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#minecraft #publi
00:00In this video, I'm going to become a millionaire baby.
00:02But I start as a poor baby.
00:04I have to fulfill challenges to get a lot of money.
00:07And the first one is to be adopted.
00:09Look, there are already some families coming to adopt me.
00:11What a poor child, you will never be adopted.
00:14Get out of here, dirty baby.
00:17What? Nobody wants to adopt me.
00:18I adopt him, come with me, baby.
00:20Good, they adopted me.
00:22And I evolved into a poor family baby.
00:25This is your new home and take your meal.
00:27Oh no, guys, I only earned R$ 5.
00:30I still need to earn more money to become a millionaire.
00:33So the next challenge is to go to school.
00:37To go to school, I need to take this bus.
00:40To get in here, you have to pay R$ 10.
00:42But I only have R$ 5.
00:44Without the money, you will not go to school.
00:46I need a way to get R$ 5 more.
00:49To our good luck, there's a man coming.
00:51He seems to have a lot of money.
00:53Hey, man, man.
00:54Can you give me R$ 5 more so I can go to school?
00:57No, boy, I don't do charity.
00:59You do charity, you have a lot of money left over.
01:02Look, he's already on the bus.
01:04And the driver won't let me in.
01:06You're going to dirty my bus, boy.
01:07Get out of here.
01:08Look, guys, on the bus stop there's a lady.
01:11She seems to be very nice.
01:13I'm going to ask her for money.
01:15Miss, give me R$ 5, please.
01:17Give me R$ 5.
01:19Help, police, there's a thief trying to rob me.
01:22I don't want to rob you.
01:23I'm asking for money.
01:25Police, help!
01:27Get out of here, thief.
01:28Leave the lady alone.
01:29Guys, there's a cop here.
01:31I think he's mad at me.
01:32I didn't want to rob her.
01:34I just asked for some borrowed money.
01:36Yeah, I know.
01:37Because asking people on the street didn't work.
01:39I came here to my mom to see if she has more money.
01:42Mom, can you give me R$ 5 more
01:44so I can take the bus to school?
01:46Son, I don't have any more money.
01:47I spent it all.
01:48Buy these toys for you.
01:50Look, guys, she bought me a lot of toys.
01:53I'm so lucky, guys.
01:54I'm going to put Cadres in my inventory
01:57and it will become money.
01:59Putting each toy there, I got R$ 5 more.
02:02With the R$ 5 I already had, I can take the bus.
02:06The bus has already left.
02:09Calm down, driver, it's my turn.
02:11Get out of here.
02:12You don't have money.
02:13I do.
02:14Take R$ 10.
02:15Have a nice trip.
02:17Guys, I got the bus.
02:19But with this, look, I got to school.
02:22And I even evolved to Humble Cadres.
02:25And look, when I evolved, I got R$ 100.
02:27Look, right here in front, I already have two friends.
02:30Get out of here, you poor thing.
02:32Poor? I'm not poor, I'm humble.
02:34Keep investing in poor people.
02:36Only rich people eat rich people's food.
02:38Guys, I need more money.
02:41So, your next challenge is to eat rich people's food.
02:44And to get this rich people's food,
02:46I came here to buy it at the canteen.
02:48How much does it cost?
02:49Yes, sir, it costs R$ 150.
02:51But guys, I don't have R$ 150.
02:53I only have R$ 100.
02:55But to get the remaining R$ 50,
02:58I'll be helping some people.
03:00Hey, I can see that your backpack is very heavy.
03:03Yes, it really is, poor thing.
03:05Now stop bothering me.
03:06If you give me some money,
03:08I can take this backpack for you.
03:10Okay, poor thing, then carry it.
03:13Wow, guys, this backpack is bigger than my head.
03:16And it's so heavy that I can't even walk.
03:18Come on, if you delay me, I won't pay you.
03:21But why is this backpack so heavy?
03:23Let me open it here.
03:25What is this?
03:26He's taking a lot of stones.
03:28For my pedagogy class.
03:29But where do I have to take this, huh?
03:32To that last room.
03:34You have 30 more seconds.
03:36Guys, I need to run.
03:38But even if I run as fast as I can,
03:40I still won't be able to get there on time.
03:43Come on, poor thing, I'll be late.
03:45But I had an idea, guys.
03:46I'll leave this backpack here on the floor for now.
03:49I'll be going to the science room, look.
03:52And in here there may be some potion that will help me.
