00:00I received this in my email on a Sunday morning, I think the date was March 5th, the email
00:09had come in from our cell expert Rick Green at 5am, he had been up all night, he saw this
00:15what he calls an artifact, which is the footprint on the cell phone of a Google search conducted
00:22on Jennifer McCabe's phone, it says January 29, 2022 at 2.27 and 40 seconds, house long
00:30to die in cold, and if that search was deleted by the user, you get a red yes flag in this
00:37column and this would indicate that it was deleted.
00:43I'm on trial for my life right now, they want you to believe that I killed John, but their
00:48rush to prosecute me will bite them in the ass, if Jen McCabe knew at 2.27 that John
00:56was about to be or was placed in the cold, that's highly incriminating, are you getting
01:18We kind of get at, you know, what is the million dollar question here, which is, did
01:28the search happen at 2.27am?
01:31Jennifer McCabe's 2.27am Google search was really bombshell information, and so very
01:38early on, we were hopeful that the media would take the Karen Reads story and run with it,
01:44but they didn't, so the coverage was essentially dead, and it was not by our choice, we would
01:51have preferred to have the media shine a spotlight here.
01:56Welcome to the live show ladies and gentlemen, I am your fearless host here, they call me
01:59Uncle Turtle Boy around these parts.
02:02Turtle Boy on his Twitter calls himself an award winning journalist, I'm not sure where
02:07those awards come from, but his real name is Aiden Carney, he was a history teacher
02:13in Worcester County, and then left and became a blogger.
02:19Joining us tonight, our special guest blogger, social media personality, Aiden Carney, also
02:24known as Turtle Boy.
02:26The Karen Read case really started to blow up when Turtle Boy started shining a light
02:33on Karen's innocence.
02:34What we know it to be is a cover up, it's outrageous, outrageous.
02:39I've been a big fan of Turtle Boy for many years, and me and Karen, we had some discussion
02:43about possibly reaching out to him, because we've seen him uncover some massive scandals.
02:50What really caught my attention was a court filing in April about the Google search, and
02:55every page I read further, my jaw just dropped.
02:59That 227 Google search was one of those stories that Turtle Boy reported early on in this
03:05case that the people who support Karen Read latched onto as evidence of a cover up.
03:12Court paperwork appears to show a link between murder suspect Karen Read and the blogger
03:17known as Turtle Boy.
03:19According to the prosecution, the defense was selectively leaking bits of information
03:24for Turtle Boy and sort of guiding him on the path of, hey, this should be your next
03:28story, or here's information for a new story.
03:33Defense attorneys have used the media since the dawn of time to forward stories.
03:39We wouldn't be in this business if we didn't get leaks and have anonymous sources, so it's
03:45definitely a media strategy.
03:48My lawyers told me we could share anything with Turtle Boy as long as it was public,
03:53and not for me to do it directly to go through a third party.
03:57And then I started to get nervous about who I was using for a third party, so I eventually
04:02just started sending things directly.
04:06And then we started talking about the case probably once a day, almost every day, five,
04:13six days a week.
04:14He drew a lot of eyeballs.
04:17There wasn't a ton of attention on this case until he started blogging about it and speaking
04:23about it.
04:24I took up the cause of somebody arrested for murder.
04:27When he started posting all these stories, I started watching all of them.
04:30As Kev got more involved, we started doing standouts.
04:33We'd go stand out over a pass in the highway and hold a sign.
04:37And the idea was to get as many people to know about the Karen Reid case as possible.
04:43It seems to me that there's no middle ground.
04:47You're either pro-Karen Reid, or you are pro-prosecution, pro-police.
04:52It's gotten really vitriolic to the point that friends and neighbors are no longer talking
04:58because of this case.
05:01Turtle Boy is the primary reason that there are people out in front of that courthouse
05:06every single day right now.
05:12The problem is he's crossed the boundary concerning jury selection and tainting a jury pool.
05:24And he has, on megaphone, said that that's his purpose.
05:38The atmosphere around the courthouse changed very quickly.
05:41There was a single day where there were a number of folks standing on the courthouse
05:45steps and they were booing Johnny's family as they were walking into the courthouse,
05:51which at first, I frankly had trouble processing, like, why are they doing this?
05:58And then it became very clear that we had underestimated the effectiveness of the Free
06:03Karen Reid PR campaign.
06:08The reason that the community is so incendiary there is because they've been dealing with
06:13it for generations of what they consider to be sort of this old boys network of cops who
06:21just get away with it.
06:23Everybody knows everybody.
06:24Everybody's connected to everybody.
06:26And that leads to problems.
06:30That leads to corruption.
06:32Massachusetts is not unique, and certainly there's been a long and tortured history involving
06:39and including police corruption, lack of accountability for police officers, police officers that
06:46have been caught planting evidence, police officers that have been caught lying.
06:51And I think a lot of people are saying, that stops now.
06:56We are just now weeks away from the high profile murder trial against Karen Reid.
07:08There will be a 200 foot buffer zone around the courthouse in Dedham.
07:12No one is allowed to wear clothing or have signs in the courthouse that support one side
07:18or the other.
07:19Starting next week, apparently we can't have any gear that says Karen Reid.
07:24We basically are going to have to put duct tape over our mouth.
07:29Judge Canone doesn't want any outside influences or distractions.
07:34She's got to make sure the case is tried within the four walls of that courtroom.
07:38I can tell you from my experience with this community, they are not going to be muzzled.
07:44We were trying to figure out how we can get around that buffer zone.
07:48And everyone said we should wear a certain color.
07:51Karen Reid said, I love pink or something of that sort.
07:55And it snowballed from there.
07:56Pink because it's Karen's favorite color.
07:57We love her.
07:58Free Karen Reid!
07:59Let freedom reign!
08:01I wanted it to be something feminine that they wouldn't confuse it with justice for
08:10John either and think we're pro-prosecution.
08:12I appreciate that.
08:14You guys look great in the pink.
08:15I love it.
08:16And I do like the color pink.
08:17I don't wear it ever, but I like it.
08:18So I just said pink.
08:19Is that live?
08:21I love the pink.
08:40Love the pink.
08:49Members of Karen Reid were cheering as she and her defense team arrived for day one of
08:54the trial, jury selection.
08:56Honestly, we had no idea going into this how many jurors we were going to be able to find
09:01that could be fair and neutral.
09:03Everyone's read the media about this.
09:04There's a lot of people who know what's going on.
09:06Out of the 88 people in this first pool, 69 indicated they did know about it, including
09:1124 who said they've already formed an opinion about Reid's guilt or innocence.
09:16How are we feeling about the jury selection?
09:18We're very pleased.
09:20We're happy that we have a jury, and we're looking forward to starting.
09:25It's just bizarre.
09:27I'm facing life in prison, and now these strangers are going to decide how I look the rest of
09:34my life.
09:35Arguably, I've said this many times, jury selection, that's your trial.
09:46You will question the shoddy and biased investigation that was done, a faulty investigation that's
09:53led to Karen Reid sitting here today.
09:56We're working on our opening statement, and we're all on edge right now.
10:02This is showtime.
10:04And you will reasonably doubt their case because Karen Reid was framed, and the evidence tends
10:09to show that.
10:11Immediately off the top of my head, I don't ever want you or me or Liza or anybody else
10:16to say tins to prove that she didn't do it.
10:19We're going to f***.
10:20We're not trying this case to a hanging jury.
10:23We're trying this case to an acquittal.
10:32Did you sleep okay?
10:34Did you sleep at all?
10:35I did.
10:36I did.
10:37I watched TV and chilled out, and then I got up at 4.
10:43Got up at 4?
10:46Jesus Christ.
10:47Big day.
10:48There is no way that we could be more prepared.
10:54I'm emotionally prepared.
10:56I'm not emotionally looking forward to it, and I know I'm going to have emotions that
11:00I'm not completely expecting, but I've steeled myself for it, and these last two and a half
11:10years have prepared me for it.
11:15They say it's become a circus.
11:19It's not about justice for John.
11:20It's all about the Karen Reed case.
11:22Free Karen Reed!
11:23I mean, it's my life and my trial, but the Karen Reed case is trying to get justice for
11:31The case is about how he died.
11:35I think a lot of people are going to be, like, shocked when they see the truth.
11:4022-117, McConnell v. Karen Reed.
11:51It's time for opening statements, and whenever you're ready, Mr. Lally.
11:56Good morning.
11:59John O'Keefe grew up in Braintree.
12:02He was 46 years old when he passed.
12:05He was the son of John O'Keefe Jr. and Margaret Orpegioki.
12:11Adam Lally has a reputation for being methodical and hard evidence focused and not flashy at
12:21And they had two children who were very young.
12:25It is not a prosecutor's job to be flashy or interesting.
12:30They eventually cajoled another friend of theirs, Mr. Curt Roberts, to come out to the
12:36bar and join them as well.
12:38And there's some other people that are located within the bar, including a Mr. James Sullivan,
12:41who we hear from, who was...
12:43I thought Adam Lally's opening statement was rambling.
12:46You're there from this person, and, like, incidental witnesses, people who had a beer
12:50with us the night before and then left.
12:52We hear testimony from Ms. Roberts, Ms. McCabe, the firefighters, and the responding police
13:00I'm not an attorney, but you just threw, literally, 27 names.
13:06Eventually, the defendant, while driving around, this will come in as far as other testimony
13:12and related testimony as it fell.
13:16Thank you very much for your time.
13:18All right.
13:19Thank you, Mr. Lally.
13:20Mr. Nettie.
13:21Thank you, Your Honor.
13:22May it please the Court.
13:29Karen Reed was framed.
13:31The car never struck John O'Keefe.
13:35She did not cause his death, and that means that somebody else did.
13:43You will learn that at that address lived a well-known and well-connected law enforcement
13:49family in Canton.
13:52You will learn, in short, that the police did no real investigation of this case, and
13:58you will question why.
14:00You tell him!
14:03I'd heard David's opening, he's rehearsed it, but when you hear it in the courtroom
14:08and the cameras are rolling and my family's there and my friends are there and the jurors
14:12are there, it feels like you're hearing it for the first time.
14:16It really felt like I'd never heard it, and I'd just heard it the night before.
14:19We will stand before you again at the end of this trial and ask that you find Karen
14:26Reed not guilty.
14:38Excellent job, David.
14:39You crushed the opening.
14:42What an amateur.
14:43David, I will iron your shirt every day.
14:46That was phenomenal.
14:48I love it.
14:49I love it.
14:50You really, really did an amazing job.
14:52And the contrast between the Commonwealth standing up and just rattling off 50 names
14:59that don't, they've got no context for, it was just name after name after name.
15:03I know this case, and I couldn't keep up with the frickin' names.
15:06I was dreading opening statements.
15:08I've been advised they will call you everything but a human, and it was a good day.
15:23It was a really good day.
15:24Well, I gotta say, if that's the opening salvo by the prosecution, wah, wah, like, wow.
15:38Your next witness, please, Mr. Lally.
15:40Yes, Your Honor.
15:41I'd like to call Jennifer McCabe to the stand.
15:45Here was a woman who was involved in John O'Keefe's last night out, someone who was
15:51out drinking with Karen Reed and John O'Keefe, and then the person who had invited them back
15:58to 34 Fairview Road for an after-party.
16:01Do you solemnly swear the obfuscate of the court, and jury, and the case, that I have
16:05here, to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God?
16:07I do.
16:09You may take the stand.
16:12I think it's pretty clear that Jen McCabe is gonna be a central witness for us.
16:18She was one of the women that was in the house that night, and she's the woman that
16:22Google searched how long to die in the cold.
16:27I think a major turning point in the Karen Reed trial is when Jennifer McCabe took the
16:34That's when we went to, you know, wow, these are the heavy hitters.
16:40Jen McCabe was at the crime scene, and something happened.
16:45John was murdered, so Jen McCabe, it's me or her.
16:50Either I'm going down, Jen, or you are.
16:58How would you describe your relationship with John O'Keefe?
17:02He was my friend.
17:04I loved John.
17:05He was an amazing guy.
17:10Karen and John initially started their night on the 28th at C.F. McCarthy's.
17:15They got drinks with friends.
17:17Everyone was in good spirits, by all accounts.
17:20They eventually decide to meet up with some additional people at the Waterfall Bar and
17:25At the Waterfall that night are all of the McCabes and Alberts.
17:29You have Brian Albert, a Boston police officer, Nicole Albert, Julie Albert, Chris Albert,
17:37Jennifer McCabe, Matt McCabe, and Brian Higgins, a federal ATF agent.
17:42They're all drinking together at this watering hole.
17:45With respect to Miss Reed, did you speak to her at the bar?
17:49Do you recall what, if anything, that you or you spoke about?
17:52Karen had shared a little bit of frustration that morning, and then we just talked about
17:58how, you know, challenging it is with kids.
18:01You know, she mentioned that that's kind of all they have a fight about, and I said, yeah,
18:06well, welcome to parenthood.
18:08But again, it was just, you know, girlfriend to girlfriend kind of venting.
18:13Karen and John enter the bar.
18:15There's not a single person there who says that they were in anything but a good mood.
18:21You can see their interactions that evening.
18:23They're hugging each other.
18:24They're getting along.
18:26Now, you left the Waterfall sometime around midnight, is that correct?
18:33Jennifer McCabe invited John and Karen to come back to her brother-in-law, Brian Albert's
18:38house, for some additional drinks.
18:40So after the Waterfall, Karen and John drive to go to the Albert residence.
18:46They've never been there before.
18:48The Alberts are people that they know sort of in passing, but they've never socialized
18:52at their home before.
18:55When Karen and John show up at the Albert residence, Jennifer McCabe is already in the
19:00house, and she looked out the front door and initially observed Karen's vehicle parked
19:07in the street, in the roadway, in front of the Albert residence.
19:12So when you went over to the storm door and looked out, what, if anything, did you see?
19:16I saw a dark SUV.
19:19So at that point, I text him, here, pull behind me at 1231.
19:23And at any point in time, did John Milkie respond to your text message?
19:29And then a few minutes later, at 1240, when I say hello, I cannot be certain whether they
19:37were still out front or if they had left.
19:40And what was your thought as far as where John was or where John had gone at that point?
19:46At that point, I thought maybe they decided not to come in.
19:50Maybe they got into an argument.
19:52Did you think much of it at that point?
19:55At some point, you left the residence at Fairview.
19:57You went home around what time?
20:00Roughly 1.30, 1.45.
20:04After I left 34 Fairview, I was angry at John, so I'm calling while I'm driving, and he didn't answer.
20:15When I got to John's, I kept calling him.
20:18John, I f***ing hate you!
20:22You know, I'm drinking, I'm swearing, it's horrible.
20:27John, I'm here with your f***ing kids, and nobody knows what the f*** you are, you f***ing pervert.
20:35I became convinced, he's sleeping with someone.
20:38And there were multiple women in the neighborhood of Fairview that John had been with.
20:42John, you are f***ing abusing me right now.
20:45You're f***ing another girl, you're a f***ing loser, f***ing yourself.
20:51Yeah, it's 1 in the morning, I'm with your f***ing niece and nephew, you f***ing pervert.
20:56You're a f***ing pervert!
21:00And from your analysis of that phone, we were able to determine approximately how many calls occurred
21:06from the defendant's phone to Mr. O'Keefe's phone, from the time period shortly after 12.30 a.m.
21:13to the time period shortly after 6 a.m.
21:16There was over 50, I think it was 53 or 55.
21:21Eventually, I fell asleep on the couch at John's house from about 1.30 a.m. to 4.30.
