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Assassins Creed Shadows Review
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Buy, wait for a sale, rent, or never touch it. The Patented Karak review system to see if a game is worth a buy upon release or if I recommend waiting
00:00Japan's always been the break glass in case of emergency location for Assassin's Creed.
00:04But as the immortal rap ninja DMX once said, it's not what you heard.
00:08It's what you'll hear it.
00:09And none of this will matter if the change isn't profound.
00:12Also, yes, there will be spoilers about 16th century Japan in here.
00:16So if you haven't read all the tweets from supposedly time traveling historians on Twitter,
00:19then watch out.
00:20How can shadows hold up not only as a single game, perhaps to a first time player, but
00:24also against current titles and against all past AC games, but in particular to Valhalla's
00:29insane success going on to make almost $2 billion.
00:33Speaking of two shadows introduced the first time where two protagonists, two vastly different
00:37ways to ruin someone's day are leading the way.
00:39Well, there was syndicate, but this is far beyond Jacob and Evie arguing over which group
00:43of children they could save from London's slavery hat shops.
00:46Assassin's Creed shadows drops players into the chaotic backstab happy world of 16th century
00:51Japan during a time when warlords played musical chairs with power and trust lasted about as
00:55long as informing the region of the latest leadership changes.
00:58On one side, you've got Yasuke serving under the current daimyo wielding brute strength
01:02weapons that hit like freight trains and a skeleton key to open most doors in the form
01:06of a 250 pound man.
01:08On the other, there's Nahoe, a shinobi, which is shadow's way of finally trying to reintroduce
01:13stealth and true assassination back into a game that's been stealing that name for years.
01:17Elusive, smooth, agile, sneaky, and equipped with a cuirassagama that swings through the
01:21air like a medieval weed whacker, a death, both sides offering two different things.
01:25Now, you could say, at least at the start, that one is on the good side and one's on
01:28the bad side.
01:30That's like not realizing the rebellion would be cancer if your body was Star Wars.
01:33It's missing a lot of the context, and this context is delivered to you across intertwining
01:37storylines that tackle themes of honor, survival, family loyalty, and political backstabbing.
01:42So basically just another Tuesday in feudal Japan.
01:44And it's not just the dual protagonist delivery that's getting a bit of an overhaul.
01:48The open world is on a seasonal cycle, meaning you'll be sneaking through cherry blossom
01:51groves one moment and slogging through snow-covered villages the next.
01:55If you've played Assassin's Creed Origins or any of the games prior, expect a world
01:59of similar scale but far more verticality, shadows to skulk in and rice paper doors to
02:03slice through like lethal home invasion ads.
02:06Oh yeah, subscriber, I'll die.
02:07The gameplay starts off with a short animus section, and then you're thrown to the world,
02:1116th century Japan, bouncing between both characters shortly for their entrances and
02:15introductions with Yasuke being tasked to confab with Japanese royalty and then transforming
02:20into a samurai.
02:21Games likes to brace those two against one another, at least for a short time, offering
02:25a glimmer of reason why you can see that they might be on the same side in the upcoming
02:29troubles, or at least leaning towards it.
02:31Open up the world with tutorials explaining movement, combat, switching weapons as you
02:34get more, riding horses, meditation, painting, and how the game moves you through the story,
02:39which is a massive objective board.
02:42As you move forward and meet new characters, you take on new jobs.
02:45Each board opens up with a display of a thematic ring of people that are involved in whatever
02:49particular aspect of the story you're investigating.
02:51A group of challenges, a series of lords, a smattering of evil SOB's bent on taking
02:56everything for themselves.
02:57And to find them, you have to investigate leads that are related to them.
03:01Play the game in discovery mode.
03:02You need to travel the world looking for those clues yourself, or once you build your hideout,
03:06you can send agents out to scout out information about whatever objective you currently have.
03:11This not only involves different storylines, worldviews, playable moments, but it also
03:15extends out their playstyles to dramatically different angles, focusing on stealth for
03:20one, outright force for the other.
03:22You can also switch between them pretty much at will.
03:25There are particular quests that are specific for each one, and there's certainly places
03:29that will be easier or more difficult depending on who you're playing as.