03:55There was nothing here.
03:56Look, guys, the speed potion.
03:58I'm just taking it and now I'll be very fast.
04:01And so I'll be able to take his backpack on time.
04:04Look, I'm already much faster.
04:07I brought your backpack.
04:08Here's your money.
04:09Wow, thank you very much.
04:11Wait, you only gave me 20.
04:13You asked for money, but didn't say how much.
04:16Guys, I still need 30 reais to buy Rico's chips.
04:21But the worst thing, guys, is that, look,
04:22there's no one else here that I can help.
04:25I'll have to find a way to get this chip anyway.
04:28And for that, I'm going to fool the cook.
04:30Oh, your cook, your cook.
04:33Yes, yes, little girl.
04:34A student dropped Rico's chip because he said it was horrible.
04:38My chip is horrible? That's impossible.
04:40Look, guys, he believed it.
04:42And with that, I can be coming here and getting Rico's chip.
04:45Now let me get out of here so he doesn't know it was me.
04:48And now that I'm hiding here,
04:50I'm just eating Rico's chip.
04:52I can't believe it, look at this.
04:54I evolved to the middle class.
04:56Look at this.
04:58I won 1,000 reais.
04:59But I still need to get richer.
05:02And for that, the next challenge is to make a rich friend.
05:06And for me to be able to make this friend,
05:08I came here to the park and look,
05:10Bela is here playing with her tricycle.
05:12Oh, Bela, do you want to be my friend?
05:14I don't make friends with the poor, no!
05:16You can at least stop running.
05:19I don't walk next to the poor.
05:20But Bela, look.
05:22I even have some middle class toys for us to play with.
05:25What poor thing?
05:27My tricycle is much richer.
05:30Oh, it's very poor.
05:32Guys, Bela is very annoying, but I had an idea.
05:35If I make these rich boys start laughing,
05:37maybe they'll like me.
05:39And for me to be doing this,
05:40I'm going to be climbing up this cliff.
05:42I managed to climb up.
05:43And now that I'm up here,
05:45this is me doing a funny dance.
05:47Look, guys, I know how to dance funny.
05:50Look, he danced very funny.
05:55Look, guys, these boys are dancing.
05:57He's very poor.
05:59Look, guys, I think they're enjoying my dance.
06:02So, with that, can I be your friend?
06:04No, this dance was very ridiculous.
06:06Only close to us, you poor thing.
06:08The guys didn't even want to be my friends with my funny dance.
06:12But I had an idea.
06:14If I beat you in a race, you'll become my friends.
06:17Oh, you're very poor.
06:18You don't deserve my rights.
06:20It's very easy to beat you in a race.
06:22Oh, that's what you think?
06:24On three, we run.
06:29They started cheating.
06:31They ran in one.
06:32And worst of all, guys,
06:33is that they're running very fast.
06:36I need to hurry.
06:37Go, go, go.
06:38Oh, guys, apparently, I won't be able to catch them.
06:41Look at this.
06:42They're very ahead and they run very fast.
06:45Let's put these toys on the track to slow them down.
06:48What's that?
06:49They stopped running.
06:51Guys, they closed the track with a lot of toys.
06:54Look at this.
06:55They did it so I couldn't pass.
06:57And worst of all is that these toys stop me.
06:59Oh, besides being poor, he's very slow.
07:02Look, guys, I can't pass.
07:04Let me go, sheep.
07:05Phew, I managed to pass, but they're too far.
07:08I think there's no chance for me, guys.
07:10They're going to beat me.
07:11Vroom, vroom.
07:12Poor track.
07:14She has a tricycle.
07:15Maybe with this I can win the race.
07:17Come here, Bela.
07:18Bela, lend me this quadricycle, please.
07:20No, you're the poor guy.
07:22And you're going to dirty my poop tricycle.
07:24Oh, if you're not going to lend it to me for good,
07:25you're going to lend it to me for bad.
07:26Get out of it.
07:28And now I just have to get out with Bela's tricycle.
07:30Wow, with this tricycle, I'm much faster.
07:32And look, they're right ahead.
07:35If they think they're going to beat me with this tricycle,
07:37they're wrong.
07:39Bye, bye, you fools.
07:41I was much faster and I won.
07:43Oh, no, poor guy won.
07:45You cheated.
07:46No, Bela.
07:47You also cheated.
07:48Why did you go out on one and not on three?
07:50Oh, it's true.
07:51You're closer than I thought.
07:53We can be friends.
07:54Wow, really?
07:55So with that, I can already evolve into a high-class baby.
07:59And with that, guys, I won another R$10,000.
08:03Wow, I'm already very rich.
08:05But even so, you're not rich like us.
08:08You don't even have a diamond tricycle.
08:10So this, guys, is the next challenge.
08:12I need a diamond tricycle.
08:15To get the diamond to make this tricycle,
08:17I came here where there's this fountain of wishes.
08:20And look, people throw diamonds here in the water.
08:22And I'm going to try to get some.
08:24Oh, I can't get it because Funil is getting it first.
08:27Hey, boy, you can't steal diamonds from the fountain of wishes.
08:31Oh, what's that?
08:32Just one hit from him already took half of my life.
08:35If I see you trying to steal the fountain of wishes again,
08:38I'm going to defeat you.
08:39Oh, okay, calm down.
08:40I'm not going to try to get it again.
08:42Actually, guys, he said he doesn't want to see me stealing.
08:45But what is he going to do if he doesn't see me?
08:47So I'm going to go around the fountain without him seeing me.
08:50And I'm going to dig a tunnel underneath.
08:52Because, look, guys, there are several Funils that take the diamonds to some chest.
08:56I just need to find which chest is this.
08:58Let me break these Funils to get right under where the fountain is.
09:02And look, the chest is here, guys.
09:04I just need to open it and get the diamonds.
09:07Oh, no, no, no.
09:08This chest has a password.
09:10Let me try the password 1, 2, 3 to see if it works.
09:14And no, it didn't work.
09:15And not 3, 2, 1, guys.
09:17I can't even break this chest because it's indestructible.
09:20Oh, this boy again.
09:22Either you get out of there or I'll blow it all up.
09:24Calm down, Iron Golem.
09:25You don't have to blow it all up.
09:27I would never blow it up.
09:28This fountain is too expensive.
09:29Oh, but how am I going to get these diamonds, guys?
09:32What is this?
09:33Respectable public!
09:35Who wants your wishes come true?
09:38Don't throw your diamonds in this fountain that is a hole.
09:40Send them to me and I'll make your wishes come true much faster.
09:44Oh, I think this guy is a hole.
09:47Guys, this magician is asking for diamonds to make wishes come true.
09:50But he's not getting any customers.
09:53Your magician, if I help you get more customers,
09:55will you let me keep some diamonds?
09:58I'll let you keep half, because so far I've only gotten one diamond.
10:01Okay, I'll help you.
10:03But first lend me this diamond.
10:04Okay, but for what?
10:06Oh, you'll understand.
10:07Guys, I'm going to use this diamond to pretend I made a wish for the magician.
10:11And that it was fulfilled.
10:12So everyone will want to give him diamonds.
10:15I want you to give me a panda teddy bear.
10:18Oh, right away.
10:20Wow, it worked.
10:21Look, guys, I got a teddy bear.
10:25Take all my diamonds.
10:26Oh, I don't believe this fool believed that.
10:30Wow, little boy, you're very good at this.
10:32Take half of the diamonds.
10:34Wow, guys, I don't believe it, it worked.
10:37Wow, another wish.
10:38But now I can come to the crafting table and make my diamond punch.
10:43And that's it, guys, I got my punch.
10:46And look, it even makes a funny noise.
10:49And with that, I was able to evolve to the cadre chic.
10:52And look, guys, I won 50 thousand reais.
10:55Wow, there's so much money here that it doesn't even fit in my inventory.
10:59You're not rich yet.
11:01To be rich, you need to hire a nanny.
11:03Oh, guys, she's right.
11:05And so, the next challenge is to hire a VIP nanny.
11:08And to be hiring a nanny, I've already come here to this rich house that has one, look.
11:12Hey, nanny, here's 100 reais, now you're my nanny.
11:15You think I'm a cheap nanny, right, boy?
11:18I'm not going to take care of an ugly baby for 100 reais.
11:20Oh, so how much is it for you to be my nanny?
11:23For you, 70 thousand reais.
11:2570 thousand reais?
11:26And that's too expensive.
11:27Let me go to another rich house to see if the other nanny charges cheaper.
11:31Hey, girl, I want you to be my nanny for 100 reais.
11:34Oh, okay, but only if you help me find the baby that I lost.
11:39Oh, how can she be a nanny and lose a baby?
11:42Okay, I'll help you.
11:43If I were a baby, where would I hide?
11:45Actually, I'm a baby, right? I forgot this detail.
11:48I think I'd hide on the second floor.
11:50Let me see if he's up here.
11:52Yeah, no, he's not.
11:53Maybe he's hiding under the bed, guys.
11:55Let me break it here to see.
11:57No, there's no place for him to hide.
11:59I've looked for him everywhere.
12:02I even broke the window glass to see if he didn't come out here on the balcony,
12:05and he's nowhere to be found.
12:07Apparently, this nanny lost this baby far away.
12:10Wait, I just heard a baby laughing.
12:12I think it was coming from outside.
12:15Hey, baby, stop breaking windows.
12:17Go away, or you'll be very angry.
12:19Oh, okay, sorry, nanny.
12:20But I heard, guys, the sound of this baby laughing right from here.
12:24And look, his laugh is getting louder here.
12:27And I see his name is buried down here.
12:29I just need to dig to get him out of here.
12:31Hey, baby, what are you doing there?
12:34I'm hiding.
12:36Get out, your nanny is looking for you.
12:38I'm not going out, I'm staying here.
12:40Oh, I don't have time for that, baby.
12:42Come here with me, because your nanny is worried.
12:45Oh, thank you, now I'm your nanny, Cadres.
12:48Wow, guys, now I have a VIP nanny.
12:51And with that, I was able to evolve into a rich Cadres.
12:54I also already won R$100,000.
12:56Look at this, I won a lot of money Shulker Boxes.
13:01You're not rich yet, boy.
13:03You don't have a gold sock.
13:05If you're the richest of all, you have to have a gold sock.
13:08And that's why this is my next challenge.
13:10Get a gold sock.
13:12To get this sock, I came here to this store that sells several toys.
13:17Oh, seller, how much is that gold sock?
13:20It's costing R$200,000, boy.
13:25Where do you think I'm going to get R$200,000 from?
13:28Oh, just because you're hitting me now, it costs R$500,000.
13:32Oh, okay, I'm not going to hit anymore, but please, don't increase the price anymore.
13:36But guys, adding everything I have here, I still don't have all this money.
13:40I need a way to get a lot more.
13:42The problem, guys, is that, look, there are two policemen over there.
13:46And I think they're even holding a gun.
13:49And they won't let me in, but I have a plan.
13:52Oh, policemen, I just got lost from my mom.
13:55I need help to find her.
13:57Don't worry, boy, we'll look for her in the area, but wait for us here.
14:01Look, guys, it worked, they're going to look for my parents.
14:05With that, the bank is open and I can be entering.
14:07But guys, in these chests here, there's nothing, because it's not here that the money is, it's in the safe.
14:12I just need to find where the entrance is.
14:14Wow, I hadn't noticed, but right here, look, there's a descent.
14:19I think the safe must be here.
14:21And how lucky I am, it doesn't have any door protecting it and it's full of money.
14:25Hey, boy, you're lost, here's the safe.
14:27Come here with me, I think I found your mom.
14:30You found my mom?
14:31Okay, then take me to her.
14:33Come with me.
14:33Baby, finally.
14:36Oh, what a horrible thing.
14:37This is not my mom.
14:39Let me get out of here, because I don't even know who this woman is.
14:41But since it didn't work to be entering the safe directly,
14:44I'll have to distract these policemen in another way.
14:47I'll come from behind, guys, and I'll be opening a hole in the bank's wall.
14:52Because this bank has a security system that when someone breaks the wall, the alarm goes off.
14:57There's someone invading the bank, run to the south, run to the south.
14:59Wow, it really worked.
15:01They're distracted by the hole I made.
15:03Now, I just need to get in here quickly in the safe and get the money I need to buy the pacifier.
15:09I already got the money I needed, guys.
15:11Now, I just need to get out of here before the policemen notice.
15:14Oh, I don't care, just rob the safe.
15:17But the safe is the most important, fool.
15:19Here you go, salesman.
15:20Inside these boxes, there are the 500,000 you asked for.
15:23Wow, thank you. Now I'm rich.
15:25Here's your pacifier.
15:26But with that, I managed to become the millionaire baby.
15:29And if you liked this video, leave a like and subscribe.
15:33And comment below what you would do with a million reais.
15:36I would buy a whole house of netherite.
15:41He only does trolling and likes to make things up.
15:43Construction ready, with frames, fun will happen.
15:46And now, with your doll, you can play.
15:52With your friend, frames next to him, just build.
