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#minecraft #publi
00:00In this video, more mobs became girls in Minecraft!
00:03And today I'm going to find all of them!
00:05And make a Tier List from the ugliest to the most beautiful!
00:08Starting with the sheep, which is inside this fence!
00:11And look, I'm already seeing her there, I just need to go through these sheep!
00:15And look, I did it! She is very strange!
00:19She looks like a human, but she has four legs!
00:22But I thought she was ugly, so I'm going to put her in this category!
00:26But she was only the first on the list, because I'm still going to find all the others!
00:31I'm very anxious to know what the girl slime is like!
00:33Me too, Bella! But the next on the list is the snow golem!
00:37And to make the snow golem, girl, I just need to put two blocks of snow like this!
00:42A frame in the front with a rose!
00:44And now she's putting a pumpkin!
00:46What is this? She's going to be emerging!
00:48What is this? Look at this snowstorm!
00:50Wow! This must be her power!
00:52But with that, I can't see her!
00:54But I had an idea, guys!
00:55I have some torches here in my inventory!
00:58And I'm going to be using them to put around like this!
01:00And I'm going to be making this snow disappear!
01:01Look, guys, I think it's working!
01:04The snow just disappeared!
01:05Now that it's gone, I can see her face!
01:08She is much more beautiful than a normal snow golem!
01:10So I'm going to be putting her here in the pretty one!
01:13But Cadris, which one is going to be the ugliest of all? I'm very curious!
01:16Me too, Bella!
01:17So let's go to the next one, which is the spider!
01:19To be able to see the spider girl, I already came here in the spider cave!
01:23No, I got stuck in a web!
01:25And they are too slow to let me go!
01:27For that, I'm going to have to use a stone sword!
01:30But I'm coming here in this crafting table!
01:32And now I can use the sword to remove the webs in front of me!
01:37Oh, guys, I'm getting to a part that has a lot of spiders!
01:40But look, I'm already seeing the girl spider!
01:42I need to get to her!
01:43Go, go, go, go!
01:44These spiders started attacking me!
01:46Oh, guys, I need something that can remove these webs faster!
01:50Otherwise, I will be defeated by these spiders before I can get to the girl spider!
01:54But I already know what I can use!
01:57Oh, little fire, lend me your incredible flamethrower!
02:00Okay, wait a little, Cadris!
02:02Is this little fire doing in there?
02:05Take it, Cadris, but give it back to me!
02:06Okay, little fire, don't worry!
02:08But now, with this flamethrower, I can be coming here and burning all these webs!
02:13And look, it's already working, some webs are already burning!
02:16With this, it will be much easier to get to the girl spider!
02:19Oh, even these little spiders have a chance against this flamethrower!
02:23Be careful not to set fire to the girl spider!
02:25It worked, guys! With this, I can see her!
02:27And my God, she is very ugly!
02:29What a horrible bug!
02:30Oh, no, no, no! Get out of here, you horrible bug!
02:33Oh, guys, this spider is very ugly!
02:35I'll be putting her here in the horrible!
02:37But Cadris, she won't be the most horrible of all!
02:39Oh, Bella, I really want to know what it is!
02:41So let's go to the next one, which is the bee!
02:43And to get a girl bee, I need to be giving two flowers to two bees!
02:48That's why I came here in this garden, where there are many bees!
02:52I can't see any!
02:53Look, there's one in front of Caio!
02:55Oh, no! What is this, Caio?
02:57Oh, Cadis, I'm very afraid of bees, I'm allergic!
03:00Now I'll have to look for another one around here!
03:02Oh, but I defeated all of them!
03:04You better get out of here, or I'll defeat you!
03:07But to attract the bees back here, I have a perfect plan!
03:11I'll be building a giant flower!
03:14And this flower will attract all the bees from far away!
03:17I think this height is good enough!
03:19Now I just need to make the petals!
03:22I'll be making some more leaves like this!
03:24And look, guys, the first bee has already appeared!
03:27Now I just need one more to be multiplying!
03:31This flower attracted even Bella!
03:33I hope she doesn't get in my way!
03:34Look, guys, the second bee has arrived!
03:37Now I just need to put the flower in my hand to attract them!
03:40Look at this, a girl bee was born!
03:42She is very beautiful!
03:44And she has a very sharp sting!
03:46So far, she was the most beautiful of all!
03:49That's why I'll leave her here in the very beautiful!
03:52I just won't put her in the perfect one, guys!
03:55Because I'm sure that one of the next ones will be even more beautiful!
03:58So let's not waste time and let's go to the next one, which is the guardian!
04:02To get the girl guardian, I came here to the sea!
04:04To be able to get there, I'll be using this water breathing potion on myself!
04:09With this, I'll be able to breathe underwater!
04:12And look, guys, the water temple is right there in front!
04:16And look, I can already see her from here, but she's on her back!
04:19I need to get into this temple!
04:21What is this? What is this?
04:22Oh no, no, no, no!
04:23These bubbles are pulling me down and they're hurting me!
04:26Phew, I managed to get out!
04:27I'll go around to see if I can get in on the other side!
04:30Oh guys, apparently the temple is all protected with these magma blocks!
04:34If I try to get close, it pulls me deep and hurts me!
04:37And to make matters worse, guys, look!
04:39The water breathing potion I brought is almost over!
04:42And it's already going up before I drown!
04:44And to be able to enter that temple, I need a submarine!
04:48And the first item to be making it is the coal, which is already right up here!
04:52Let me get it!
04:53And well, guys, this amount here is enough!
04:56But I still need these two items!
04:59And the easiest of them is the glass, guys!
05:01I just need to get some sands here on this beach,
05:04and make a furnace to melt them!
05:06And with that, I already got the second item!
05:08But now the last one is the most difficult of all!
05:11Because it is gold!
05:12That's why I came here in this cave to look for it!
05:15Look, I think this is gold, guys!
05:17Let me get it and ...
05:18That's right!
05:19And there are already several here, but for now I only got three, guys!
05:22And I need five!
05:23So let me come here!
05:24It's getting more, look!
05:26I think this is also gold and ...
05:27No, what is this?
05:28This is yellow onyx!
05:29I don't need it!
05:30But up front, look!
05:31I think it's gold!
05:32Let me get the two I need and look!
05:34That's right, it's gold!
05:36But now I can come here at the crafting table and put the three coals!
05:39Down here is putting the glass in front and the gold around!
05:43And that way I get the submarine!
05:45Now I can be back here in the sea and be putting my submarine!
05:48Let me get in it!
05:50Wow, look at this!
05:51It is very incredible!
05:52With it I can be diving!
05:53And besides not taking damage from breathing, I can still be going through these bubbles!
05:58Look, I got it, guys!
05:59I'm inside the temple, but there are some guardians attacking my submarine!
06:03I'll have to be getting off it, guys, and going very fast to get to see the guardian girl!
06:08Hey, look at me, I want to see you!
06:10Wow, look at this, guys!
06:11She's very ugly!
06:12She has thorns!
06:13And she's also hitting me, guys!
06:15She's very ugly, but she's not the ugliest of them all!
06:17Even this spider here is uglier!
06:19So I'll be putting her here along with the sheep in the ugly one!
06:22But Cadres, go straight to the slime!
06:24I'm sure she'll be the most beautiful of them all!
06:26Ah, Bella, I'm also curious to know how the slime will be!
06:29But we have to follow the order, and the next is the guest!
06:32To be able to see the girl guest, I need to go to the Nether!
06:36That's why I came here at home to get some obsidians!
06:39And I'm making the portal to the Nether!
06:41And I'll light it up using a flamethrower!
06:42Look, it really worked!
06:44Now I just need to look for the guest girl!
06:47Well, guys, I'm already here in the Nether, and now I just need to find this guest girl!
06:51I'm looking in that direction, and there's no one!
06:54Look, I think I'm seeing something flying right there!
06:57It's not possible, guys, I think it's her!
07:00It's the guest girl!
07:01I need to get to her to be able to see her better!
07:04Look, I think I'm already getting very close to her, and she's getting away from me, guys!
07:09And she flies much faster than I can put blocks!
07:13That way I won't be able to get to her!
07:15That's why I came here in another part of the Nether to be looking for a guest!
07:19There's a Ben here in front of me, and I need to be defeating him!
07:22Because with his tear, I can be attracting the guest girl!
07:25And look, I managed to defeat him, and he already dropped the guest's tear!
07:28Now I just need to get her and use her to attract the guest girl!
07:32And look, guys, she's still right there!
07:34She's on her back to me!
07:35She's climbing even more this obsidian, and I'll be throwing the tear right here so she can see!
07:40Look, it's not possible, it really worked!
07:42She's coming to get the tear!
07:44What is this? She looks like such an ugly ghost!
07:46She has crooked teeth!
07:48I think she's the most horrible animal I've ever seen in my life!
07:51And guys, I think she's uglier than the sheep, and even the female guardian!
07:54Actually, I think she's uglier than the spider, that's why she'll stay here in the horrible!
07:59Now it's the slime, right, Cadres?
08:00She must be very beautiful!
08:02That's right, Bella, it's time for the slime!
08:05But to be able to make the female slime, I need to find two giant slimes!
08:09Actually, these slimes here are still very small!
08:12I need to find some much bigger than these!
08:14Let me keep looking here in this swamp!
08:16Look, right there, it looks like there's a big one, let me see!
08:19What comes is small, guys, but right there in front, look!
08:22I hadn't noticed, but there are two giant slimes!
08:25The way I need!
08:26Let me see here, it's getting him!
08:28And look, he's so big that when I get him, it looks like I get inside him!
08:31The only problem is that with him in my hand, I can't see anything!
08:34I'm still being attacked by other slimes!
08:36To be able to take them to a safe place, first I'll have to be defeating these smaller slimes that keep attacking me!
08:42They're taking a lot of life, guys, but I have to be careful not to defeat the giant slimes!
08:47Because I'm going to need them!
08:48Look, guys, I think these are the last ones and that's it!
08:51Now I just need to be attracting these giant slimes to a place that has more space!
08:56And look, guys, the slimes are following me to this area here, which is more open!
08:59But first I need to make the system to make the slime girl!
09:03Now I'm going to put a piston like this and the other right here!
09:07Now I just have to connect them using the redstone and put the lever!
09:11Now I just need to attract them until they're right in the middle of the two pistons!
09:15Look, it worked!
09:16Now I need to listen very quickly and activate the pistons!
09:19I can't believe it, it really worked, guys!
09:21They both became a slime girl!
09:23Wow, she's so beautiful!
09:25And her body looks like it's all made of slime!
09:28This is amazing!
09:29Yeah, you were right, Bella!
09:31That's why I'm going to put her in the perfect one!
09:33And if you liked this video, leave the like and subscribe!
09:37And comment below how your tier list would look like!