03:33Also, while Shadows still has fast travel and synchronization points, it doesn't end
03:37up unlocking a ton of noticeable locations by doing that.
03:41Instead, after you find a high location, you manually use focus on particular spots
03:46around the game world that you can see to get a little bit more information about him.
03:50That focus system is also used in combat, which I'll get to in a second.
03:53While both have typical light and heavy attacks, holding the attack button down on either powers
03:58up an attack into what's called a posture attack.
04:01These do extra damage, break most enemies blocks, and in some ways can be comboed to
04:05others depending on what you're using.
04:07Also, both have defensive moves.
04:09For example, both can dodge out of the way.
04:11Yasuke can parry directly backwards, which forces enemies away.
04:15Nahoe deflects them.
04:17Regardless, both of these can also result in the enemies going into what's called a
04:20vulnerable state.
04:21This is a mini state of stunned, basically with giving you additional powers and openings
04:25that can be taken advantage of.
04:27What makes this shift so impactful is that the game doesn't just let you flip between
04:31play styles, or it doesn't force you to.
04:33If you're Nahoe, combat is punishment for failing at stealth, or it's your choice
04:37if you decide to do that.
04:39And while he doesn't have the ability to focus in and see enemies, Nahoe can.
04:42She can use that focus to see the chances of her assassin's blade and its kills being
04:48Because depending on the upgrades that you work through, some of the enemy's defenses
04:51with the first stealth attack may be too much for you to break through, and assassinations
04:56can go horribly wrong for both characters.
04:58The result?
04:59Every battle does feel pretty deliberate, and with some of the changes they've made,
05:02you do have more tools, or at least it feels like you do, to engage in those battles.
05:06You don't have the spiritual ones that we see in, say, Valhalla, but they feel a bit
05:10more grounded here, even if, let's be honest, kicking somebody across the mountain does
05:15seem a little overpowered, it still feels good.
05:18This also depends on the weapon, as I said before.
05:20So for example, Yasuke has the Naginata.
05:22This is a long-range weapon, but not in the same way a spear is.
05:25It's wide and sweeping.
05:26It's eight-foot defensive zones made out of offensive threat.
05:30Combos you learn both naturally as well as from a skill list can help you combine attacks,
05:34moving between katana and that in a natural way to keep attacks flowing and hold pretty
05:39much everybody at bay.
05:40While his club is shorter range, its impact strength is insane.
05:44There are others that you get as well when it comes to powers and sometimes combos, though
05:47depending on where you put your points, they'll unlock earlier or later.
05:51He also has a bow and arrow, which is almost silent and works really well to give you a
05:54small amount of stealth strategy up front, while his rifle is just a huge hard-hitting
05:59explosion that tells everybody in the area, hey, you know what?
06:02Enemy right here.
06:03With no way, it's different.
06:04Her strikes are faster.
06:05Her inability to truly block means deflecting blows to the side combined with her ability
06:10to dash more quickly is useful.
06:12She can get in and out of fights fast, but she also has the curse of gamma, meaning that
06:16both of the characters have really a crowd control item.
06:20Each of them has their own mastery lists as well that unlock when you find weapons or
06:23equip them.
06:24One way AC tries to show the development of the physical and mental is that you have knowledge
06:28rank, which goes up via none of your physical activities.
06:32It's all mental activities.
06:34As with normal levels, knowledge levels raised for both characters at the same time.
06:38So you don't have to go back and do anything else with anybody.
06:41If you decide to play with one character for a while and then switch them out, I like most
06:45of these skills.
06:46There is a number of passive ones adding percentages here and there, which let's be honest, are
06:50just boring.
06:51Now, one of the best improvements though is prone.
06:53Now you can slip into the grass, crawl under buildings, use water to mask your movements.
06:57It's a small addition when you think about it, but it makes a massive difference to the
07:03way the game feels and even way sight lines are used.
07:06And yes, both characters can do it.
07:08Now, Ubisoft has also adjusted the AI and this is important on the harder difficulties.
07:13Guards don't just exist to fill a particular spot.
07:16Does that mean shadows AI is incredible?
07:19Actually no, but it has made some changes that I think work.
07:22For example, on easy enemies wander around like they're just killing time before lunch,
07:25barely aware their coworkers are getting mysteriously transferred to the afterlife.
07:30Medium cranks that awareness up a bit, making them less like clueless extras, more like
07:33people actually want to keep their heads attached to their bodies.
07:36Hard though, that's where the game stops holding your hand and starts really just squeezing
07:39your throat.
07:40Guards noticeably track movements more realistically.
07:42They react dynamically to sound and light more quickly and turn a rooftop into a deathtrap
07:47the second they suspect that you are up there.
07:49This is where shadows feels the most alive.
07:52It's not a playground, but a bit of a battlefield that changes depending on what steps you take.
07:56They track footprints in the snow, they respond to the noises and they don't actually just
08:00give up right away.
08:01If you hide in a bush, if you blow out a lantern, they'll investigate.
08:04If you disrupt their patrol, they won't just instantly reset.
08:08To give you an example on easy, I was able to get away with a grapple hook to a ledge
08:11pretty easily as somebody was following me by just going around a corner, leaving an
08:15evaporating ghost of myself to indicate where they last saw me like a ninja fart in the
08:19wind and hard.
08:20However, climbing to the top lost the first enemy, but then two others saw me climbing
08:24and a third saw me on the roof, ultimately making the entire situation way worse than
08:29it could have been.
08:30And their reactions to it were almost instantaneously, which was to yell out and fire.
08:35That being said, when I returned to the area as Yasuke, this played out pretty much completely
08:39Yasuke can't climb everything, so running around a corner needed to be almost instant
08:44and going prone was required because the dude's bigger than most bushes, namely your sextate.
08:48For example, this exact situation changed when I took Yasuke to it and I tried a heavy
08:54He does the assassinations like this, like most people celebrate a fucking soccer goal.
08:58It's even called brutal assassination.
09:00During nights and with no environmental sounds, this alerts everybody.
09:03However, I did notice that if I was able to get a guard just a bit farther away, the rain
09:07and wind actually muted a bit of that attack sound.
09:10Realize that it is a soft detection system, so risk is rewarded with either an amazing
09:15moment of killing somebody and then heavily trundling back to the shadows or with everybody
09:19in 50 feet figuring out that you just double fisted a dude above your head.
09:23Another change is that shadows does seem to do away with the sweepstakes winning gold
09:27a thons that the prior games had.
09:29There is a lot less random loot and money in shadows than any other game in the past
09:36Weapons and armor start out at a particular level when you grab them and a quality you've
09:39got common, uncommon, rare and epic with each adding either stat improvements or extra engraving
09:45slots with weapons having attributes like DPS or notifications that they can cause particular
09:49afflictions like poison or stunning somebody.
09:52There is also legendary items that you get from specific moments.
09:56The same goes for the armor.
09:58You get it from merchants or from exploration around the world, sometimes in hidden locations,
10:02other times in places more dangerous like castles, which are many dungeons in a way
10:05where not only do you have to get to a chest in the center of the location, but you also
10:10have to kill the locations main protectors, which can be insanely difficult.
10:15Just a point of note, these guys are rough.
10:17Each has their own skills.
10:19Sometimes you get other characters like almost a shinobi or massive warriors with heavier
10:22armor than you even have, and they love to team up.
10:25So facing three or four normal enemies and two of these characters is just hanging out
10:30trying to see who can turn anybody else into a fucking puddle of tomato paste quicker.
10:35That doesn't include the enemies that raise alarms and flood locations with even more.
10:39Now once done upgrading weapons and armor, you can also upgrade and build that hideout.
10:43This is fully customizable as a base on a hidden parcel of land that you have.
10:47I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did, but going there and winter and just running
10:51around and watching the different characters interact and just seeing some of the locations
10:56that I was able to build over time was pretty cool.
10:59As a complete package, it's a game that has some paced out feelings, a slower starting
11:02than I would have ever liked, especially as it has a lot of story and a great deal of
11:06changes to deliver to the gamer.
11:08And it's really in no rush to get going.
11:10Once it does, once you get to switch between characters, once you can move through the
11:13world and just explore, then it was actually a profoundly different experience, perhaps
11:18too Spartan for some.
11:20I could see that.
11:21But what surprised me is that both characters, while fitting an archetype, while responding
11:25to the weather as well as the day night cycle and what that means, played into each other's
11:29pocket if you decided you want to accept those negatives, meaning if you take the stealth
11:35character and want to go loud or the loud character and crawl through some blood and
11:38shit to sneak up on somebody, you can't.
11:41And once you start engraving items onto the weapons and really changing these massive
11:45statistics on them, it can also make you feel like, you know what, I'm gonna experiment
11:49a little bit.
11:50Be aware, though, that if you go out and start killing a bunch of people or if you get caught
11:54killing innocents and then run away and you're painted around those locations as being an
11:59outlaw and you're wanted until the next season shows up or you switch characters.
12:03Now, that being said, I do wish the combat flow just a bit better, especially enemy attack
12:08patterns other than the bosses and the sub bosses inside of castles.
12:12The enemies all seem to be trained by the exact same leader, a true army, which means
12:15their patterns are usually three to four movesets depending on your location and distance.
12:20I don't want Dark Souls shit that's stupid, nor do I want the rock, paper, scissors of
12:23ghost, though both have their place.
12:25I just feel that there's something that's always been slightly missing from the AC games
12:29in particular, and I would have liked to have seen that stepped up a bit here.
12:32It didn't end up breaking the game, though.
12:34The game does handle leads, stealth, base upgrading weapons, enemies, new tactics.
12:39When it comes to sensing you absolutely in a better way than let's say the holiday.
12:45When it comes to better, let's see if the graphics are.
12:48First of all, there are moments of pure friggin brilliance in this game verticality.
12:52Number one, it's on display everywhere in a location where I think some people mistakenly
12:56think that there wouldn't be as much.
12:58It's on display almost right away and never stops.
13:00And the draw distance in this game is the best I've seen in an AC title by far.
13:05Seeing an ancient Japanese fortress off in the far distance and then working your way
13:08through bamboo fields, huge, massively deep forests, and then across the coast and an
13:13ocean leaping onto a boat, finding some small island that doesn't look like has anything
13:17on it.
13:18But then you find a group there meditating and discussing the current kingdom's changes.
13:21Then you trudge through deformable snow on your way up the mountain and cut through a
13:25drift and then cut through the walls of someone's ramshackle outpost, ignoring the walkway up
13:30that's covered with guards and just yelling surprise and then slicing everybody down.
13:35One of the best parts is that destruction, that ability to slice through somebody's
13:39wall or spot.
13:40While it's not perfect, not every single element can be cut, cut through cover to bear
13:44down on some dude beating a drum who expected a shitload of things in a day, but not a rampaging
13:49samurai hammering him in the head with a huge bike club is awesome.
13:53Cutting down bamboo in a forest might lose you half an hour as you just explore and try
13:57to find things that you can destroy.
13:59Also, the dynamic weather system does look good.
14:01It's noticeable not only in the difference between let's say rain and sunny, but at times
14:06like in real life when you notice that the sun is actually shining, but the rain's coming
14:10down sideways and it's preceding the clouds and you can watch it roll in or huge puddles
14:14building up all along the game world.
14:16It's fact that the weather also changes when moving between seasons that I don't like.
14:20I get it.
14:21Each of the four seasons is triggered by those story elements, but we haven't got a truly
14:25dynamic one yet that adds snow, deletes snow, that kind of stuff in a game.
14:29So it's probably too much to ask here.
14:30I'd kill for that someday in a game where you can see those in real time.
14:34Also, when you slip on a frozen pond in this game or watch an enemy do it when the water
14:39freezes over and what you passed through originally by swimming is now frozen and you end up slipping
14:45and sliding.
14:46That's some excellent physical storytelling.
14:47It just looks hilarious.
14:49The same can be said for the animations.
14:51They're good and bad.
14:52Many are AC typical, meaning they don't really feel exactly real.
14:56Others work incredibly well here.
14:57For example, Yasuke hits and just has a general King Kong smashing through shit kind of feel
15:03and the finishers with him are awesome.
15:05The first time you chop someone's arms off separately from their head for no reason other
15:09than to shut their scream hole is very cool.
15:12However, there are others that don't measure up in particular climbing itself as a mixture
15:16of old and new parkour.
15:18It still has times where it feels like the game's edges are stickier than they should
15:21be and that can look goofy as hell and climbing with a grapple can go between looking fantastic
15:25to feeling like something ancient in the very same second.
15:29Speaking of ancient and well, current textures, I would say for the most part they look pretty
15:34It depends on the setting that you're using design wise, however, and just worldwide.
15:38I like this better, at least the world than I did Valhalla and perhaps even at least in
15:43some places Odyssey, which is probably the only game I really absolutely liked in the
15:48AC new trilogy.
15:49That's because not only the new locations, but that huge, noticeable, profound verticality
15:54that's delivered in a different way here and that dynamic weather and vegetation when it
15:58comes to the seasons, but also because of the limited destruction, which just feels
16:02like it changes some of the gameplay graphically.
16:04I have no real issues with the game again.
16:07Some of the animations are reused.
16:08We get that kind of thing, especially because this is not a brand new engine.
16:12I would like to see those fixed in whatever series we get next, but let's discuss the
16:17requirements for getting this to your system.
16:19We're going to discuss the PC ones for now.
16:21The game has a mode called selective ray tracing, which sounds required, but it's actually
16:25This runs a software version of ray tracing in the hideouts only that Ubisoft created.
16:29So you don't need to have ray tracing enabled cards to play the game nor actually use the
16:34It's just that the hideout area runs a software version because they have so many changes
16:38going on that you make in the game world at any time that you want it.
16:42And then from there up, they have different levels of ray tracing from basic, which is
16:45global illumination.
16:46And that of course requires a card that supports it.
16:49And then extended, which uses ray tracing for global illumination in the world as well
16:53as reflections.
16:54Performance with a 4090 shows a couple things.
16:56The first is the game leans heavily on the GPU and while you can get 60 FPS with most
17:00settings on high with no upscaler, when the game throws a ton of environmental effects
17:04at you or changes the time or during a larger battle, this does drop.
17:09The big killer here is of course, ray tracing and the connections to it in the option settings.
17:14It does offer DLSS, XLSS and FSR for upscaling as well as in engine upscaling that can be
17:19set to low, medium or high, but you can also set a resolution target as well as an FPS
17:26Frame gen is also available in this and the game does have a ton of settings.
17:29The biggest impactors to FPS that I could find were of course ray tracing.
17:33Then you have level of detail, distance drawing and shadows.
17:37They may have to do some adjustments.
17:38Now an issue that I did notice for this is cutscenes for whatever reason, no matter what
17:41I did, were locked at 30 FPS.
17:43I've emailed them, ask them and I haven't heard anything, but it was over the weekend.
17:46This highlights another bit of a problem that I had with the game, which is lip syncing.
17:50I didn't feel like it was fantastic and it's noticeable in a lot of the cutscenes, probably
17:55because you add the 30 FPS to it and when you see that big drop, it's just something
17:59that's noticeable on the PC.
18:01Also there's a reason why let's talk about sound music and voice just for a second voice.
18:05This is pretty hit and missed.
18:07First I'm going to get this out of the way.
18:08You can listen to shadows in many ways.
18:09You have different voiceovers as well as fully cinematic style mode that moves everything
18:13and everyone out of English into their respective languages with subtitles that you can have
18:18show up if you want.
18:20First I suggest if you're going to do that, you make sure those subtitles are on because
18:23there are a couple that will end up having a discussion outside of the main characters
18:28where there's a lead or a little bit of information that can help you.
18:32Next up, some of the later characters, some of the more profoundly important ones are
18:35They're delivered very well from menace to mysteriousness all the way to a flirtation
18:39and fun loving.
18:40Some of my favorites were also later quest lines that revolved around finding, for example,
18:45past students of a teacher of yours and each one of them was distinct.
18:48However, the two main leads are two vastly different performances and I say this with
18:53all due respect to whatever was going on.
18:55This is something that I think a lot of people noticed in some of the trailers, not always
19:00It's not lost in translation.
19:01It's not lacking attempt.
19:03It's just everything about the way she sounds is oddly off kilter and short and stilted.
19:08And a lot of this is because the writing in shadows is fairly basic.
19:12A lot of these characters live in a world where they don't do a ton of talking, so
19:16it actually makes sense, but it just doesn't come off incredibly well.
19:22On the other hand, no real issues.
19:23A voice is strong.
19:24It's measured, carry some weight.
19:25There's a tiny bit more nuance there.
19:26NPCs and quest dialogue do take a hit in English though.
19:29Dialogue for many is really bare bones delivered in one liners and then boom about and you're
19:34done and a screen updates with a quest also.
19:37And I just don't know how this showed up again.
19:39Ubisoft's voice recordings have that weird processing that we heard in Bahala.
19:43It's not compressed in the same way.
19:45It's almost like the top and bottom though, have a bit more of a harmonic edge to them
19:50that have been changed during the actual recording.
19:52And there are times when Yasuke in particular is talking and it sounds slightly robotic.
19:58A normal gamer might play this and not ever notice it.
20:00I spent a couple hours testing it, different systems, different headsets, even going back
20:04to older Ubisoft games, much less noticeable than Bahala, but I did pick up on it.
20:09I usually play games in English first because of the aforementioned subtitles, quests, leads
20:13and barks not getting lost in subtitle drops or chaos.
20:17However, I would say this is one of the few games where switching might behoove you, even
20:22if you're like me.
20:23Next up is sound.
20:24Now, for the most part, the sound is excellent.
20:27In Assassin's Creed Shadows, the world is reacting to sounds in a way that makes stealth
20:31more dynamic, but also just because you're hearing it, you can react to it.
20:34I reacted to things like footsteps on wet stone, the rustling of branches, the creaks
20:38of doors, and that can be the difference between slipping by unnoticed or being forced into
20:41a fight.
20:42For both of you, heavy rain does seem to drown out smaller noises, which did seem to make
20:46it more difficult for the enemy to listen and understand exactly where you were.
20:51But it also does the same to you.
20:53And that balance between function and environment made every space feel a tiny bit more deliberate
20:58in its soundscape.
20:59Weather and seasons also play a big role in how sound actually is delivered.
21:03Winter dampens that sound, muffles footsteps under thick snow just a bit more.
21:08And then if you go to something like autumn, shifting leaves and wildlife can make it pretty
21:13And at times you're trying to figure out, is that an enemy or is that an animal?
21:17And there's a lot of information that ends up being parsed through the audio.
21:20Combat also follows that same attention to detail.
21:23Blade scrape across armor, wooden shaft splinter on impact.
21:26You can hear the chain sweeping through the air with this distinctive metallic wine, or
21:31even as you're running the small jingle of the chains.
21:34Some really good audio effects here.
21:36You can even tell the difference between two people with two different types of clubs hitting
21:39one another.
21:40There was also a good deal of environmental sampling when you were moving around the forest,
21:44whether it comes to forced animals or just the wind in the trees.
21:48When it comes to the music for a game that's based in one of the more naturally culturally
21:51solid time spans and locations steeped in tradition, AC Shadows offers a surprising
21:57amount of musical genres and diversity.
22:00It ends up having three different voices or three different composers for the game.
22:04Ubisoft didn't just stick to that usual orchestral swelling, atmospheric sounds that you might
22:09actually think, or more traditional Japanese instrumentation.
22:13They have some modern electronic music as well, and some straight up psychedelic, almost
22:17rock fusion and trap music.
22:20For the most part, the traditional pieces, pieces you would expect to hear and say shogun
22:24last samurai, others are here, but you also hear music that is, like I said, psychedelic
22:30pulse driven.
22:31It just depends on what's going on in the game.
22:34And trust me, it is noticeable when a cut scene goes on and boom, you have psych rock
22:38stylings playing out.
22:40It takes just a minute for you to go like, what am I hearing?
22:43Ultimately, once I grew accustomed to it, I actually liked it.
22:47I do expect there to be a lot of discussion around it, though.
22:50It's not the first time we've seen many groups working on games, but it's one of
22:53the first I can remember having this kind of distinctly different feel amongst the three
22:57that resolve around a particular style.
22:59And then to accentuate a pace change or a stylistic moment, something feels distinctly
23:03different and that plays out without spoiling anything.
23:07Let me say by the end of shadows, I did understand the approach and appreciated it.
23:11And if more, as I say, a fan of the slightly more traditional leaning music, I didn't
23:17necessarily feel like those styles meshed as well as maybe Ubisoft intended.
23:21Lastly, let's talk about bugs.
23:22It's actually pretty polished in the wild open world.
23:25I'm still going to notice a couple janky bits in most Assassin's Creed games than
23:29I did here.
23:30Had one or two animation bugs.
23:31I had one crash, but it is far more polished, at least in my experience than Valhalla.
23:36Now, this is an open world game, which means people are going to run into all kinds of
23:39crazy stuff.
23:40But it definitely felt a good deal more polished than that.
23:43That's also reflected in things like their accessibility options, which include color
23:47adjustment, screen narration, customizable HUD and so on.
23:51One last thing before we get to fun factors, micros, the typical Ubisoft items for supplies
23:55and map packs are here that will end up unlocking things like showing you locations.
24:00There was no EXP or anything like that that I could see when it comes to the purchases
24:05at this time.
24:06All of those follow, I would say, the somewhat traditional trend that origins Odyssey and
24:09Valhalla have followed with the more mythological mounts and cosmetics than the game proper
24:16How does all this come together?
24:17Well, that's fun factor.
24:18I didn't expect to like both characters this much.
24:20My time in the preview was 50 50.
24:21Hey, they had two characters in the game.
24:23I think it's my job to test them in the preview.
24:25And I did the same in the review.
24:26And after spending 40 plus hours with it, I wasn't expecting neither to really resonate
24:30more or less than the other.
24:32And it might be some of the reasons why, like I said before, you can switch if you want
24:36to take the risk.
24:37It fascinates me that it went against, I guess, my own thought processes as I played
24:42I found myself enjoying both more than I anticipated.
24:44I found pushing up against the game on the hardest difficulty setting in both combat
24:48and stealth to be more enjoyable than expected, sometimes playing against type sitting on
24:52a building overlooking a fortress entrance and legitimately watching guards move around,
24:57watching for the possible semi bosses inside and looking for where the alarm bells were
25:02and then deciding to go in and who to go in with, checking for locations of entrance,
25:07understanding that Norway has limited climbing ability in many locations because this is
25:11a land where fortresses are meant to stop just her type of character and then deciding
25:15to take my chance.
25:16What was better still that as long as you keep your weapons and armor upgraded or within
25:20a couple levels of the enemies, they didn't really feel spammy.
25:23That's also because your power attacks are damn powerful.
25:27Going against a warlord that's a full couple regions above you is going to take forever.
25:30And with those special moves, but it felt better than Valhalla did customizing each
25:34part of the sword to make it reflect the new etchings I'd put on it going back and forth,
25:39just offered more customization than I had actually expected.
25:43And building up that atmosphere when it comes to the hideout was very cool.
25:47Something we have seen before with hideouts in a couple of their games, but the ability
25:50to actually go in and adjust it and do so many changes was cool.
25:54Now, sure, random events exist, but riding around in this game, there is one thing you
25:58will see a massive amount of forest animals.
26:00I just have to mention this in the fun factor because it's hilarious.
26:04You're writing and without bandits consistently raging around, it's a little bit quieter than
26:09you might expect, but all of a sudden you'll realize you have an entire Disney film worth
26:14of characters moving around with you.
26:16It'll be deer, it'll be rabbits, it'll be elk, it'll be all kinds of creatures moving around.
26:22And it almost feels like every time Ubisoft makes a game, there's one part they go ham
26:27And when it comes to wildlife, that's where they went ham.
26:30Still as an AC game, yeah, without any doubt, it feels a lot like others.
26:34Underlying that admission is the idea that you either like one of the series or you hope
26:37to like them because if you hate them, then there's no reason to be here.
26:40And I can say, despite still having the same DNA, it's changed more than prior games between
26:45the series, even with the later stuff that I got to say would be a little spoiler heavy
26:49that I won't cover here.
26:50I'll cover in podcast.
26:51However, just as the saying goes, to sharpen a sword, you are cutting off parts of its
26:54own body.
26:55So if you ever were sitting back wishing assassins created, slow down, take a breath and let
26:58the world settle in before throwing you into instant action.
27:01Well, congratulations, because Ubisoft heard you loud and clear, stripped the engine out
27:04of the car and left you pushing it up a hill for the first one or two hours.
27:08It's slow to me and it just wasn't super enjoyable that the game dials back to action so aggressively
27:13at the start.
27:14It feels like it is almost punishing you.
27:17There's a point where hesitation I think becomes hibernation, where pause turns to paralysis
27:20and where refinement turns to removal, where shadows doesn't just strip things away.
27:25It carves them out at that starting.
27:27And that starting for me is very slow.
27:30But once I got into it, hey, the combat slices through some stuff and, you know, just moving
27:34along here in the story.
27:36That was fun.
27:37I think overall the writing is pretty basic.
27:39The story was what I could follow and what I assumed would happen.
27:43But there were some later surprises.
27:44You just got to get to it.
27:45And speaking of get to it, Christ, this is like 36 minutes.
27:48Let's let's get to the rating.
27:50This is different than what I expected, especially because of the preview time.
27:53I haven't loved an AC game as a whole.
27:55And the new ones really, I think only Odyssey worked for me initially, despite liking parts
27:59of it.
28:00And shadows is that same way.
28:01If you're new to this, this is not a bad place to start, though its initial slowness may
28:05actually confuse you, especially if you hear a lot of people complain about the AC games
28:10just being almost two action porn.
28:13The addition of prone has helped the game immensely, even though it's still got some
28:17Ubisoft jank in there.
28:19But the polish has also helped that it is an odd series where you start to look at it
28:24and you start playing it.
28:25You're like, this is great.
28:26This is great.
28:27But there's still some oddities here and there.
28:28If you're a fan of Assassin's Creed as world exploration and just all around exploration,
28:33kill fantasies.
28:34This is more than enough.
28:35And I honestly can't stress enough to turn the difficulty in combat difficulties to their
28:40highest, though stealth at its highest does require unique strategies.
28:44When up on the roofs prior to the past games, at least.
28:48Does it make the game worse that some of these issues are here?
28:50Yeah, we'd like for everything to be fixed, but they're not.
28:53I think this is a solid title, more solid than I expected, but doesn't really hit exactly
28:58where I personally would want.
29:00So if you're thinking about getting this game and you're OK with those caveats, I
29:03would say well worth it.
29:05If those caveats sound a little bit odd to you and maybe you need to see some more about
29:08the game, maybe hold off.
29:11And if all of this is not the changes that you wanted or if you thought it was going
29:15to be completely free of Ubisoft jank, well, this is definitely not the game you want.
29:20This will be available day one for GeForce now and Xbox stream games that you own on
29:24the Xbox cloud as well.
29:26See on the flip side.
29:27That's it for me.
29:28Check out the patron.
29:29Follow me on Jeremy Penner on Twitter.
29:31And of course, you can check out the podcast every single Friday, 1030 a.m.
29:34Pacific Standard Time, where we're going to dive into more of this piece out.
29:39I haven't had the honor of meeting him.
29:41I've only dealt with his agents.
29:44Yes, that is how he would have arranged it.
29:48What is the name of this agent?
29:50He told me his name was Chuta.
29:52I do not know him, but I will.
29:56Heiji, you did not fight back.
29:59I do not spill blood.
30:01I make tools.
30:02They could have killed you.
30:05Yes, perhaps.
30:09I hope I am as brave when death comes for me.
30:15Any lending you can walk away from is good enough.
30:24I've come to stay with you.
30:41There are no foes fiercer than these.
30:45Can you overcome them?
30:47I know you are undefeated.
30:49No other man has dared challenge you, but that is precisely why I have sought you out.
30:55Spoken like a samurai.
30:59I am Marume Tessai Nagayoshi, by birth Fujiwara Nagayoshi.
31:05And I gladly accept your challenge.
