh, there it is. Yes. Yes. There's levels to this.
20:02Wait guys, we actually beat a level. Wait, we actually beat a level. Oh my God. I might be
20:07the greatest. I might be the greatest player of all time. Pick up the duster to wash and
20:12clean the main door lock. There's levels in this, but it's the same. Why did they make it like that?
20:18Oh my God. Give me out. Okay. It's not working. This game's very glitchy, but we did pretty good.
20:24There's a cat out there too. What's with these games and cats? I don't understand.
20:27Let's go get caught by the dad and see what happens. Father, I have sponge for you.
20:35The same side effect. 10 squats again. Why do I have to do it outside dad?
20:41Your parents making you squat is a little interesting, don't you think? Anyways,
20:44very good games. I'm going to give that last one a rating of, it was pretty good. Honestly,
20:49it's pretty good. I'm going to give it like a six. Decent. Guys, thank you so much for watching.
20:53Let me know if you want to see more of these and I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye.