• 2 days ago
Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 50 Completo HD Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 51 Completo HD Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 52 Completo HD Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 50 Completo HD Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 50 Completo HD Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 50 Completo HD Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 50 Completo HD
00:00So it was Kaira and Nejat or me, and I had to choose as you will realize.
00:08It's hard to decide, right?
00:12But please, don't say I made a mistake, mom, because I questioned myself a lot.
00:20It is not clear if Nejat will win. If so, maybe years later.
00:28Nejat does not deserve to spend even five minutes without Kaira.
00:32He is a wonderful dad.
00:35Separating him would be terrible.
00:38Daughter, listen.
00:41Now I want you to think about how you can save Kaira.
00:47But he has his dad and his real mom.
00:51He even started to love Aileen.
00:54That woman, Aileen, got what she wanted by threatening you.
00:59She used her own daughter.
01:02She has the potential to hurt anyone.
01:07But the girl formed a better bond with you than with her mother.
01:15You condemn Kaira to be with Aileen.
01:19Don't say that. Her dad is with her.
01:22But daughter ...
01:23Mom, I miss Kaira a lot.
01:26And I really love her. I love her so much that I want her to forget me at once.
01:33Could you forget me?
01:36You kept me alive in an empty store.
01:40Kaira is just like you.
01:46What will you do if she can't forget you?
01:49What can I do?
01:52I destroyed everything while I was away from them.
01:56I looked at Kaira in the eyes and broke her heart, mom.
02:00Tell her everything, Aniyad. In detail.
02:04Tell her you were wrong.
02:08No, what if Aileen takes Kaira?
02:10Let her do it. No way.
02:14Did you know that the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie?
02:20You deserve to be happy. Believe me. You must fix it.
02:24Time will not solve it for you.
02:27Don't stay with your arms crossed.
02:29The clock is running faster and faster in your heart.
02:32And it won't leave you alone.
02:36Don't tell Aniyad what we talked about, okay?
02:42You can only tell her the truth, Aniyad.
02:51By the way, the necklace looks beautiful on you.
02:56You are so good.
02:59Let me go with your sister and the others. I think they need my help.
03:07My girl.
03:25What's up, Jairi?
03:27I'm on my way out. Could you send Aniyad, please?
03:31Yes, of course. I'll take her to you soon.
03:34Very good. So I'll see you there?
03:37Of course. You're going alone, right?
03:40Yes, of course.
03:42Okay, I'll see you there.
03:46So I'll see you there?
03:48Of course. You're going alone, right?
03:50Yes, of course.
03:52Jairi, what are you doing?
03:54Zuna, I have to go.
04:02I'm going.
04:03Jairi, come here. I called you to say goodbye. I'm going to school with mom.
04:08Are you serious?
04:11That's right. Like mother and daughter, right?
04:14Yes. Dad has a lot of things to do.
04:18Really, Neyad?
04:20I have an important meeting. That's why I'm going with Aileen.
04:25See you.
04:28I'll see you later.
04:33I appreciate it.
04:35Don't worry, Neyad.
04:37Are you free today?
04:40I am.
04:41Then could you pick up Kaira?
04:49Do you have plans or something?
04:52If you have something to do, I'll take care of it.
04:55No, don't worry. I'll pick her up.
04:58Thank you very much.
05:00See you later.
05:04Don't forget to buckle up, okay?
05:29Well, I'm leaving.
05:32Where to?
05:34Are you included in the plan I just made?
05:37I don't understand.
05:38Aren't you going to the cabin?
05:40I'm going there too.
05:43But why?
05:45I have to go.
05:46The last time I went, I made some designs and left them there.
05:49Oh, don't bother, sir. I'll bring them. No problem.
05:53But I want to go with you.
05:54It's not necessary.
05:56I'm sorry. I'm going. It's my cabin.
05:59Does it matter if I go or not?
06:01No, because you're the owner.
06:03Let's go.
06:05I'll go get something to cover me.
06:10Could you go get something for me too, if you don't mind?
06:19Hurry up, Heidi. Hurry up.
06:24See you later.
06:26Have a nice day.
06:27See you soon.
06:29See you later.
06:35Mom, can I take my sister? The cab is here.
06:39Wait, there are still a lot of customers.
06:42Come on, go take care of the customers, okay?
06:45Rafet and Enes are helping. We'll take care of it.
06:48Okay, wait for me. I'm just going to get my bag.
06:50Of course, I'll wait for you.
06:53Be careful.
06:54Yes, Mom.
06:56Goodbye, love.
06:57See you, Mom.
06:58See you later.
07:00I love you.
07:01We love you, Mom.
07:06I love you.
07:20Drink this. You'll feel better.
07:23I can't drink anymore. It tastes bitter.
07:26The point of the lemonade is that it's sour.
07:29It'll make you feel better.
07:31Then I'll keep drinking.
07:33What's the use?
07:35Cariño estás más deprimida que nunca
07:38Es obvio y todo por un chico ya me siento mejor
07:43Es que pensaba que te hice llorar porque te dije que eras muy gordita
07:51Mírate está sufriendo solo por amor
07:54Crees que se me nota mucho ni si porque mejor no conquistas a un hombre que en serio
08:01Te ame y que valga la pena
08:05Pues porque ya lo había hecho, ¿entiendes?
08:08Me gusta Shergan, ¿qué puedo hacer?
08:10Oye, es amor cuando eliges lo difícil y persigues lo imposible
08:14Más bien a eso se le llama obsesión
08:17¿Elegiste al que te amaba?
08:18Sí, y poco tiempo después falleció
08:22Pero aquí sigo y no morí
08:24Siento mucho lo de tu esposo
08:26Es una lástima, en serio
08:28No sientas pena por mí, Burku
08:31Primero reflexiona
08:33¿Pasarás la vida llorando por amor?
08:36Eres muy joven
08:38El tiempo se pasa volando
08:41En cuanto menos te lo esperes, te harás vieja
08:46Verás que ya es demasiado tarde y te quedarás sola
08:49Bueno, dime qué debo hacer
08:51Dime qué hago, dime y lo haré
08:59Espera un momento
09:01Eh, Rafed
09:03Burku está muy triste
09:05Ojalá la consolaras
09:07En vez de que te quede sonriendo como tonto
09:11Enseguida, señora
09:13Permíteme enviar a los pichones a su casa
09:15Que aprovechados
09:18Burku, ya llegó tu amigo
09:21Te noto desanimada
09:23Puedo contarte chistes, anécdotas divertidas
09:25Mostrarte videos graciosos
09:27Pídeme lo que quieras
09:41Mira, es aquí
09:43Muchas gracias
09:45De nada
09:47Con cuidado, hermana
09:51Zona, ¿estás segura de que es un centro de fisioterapia?
09:55Parece solo una casa
09:57Ya llegamos
09:58Lo digo porque este lugar está desierto
10:01¿Qué clase de tratamiento es?
10:03Ay, hermana, no te preocupes, todo está bien
10:05¿Con quién te mensajeas?
10:07Al doctor, le dije que ya estamos aquí
10:10Aquí hay algo extraño
10:12Pero bueno, confío en ti
10:14Hermana, ¿qué hay de raro?
10:16Es solo un tratamiento, por favor
10:18Dame tu bolso, ven
10:20Anda, vamos ya
10:23Vamos a averiguar qué pasa
10:27Hay muchos tratamientos de rehabilitación
10:31Espera, espera, despacio, ten cuidado
10:34No quiero que te tropieces
10:36O sería peor
10:38Tendré cuidado
10:40Qué bonito lugar
10:42¿Tú crees? Es un lugar muy lindo
10:55¿Qué es esto? Parece un banquete
10:57¿Por qué no te sientas?
10:59Qué sospechoso, ¿qué hace esto aquí?
11:01Zanille, ¿puedes sentarte, por favor?
11:04Espera, Zona, no podemos
11:06Es la mesa de alguien, qué pena
11:08Ya, ya, ya, por favor, siéntate
11:10Ya vuelvo, voy a recepción
11:12De acuerdo, no me hagas esperar mucho
11:14Está bien
11:16No te preocupes por nada
11:18No te tardes
11:25Cocinaron todos mis platillos favoritos
11:28¿Qué es esto?
11:50¿Tú preparaste la mesa?
11:52Bien hecho, apenas resistí no comer nada
11:54¿Cómo me veo?
11:56Te ves como siempre
11:58Muy guapo
12:00¿No está molesta?
12:02¿No me atacará?
12:04¿Zanille está de buen humor?
12:06Oye, me dijiste que la traje era y lo hice
12:08Es bajo tu responsabilidad
12:10Si te ataca
12:12Cómo sé si habrán heridos o daños
12:14Pero si gustas
12:16Firmamos un acuerdo de responsabilidades
12:18¿Qué dices?
12:20Ya me hiciste dudar
12:22No debes hacerle esperar
12:24Porque de lo contrario
12:26La pobre va a enloquecer
12:28Es decir, se enojará
12:30Y te golpeará
12:32En fin, vamos
12:34Tú puedes, suerte, corre
12:36Está bien, aquí voy
12:48Tengo hambre
12:52No creo que se moleste
13:00Lo arreglaré para
13:02Que no se note que comer
13:08Tal vez debería comer más
13:14Las verduras están exquisitas
13:16Bueno, solo yo puedo prepararlas
13:18Así de ricas
13:23El que no debe ser nombrado
13:27Buen provecho, Zanille
13:31Tú y yo tenemos un gran sazón
13:33¿No es cierto?
13:41Eres tú
14:18Me quiero quedar aquí siempre, Tolón
14:21Yo también
14:25No quiero que esta noche termine
14:51¡Ay, maldición!
14:57Creo que tiraste esta
15:01Soy yo
15:13¡Toma esto y déjame ver!
15:15¡Toma esto y déjame en paz, Chavente!
15:17¡Oye, Zanille!
15:19¿Todo el tiempo Zuna fue tu cómplice?
15:21¡Me las pagarás, Zuna!
15:23¡Zanille, escúchame, por favor!
15:25¿Qué quieres que escuche?
15:27¿Qué voy a escuchar?
15:29¡Qué horror, no quiero oírte!
15:31¡Largo, sal de aquí!
15:35¡Zanille, te juro que hay un gran malentendido!
15:37¿Qué malentendido?
15:39¿Que no estás casado?
15:41Sí, lo estoy, pero...
15:43¿Entonces cuál malentendido, Heidi?
15:45¡Sal de mi vida, no me hables!
15:47¡Zuna, ya vámonos!
15:51¡No la llames, no quiero tu ayuda!
15:55¿Y qué debo hacer?
15:57¡No hables, silencio!
15:59¡Vete de aquí, esfúmate, desaparece!
16:01¡Qué horror!
16:03¡Zuna, ¿sabes qué?
16:05¡Jamás te perdonaré!
16:07¡Tienes que salir yo!
16:09Al menos podrías escucharme hasta que salga
16:11¡No aceptas un no como respuesta!
16:13¡Te dije que no quiero, no quiero!
16:15¡No entiendes, largo de mi vista!
16:21¡En ese caso, dame las llaves!
16:23¡Ya, ya, ya, ya!
16:25¿Pero tú no sabes conducir?
16:27Para todo hay una primera vez
16:29Así que dame las...
16:31Provocarás un accidente
16:33Tú eres el que tendrá un accidente
16:35Está bien, toma
16:38¿Tienes licencia de conducir?
16:46Si se entera la policía
16:48Irás a la cárcel
16:56En fin, está bien
16:58Déjame llevarte
17:00Llamaré a Zuna
17:02Espérame aquí
17:08¿Esta casa es segura?
17:10Así es
17:14Que Zuna se quede
17:16Esta vez se lo merece
17:20Está bien, llévame
17:22Pero no te atrevas a decir nada
17:28Es por allá
17:36Ojalá no fueras tan explosiva, Zanille
17:44Sabías desde el principio que estaba aquí
17:46Ambos planearon esto
17:48Zuna, ya te lo dije
17:50No sabía nada
17:52Estás mintiendo
17:54¿Por qué te mentiría?
17:56Para molestarme
17:58¿Tú crees?
18:00No lo sé, tal vez estás enojado conmigo
18:02Porque rompí contigo
18:04Zuna, basta
18:06No me hagas reír
18:08Esta es mi casa también
18:10Vine a tomar un pequeño descanso
18:12¿Acaso alguien te invitó?
18:14Yo no recuerdo haberlo hecho
18:16Puedes irte
18:18¿Así que quieres que me vaya?
18:20¿En serio?
18:22Claro que no, pero si gustas puedes irte
18:24Bien, ya no tengo ganas de quedarme
18:26Me voy
18:28Pues entonces adiós
18:46Cuídate mucho, Zuna
19:12¿Dónde está mi hermana?
19:16Ya se fueron
19:20No hay nadie
19:22No entiendo por qué me dejaría aquí
19:24Tal vez la hiciste enfadar tanto
19:26Que decidió irse y dejarte sola
19:28Oye, Neyat
19:30No seas grosero
19:33No, no, no me señales
19:35En fin, eso ya no me importa
19:37Bien dicho, sí
19:39Esto no te importa, Neyat
19:41¿No se supone que viniste a descansar?
19:43Pudiste entrar y relajarte, pero no
19:45Te quedarás y no dejarás de molestar
19:49Si quieres irte, vas a necesitar que te ayude
19:53Pero qué caballeroso eres
19:55Primero me muestras la puerta
19:57Y luego me dices que necesitaré tu ayuda
19:59Neyat Yilmaz, tienes un gran corazón
20:01Pero no necesito tu ayuda
20:03Puedo arreglarme la sola
20:05¿De acuerdo?
20:07Bueno, adiós
20:09Sigue ese camino
20:11Irás hacia el bosque, pero te advierto que puede haber
20:13Lobos y osos
20:15Así que cuídate
20:17Mejor no iré sola
20:19Llamaré a mi hermana
20:21Mi celular lo dejé
20:29¿Puedes prestarme tu teléfono?
20:37¿Acaso estás pidiendo mi ayuda?
20:41Sí, aunque no lo creas
20:45No la necesitabas hace rato
20:47Dijiste que podías arreglártela sola
20:49¿Y bien?
20:51Neyat, ¿qué debo hacer?
20:53Mi teléfono, mi bolso, todo lo que traía se lo llevó mi hermana
20:55Debo llamarla, necesitaré un teléfono
20:58Dime, ¿qué debo hacer?
21:00Lo siento, no puedo
21:02¿Cómo que no puedes?
21:04Vete con cuidado
21:08¡Neyat, espera! ¡Oye!
21:28No debiste dejar a Asuna
21:32Pues se lo merece por colaborar con el enemigo
21:36Creo que el enemigo principal soy yo
21:40Lo eres
21:42Como una plaga
21:46No la culpes
21:48Cuando le expliqué, quiso ayudarme
21:54Es decir, cuando Asuna escuchó la verdad
21:56Me ayudó
21:58Ya sé
22:00Ya escuché, no estoy sorda
22:02Y todavía no me importa
22:04Muy bien
22:06Cuando se lo conté a tu hermana
22:08Ella me creyó
22:10Pero tú simplemente no quieres escucharme
22:12Ni siquiera tienes curiosidad
22:16No la tengo
22:18¿Te digo por qué?
22:20¿Por qué? Dime
22:22Porque cada palabra que dices es mentira
22:24Pero si tengo curiosidad
22:26Y te escucho, ¿debo creerte?
22:28Bueno, no me creas
22:30Ya no intentaré convencerte, está bien
22:32¿Y cómo sé que no lo harás?
22:34Porque saldría herido
22:36Cada vez que quiero explicarte
22:38Me arrojas algo en la cabeza
22:40Ya me cansé
22:42Ay, Asuna
22:44Mira en qué lío me metiste
22:46¿Estás loca?
22:48Es tu culpa, por eso mereces quedarte sola
22:52Asuna no está sola
22:56No lo sabe, pero
22:58Meyat está allá
23:02¡No, no, no!
23:04¡Regresa! ¡Ahora, deprisa!
23:06¿Entonces quieres que regresemos?
23:08Sí, regresa, por favor
23:10Hay que volver
23:12¡Da la vuelta!
23:14¿Qué pasó?
23:17No sé
23:19¿Qué sucede?
23:21Ay, qué extraño
23:45Creo que se pinchó una llanta
23:47Estamos perdidos
23:49¿Por qué lo estaríamos?
23:51¿Eso crees?
23:53¿Ya revisaste la cajuela?
24:01¡Ah, tienes razón!
24:05¿Por qué cerraste, Hairi?
24:07¡Cambia la llanta!
24:09¿Quieres que yo lo haga?
24:11¿Y entonces quién más?
24:13¿Seguro que sabes conducir?
24:15Soy muy buen conductor, pero no sé nada de mecánica
24:17Deberíamos pedir ayuda
24:20Primero muerta antes que esperar aquí contigo
24:22A un lado, ya
24:27¡Ven, ayúdame!
24:29Creo que es mejor buscar ayuda
24:31¡Conmigo basta!
24:33Soy la asistente
24:35Yo voy a ayudarte, anda
24:41¡Con cuidado! ¡Sujétalo fuerte, Hairi!
24:50¿Por qué sigues aquí?
24:52¿Cómo podría irme así?
24:56¿Por qué sigues aquí?
24:58¡Voy a morir!
25:00¡No puedo!
25:02¡No puedo!
25:04¡No puedo!
25:06¡No puedo!
25:08¡No puedo!
25:10¡No puedo!
25:12¿Por qué sigues aquí?
25:14¡No puedo!
25:16¡No puedo!
25:18I don't know. How did you get here?
25:20I came with my sister in a taxi.
25:22If you lend me your phone, I would call one.
25:24But when I asked you, you refused.
25:26Or did I hear wrong?
25:28No, not at all. You heard right.
25:30Hey, are you playing with me?
25:32First you want me to leave,
25:34and then you do whatever you can
25:36so that I can't leave.
25:38No, that's not it, Osuna. I can't.
25:40My phone is dead.
25:42Otherwise, I would lend it to you.
25:48What? You don't believe me?
25:56See? It's dead.
25:58I forgot to load it before coming to the cabin.
26:02And what are we going to do?
26:04This is my house.
26:06Don't worry. I don't know about you.
26:08How am I going to get back?
26:10Well, I was invited to a dinner.
26:12Jairi will come for me.
26:14He will take you if you wait.
26:18I wonder who.
26:20They invited me to dinner.
26:22What did you say?
26:24I was talking about your dinner.
26:26How nice. Is it about business?
26:30Then it's with friends.
26:32But it's strange because you don't like to go out much.
26:34I won't have dinner with friends.
26:38I'm not going to have dinner outside either.
26:40Very well.
26:42Then stop eating or you won't be hungry.
26:46I'm bored.
26:48I'll go out for a while.
26:50Have fun.
26:54How nice.
26:58They invited me to dinner.
27:00It can't be with friends.
27:02As if I cared.
27:04How will I get back?
27:06What will I do here?
27:16I'm bored.
27:18I'll go out for a while.
27:20Have fun.
27:44I'm not following you, dear.
27:46I'm hungry.
27:48Why didn't you say so?
27:50I should have known.
27:52I offered you an apple.
27:54Why didn't you offer me one from the beginning?
27:56Sit down and eat one.
27:58How do I do it?
28:00I need help.
28:02Can't you see?
28:04It's true.
28:06I think I forgot.
28:10Very good.
28:16Come here.
28:18Sit down.
28:38I'm going to get my designs.
28:40Sit down.
28:48Eat something.