21:28And I woke up, and the reason I slept on the couch was to know when he came in.
21:34And I knew when I woke up on the couch, he hadn't come in.
21:37I called him again, and he didn't answer.
21:41My voice is shaking.
21:43I'm so f***ed by you.
21:47I started calling all his friends, and nobody had heard from him, nobody had seen him.
21:52And then I called Jen McCabe at 4.53, and I said, I'm looking for John.
22:00She proceeds to scream my name multiple times, and she tells me that John didn't come home,
22:06they got into a fight, and that she left him at the waterfall.
22:10And I say, Karen, we saw you outside of my sister's.
22:15And what was her response?
22:17She told me that she didn't remember going there.
22:20And then she started yelling, Jen, Jen.
22:26And then she was saying, did I hit him? Could I have hit him?
22:29And this is while you're still in your home, and you're in your bed, correct?
22:34And then she proceeded to say that she had a cracked tailing.
22:48For some reason, that morning, it's going through Karen Reed's head at this point
22:53that something bad has happened to John O'Keefe.
22:57And the prosecution would be arguing, like,
23:00why would she know something's wrong with John O'Keefe, if she's innocent?
23:04Karen made dozens of calls that morning, not one to 9-1-1.
23:11If one of those calls went to 9-1-1, Johnny might still be alive.
23:15It's upsetting to think that's true.
23:19So Jen says, you're hysterical, come pick me up, and I'll go look for John with you.
23:29And I'm simultaneously calling Kerry Roberts.
23:32Kerry wasn't at the bar or at Fairview, but she was a friend of John's.
23:36And had known John for a long time and communicated with him all the time.
23:41Karen called me at 5 o'clock in the morning.
23:44I answered the phone, and she said, John's dead.
23:49Kerry, Kerry, Kerry.
23:52And then she hung up.
23:55I may have said to Kerry, I'm worried he's dead or something.
23:57But I didn't say unequivocally in a declarative statement, Kerry, John's dead.
24:02And if I had killed him, why would I be saying that?
24:05It doesn't make any sense.
24:07Finally, she called me back again, and she said, I'm afraid John might be dead.
24:14He might have gotten hit by a plow.
24:16He did not come home last night.
24:18I think something happened.
24:21And I said, Kerry, I'm pulling into Jen McCabe's, just come over here.
24:25Let's all hop in one car.
24:27Kerry was telling her to shut up, that we needed to just go back to John's.
24:32And we'll drive in one car, and let's go to John's.
24:37Maybe he's there, and he's passed out, and you didn't see him.
24:41So we go back to John's.
24:43Now, this is an hour after I first called Jen McCabe.
24:46I called her at 4.53, it's 5.45.
24:49And we're back where I just spent the night.
24:52Karen did point it out at one point in the driveway.
24:55She said, my taillight, look at my taillight.
24:58And I looked at it, and I said, you told me you don't remember anything from last night.
25:03She said, do you think I hit him? Do you think I hit him?
25:05And I said, no, I don't think you hit him.
25:07I think you probably hit something.
25:09But let's just go in the house and look for him.
25:11And we go all through the house, and I'm just running around.
25:16We're all running around the house.
25:18And eventually I said, Jen, we have to go back to 34 Fairview.
25:21He's not any of these places.
25:23After that, the three of us got in the car, and we drove to Fairview.
25:27Karen is in between us, like from the back, kind of pushing up in between Carrie and myself.
25:36And she's just screaming, Carrie! Carrie!
25:42Her name over and over, my name over and over.
25:46And repeating certain phrases, could I have hit him? Did I hit him?
25:51Carrie is yelling at her to shut up, to sit back, to buckle up, to look for John.
25:58And as soon as we approached the property, he's right there.
26:03He's right on the edge of the property.
26:05And I said, there he is.
26:07And both women said, where?
26:09I said, he's right there. Stop the car.
26:12At the time that she was saying this, were you able to see anything outside of the vehicle?
26:19I saw nothing.
26:21So I looked over, and I didn't see anything.
26:24And I looked at Jen, and I said, she's crazy.
26:27And I unlocked the door, and I sat back and watched.
26:29And she ran over to a mound of snow.
26:34They pull up to 30th and Fairview, and Jen McCabe says that Karen just darted out of the car.
26:41Like, before it even stopped, it was like, oh, there's John.
26:44You know, somehow in this dark, we're still in the dark.
26:47In a blizzard, Karen is able to spot John's body and run to it.
26:52Karen beelined from the car to jump onto what Carrie described as a hump in the snow by the time they got over there.
27:01But from the car, Carrie testified, you could not see anything eight feet off the street.
27:07So that was the moment for me, the first question I had was, how did Karen know where the body was?
27:16I ran over to him, and John is perfectly still.
27:20His mouth is open a little bit.
27:22He's got cuts and blood on his face.
27:24And he's just wearing the thin clothes he had on the night before.
27:31And he had a piece of glass, like, perched on his nose, like, just wedged like a splinter would be.
27:39And I just pulled it.
27:42And as soon as I pulled it, it just gushed blood down his face.
27:46And he had—his eyes were purple.
27:51But this eye was split, and it was dripping blood from a cut down his face.
27:59And I did try to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
28:02I don't even know if I was doing it right.
28:04But when I pinched his nose and breathed into his mouth, I could hear gurgling.
28:09And my first thought was, he left drunk, he fell, and he's asphyxiating on his vomit.
28:17I said, Carrie, roll him over, roll him over.
28:19And she said, no, don't roll him over.
28:21He could have—what she was implying was he could have, like, a broken neck or something.
28:25So we're screaming at each other.
28:27And then she says, shut the f*** up, Karen, shut the f*** up.
28:31Leave him the way he is.
28:33And it continued where I felt like, what is wrong with everyone?
28:39Why are you screaming at me like this?
28:42And where's Jen?
28:44Karen's screaming, is he dead, is he dead?
28:49And I was trying to be calm and get help there for John as fast as possible.
28:56911, what's the emergency?
28:59I need someone to come immediately to 34 Fairview Road, Canton, now.
29:04What's going on?
29:05There's a guy unresponsive in the snow.
29:08In the snow at 34?
29:10Yes, 34, the Albert residence, yes.
29:14So the first responders arrived.
29:19And I'm screaming and crying.
29:21I said, it's my boyfriend.
29:23I left him and he never came home.
29:25Is he dead?
29:27Karen! Dad!
29:30Dad! Dad!
29:34He's f***ing dead, he's f***ing freezing.
29:37We have a Boston police officer that was just found in the snow here.
29:44And does have some trauma to his head.
29:47Not sure if he's been in a fight or whatever.
29:57I mean, I was like a chicken. You can see me on the video.
30:00Like, I was yelling anything and everything and I was really confused.
30:07And a few minutes after that, the EMTs come and they put him on a stretcher and they get him in the ambulance.
30:12As he's being taken off the ground, what, if anything, could you observe in that area?
30:17His phone was under him and it was grass.
30:21Everything else is covered in snow and when he's lifted off the ground underneath his body, is that where the grass is?
30:27More officers began to arrive.
30:31Miss Reed just continued to run around screaming.
30:36One EMT had asked, you know, his name, his age, things like that.
30:41If she knew what happened, Miss Reed stated that she hit him.
30:50Is that something that she said once or more than once?
30:53Three times. I hit him, I hit him, I hit him.
30:56I hit him.
31:07In the first week of trial, one of the central ideas about Karen Reed's guilt or innocence came up in multiple testimonies.
31:18These first responders, the people who were there,
31:21several of them testified that Karen Reed said things to the effect of, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him,
31:26like that she was taking some kind of, like, responsibility.
31:32As I was ventilating, I was able to ask, did anybody see anything? Did anybody, what happened?
31:39And there was one individual that replied several times, I hit him, I hit him.
31:44I hit him, I hit him. Oh my God, I hit him.