28:50I'm going to sit here.
28:54If you need anything, tell me.
28:58My apple.
29:02My apple.
29:04My apple.
29:10So you told Hande
29:12that Sher Khan
29:14feels something for her
29:16to help him
29:18in his espionage plan.
29:20I did.
29:22I made a serious mistake.
29:24That woman.
29:26That woman.
29:32She's a witch.
29:36How dare she.
29:38She was flirting
29:40with Sher Khan.
29:42She was staring at him.
29:44She nailed his claws.
29:46I don't understand.
29:48Why would Sher Khan fall in love
29:50after what Hande did to her?
29:52Do you know why?
29:56they're men.
29:58They're all the same.
30:00I don't know.
30:02Think about it.
30:04For example,
30:06think about someone you don't like.
30:08I mean, you've never seen
30:10someone you consider
30:12a friend or a brother.
30:14I mean, if you find out
30:16that he likes you,
30:18would you see him differently?
30:20I don't know.
30:22Even if I find out
30:24that he likes me,
30:26I'll be flattered.
30:28What are you saying?
30:30What are you talking about?
30:32Can we go back to the topic?
30:34What was the topic?
30:38I'm telling you
30:40that I'm very unhappy.
30:46Orkut, don't say that.
30:48You deserve something better.
30:50Do you really think so?
30:54Look around you.
30:56There are other options for you.
31:02I want to cry.
31:04You drank all the lemonade.
31:06It's normal.
31:08You have more?
31:10It was delicious.
31:12I don't think you should drink anymore.
31:14In fact, I'm going to lock you up.
31:16I'll take you home.
31:40Why is he doing it?
31:42That woman is playing with him.
31:44How dare he?
31:50Let's go.
31:52I don't want to.
31:54What do you mean by that?
31:56I think I'm going out.
31:58I'm not going home.
32:00Orkut, I think you're tired.
32:02Now please let me take you.
32:04I'm not going home.
32:06I'm going to have fun for a while.
32:10Do you want to come with me?
32:16Are you busy?
32:18Of course not.
32:24Let's go.
32:44No, Sune.
32:46Why are you sighing like that?
32:48Jairi is not here yet.
32:50So what?
32:52I think there's someone waiting for you
32:54in your other house.
32:56Just say it.
32:58Are you thinking of me?
33:00Thank you very much.
33:04Squire will wait for me.
33:08Come on, tell me.
33:14The one who is waiting for you is Aileen.
33:16She became your friend again
33:18and they are together again.
33:20Do you think so?
33:24And why are you hiding it?
33:26I won't talk about that anymore.
33:30See? It's true.
33:32You didn't answer.
33:34What can I say?
33:38This is the best, you know?
33:40It's your ex-wife and your daughter's mother.
33:42I'm glad they're so happy again.
33:44If you had told me,
33:46I wouldn't have cried.
33:48I would have laughed a lot.
33:52I'll tell you alone
33:54because you can't resist anymore.
33:56There's nothing between Aileen and me.
33:58If there was something,
34:00I wouldn't care
34:02if you're sad or not.
34:04And I wouldn't care
34:06if you don't care.
34:08I know, and I don't have any problem.
34:10Since you're with that attitude,
34:12I'm leaving without waiting for Heidi.
34:14Have a good trip.
34:18Here's your ticket.
34:20See you.
34:44Ay, ay, ay, ay!
34:48Ay, Neyat!
34:52Are you okay?
34:54What happened?
34:56I got hurt again.
34:58Wait, don't move.
35:00Is it serious?
35:02Yes, it hurts a lot, Neyat.
35:04It's okay, take my neck.
35:08It hurts.
35:14Be very careful.
35:16Do it slowly.
35:20Now turn.
35:22Yes, you're doing great.
35:24Do you want this to break your head?
35:26I told you to ask for help.
35:28You're not helping me at all, Heidi.
35:32You're going to waste my name.
35:36I told you to shut up.
35:40I have bad news.
35:42I think the tire doesn't work.
35:44I don't believe you.