31:47She said, I hit him. She repeated it.
31:52And there was a police officer who was in that vicinity, kind of with us, who replied, you what?
32:00She repeated it one more time.
32:03Earlier it was, could I, did I? When she spoke to the paramedic, it was crystal clear, I hit him.
32:09I remember everything. I said, could I have hit him? Did I hit him?
32:13And I'm not as clear as I would be if I hadn't been drinking.
32:17I mean, I had drank, so, and that led me to question, like, could I have hit him?
32:23Did I run over his foot or hit him in the knee? Did I incapacitate him?
32:29Without a doubt, alcohol consumption played some role in the events of January 29th, 2022.
32:36Adam Lally provided a count of each drink that Karen Reed had that night.
32:438.58 p.m. is when the defendant receives drink number one.
32:479.57 p.m., drink number five. 10.29 p.m., drink number seven.
32:5410.54 p.m., defendant and Mr. O'Keefe arrive at the waterfall, during the course of which,
32:59about an hour that they're there, the defendant receives drinks number eight and drinks number nine.
33:05So, the first two drinks I had at McCarthy's was a vodka soda with a shot.
33:11So, that was, I mean, they were doubles, which technically are two drinks.
33:15So, those two, the drink and then a shot, they're counting as four.
33:21Three drinks are ordered for me at C.F. McCarthy's that I don't drink.
33:25So, someone buys me a double, and I'm holding it, but I'm just talking the whole time, I never drink it.
33:30And then they buy a round of shots, and I pour that into the drink.
33:34So, that one drink has three. So, I had five and a shot over three hours. So, that's six.
33:44Everyone out that night was drinking extensively, including John O'Keefe.
33:50And to have this trial where all of these people who were there that night are testifying to things that they specifically remember,
33:56given the amount of alcohol that it seems they had been drinking, it's just hard to believe that memories were that clear.
34:04Can we pivot to the, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him?
34:12I want to know exactly where she says she was when she heard that.
34:15Yeah, Richie, it's probably two or three minutes before this.
34:19One of the big themes throughout our examination of every one of the officers on scene, and the firefighters,
34:28is this supposed statement, I hit him, that they're now turning into some sort of an admission that she did this.
34:37So, this has to be the point at which, and Jen's on her left, you're on her right, right there.
34:42So, if we stop here, directly across from her is a CPD officer, right?
34:48She didn't know his name, name happens to be Sarif.
34:52At any point when you were at that location, did you hear my client repeating the phrase, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him?
35:01She said, I hit him? No, I didn't hear that part.
35:08I think the prosecution believes that Karen telling one or multiple people, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him, is a big piece of evidence in their case.
35:18But at the same time, you saw how closely the defense team picked apart every person who claimed to have heard Karen say, I hit him.
35:29Did you see any place in that video where you engaged my client and said, how'd you get here, what happened?
35:36She said, I hit him, and you said, how'd you hit him? All the stuff that she testified earlier too.
35:43I didn't see that in the video, no.
35:45So it's fair to say that your memory is a little bit faulty as it pertains to that time frame.
35:52Can you point to that portion of your report where you indicate that my client said the words, I hit him?
35:59It doesn't say that.
36:01Given what we know, not a single individual wrote that statement down, that statement doesn't appear on any of the tapes.
36:09What does appear is, is he dead? Is he dead?
36:16Another statement that appears is, my boyfriend, I left him and he never came home.
36:25You can hear that. Nowhere do you hear, I hit him, or any iteration thereof.
36:30If she actually said that, and someone heard that statement at the scene, she would never go anywhere.
36:38She would have been arrested on the spot.
36:41It's kind of to the point that I even wonder, did I even say the word hit at all?
36:45I've just been told it from the beginning, and I know it, I thought it, like, could I be responsible?
36:50Because I don't know what the hell happened.
36:52So, yeah, if anything, I said, could I have? Because I have quite, I did question that in the early innings.
36:57Yeah, of course.