35:46You're kidding.
35:52Just kill me already.
35:54Let me break a ray, please.
35:56Don't say that.
35:58If you ask, it can come true.
36:00I'm going to call to ask for help.
36:04I'm going.
36:06Saniye, where are you going?
36:10I'd better go for a walk.
36:12But it's too far.
36:14Don't even talk if I'm far away.
36:16You don't care about that.
36:30Wait for me.
36:32I'll go with you.
36:34Just don't get too close.
36:42Do I speak to the insurance company?
36:44The tires broke.
36:48In the middle of nowhere?
36:50Yes, of course.
36:52I'll send you the location.
36:54Okay, get comfortable.
36:56I'll help you with this.
36:58Be careful.
37:00Don't do that.
37:02Does it hurt a lot?
37:04I think I got nervous and I fell.
37:06Should I call an ambulance?
37:10My cell phone doesn't work.
37:14Anyway, Jaire is coming.
37:16I'll see the doctor when he comes back.
37:18Let me check if we have ice.
37:30Let's go.
37:56Mr. Neyat?
37:58Come quickly.
38:00We have a little problem.
38:02Solve your problem later.
38:04I can't talk much.
38:08Mr. Neyat?
38:28Here you go.
38:30I'll put it on.
38:32It won't hurt.
38:34Don't worry.
38:36It hurts.
38:38I'm sorry.
38:40Does it hurt?
38:42Yes, it hurts.
38:44I don't know.
38:46I mean, it hurts and it doesn't hurt.
38:48I wish your cell phone would help.
38:50I'm sorry.
38:52I don't know.
38:54I wish your cell phone would help.
38:56I don't know.
39:00Jaire will be here soon.
39:02Don't worry.
39:08I'm very uncomfortable.
39:12Where would you be more comfortable?
39:14I don't know.
39:16Maybe in the upper bed.
39:22Be careful.
39:24Very good.
39:26Neyat, wait, wait, wait.
39:28What's wrong?
39:30I don't know.
39:32If I stretch my leg and lie down,
39:34it hurts more.
39:36Better take me to the garden
39:38and I'll get some fresh air.
39:40Are you sure?
39:42Yes, don't you care?
39:44No, there's no problem.
39:46Let's go.
39:52We're back.
39:56it's very cold and I'm going to get sick.
39:58Honestly, I'll freeze here.
40:00I'm sorry.
40:02I'm cold.
40:06Okay, don't worry.
40:08Yes, let's go in.
40:10Very good.
40:18Right there.
40:20Is it okay?
40:22In the armchair.
40:26You know, I changed my mind.
40:28Neyat, better where I was.
40:30I understand.
40:36Okay, thank you.
40:38I'm sorry.
40:40I'm tired.
40:42No problem.
40:44I want to help.
40:46I won't leave you alone.
40:48Are you okay?
40:50You're all red and sweaty.
40:52Don't worry about me.
40:54Are you okay?
40:56Yes, I'm fine.
40:58But it was a little difficult
41:00because I put on some weight.
41:02I'm sorry.
41:04I noticed.
41:06You eat pudding in the new cafeteria.
41:08That's why you put on weight.
41:10How do you know we make pudding?
41:12You said it.
41:14No, I didn't.
41:16Kairi told me.
41:22Hey, Neyat.
41:26Can you close the door, please?
41:28I'm very cold.
41:32I'm coming.
41:40Is that all?
41:46I think there's something missing.
41:50Why don't you turn on the fireplace?
41:52Yes, okay.
41:56There's no firewood.
41:58Oh, that's bad.
42:00You'll have to go get some.
42:06Neyat, the cold doesn't feel good
42:08on my legs.
42:10It hurts a little.
42:12Of course.
42:14I'll go get some firewood.
42:18You're welcome.
42:20I'll be right back.
42:22I'm sorry to bother you.
42:24It's okay.
42:26Winter is coming.
42:28I have to go get some firewood.
42:30Close the door.
42:32I will.
42:40You'll see, Neyat Yilmaz.