36:58But now I'm like, Jesus, did I ever even say hit?
37:03At the scene, I called my mom, my dad, my brother, and my best friend.
37:09And no one was answering, so I texted.
37:13I texted, John is dead.
37:15And my dad called me back, and I said, Dad, I don't want to live, I just want to die right now.
37:21She was in an emotional state, and shock is the only way I would describe it.
37:28She was in an emotional state and shock is the only way I would describe it and I just
37:49sense you know that she was at risk of hurting herself.
37:56Now that we have the dash cam videos I can hear one of the Canton police officers says
38:01let's section her.
38:03I'm going to section her so we know where she is.
38:06Section 12 is a psychiatric hold that you think the person could harm themselves.
38:16I'm admitted to the hospital and I'm in the ER, an extension of the ER, but John's body
38:23is just about two doors away from me.
38:26A couple hours later my father comes to get me out of the hospital.
38:31I was met by one of the attendants, one of the medical attendants and said my daughter
38:38was you know continuing to ask is John O'Keefe, is he okay, is he dead, what's the status
38:46and that medical attendant said we haven't told her, would you like us to tell her, would
38:52you like to tell her or would you like us all to go in and tell her.
38:56I said no, I'm her father, I'll do it.
39:00She was on the edge of the bed and when I told her I held her and she slithered off
39:04the bed into my arms to the floor.
39:07He just said he's gone, he's gone.
39:14She lost it for a little bit and then within a pretty short period of time she said dad
39:19what are we going to do, what's the plan.
39:22She doesn't get lost in the loss, she finds a way out of it.
39:33By the time I finally get out of the hospital right before noon I said dad I want to go
39:37see the kids and we left and drove to John's and John's parents, his brother, his father
39:46and his niece were there and then his nephew got dropped off from a friend's house and
39:52I hugged his dad and his niece.
39:56I greeted his brother and his mother and I knew they had identified the body, I watched
40:01them go in there and I said to his brother Paul, I said Paul what did he look like, what
40:06happened and he said my brother looked like he went five rounds with Tyson and his mother
40:14leans over the kitchen island and says to me I think he looks like he got hit by a car,
40:18he looks like he got hit by a car.
40:20I'm like wait a minute, were you both looking at the same body?
40:23After a couple of minutes Paul, his cell phone rang and he left the room.
40:28The way he looked at Karen when he came back in that room it was like time stopped.
40:35Oxygen left the room at that point and there was some serious looks of guilt thrown at
40:42Karen and subsequently at my father and I.
40:45I could read the room and I was not wanted there and I looked at my dad and I said I
40:50gotta get out of here, they think I did this.
40:54The folks that cared most and loved Johnny are all following the evidence.
41:00Her behavior in conjunction with the hard evidence, in conjunction with the circumstantial
41:04evidence presented at trial points in one direction and that is that Karen Reed killed
41:11They say that I'm a drunk, vengeful girlfriend, scorned lover, but I'm innocent.
41:17I'm being set up and these witnesses, they're all lying.
41:21I just can't wait to get our shot at these guys.
41:24It's gonna be the game changer.
41:26This is supposed to be justice for John O'Keefe and it has completely become the Karen Reed
41:44They're gonna try to slut her up.
41:45Is this a slutty girl that's a drunk?
41:46The defendant kissed me.
41:47Texts were being read about an affair.
41:49It felt like the walls were closing in.
41:53Karen Reed had a car that had a damaged taillight.
41:56Pieces were found at 34 Fairview.
41:59Astonished faces from the jurors.
42:01They were shocked.
42:02All it would take is for one rogue to drop it and say, guys, we got something over here.
42:09She's a whack job.
42:10That's what you wrote, correct?
42:13When you made that first pass, did you see your body?
42:17And if there was no body there at 2.30 in the morning, the case is over.
42:21The buzz is that today will be judgment day.
42:24You may now deliberate your verdict.
42:26Nothing points to anybody other than Karen.
42:29I'm either gonna be free again or I'll be alone and in prison.